Seperation of powers saves the day for the moment. Perhaps most alarming?? DHS had NO input on this decision, and one source said, quote, "no one has any idea what is going".
Seperation of powers saves the day for the moment. Perhaps most alarming?? DHS had NO input on this decision, and one source said, quote, "no one has any idea what is going".
One week in, things are already coming to head. Reports are that Bannon overruled others on the National Security Council, and he is the reason the ban also applied to those with green cards. He KNEW the chaos it would create. It was his intent to do so. If that isn't frightening enough, Customs and Border control at Dulles are refusing to comply with the court order. This has the makings of a Constitutional crisis, and an INTENTIONAL Constitutional crisis. Make no mistake about it, Steve Bannon is a straight up EVIL human being, and we are going to come to find out that this was the intent all along.
I actually truly do feel sorry for Melania Trump. I imagine her life is, in many ways, and absolute living hell. For that matter, I think the only two people in his family that Trump actually gives a rat's ass about are Ivanka and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
I actually truly do feel sorry for Melania Trump. I imagine her life is, in many ways, and absolute living hell. For that matter, I think the only two people in his family that Trump actually gives a rat's ass about are Ivanka and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
I highly doubt that she married him for love. Her prenup agreement gets in the way of that. She knew exactly what she walked into while she was spending his money at the ritziest shops in the world.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
One's fear should not dictate or take away another person's liberty.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
One's fear should not dictate or take away another person's liberty.
In these countries people do not have liberty. Until they receive American citizenship they should be vetted every time they use an American port of entry.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
Funny that Trump didn't ban a country where he has a golf course or hotel like say Saudi Arabia which actually most of 9/11 terrorists were citizens from that country. Also, during the campaign! Trump opened seven new businesses there.
But I'm sure his people will overlook that as they overlook everything about this guy. This guy's a fricking joke, but nobodies laughing.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
Funny that Trump didn't ban a country where he has a golf course or hotel like say Saudi Arabia which actually most of 9/11 terrorists were citizens from that country. Also, during the campaign! Trump opened seven new businesses there.
But I'm sure his people will overlook that as they overlook everything about this guy. This guy's a fricking joke, but nobodies laughing.
Ah, now you are asking the right questions. Saudi Arabia is the number one sponsor of ISIS and other terrorist organizations, including countries in Europe like Bosnia and Kosovo.
I actually truly do feel sorry for Melania Trump. I imagine her life is, in many ways, and absolute living hell. For that matter, I think the only two people in his family that Trump actually gives a rat's ass about are Ivanka and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
She knew exactly what she was getting into, selling herself for (a lot of) money. She gets zero sympathy here.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
Funny that Trump didn't ban a country where he has a golf course or hotel like say Saudi Arabia which actually most of 9/11 terrorists were citizens from that country. Also, during the campaign! Trump opened seven new businesses there.
But I'm sure his people will overlook that as they overlook everything about this guy. This guy's a fricking joke, but nobodies laughing.
Ah, now you are asking the right questions. Saudi Arabia is the number one sponsor of ISIS and other terrorist organizations, including countries in Europe like Bosnia and Kosovo.
You're heating up.
Indeed. Ever wonder where IS gets money to buy weapons? It's from Saudi. Ever wonder where the doctrine of an islamic caliphate comes from? Also Saudi. But they basically own western politicians, who won't say a thing against them. They buy a huge about of weapons from Britain, most of which are used to bomb Yemen, a far of country of which we hear suspiciously little.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
What happened here in Sweden isn't even close to Trump's bizarre "solution" though. People aren't being thrown out they way you describe it. Also, there has been a huge amount of complaints and debate about the sudden change of the refugee policy in Sweden.
I find it so very sad when people use Sweden as an example as to why you shouldn't accept refugees. People are constantly presenting an image of Sweden as a country in ruin, which is just wrong. Very wrong. Of course there are problems and challenges when we get so many new people in a rather small country. That doesn't mean the country is breaking apart. Not even close. Also, things wouldn't have been nearly as challenging if other countries had taken more responsibility here. The very same countries that point to Sweden when people wonder why they won't do more for refugees.
There is no danger from any refugees, period. For one thing, there is a TWO YEAR vetting process that is about as extensive as it can possibly be. This has been the case since this issue came up a year ago. For another, today's situation wasn't even about not letting refugees in, as heinous as that policy is. This was LEGAL RESIDENTS who did EXACTLY what conservatives always say. They had come here the correct way. They have green cards. They live here. They work here. And dozens of them at every major airport in the country were either detained or sent back to the country they came from. These people DID NOT enter the country illegally. Everything i was dotted and t was crossed. This was unlawful detention of law-abiding, legal residents (if not citizens) of the United States based on the whim of the President and his White Nationalist adviser Bannon. And let me reiterate again, this inclusion of people with green cards was done ON PURPOSE to create this exact result. Customs agents at this hour at Dulles Airport are refusing to abide by a court order and 50-60 people are still detained there.
Here is an elderly woman in a wheelchair that conservatives are apparently piss their pants afraid of:
Let's talk numbers. There have been 3 deaths in the last 40 years in the United States that can be attributed to refugees. That's .075 deaths per year. So what kills more than refugees?? Here's a sample:
Cows: 21/ per year or 288x more likely Hot water: 100 people a year Bees: 100 people a year Cell phones: 8/per day or 2920 people a year Swing sets: 20/ per year
Your chances of getting killed by a refugee terrorist are 1 in 3.6 billion. The chance is so small, you could easily argue it is not only an overreaction to worry about this "problem", but also could be viewed as completely and utterly irrational.
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. All these countries have ISIS members that will start to run and hide among the real migrants. In order to not let this trash through with the coming blitzkrieg on ISIS, they are going to stop migrants temporarily till they can get a proper and constitutionally legal system in place to vet them.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
What happened here in Sweden isn't even close to Trump's bizarre "solution" though. People aren't being thrown out they way you describe it. Also, there has been a huge amount of complaints and debate about the sudden change of the refugee policy in Sweden.
I find it so very sad when people use Sweden as an example as to why you shouldn't accept refugees. People are constantly presenting an image of Sweden as a country in ruin, which is just wrong. Very wrong. Of course there are problems and challenges when we get so many new people in a rather small country. That doesn't mean the country is breaking apart. Not even close. Also, things wouldn't have been nearly as challenging if other countries had taken more responsibility here. The very same countries that point to Sweden when people wonder why they won't do more for refugees.
I apologize if I offended you.
I get my information from friends I game with and also clients from Sweden. They have educated me about the political climate there and that things are not working out as planned by lawmakers and His Majesty himself. Socialism only works with one type of ethnic people. (ie. Russia, China, Cuba to a lesser extent Hellas) Once you bring in peoples from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds who Do Not have Sweden's best interests in mind, the system starts to fracture till it totally breaks.
I hope I made myself/comment clear to you. If I offended you again in any way, I truly apologize in advance.
I get my information from friends I game with and also clients from Sweden. They have educated me about the political climate there and that things are not working out as planned by lawmakers and His Majesty himself. Socialism only works with one type of ethnic people. (ie. Russia, China, Cuba to a lesser extent Hellas) Once you bring in peoples from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds who Do Not have Sweden's best interests in mind, the system starts to fracture till it totally breaks.
I hope I made myself/comment clear to you. If I offended you again in any way, I truly apologize in advance.
You are not offending me. I'm saying that people have created a false image of Sweden to use as an argument against refugees. If you are talking about the swedish king he has said that it is our duty to help people in need.
One of the problems you mention with lawmakers is that supplies and shelter were needed fast for large amounts of people. And it is hard to do that fast with the laws about public procurement in Sweden and the EU. They had to use some emergency rules for a time to get the job done, but now it is stable again. And here there were a lot of fake news and misconceptions. Many didn't understand the issue and thought that these emergency rules meant that the government had lost control of the economy and that they encouraged people to break the law. Even though those emergency rules are a part of EU procurement laws and used all the time. That is one of many examples when people claim that the Swedish system is breaking down even though it isn't.
And I'm sorry, but I find your comment about socialism very strange. I mean, how would you ever know if people have Sweden's best interest in mind or not based on their "ethnic background"? Or their culture? You know what, I don't think I want to get into that kind of discussion. I just find it too absurd.
A former KGB agent who very likely gave Christopher Steele information about what Putin is holding over Trump was mysteriously found dead in a car last month.
A federal judge has issued her ruling. Until it is adjudicated, her ruling is the law of the land. And the Executive Branch is instructing customs officials to flat-out ignore a court order. Every one of them should be brought up on contempt charges and hauled into jail.
So how long is it going to take trump to call this judge overrated on twitter or attempt to get him barred?
As far as I'm concerned tonight she is an American hero. She will be attacked by the newly authoritarian Executive Branch unrelentingly.
Canada is now preparing to offer asylum to US green card holders. Let that sink in. People are going be seeking asylum from the US.
You Can See the Moment When Trump Crushes Melania's Soul.
Countries in Europe and Iceland have been doing this from 2014 and no one has complained. Also the ones that took too many ( like Sweden) are throwing them out as they saw first hand the strain their socialist system took.
I do agree with your comment however.
But I'm sure his people will overlook that as they overlook everything about this guy. This guy's a fricking joke, but nobodies laughing.
You're heating up.
I find it so very sad when people use Sweden as an example as to why you shouldn't accept refugees. People are constantly presenting an image of Sweden as a country in ruin, which is just wrong. Very wrong. Of course there are problems and challenges when we get so many new people in a rather small country. That doesn't mean the country is breaking apart. Not even close. Also, things wouldn't have been nearly as challenging if other countries had taken more responsibility here. The very same countries that point to Sweden when people wonder why they won't do more for refugees.
Here is an elderly woman in a wheelchair that conservatives are apparently piss their pants afraid of:
Also, now THIS is what I'm talking about. These assholes wanna play ball, then let's play ball:
Cows: 21/ per year or 288x more likely
Hot water: 100 people a year
Bees: 100 people a year
Cell phones: 8/per day or 2920 people a year
Swing sets: 20/ per year
Your chances of getting killed by a refugee terrorist are 1 in 3.6 billion. The chance is so small, you could easily argue it is not only an overreaction to worry about this "problem", but also could be viewed as completely and utterly irrational.
Also, Dr. Seuss, from 1941:
Pretty sure I've heard this excuse before somewhere. At Nuremberg:
This also might be the tweet of the year so far:
Is this for real
I get my information from friends I game with and also clients from Sweden. They have educated me about the political climate there and that things are not working out as planned by lawmakers and His Majesty himself. Socialism only works with one type of ethnic people. (ie. Russia, China, Cuba to a lesser extent Hellas) Once you bring in peoples from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds who Do Not have Sweden's best interests in mind, the system starts to fracture till it totally breaks.
I hope I made myself/comment clear to you. If I offended you again in any way, I truly apologize in advance.
So it's probably really from Trump's crew then.
it hasn't been verified by any trusted sources but there's an article in a british tabloid already.
One of the problems you mention with lawmakers is that supplies and shelter were needed fast for large amounts of people. And it is hard to do that fast with the laws about public procurement in Sweden and the EU. They had to use some emergency rules for a time to get the job done, but now it is stable again. And here there were a lot of fake news and misconceptions. Many didn't understand the issue and thought that these emergency rules meant that the government had lost control of the economy and that they encouraged people to break the law. Even though those emergency rules are a part of EU procurement laws and used all the time. That is one of many examples when people claim that the Swedish system is breaking down even though it isn't.
And I'm sorry, but I find your comment about socialism very strange. I mean, how would you ever know if people have Sweden's best interest in mind or not based on their "ethnic background"? Or their culture? You know what, I don't think I want to get into that kind of discussion. I just find it too absurd.
A federal judge has issued her ruling. Until it is adjudicated, her ruling is the law of the land. And the Executive Branch is instructing customs officials to flat-out ignore a court order. Every one of them should be brought up on contempt charges and hauled into jail.