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"We're All Doomed". Blackraven's No-Reload SCS runs, latest CHARNAME: Streg, Half-Orc Cleric/Thief



  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I’m just catching up, as usual, but I especially loved reading about Nymand’s shopping spree from earlier. It sounded like so much fun and one can never have to many enchanted arrows! :)
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    Blackraven I'm always there watching. I'm not leaving my playthroughs unfinished. We just need to wait until things get sorted out (namely SCS, Spell revisions, item revisions) :)
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Awwww… Sigh… I find myself getting attached to your characters, so it always saddens me to see one fall. Ah well, he is not the first to be undone by the evils of Kangaxx. I look forward to seeing your next adventurer avenge him.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    I must say I've stopped reading these as dutifully, as I've become disillusioned by the never ending deaths. I still skim through each new character's travels, but Thani was the last character I was really invested in, and before that? Um... I don't even remember. That said, it's always well done, and I couldn't begin to even think about giving up on this thread.
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015
    The eta is a couple of months for those two. I'm sort of lucky because more time waiting, means bugs squashed for SCS (v29 is getting out), Item revisions (items working better) and spell revisions (cooler spells).

    And my exams finished before beginning again.

    Edit: btw, do you never visit durlag's tower with a solo character? Have you ever beat aec'letec?
    Post edited by Scourge on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    Demiliches are overpowered.

    True. It's either a completely unfair fight in Charname's favor (scroll of PfMagic), or one in Kangaxx' favor.
    Elrandir said:

    I must say I've stopped reading these as dutifully, as I've become disillusioned by the never ending deaths. I still skim through each new character's travels, but Thani was the last character I was really invested in, and before that? Um... I don't even remember. That said, it's always well done, and I couldn't begin to even think about giving up on this thread.

    I understand. You're most interested in characters' stories, less so in game mechanics and tactics I think. And I'm somewhere inbetween I find, because I don't really enjoy purely tactical playthroughs (which is why I didn't enjoy Thani's run that much). I wonder whether I'll ever successfully complete a no-reload run... Thanks anyway for caring :)
    Scourge said:

    The eta is a couple of months for those two. I'm sort of lucky because more time waiting, means bugs squashed for SCS (v29 is getting out), Item revisions (items working better) and spell revisions (cooler spells).

    And my exams finished before beginning again.

    Edit: btw, do you never visit durlag's tower with a solo character? Have you ever beat aec'letec?

    Thanks for the info. Who knows in a few months I might upgrade SCS and include the Revisions mods.
    Don't know when you're exams are exactly, but it's a good idea to not play too much in exam time...
    As to Durlag's, my Mage (3)->Fighter went there with Dorn and Tiax, but died to a trap. Going to Durlag's is really only an option with a Thief (or a party containing one). Usually I'm to eager to go to Amn to risk my neck in the tower. Last time I beat Aec'Letec must have been years ago... Do you intend to take you Barbarian there?
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015
    I wish to enter Durlag's tower. I need to reach level 13 in bg1, so I need all the experience possible xD. Maybe even a bit more.

    I'm planning two different characters, a dual-class and a multiclass.

    A dual class berserker (13) -> mage
    a multiclass barbarian mage ;) (this one kinda sends shivers down my spine).

    I'm in front of the cloakwood mines , but for consistency purposes, I'm avoiding entering before those mods are out (and I will reinstall). After all, it was all practice. :)

    And to be sincere, I couldn't be the scourge I wanted. The prices are too high if you are evil. :P
    So the mod basing the prices on carisma has to be installed this time ;)
    Post edited by Scourge on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    CrevsDaak said:

    If you need any help with special abilities or item just tell me :) I'm totally willing to help!
    (as always, nice new run!)

    You're a great friend here, @CrevsDaak. I'll let you know. Ideally some kind of mini-tutorial so as not to need your help and occupy your time in the future. Will write you a message once I've made up my mind about the special items/abilities.

    Glad you like concept :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Have I said that I absolutely love the choice names and portraits of your characters!

    Galatea! Alippa! Boniface! Sholla! Welter! Renouar!

    I guess you had too many ideas to go with a single character after Elckerlyc's run had ended so you choose to go with 6 of them.

    And this is entertaining. It's something new to a solo run and, no doubt about it, grants all of us several hours of wonderful reading : )

    I also like an idea to tell each chapter of the story by personal diaries of party members, different each time. Reminds me of @Nonnahswriter‌ 's IWDEE journal. I like it.

    Good luck to your "Desperados"!
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Yes yes yes yes yes. Finally another good story from you to really get me excited! Not to say that your previous work hasn't been good, but they weren't exactly the kind of play-throughs I'm most interested in, as I'm sure you know.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited February 2015
    After Norgath's tragic death in his own pocketplane, it was time for Blackraven to look for new inspiration. As often he went searching for portraits, until he found an irresistible little Halfling. Thus Finbar was born, a CG nordic Halfling Battleguard of Tempus/Thief.
    I rolled him as a Battleguard of Tempus and added the Thief kit in Shadowkeeper.
    The 95 roll must have been my highest roll on a Cleric ever. I adjusted his stats, applying my method of lowering one stat to a minimum, i.e. his CHA, and raising the rest. And then I somehow failed to lower his INT to 15 and raise his CHA back to 10, before clicking 'Accept'. (The +3 INT doesn't really add anything except a few lore points, while +3 CHA seems to fit the character I have in mind a bit better). Anyway I'll just have to roleplay Finbar as comely and festive, yet utterly unconvincing due to his diminutive Halfling stature, an apparent lack of earnestness, a boyish voice and feminine features (mutton chops notwithstanding), and his bewildering gypsyish attire that causes many a Faerunian to question Tempus' judgement in bestowing divine powers in the little fellow. Thankfully the game offers 2-3 CHA increases, allowing him to at least end up more or less average.

    The Battleguard of Tempus is a Divine Remix mod kit, with the following properties:
    I don't know which spells he'll get as each new spell level becomes available to him, so I'll be in for a couple of surprises... :)
    The Halfling's starting spells were: Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Curse, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Faerie Fire, Magical Stone, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Sanctuary, Shillelagh, Strength of Stone, and Sunfire. In the earliest encounters, the latter spell was used, along with Staff backstabs (weapon profs are *Staves and *Flails), with reasonable results, as Ogrillons, a rogue Ogre and Tarnesh would discover.
    In spite of his non-proficiency in ranged weapons as imposed by the Battleguard of Tempus kit, the Halfling bought a Sling +1 at Taerom's and found that with it, and with his 19 DEX and racial bonus to slings, he successfully coped with the hefty Thac0 penalty that comes with non-proficiency.
    Finbar did the usual quests that would raise his reputation to heroic proportions, such as Firebead, Joia, Brun's son (using Sanctuary to ensure safe conduct past the Ankhegs), Charleston Nib, Brage, and some of the Mini Quests & Encounters mod quests. It made Tempus grant his disciple access to level 2 spells: Aid, Chant, Charm Person/Mammal, DUHM, Find Traps, Flame Blade, Know Alignment, Resist Acid/Corrosion, Resist Fire/Cold, Silence 15' Radius, Slow Poison, and Spiritual Hammer.
    Algernon was relieved of his cloak, after which but useless items were bartered for more practical goods: the +1 DEX Red Ioun Stone, Shadow Armor, Aule's Staff, Cloak of Displacement, Greenstone Amulet, and Necklace of Missiles. The latter item proved instrumental in his victory over Mutamin, after a backstab and a Sunfire failed to dispatch the Gnome, and a save vs spell (Horror) had to be made.
    The Halfling had an exciting time in Black Alaric's cave, where he would not prevail over a number of Flesh Golems without getting hit himself.
    The treasure and some spare gold he exchanged at Thalantyr's for the Claw of Kazgaroth. He's currently a level 6 Cleric / 6 Thief.
    I changed his alignment to CN after a number of heists and morally questionable decisions (such as the decision to backstab Kirian).
    It meant that next to the Cure Wounds, the Cause Wounds spells would become available to him as well (not that he ever memorizes them). His level 3 spells are: Call Lightning, Cause Medium Wounds, Cure Blindness or Deafness, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding, Hold Animal, Holy Smite, Invisibility Purge, Miscast magic, Moonblade, Negative Plane Protection, PfEvil 10' Radius, PfFire, PfGood 10' Radius, Remove Curse, Remove Paralysis, Summon Insects, and Zone of Sweet Air. Thieving skill points have gone to Stealth and (Set/Disarm) Traps.
    Post edited by Blackraven on
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