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  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2017

    Well considering the GOP has shot themselves in the foot with allowing your ISPs to sell your browser history and with passing the American Healthcare Act in the House and the other misssteps they've made they may be in for an ass whooping in 2018. Those are two things Democrats will be able to shove in their faces. And that's not even mentioning the historic unpopularity of Trump and people's desires to kneecap his unamerican agenda.

    With a Democratic majority the investigation won't be swept under the rug like it is now. But by then will there be any evidence left after Trump's cronies have their way with things. But that almost doesn't matter because he's still in violation of the emouluments clause of the Constitution and personally enriching himself so that's another impeachment avenue.

    Doubt it, average Americans don't care.

    Bill Clinton also fired the FBI Director and it was never a political issue.

    Just like with Muhh Russia, or Vote Re-Counts, the reality is probably far less exciting then political partisans make it out to be.

    I already see the hyperventilation of this from both sides, And i have no doubt nothing will come from it.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited May 2017
    vanatos said:

    Well considering the GOP has shot themselves in the foot with allowing your ISPs to sell your browser history and with passing the American Healthcare Act in the House and the other misssteps they've made they may be in for an ass whooping in 2018. Those are two things Democrats will be able to shove in their faces. And that's not even mentioning the historic unpopularity of Trump and people's desires to kneecap his unamerican agenda.

    With a Democratic majority the investigation won't be swept under the rug like it is now. But by then will there be any evidence left after Trump's cronies have their way with things. But that almost doesn't matter because he's still in violation of the emouluments clause of the Constitution and personally enriching himself so that's another impeachment avenue.

    Doubt it, average Americans don't care.

    Bill Clinton also fired the FBI Director and it was never a political issue.
    So nice that you can speak for average Americans, that kind of insight into the minds of 100s of millions of people must be exhausting.

    The FBI Director Clinton fired wasn't investigating his campaign. No one is disputing Trump CAN do this. We are talking about, once again, just like the Republicans stealing a Supreme Court pick, the breaking of political norms that without which the entire system falls apart.

    Turns out it was barely an exaggeration after all.....Trump's private bodyguard reportedly delivered the letter. I recall saying something about mafia tactics just last night.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2017

    So nice that you can speak for average Americans, that kind of insight into the minds of 100s of millions of people must be exhausting.

    Yes polls that show the economy and terrorism as highest matters in the public sphere is good evidence.

    The FBI Director Clinton fired wasn't investigating his campaign. No one is disputing Trump CAN do this. We are talking about, once again, just like the Republicans stealing a Supreme Court pick, the breaking of political norms that without which the entire system falls apart.
    Turns out it was not exaggeration after all.....

    For Bill Clinton? Yes he was under investigation, He was always under investigation.
    In fact most Presidencies are always under investigation over something.

    Not sure what 'Republicans stealing Supreme Court' has anything to do with it, if your arguing that political parties having a tug-of-war for supreme courts picks, thats pretty normal.

    Frankly trying to bring in 'everything you find distasteful about your political adversary' in every issue doesn't really boost ones argument.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    Yeah, no......Clinton fired his FBI Director know what, forget is too short.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876

    Yeah, no......Clinton fired his FBI Director know what, forget is too short.

    You probably don't realize how ironic it is you take one administrations words at face value and not another.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    vanatos said:

    Yeah, no......Clinton fired his FBI Director know what, forget is too short.

    You probably don't realize how ironic it is you take one administrations words at face value and not another.
    vanatos said:

    Yeah, no......Clinton fired his FBI Director know what, forget is too short.

    You probably don't realize how ironic it is you take one administrations words at face value and not another.
    You probably don't realize how little I care about your opinion of my irony detection skills.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    GOP is in trouble in 2018 for unpopular Healthcare vote and selling American's search history (which 6% of the electorate agrees with). Both can and will be pinned on these guys. Their cowardice at town halls and enabling of Trump's kleptocracy and collusion with a hostile foreign power isn't going to go over well either.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876

    Ouch, Bernie fans aren't going to be happy with Obama's 3.5m paid speeches.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Obama should be thanking his lucky stars for the Trump win. I seriously doubt anybody would be shelling out millions of dollars for a speech of his had Hillary won!
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    vanatos said:

    Ouch, Bernie fans aren't going to be happy with Obama's 3.5m paid speeches.

    Omg yes, totally, there is no way I am going to vote for Barack Obama for President again or in other words this is completely irrelevant. He served his country faithfully now he can make a buck on it if he wanted to. As opposed to Trump who never served his country and is trying to make a buck off it while in office.

    Just noticed your post on the other page:

    "Mishandling classified information is a crime, intent is not required.
    If you served in the military you would definitely understand this."

    Have you served in the military? Are you currently an agent of the US or another countries government? I ask because you go out of your way to defend Trump - you claim to be a Bernie supporter but I've yet to see you support any of his positions.

    Classified information is sent out over the unsecure networks all the time. Usually some career bureaucrat with limited computer knowledge is the culprit. No one goes to jail for this, probably because there's no intent. Have a look at these procedures in the EPA for this common unfortunate occurrence.

    But yeah people who take secrets and send them to Russian agents and stuff like that get prosecuted. So unless you have Hillary taking pictures on subs and sending them out on facebook to russian agents then you're comparing apples and oranges. I'm going off Comey's testimony where he said "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Anybody on this thread watching Designated Survivor or Quantico? It's almost uncanny how these shows are paralleling the current political situation. Just wondering what y'all think...
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    vanatos said:

    Ouch, Bernie fans aren't going to be happy with Obama's 3.5m paid speeches.

    Obama is a private citizen now. Nothing wrong with him charging for public speaking and the market dictates the price.

    Now if we was still in official office like Trudeau. That is a different story.


    Trump firing Comey is horrible optics regardless of the reason. However, Trump doesn't care. Best you can do is contact a local politician and voice your concerns and see if they can twist a bolt some way to make sure this investigation continues under his replacement.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited May 2017
    Grand Jury subpoenas have been issued to associates of Michael Flynn in connection with the FBI Russia investigation. This, the Yates testimony, and the firing of Comey coming within 30 hours of each other are NOT coincidences.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2017

    Have you served in the military? Are you currently an agent of the US or another countries government? I ask because you go out of your way to defend Trump - you claim to be a Bernie supporter but I've yet to see you support any of his positions.

    I've created financial transaction systems for Government, And all employee's can be put into jail if they improperly handle classified information.

    For example, It is law that the system i designed must mask financial private information (Ie Credit card numbers) even in the system we create internally, they cannot be stored raw.

    And that is merely for the system itself, Far harsher would be the crime if I were to do something like Hillary (Store peoples Credit Cards on my private computer at home).

    Intent is not necessary to violate such law, intent can compound the punishment sentence.

    This is extremely clear from simply reading the various statutory laws.

    Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer
    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

    Specifically for me, under contract, And for Hillary Clinton

    Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

    Other things that we had to abide, is we could not bring any architectural documentation anywhere but Government grounds and approved Government systems, we cannot bring them home.

    Even for NDA's for video games, if you violate those NDA's your in trouble.
    Intent does not even matter, if you violate the NDA and disclose information for a video game you can be fined easily.

    The act alone is a violation, regardless of intent.
    That people can get away with violating a law is inconsequential whether it is in violation of it.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    This is the question you need to ask:

    If the investigation into Clinton is the real reason for Comey's dismissal, why did it take them month's to pull the trigger?

    Why was the decision made NOW and not a few days/weeks after he became president.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    deltago said:

    This is the question you need to ask:

    If the investigation into Clinton is the real reason for Comey's dismissal, why did it take them month's to pull the trigger?

    Why was the decision made NOW and not a few days/weeks after he became president.

    Because it's not the reason.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2017
    deltago said:

    This is the question you need to ask:

    If the investigation into Clinton is the real reason for Comey's dismissal, why did it take them month's to pull the trigger?

    Why was the decision made NOW and not a few days/weeks after he became president.

    Firing an FBI director only a little more then 3 months into the job isn't really 'waiting' by any means.

    It's not really as if Trump was going to fire everyone in just one week.

    People act as if he has been president for years, but he is still fairly new into the office.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    vanatos said:

    deltago said:

    This is the question you need to ask:

    If the investigation into Clinton is the real reason for Comey's dismissal, why did it take them month's to pull the trigger?

    Why was the decision made NOW and not a few days/weeks after he became president.

    Firing an FBI director only a little more then 3 months into the job isn't really 'waiting' by any means.

    It's not really as if Trump was going to fire everyone in just one week.

    People act as if he has been president for years, but he is still fairly new into the office.
    But if this was the reason, because of Comey's conduct before the election, why wasn't he the first to go and be replaced, even on an intern bases?

    Why now?

    This isn't a reality tv show where he gets to fire one person every week. If this was his administrations position since before Day 1 (going back to his election rallies) why'd it take so long?
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I don't think it's a big secret that Comey's not a Trump fan. I would've fired him too. The timing might not be the greatest but why would Trump worry about appearances now?
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    There have been reports of subpoenas dropping all over the place in a District Court in Eastern Viriginia for the last two weeks. Lo and behold, on the night he fires the FBI Director, those reports are confirmed. Yesterday Sally Yates demolished former claims of the Administration before a Senate committee. And 24 hours later people actually want to believe he fired Comey because he was TOO MEAN to Hillary Clinton?? Directly im contrast to his stance for his entire campaign?? Furthermore, all indications are that they have been fishing for a reason to get rid of him for.....about 2 weeks, at the same time the subpoenas started going out to Flynn associates in reagards to business records. Nothing there on Russia my ass. At the very least, Donald Trump damn well thinks someone is too close to the truth for comfort.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    deltago said:

    But if this was the reason, because of Comey's conduct before the election, why wasn't he the first to go and be replaced, even on an intern bases?

    Why now?

    This isn't a reality tv show where he gets to fire one person every week. If this was his administrations position since before Day 1 (going back to his election rallies) why'd it take so long?

    without any further evidence either way all we can do is speculate.

    This decision wasn't Trumps alone, in fact the WH cites that it was done under the recommendation of Attorney and Deputy Attorney General.

    I'm partial to the notion that it may come down to Comey's conduct, because Trump as much of a blowhard as he is publicly, he does privately place alot of importance in people doing their job properly.

    I do sympathize with Comey actually, in that he is probably the most reviled person in politics both by the left and the right.

    Hillary supporters railed against him and wanted him fired, Trump supporters rail against him and want him fired.

    Gotta feel sorry for him, even if he did do thing's in a half-assed way.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    If Comey's a private citizen now doesn't that make it easier for him to testify? If he knows anything there shouldn't be anything holding him back at this point...
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited May 2017
    vanatos said:

    deltago said:

    But if this was the reason, because of Comey's conduct before the election, why wasn't he the first to go and be replaced, even on an intern bases?

    Why now?

    This isn't a reality tv show where he gets to fire one person every week. If this was his administrations position since before Day 1 (going back to his election rallies) why'd it take so long?

    without any further evidence either way all we can do is speculate.

    This decision wasn't Trumps alone, in fact the WH cites that it was done under the recommendation of Attorney and Deputy Attorney General.

    I'm partial to the notion that it may come down to Comey's conduct, because Trump as much of a blowhard as he is publicly, he does privately place alot of importance in people doing their job properly.

    I do sympathize with Comey actually, in that he is probably the most reviled person in politics both by the left and the right.

    Hillary supporters railed against him and wanted him fired, Trump supporters rail against him and want him fired.

    Gotta feel sorry for him, even if he did do thing's in a half-assed way.
    Yeah, many Democrats did want Comey fired. But here's the rub: we knew that a.) Obama wouldn't do it and b.) he COULDN'T do it because the politics and damage to foundation of the government would have been destructive. I have no doubt Hillary, if she won, would have WANTED to fire Comey, but simply could not have, given the political optics. Because she would have known that the very act of firing him given the e-mail investigation would have said more about any perceived guilt than any evidence ever could have. This is the EXACT reason FBI directors get 10 year terms. To overlap Administrations and try as hard as possible to keep politics out of the nation's top law enforcement agency.

    The same holds true here. Trump firing Comey while he is in charge of investigation into his campaign's ties to Russia speaks VOLUMES more than anything that has yet come to light in concrete evidence. This a day after Trump put a message on his Twitter headline that was basically a sign saying "I'm really not guilty". The letter from the President to Comey bizarrely, again, mentioned him not being guilty, totally out of context to the rest of the reasoning. THIS IS NOT HOW INNOCENT PEOPLE ACT. This is what people do when they are feeling the walls closing in.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Balrog99 said:

    If Comey's a private citizen now doesn't that make it easier for him to testify? If he knows anything there shouldn't be anything holding him back at this point...

    It would be hilarious if he lets loose.

    I think, just like in the elections, sides will wait with baited breath for some great earth-shattering news to destroy their opponent but find out what he reveals is bad for everyone.

    It was surreal when he publicly lambasted Hillary, calling her incompetent, stupid and everything under the sun but then...says no charges.

    Hillary side hated him for it, Trump side hated him for it.

    Guy couldn't catch a break rofl.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I was actually sympathetic to Comey for a while. I believed he was just trying to keep the FBI out of the political fray, as he was supposed to, and deliver an objective judgment. People on both sides were more or less demanding that the FBI take their side, and Comey refused.

    For the most part. I still think he was trying to stay neutral. But when I found out he concealed the investigation into the Trump campaign at the same time he revealed the investigation into Clinton, I no longer believed he had been neutral, even if he had wanted to be.

    Regardless, I don't fully understand why he is suddenly gone.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    I'm not really that judgmental on him, I think he was too pressured by politics and so did alot of rather publicly confusing statements for everyone and unfortunately pissed off everyone.

    I don't think he's a bad guy, maybe not competent enough to be head of FBI though.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    vanatos said:

    deltago said:

    But if this was the reason, because of Comey's conduct before the election, why wasn't he the first to go and be replaced, even on an intern bases?

    Why now?

    This isn't a reality tv show where he gets to fire one person every week. If this was his administrations position since before Day 1 (going back to his election rallies) why'd it take so long?

    without any further evidence either way all we can do is speculate.

    This decision wasn't Trumps alone, in fact the WH cites that it was done under the recommendation of Attorney and Deputy Attorney General.

    I'm partial to the notion that it may come down to Comey's conduct, because Trump as much of a blowhard as he is publicly, he does privately place alot of importance in people doing their job properly.

    I do sympathize with Comey actually, in that he is probably the most reviled person in politics both by the left and the right.

    Hillary supporters railed against him and wanted him fired, Trump supporters rail against him and want him fired.

    Gotta feel sorry for him, even if he did do thing's in a half-assed way.
    Yeah, many Democrats did want Comey fired. But here's the rub: we knew that a.) Obama wouldn't do it and b.) he COULDN'T do it because the politics and damage to foundation of the government would have been destructive. I have no doubt Hillary, if she won, would have WANTED to fire Comey, but simply could not have, given the political optics. Because she would have known that the very act of firing him given the e-mail investigation would have said more about any perceived guilt than any evidence ever could have. This is the EXACT reason FBI directors get 10 year terms. To overlap Administrations and try as hard as possible to keep politics out of the nation's top law enforcement agency.

    The same holds true here. Trump firing Comey while he is in charge of investigation into his campaign's ties to Russia speaks VOLUMES more than anything that has yet come to light in concrete evidence. This a day after Trump put a message on his Twitter headline that was basically a sign saying "I'm really not guilty". The letter from the President to Comey bizarrely, again, mentioned him not being guilty, totally out of context to the rest of the reasoning. THIS IS NOT HOW INNOCENT PEOPLE ACT. This is what people do when they are feeling the walls closing in.
    Maybe Trump will resign, Pence become president and make Trump his Secretary of State. That way 'The Donald' can hob-knob and golf with foreign dictators at Mar el Lago all he wants and Pence can focus on things that matter. If that's too risky, Pence can make Trump the ambassador to Slovenia. I hear he's really popular there!
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2017
    Alot of older women love Pence, my Mother keeps saying he looks straight out of a old-fashioned black-and-white movie.

    He's ridiculously photogenic.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    vanatos said:

    Alot of older women love Pence, my Mother keeps saying he looks straight out of a old-fashioned black-and-white movie.

    He's ridiculously photogenic.

    I hear he has good old fashioned values too (which makes him popular with the older voters). Might be a little naive for the oval office but who knows?
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    I was actually sympathetic to Comey for a while. I believed he was just trying to keep the FBI out of the political fray, as he was supposed to, and deliver an objective judgment. People on both sides were more or less demanding that the FBI take their side, and Comey refused.

    For the most part. I still think he was trying to stay neutral. But when I found out he concealed the investigation into the Trump campaign at the same time he revealed the investigation into Clinton, I no longer believed he had been neutral, even if he had wanted to be.

    Regardless, I don't fully understand why he is suddenly gone.

    What Comey was expecting was that Hillary would win, there was going to be 4 years of endless investigations, and that he would be brought down with her. He FEARED Congressional Republicans. His actions in July and October were inexcusable given the Trump information that was withheld. THAT SAID, as much as I hate his sanctimonious ass, it was clear from every angle that ANYONE firing Comey would be a destructive political earthquake.

    As for not fully understanding, I respect your neutrality on the Russia issue, but we are inching ever closer to the day where there is no more ways to spin this. This really isn't that hard to figure out. You are watching Watergate for Dummies, in real-time.
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