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  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    You are talking about April 15th lol since Trump is so intent on wasting money on things like walls, business tax cuts, business welfare, and personal corruption for his appointees. And your taxes will be supporting going against everything that is progressive (climate change, social security, medicare, net neutrality, etc etc etc).

    And tax dollars will go more to prop up Red States that hijacked the election from the democratically selected candidate that more Americans voted for.

    Yeah sounds like back stabbin

    There are three conclusions which are incorrect in your comments.

    1) Taxes don't work like that. The government doesn't collect the money it needs to fund its projects and agencies from taxpaying citizens; instead, the government prints whatever money it needs to pay its bills whenever it needs the money. Since printing money all the time leads to inflation and a devalued currency, the true role of taxation is to reduce the money supply, thus keeping inflation in check and maintaining the intrinsic value of the currency.

    2) The fact that more people voted for Clinton overall is irrelevant. How many times does it need to be explained to people before they begin to understand how the election process works here? There is not one general election for President; rather, there are 51 separate, independent, and simultaneous elections for President. This changes the win condition from "the person who earns the most votes" into "the person who wins enough majority or plurality votes in each independent election so that the vote totals among those election meets or exceeds 270". I guarantee that if Clinton had won the electoral vote yet lost the popular vote her supporters would be praising the Electoral College system.

    3) I was talking about the U. N. stabbing the U. S. in the back, which it does from time to time.


    It is funny watching people froth at the mouth over Trump. If you recall, people were frothing at the mouth over Obama, as well, and their worst-case fears were never realized; therefore, it is illogical to conclude that worst-case fears will be realized now. Also recall--Obama was the one with websites referring to him as a "messiah"; as far as I know there are no such websites claiming anything of the sort for Trump. Of course, I haven't looked for them, either, because all such websites are weird and/or fringe by their very nature.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    I guarantee that if Clinton had won the electoral vote yet lost the popular vote her supporters would be praising the Electoral College system.

    I'm a Clinton supporter and I had thought in advance that Clinton might win the electoral vote but lose the popular vote. I decided that I would (1) consider the result legitimate, but (2) still support the abolition of the Electoral College, and (3) consider the victory to be tainted. This is because (1) the Electoral College is the law but (2) it's a bad law because (3) the person with the most votes should win the election. When Trump won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote, I voiced the exact same opinion in this very thread, saying (1) the result was legitimate but (2) the Electoral College should still be abolished and (3) the victory was tainted. Even when the American system gave me a result I did not want or expect, I still supported it.

    It frustrates me that people just assume other other folks hold double standards about politics (or are hypocritical, but @Mathsorcerer did not use that word). Throughout this campaign, the Democratic party supported the validity of U.S. elections, and its top leaders (Clinton and Obama) accepted Trump's win the day after he won--just as they said they would. And going back many years, the Democratic party said the Electoral College should be abolished, because that was the one and only aspect of our electoral system that was wrong. The Democratic party still holds that view.

    I simply don't understand how people can think we have double standards when we say the exact same things about American democracy even when we lose an election. That's the very definition of consistency: sticking to your principles through thick and thin.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    While I don't think the worst case scenario with Trump will happen, this kind of person having this much authority is alarming enough to watch very closely and carefully.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2017
    So the entire State Departments Senior Staff resigned. It's going to be tough to replace them with big oil executives, billionaires, or loonies while there's a federal hiring freeze doah.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited January 2017

    So the entire State Departments Senior Staff resigned. It's going to be tough to replace them with big oil executives, billionaires, or loonies while there's a federal hiring freeze doah.

    Some have compered Trump to Hitler, but there is a key difference: when Hitler came to power he brought with him the whole Nazi party apparatus, and a tight band of loyal followers who he was able to place in key positions. Trump doesn't really have any backing organisation (the Republican party is far from "his") and he is frantically trying to appoint anyone self-serving enough to accept a job. People without any loyalty, who will turn on him and each other at any sign of weakness.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2017

    It is funny watching people froth at the mouth over Trump. If you recall, people were frothing at the mouth over Obama, as well, and their worst-case fears were never realized; therefore, it is illogical to conclude that worst-case fears will be realized now.

    I disagree here. They are not the same situation. Yeah a group of people said Obama was the worst thing ever. To the non conspiracy minded, there was no evidence that would be the case at all, but true yes an embarasing amount of people believed that.

    Trump on the other hand has made outrageous comments and his behavior has been such that even supporters should recognize it as bizarre.

    These two are not equal even though they've worked the same job, this is false equivalence. It's like saying a dollar bill is the same as a monopoly dollar, that's more illogical. Presidents are like snowflakes no two are exactly the same. ;). Sure you expect some similarities but this guy is not interested in conformity to norms of behavior for one thing and another his deeds and actions speak for themselves.
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835
    deltago said:

    Charges laid in arrest that was caught on video in Toronto.

    get the full story.
    Yup, that's the vid I was looking for. TY
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850 the wall is going to be paid for with a 20% import tax. Sounds nice, to those too stupid to realize that 100% of this is in actuality a tax on the American consumer. Anything you buy made in Mexico will cost 20% more. To pay for a wall. Seriously, I've had enough of this shit. If anyone wants this, have at it. This is amateur hour. A total farce.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @jjstraka34 What did I say ;)
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Even though I'm a conservative leaning voter I agree with the liberals about this wall b.s. For God's sake will somebody stand up and tell the Emperor he's naked as a jaybird!
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017
    Let's be clear: the only reason you propose this to pay for the wall is if you are confident your supporters are too stupid to realize they will be paying 20% more for produce, simply because the word "Mexican" is in the phrase "Mexican import tax".

    We imported 219 million barrels of oil last year from Mexico. I'm sure everyone will be fine with $4/gallon gas again. Just like it was when what's his name was President. Oh yeah. Bush.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2017
    What I never get about this dumb wall thing is --- where's the wall around Canada? Why only Mexico? I can imagine some responses to that. So, skipping overtly racist answers - then you get to responses something like yeah illegal immigrants are coming from Mexico. And something like Canada doesn't need one because their economy is good - Mexico's is not. Well that's all debatable - but...

    Consider that the dumb wall would be a permanent thing - but things like immigrants desiring to come to the USA from Mexico is not. For example, Trump continues isolating the US and is getting closer to engaging in trade wars with Mexico, China and everywhere else. The US economy could get worse than Mexico's. It could happen someday, there's no promise in the World that the USA will retain it's place in the world order - especially with threats to withdraw from the UN, NATO and these proposed trade wars. The USA's place could change. Canada's position could change - maybe someday there's a huge crisis in Canada and refugees start pouring over the border - oops where's your dumb northern wall then? Mexico could find great wealth exporting to China instead of the USA and their position changes.

    Anyway, the Mexican Wall is a permanent thing - basically saying I never want Mexicans or South Americans to come to the USA. It's saying there will never be a day when we want open borders with Mexico. It's the opposite of what they did in Europe when they opened borders after hundreds of years of fighting and wars. True these days things are backsliding a bit over there - but hey for now they still have the EU. The wall would be isolating the relationship between the US and it's current 3rd biggest trading partner forever. And things will not stay the same forever for both countries.
    Post edited by smeagolheart on
  • AyiekieAyiekie Member Posts: 975
    To be fair, while a Mexican border wall is insane and impossible, a border wall to Canada would be insane-er and impossible-er. Sheer length difference, just for starters.

    Besides, tearing it down will give the next Democratic president (or possibly even the next Republican one - neither side of the political spectrum actually supports a wall) a golden PR opportunity. Shaking hands with the Mexican president over the ruin of a wall section! It'll be front page on every newspaper on the off-chance newspapers still exist by then.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    Pay close attention to this. Odds are this is how the controversial dossier ended up the hands of that now AWOL MI-6 agent. Dollars to donuts, this has something to do with our election.

    The Mexican President is now flat-out refusing to meet with Trump, so it's taken the Orange One exactly six days to destroy our relationship with our southern neighbor.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Ayiekie said:

    To be fair, while a Mexican border wall is insane and impossible, a border wall to Canada would be insane-er and impossible-er. Sheer length difference, just for starters.

    Besides, tearing it down will give the next Democratic president (or possibly even the next Republican one - neither side of the political spectrum actually supports a wall) a golden PR opportunity. Shaking hands with the Mexican president over the ruin of a wall section! It'll be front page on every newspaper on the off-chance newspapers still exist by then.

    What a huge waste of taxpayers money to build a wall for a year or two then pay to tear it back down. Assuming it takes two years for the wall then Trump's out after four. I honestly don't think he'll last that long at this rate.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    Ayiekie said:

    To be fair, while a Mexican border wall is insane and impossible, a border wall to Canada would be insane-er and impossible-er. Sheer length difference, just for starters.

    Besides, tearing it down will give the next Democratic president (or possibly even the next Republican one - neither side of the political spectrum actually supports a wall) a golden PR opportunity. Shaking hands with the Mexican president over the ruin of a wall section! It'll be front page on every newspaper on the off-chance newspapers still exist by then.

    What a huge waste of taxpayers money to build a wall for a year or two then pay to tear it back down. Assuming it takes two years for the wall then Trump's out after four. I honestly don't think he'll last that long at this rate.
    The Rio Grande might have something to say about construction of Trump's wall. Also, good luck getting it built without migrant workers. In the end, if it exists, it's going to be some cheap, ridiculous type of fence. An ugly piece of garbage that no one wants to look at, just like the rest of his shitty buildings.
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835
    Father of son killed by illegal immigrant: Sanctuary city mayors have blood on their hands.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Indeed. In fact, when the wall is built, I'm sure no one will ever die in a DWI fatality ever again. Much like saying the words "radical Islamic terrorism" have, like a wave of a magic wand, completely wiped it off of the the face of the Earth.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2017

    This guy gets it. Sure Trump let's look into the illegitimate election, were with ya buddy. Let's look for your voter fraud, and then Russian hacking, Russian campaign collusion, FBI meddling, computer polling machine failures, voter suppression and all those things that invalidate your election. You bet. This is something that we should look into.
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835

    Indeed. In fact, when the wall is built, I'm sure no one will ever die in a DWI fatality ever again. Much like saying the words "radical Islamic terrorism" have, like a wave of a magic wand, completely wiped it off of the the face of the Earth.

    The whole point of the vid was that the criminal involved was caught once before and for some reason not deported. If he was, that couple probably survived the day.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    Indeed. In fact, when the wall is built, I'm sure no one will ever die in a DWI fatality ever again. Much like saying the words "radical Islamic terrorism" have, like a wave of a magic wand, completely wiped it off of the the face of the Earth.

    The whole point of the vid was that the criminal involved was caught once before and for some reason not deported. If he was, that couple probably survived the day.
    Would it have made a difference if the guy was in the country legally?
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835

    Indeed. In fact, when the wall is built, I'm sure no one will ever die in a DWI fatality ever again. Much like saying the words "radical Islamic terrorism" have, like a wave of a magic wand, completely wiped it off of the the face of the Earth.

    The whole point of the vid was that the criminal involved was caught once before and for some reason not deported. If he was, that couple probably survived the day.
    Would it have made a difference if the guy was in the country legally?
    If he was deported the couple would of survived the day. Can't make it much clearer.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    Indeed. In fact, when the wall is built, I'm sure no one will ever die in a DWI fatality ever again. Much like saying the words "radical Islamic terrorism" have, like a wave of a magic wand, completely wiped it off of the the face of the Earth.

    The whole point of the vid was that the criminal involved was caught once before and for some reason not deported. If he was, that couple probably survived the day.
    Would it have made a difference if the guy was in the country legally?
    If he was deported the couple would of survived the day. Can't make it much clearer.
    I don't think you'll find anyone arguing with deporting criminals who are here illegally (for crimes other than simply BEING IN the United States). What we have a problem with is deporting people simply for that reason, and (especially) breaking up families or deporting children who were brought here by their parents, who, if deported, actually have no country to call home. If someone is in the country illegally and gets a DUI, by all means they should be deported. No one is gonna argue with that. My guess is a.) that is usually what happens and b.) what percentage of undocumented workers are actually walking time bombs like this guy is. My guess would be that it's about the same as the rest of population, which is very low. Hell, they have MORE incentive than anyone to stay off law enforcement's radar.
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835

    Indeed. In fact, when the wall is built, I'm sure no one will ever die in a DWI fatality ever again. Much like saying the words "radical Islamic terrorism" have, like a wave of a magic wand, completely wiped it off of the the face of the Earth.

    The whole point of the vid was that the criminal involved was caught once before and for some reason not deported. If he was, that couple probably survived the day.
    Would it have made a difference if the guy was in the country legally?
    If he was deported the couple would of survived the day. Can't make it much clearer.
    I don't think you'll find anyone arguing with deporting criminals who are here illegally (for crimes other than simply BEING IN the United States). What we have a problem with is deporting people simply for that reason, and (especially) breaking up families or deporting children who were brought here by their parents, who, if deported, actually have no country to call home. If someone is in the country illegally and gets a DUI, by all means they should be deported. No one is gonna argue with that. My guess is a.) that is usually what happens and b.) what percentage of undocumented workers are actually walking time bombs like this guy is. My guess would be that it's about the same as the rest of population, which is very low. Hell, they have MORE incentive than anyone to stay off law enforcement's radar.
    If you enter a country illegally, that means you are now a criminal. Period. You have broken a law in that country with your first step on it's soil. You have no rights in that country other than a safe and friendly kick out of said country. Your children go too because they should never have been given status in the first place. As soon as the mother and child where OK to leave the hospital, immigration officials should of been notified and the family should be deported.

    Those who have applied and went through legal channels should be first priority for status. Not those who cut the line. Civilized nations have the rule of law, not the violence of chaos. As has been on display for the past weeks. You do away with laws and civilized society topples. Too bad people arguing whats going on in the streets and immigrants entering illegally is OK. They are the same ones that want western society to fall. They don't care if your girlfriend has cancer or if you lost your job or if you are sick and need medication. They use the media to play you all like a fiddle while they get you all bent out of shape till you go and take matters into your own hands. And turn into barbarians in the process.

    In the end you don't even care about your political party or views. You are sooooo full of rage that you blindly follow the heard and hang off of every word they say. Zombies. Instead of taking action against those who have us trapped on this mouse wheel, chasing our tails for their amusement.

    How many hours of volunteer work have any of you reading this, done in the past week in your communities. I'll answer for the most of you. ZERO Keyboard politicians arguing that their thought process is morally right. So sad that you guys can't see that they have you all thinking the way they want you too. White or Black, Christian or Muslim, Gay or Straight, Right or Left, Man or Woman. Busy little ants all soldiering on for their cause that leads to Anxiety, Depression and a date with BIG Pharma. The wheel keeps spinning but no one wants to get off and free themselves. Your messiahs are not coming.

    Get out there and become the change you want to see, not what they want you to become. There are no sides. Just you. Know thyself.

    “No one is free who has not obtained the empire of himself. No man is free who cannot command himself.”
    ― Pythagoras
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017
    I'll only reply that the Trump Administration is planning on releasing a weekly report of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. This is dangerous and (yes), Nazi-like propaganda, for one simple reason: how, on sight, do you distinguish a legal immigrant (or for that matter, a full-blown citizen) from an illegal one?? It puts every person of Latino and Muslim descent in this country under a cloud of suspicion and danger, regardless of their immigration or citizenship status. And it will have the sanction of the highest level of government.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    it's described here:

    the legal sanction for assault against a member of your household that doesn't cause bodily harm is downgraded from a criminal offense to a misdemeanor, but on a repeated violation, the act is treated as a criminal offense.
    however the supposedly criminal penalty for repeated assaults is scandalously mild.

    "In cases of repeated assaults, a defendant will face a fine of up to 40,000 rubles ($676), compulsory community service for up to six months or an arrest for up to three months. The administrative offence for first-time physical assaults envisages a fine of up to 30,000 rubles ($507), an arrest up to 15 days or compulsory community service up to 120 hours."
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @bob_veng has given a good text.

    @FinneousPJ For Russia, I'm more worried about this:

    Presidential aide suggested that Russia could employ China’s Internet regulation practice in order to ensure information security.

    The mere fact these things are being spoken by officials is very, very concerning.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @JuliusBorisov It is, although the internet in Russia is not free even today.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Is the people willing to pay 20 % more for "electrical and mechanical machinery, medical and optical instrumentation, vehicles, mineral fuel and crude oil [...] vegetables, wine, beer, fruit, chocolate and other snack foods" to get a wall that will not largely affect immigration.

    In 2013, Mexico's main exports to the United States were electrical and mechanical machinery, medical and optical instrumentation, vehicles, mineral fuel and crude oil. Mexico also exported $17.7 billion worth of agricultural products to the United States, such as vegetables, wine, beer, fruit, chocolate and other snack foods. Overall, Mexico was the third largest exporter to the United States that year, with the total goods exported equaling $280.5 billion.
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