Reviving blood libel? That sounds far fetched no offense and as of a couple months ago Planned Parenthood and StemExpress and all the rest of the relevant entities have been brought in by the Senate Judiciary Comittee for investigation and prosecution. If you've been following it even more closely, evidence has been slowly coming out in the form of uncovered documents and the like that seem to suggest it is indeed true. Point being, we have yet to see the end of it and it's far too early in the criminal case to tell.
You can only edit someones words believably so much. When you have full conversations in explicit detail that reveal the intent to cover up and abet criminal wrongdoing including child trafficking its really hard to make the case that they didnt actually say that. "You shouldn't be telling anybody anyway" is there any amount of editing that makes that sentance sound not criminal in any particular context? Id like to hear it. I suspect ACORN believed it as well, which is why they fired them.
Aborted fetuses can be used for medical purposes, mostly stem cells. As a matter of fact, Mitt Romney invested in a company that used them for such purposes. I fail to see how this is a worse outcome than throwing them in the trash. That IS NOT the same as harvesting body parts. Abortion is a LEGAL procedure in this country, and if in the aftermath there is a medical benefit to using the remains, then I'm all for it. And the Senate Judiciary Committe can't prosecute anyone.
Yes: NDA's and Patient/Doctor confediniality to name two.
And if the words "Child Trafficking" are actually used, this process seems like a back door attempt to reopen the Abortion debate as this committee (my guess majority of it republican) wants to redefine when a fetus is considered a person. If they "rule" it to ne child trafficking, it reopens the door to prosecute doctors for murder charges.
I will also state, that when I die, my organs and tissue are to be donated for scientific research. It states so on my Health Card and has since I was a minor as my parental guardian gave the ok. Same stance here in different circumstances. "Sign this form, and this form and this form and a doctor will see you shortly."
That advert seems bizarre to me. I just had a look at the NRA website to see what the stated purpose of the organisation is - and found that there is no stated purpose or mission statement. It does say that when the organisation was founded in 1871 "the primary goal of the association would be to promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis", but there's no modern day equivalent.
The nearest I could see to a mission statement is some text in the introduction about membership saying "The National Rifle Association is America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights. We're proud protectors of history's patriots - advocating the right to keep and bear arms, advancing the shooting sports and championing gun safety, education and training."
Looking at all the activities referred to on the web-site they do seem very much in line with that description about membership. However, they don't seem to have anything at all to do with that advert ...
Ok, so.....I have no love for the crew of Morning Joe (it's a show that skews very right of center on the supposedly liberal network), but what they are describing in this video are nothing but the actions of a two-bit mafia thug, who just happens to be President, using his connections to the National Enquirer to attempt to blackmail private citizens:
Ok, so.....I have no love for the crew of Morning Joe (it's a show that skews very right of center on the supposedly liberal network), but what they are describing in this video are nothing but the actions of a two-bit mafia thug, who just happens to be President, using his connections to the National Enquirer to attempt to blackmail private citizens:
This is nothing more than an attempt to steal the 2018 and 2020 elections a few years in advance. As I have said half a dozen times, there is, statistically, NO voter fraud in this country, but there is voter suppression being engaged in by the GOP in multiple states across the country, whose express purpose is to prevent young people and African-Americans from voting, especially the later. Kris Kobach is perhaps one of the most malicious forces in American politics today, and he and Mike Pence have just requested the voter information of every single person in this country. Thankfully, thus far, 22 states have told them to jump in a lake. But if you are wondering exactly WHY Republicans were so brazen about the healthcare bill, and if it seemed like maybe they were acting like people who would never have to win an election again, this might be part of the reason why. Because if they get their way, they will rig the game. Voter suppression is not changing the votes that are cast, it's making sure certain people are kicked of the rolls for no reason so when they show up to the polls they can't vote in the first place. Only extreme vigilance will prevent more of this.
Kris Kobach started a system call "Cross-check" which, supposedly, is done to prevent the non-existent voter fraud. And what it does is call into question whether you are an eligible voter if someone else in another state simply has the same NAME that you do. From investigative journalist Greg Palast:
The program is supposed to match first, middle and last name, plus birth date; it also provides the last four digits of a Social Security number for additional verification. But Palast found that a quarter of the listed names lacked a middle-name match, that the system ignored designations of Jr. and Sr., and that Social Security numbers weren’t included on any of the lists he obtained.
They want the state voter rolls so they can begin purging people who are likely to vote for Democrats and (in a country of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people) have the same name as someone else, with all the actual caveats it claims as safeguards completely ignored. If states hand over their voter data to Kris Kobach, I can guarantee hundreds of thousands of people will unknowingly, through no fault of their own, find their Constitutional right to vote in question in 2018. And I'm calling it out now, so if we have this conversation again in two years, no one can say it wasn't brought up and was an excuse for sore losers.
Agreed Kris Kobach is a scumbag, or a typical nutty Trump administraton guy. He recently was fined by a federal magistrate for presenting false arguments in a voting-related lawsuit.
So no neither guy is a person to trust with your voting info.
Looks like they are going to fail on Obamacare repeal and replace and then the next day they demand to see everyone's voting history so they can stack the game for 2018? Pretty goddamn fishy and gerrymandering has stacked the game enough.
If the GOP has their way they'll enjoy house, senate and the presidency permanently with 5% of the vote because they'll have rigged the system with their various cheats of gerrymandering, voter suppression, electoral college, and Supreme Court stacking.
Think that's great because you love the GOP? Well think again they won't be answering to you, Joe Voter, they will serve their corporate sponsors. They are already showing their true colors with their pro-corporate budget and their massive tax-cut bill for the top 1%
I don't quite understand the anti gay stuff about marriage if gays want to get married and have the stress of marriage and be miserable like the rest of us married folk so be it.
Marriage actually has a lot of benefits, and not just legal and monetary. It's a huge deal for lots of people for symbolic and religious reasons, and many folks consider it the purest expression of love: a lifelong commitment, celebrated in front of one's closest friends and family. Costumes and flowers and extravagant decor are part of the fun. People like rituals because it feels like it makes an event more meaningful.
But yes, I see no reason why a gay person can't marry the people they love.
Aborted fetuses can be used for medical purposes, mostly stem cells. As a matter of fact, Mitt Romney invested in a company that used them for such purposes. I fail to see how this is a worse outcome than throwing them in the trash. That IS NOT the same as harvesting body parts. Abortion is a LEGAL procedure in this country, and if in the aftermath there is a medical benefit to using the remains, then I'm all for it. And the Senate Judiciary Committe can't prosecute anyone.
Not being opposed to making a profit off of dead child parts isn't the same thing as rejecting the notion that they could have done so, and moreso, rejecting it on the basis of the messenger. We can debate the ethics of the mass killing and harvesting of the parts of children, and I would argue it's morally wrong if any morality exists at all, but the issue was whether or not there is reason to believe it did. And there is, but its too soon to make a judgement, was my position.
Abortion is legal, but that's not an argument for abortion or against making a profit on selling kid organs. Which is illegal.
I don't quite understand the anti gay stuff about marriage if gays want to get married and have the stress of marriage and be miserable like the rest of us married folk so be it.
I would imagine, besides the obvious legal benefits (especially regarding end of life issues), it's a matter of their basic humanity being questioned if they aren't allowed to do so. Moreover, it's an issue that doesn't affect the people who are against it AT ALL. Not a medium amount, or a small amount, it literally has ZERO negative impact on those who oppose it besides the reasons they make up in their own head. And that is why it is such a hot-button issue. Certain people want to stop them from marrying for what can only be viewed as purely malicious reasons, and it's now pretty much a non-starter to be opposed to gay rights for anyone on the political left. Amazingly enough, the public sentiment on this went from George Bush basically winning Ohio (and thus the Presidency) in 2004 based on a anti-gay marriage ballot measure, to now, when nearly 60% of the public has gotten on board and fled the dark ages, and it's legal in all 50 states. At least until Trump gets his second Supreme Court pick. This remarkable victory for human rights may seem like a quick win, but the fact is that gay activists and their allies have been fighting a decades long battle to get here, and the full story can't be appreciated by only recent history. But a good place to start would be the documentary "How to Survive a Plague", which I believe is on Netlfix.
So I wrote a letter to the editor for our local newspaper about a week ago, and I just found out this morning that they published it. (Edit: go me!!) In light of all the healthcare drama, I thought I'd share.
On a related note, our president tweeted that if the GOP plan can't get out of the Senate that they should just repeal Obamacare first and replace it with something "later". God knows how long he means by "later". I feel sick to my stomach because Obamacare is the only reason I have health insurance right now, and if they get rid of it without anything in its place, I'm out of luck. (The tweet is probably part of why they decided to publish my letter, since it was so timely.)
I'm a pretty healthy gal, but heaven forbid something awful happens to me that puts me in the hospital (again) while the GOP sits on their hands.
So I wrote a letter to the editor for our local newspaper about a week ago, and I just found out this morning that they published it. (Edit: go me!!) In light of all the healthcare drama, I thought I'd share.
On a related note, our president tweeted that if the GOP plan can't get out of the Senate that they should just repeal Obamacare first and replace it with something "later". God knows how long he means by "later". I feel sick to my stomach because Obamacare is the only reason I have health insurance right now, and if they get rid of it without anything in its place, I'm out of luck. (The tweet is probably part of why they decided to publish my letter, since it was so timely.)
I'm a pretty healthy gal, but heaven forbid something awful happens to me that puts me in the hospital (again) while the GOP sits on their hands.
Repealing it wholesale is just as bad or worse, minus the extra cuts to Medicaid down the line. You still lose the entire expansion, pre-existing conditions back, lifetime caps back, essential benefits gone as well. The exchanges would simply disappear, and I read an estimate today that as opposed to the House and Senate bills (which are bad enough) a straight-up repeal with no replace in the pipeline would up the number of newly uninsured from 24 million to 32 million.
People need to understand something: Donald Trump doesn't have the first clue what is in any of these bills. I highly doubt he could tell you the difference between Medicare, Medicaid and a hole in the wall. He wants to put a win on the board, no matter what is in the details of that "win". If 20-30 million people lose their health coverage over it, so be it. This is a game show to him. Trump could no sooner articulate a policy position on health care than I could sprout wings and fly. Actually, I doubt he could articulate a policy position on ANYTHING that goes beyond "it's gonna be a beautiful plan, a tremendous success." Trump has never once extrapolated on a SINGLE issue facing this country that goes beyond those type of vacuous statements that would embarrass a 5th grader giving a social studies presentation. If you took away his ability to watch cable news, he would know less about US domestic and foreign policy than my dog does.
TBH, I woulda been happy with just adding the pre-existing conditions part, for starters, until a solution to insurance companies and a profit guiding health industry was solved (yeah right, I aint holding my diabetic breath, hehheh). Socialized medicine or bust. Even alot of countries with that are havong probs though, but better than the dang predators gnawing at our bones.
@Nonnahswriter Good on you. I've been giving the ADA (American Diabetes Association), hell for years. Nothing but mostly a money making operation for themelves as far as Type I D's goes, as far as I am concerned.
@jjstraka34 Well probably learn what's ALL in the GOP plan when it is passed. I'm sure it'll be just peachy.
Lol.. Attacking TV hosts on twitter woh muxh presidenshul!
I'm starting to wonder what the point of even arguing about this guy is anymore. He's clearly unhinged, clearly a horrible human being in just about every capacity, is a compulsive liar, and is less qualified to hold the job than my mechanic. He is, however, a hell of a con-man, if you susceptible to that sort of thing. I mean, I get it. I've lived in America for just over 3 decades, and we should have all seen this coming. It's like the Nigerian Prince email scam took corporeal form, dyed it's skin orange, gorged itself on KFC for 3 decades, and became President.
Honestly, he's just exhausting at this point, and that is a KEY part of his strategy. Authoritarians count on wearing out the resistance to them by making every day more absurd than the last. Look at how hard it has been to stop the GOP from taking away health insurance 24 million people. It's required a massive effort, and we are only at 6 months. The country can't keep running at this kind of torque for 4 years. Something incredibly awful will happen if we do.
"Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office says the city welcomes the 20 additional federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms who have been sent to help combat the city's rampant gun violence.
Adam Collins made his comments after President Donald Trump tweeted Friday morning that "Crime and killings in Chicago have reached such epidemic proportions that I am sending in Federal help."
Collins said in an email that the mayor's office has for months said it would welcome additional federal support and that city police have made progress even "without any of the new resources from the federal government we requested."
Police figures show that the number of shooting incidents and victims have dropped from last year, although the number of shooting deaths is basically the same." ------------------------------------------
In and around the area where I work, there have been DOZENS of recent arrests of violent gang members, including a number of illegal immigrants, thanks to long overdue assistance from federal authorities.
I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not going to defend many of his policies, but I will NOT vote for any candidate in 4 years who does not pledge to uphold what he is doing RIGHT. He's shown so far what the government can accomplish when it applies itself to this issue, and there's no reason to go back to doing otherwise.
‘I’m President and They’re Not’: Trump Attacks Media at Faith Rally. After correctly assessing that the media is not the President, Trump implies 'neener neener neener'. Stay classless bro.
Three cases of the Plague were found this week in New Mexico. In modern society, this wouldn't be such a big deal. But this is important for two reasons. #1, let's imagine one of these people loses their health insurance because of the Republican bill and doesn't seek treatment. And #2, there is still, in July, 6 months after Trump took office, no head of Centers for Disease Control.
Honestly, he's just exhausting at this point, and that is a KEY part of his strategy. Authoritarians count on wearing out the resistance to them by making every day more absurd than the last. Look at how hard it has been to stop the GOP from taking away health insurance 24 million people. It's required a massive effort, and we are only at 6 months.
"The resistance" has to share the blame for any of its failures - instead of choosing to make an over-the-top fuss out of every inane twitter feud, rumor, speculation, etc., it should focus on what's ACTUALLY happening and important.
No, he's not - YOU yourself even made a point of arguing earlier in this thread that local/state police aren't bound by the wishes of the president.
No excuse for them not to have gone to the cops if this was actually true.
There are serious questions in the legal community as to whether a sitting President can be tried or arrested for ANY crime whatsoever while he is in office, and impeachment is a political mechanism, not a legal one. So no, there really is no way to hold a President accountable for crimes outside the House and Senate.
Honestly, he's just exhausting at this point, and that is a KEY part of his strategy. Authoritarians count on wearing out the resistance to them by making every day more absurd than the last. Look at how hard it has been to stop the GOP from taking away health insurance 24 million people. It's required a massive effort, and we are only at 6 months.
"The resistance" has to share the blame for any of its failures - instead of choosing to make an over-the-top fuss out of every inane twitter feud, rumor, speculation, etc., it should focus on what's ACTUALLY happening and important.
You mean like the dozen or more posts I made during the past two weeks about millions of people losing their health-care, at the expense of talking about nearly every other issue that usually comes up?? Same could be said for most on the left during the past couple of weeks. The focus totally shifted and (momentarily) defeated the bill. And I wasn't referring to the "the resistance" (in quotes) but resistance in the sense of the definition of the noun from the dictionary.
You can only edit someones words believably so much. When you have full conversations in explicit detail that reveal the intent to cover up and abet criminal wrongdoing including child trafficking its really hard to make the case that they didnt actually say that. "You shouldn't be telling anybody anyway" is there any amount of editing that makes that sentance sound not criminal in any particular context? Id like to hear it. I suspect ACORN believed it as well, which is why they fired them.
And if the words "Child Trafficking" are actually used, this process seems like a back door attempt to reopen the Abortion debate as this committee (my guess majority of it republican) wants to redefine when a fetus is considered a person. If they "rule" it to ne child trafficking, it reopens the door to prosecute doctors for murder charges.
I will also state, that when I die, my organs and tissue are to be donated for scientific research. It states so on my Health Card and has since I was a minor as my parental guardian gave the ok. Same stance here in different circumstances. "Sign this form, and this form and this form and a doctor will see you shortly."
The nearest I could see to a mission statement is some text in the introduction about membership saying "The National Rifle Association is America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights. We're proud protectors of history's patriots - advocating the right to keep and bear arms, advancing the shooting sports and championing gun safety, education and training."
Looking at all the activities referred to on the web-site they do seem very much in line with that description about membership. However, they don't seem to have anything at all to do with that advert ...
This is nothing more than an attempt to steal the 2018 and 2020 elections a few years in advance. As I have said half a dozen times, there is, statistically, NO voter fraud in this country, but there is voter suppression being engaged in by the GOP in multiple states across the country, whose express purpose is to prevent young people and African-Americans from voting, especially the later. Kris Kobach is perhaps one of the most malicious forces in American politics today, and he and Mike Pence have just requested the voter information of every single person in this country. Thankfully, thus far, 22 states have told them to jump in a lake. But if you are wondering exactly WHY Republicans were so brazen about the healthcare bill, and if it seemed like maybe they were acting like people who would never have to win an election again, this might be part of the reason why. Because if they get their way, they will rig the game. Voter suppression is not changing the votes that are cast, it's making sure certain people are kicked of the rolls for no reason so when they show up to the polls they can't vote in the first place. Only extreme vigilance will prevent more of this.
Kris Kobach started a system call "Cross-check" which, supposedly, is done to prevent the non-existent voter fraud. And what it does is call into question whether you are an eligible voter if someone else in another state simply has the same NAME that you do. From investigative journalist Greg Palast:
The program is supposed to match first, middle and last name, plus birth date; it also provides the last four digits of a Social Security number for additional verification. But Palast found that a quarter of the listed names lacked a middle-name match, that the system ignored designations of Jr. and Sr., and that Social Security numbers weren’t included on any of the lists he obtained.
They want the state voter rolls so they can begin purging people who are likely to vote for Democrats and (in a country of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people) have the same name as someone else, with all the actual caveats it claims as safeguards completely ignored. If states hand over their voter data to Kris Kobach, I can guarantee hundreds of thousands of people will unknowingly, through no fault of their own, find their Constitutional right to vote in question in 2018. And I'm calling it out now, so if we have this conversation again in two years, no one can say it wasn't brought up and was an excuse for sore losers.
He also was the guy who was photographed his xenophobic agenda in his hand facing the press.
So no neither guy is a person to trust with your voting info.
Looks like they are going to fail on Obamacare repeal and replace and then the next day they demand to see everyone's voting history so they can stack the game for 2018? Pretty goddamn fishy and gerrymandering has stacked the game enough.
If the GOP has their way they'll enjoy house, senate and the presidency permanently with 5% of the vote because they'll have rigged the system with their various cheats of gerrymandering, voter suppression, electoral college, and Supreme Court stacking.
Think that's great because you love the GOP? Well think again they won't be answering to you, Joe Voter, they will serve their corporate sponsors. They are already showing their true colors with their pro-corporate budget and their massive tax-cut bill for the top 1%
But yes, I see no reason why a gay person can't marry the people they love.
Abortion is legal, but that's not an argument for abortion or against making a profit on selling kid organs. Which is illegal.
On a related note, our president tweeted that if the GOP plan can't get out of the Senate that they should just repeal Obamacare first and replace it with something "later". God knows how long he means by "later". I feel sick to my stomach because Obamacare is the only reason I have health insurance right now, and if they get rid of it without anything in its place, I'm out of luck. (The tweet is probably part of why they decided to publish my letter, since it was so timely.)
I'm a pretty healthy gal, but heaven forbid something awful happens to me that puts me in the hospital (again) while the GOP sits on their hands.
People need to understand something: Donald Trump doesn't have the first clue what is in any of these bills. I highly doubt he could tell you the difference between Medicare, Medicaid and a hole in the wall. He wants to put a win on the board, no matter what is in the details of that "win". If 20-30 million people lose their health coverage over it, so be it. This is a game show to him. Trump could no sooner articulate a policy position on health care than I could sprout wings and fly. Actually, I doubt he could articulate a policy position on ANYTHING that goes beyond "it's gonna be a beautiful plan, a tremendous success." Trump has never once extrapolated on a SINGLE issue facing this country that goes beyond those type of vacuous statements that would embarrass a 5th grader giving a social studies presentation. If you took away his ability to watch cable news, he would know less about US domestic and foreign policy than my dog does.
@Nonnahswriter Good on you.
@jjstraka34 Well probably learn what's ALL in the GOP plan when it is passed. I'm sure it'll be just peachy.
Lol.. Attacking TV hosts on twitter woh muxh presidenshul!
Honestly, he's just exhausting at this point, and that is a KEY part of his strategy. Authoritarians count on wearing out the resistance to them by making every day more absurd than the last. Look at how hard it has been to stop the GOP from taking away health insurance 24 million people. It's required a massive effort, and we are only at 6 months. The country can't keep running at this kind of torque for 4 years. Something incredibly awful will happen if we do.
Well, there is at least ONE thing that Trump's been getting right so far:
"Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office says the city welcomes the 20 additional federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms who have been sent to help combat the city's rampant gun violence.
Adam Collins made his comments after President Donald Trump tweeted Friday morning that "Crime and killings in Chicago have reached such epidemic proportions that I am sending in Federal help."
Collins said in an email that the mayor's office has for months said it would welcome additional federal support and that city police have made progress even "without any of the new resources from the federal government we requested."
Police figures show that the number of shooting incidents and victims have dropped from last year, although the number of shooting deaths is basically the same."
In and around the area where I work, there have been DOZENS of recent arrests of violent gang members, including a number of illegal immigrants, thanks to long overdue assistance from federal authorities.
I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not going to defend many of his policies, but I will NOT vote for any candidate in 4 years who does not pledge to uphold what he is doing RIGHT. He's shown so far what the government can accomplish when it applies itself to this issue, and there's no reason to go back to doing otherwise.
No excuse for them not to have gone to the cops if this was actually true.