The fired Steve Bannon is back at Breitbart as Executive Chairman. So he never really was gone was he, basically he was never fully separated there.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg on Friday.
Bannon sounds pretty cucked there. He gets fired by Trump, then gratefully kisses his butt? "Thank you sir, may I have another" much?
The fired Steve Bannon is back at Breitbart as Executive Chairman. So he never really was gone was he, basically he was never fully separated there.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg on Friday.
Bannon sounds pretty cucked there. He gets fired by Trump, then gratefully kisses his butt? "Thank you sir, may I have another" much?
Yeah it's like when my cat falls off the windowsill, lands on her feet and starts to lick herself. "I totally meant to do that!"
All this now means is that if you liked what you saw on Tuesday from Trump, you are now going to get more of it. Trump takes his cues from FOX News regardless, all he needs to do to continue taking them from Bannon is open a web browser.
80% of Republicans apparently approved of how he handled Charlottesville You know, despite the fact that, in the end, he never even ATTEMPTED to call the mother of the murder victim. Turns out I was wrong again. It seems Trump lost @Balrog99 and that's about it. Base remains solid based on a couple of polls.
People shouldn't fall for this. This was a move to mollify wavering Republicans on the Hill and little else. It's no great victory for liberals. Steve Bannon back in charge at Breitbart is just as bad for this country as having him in the White House, as long as he is going to bat for Trump. Seems to me like this whole thing was orchestrated, including that American Prospect interview that still makes no sense in any other context. This whole thing doesn't smell right. He was back in charge of the editorial meeting at Breitbart mere HOURS after the firing.
All this now means is that if you liked what you saw on Tuesday from Trump, you are now going to get more of it. Trump takes his cues from FOX News regardless, all he needs to do to continue taking them from Bannon is open a web browser.
80% of Republicans apparently approved of how he handled Charlottesville You know, despite the fact that, in the end, he never even ATTEMPTED to call the mother of the murder victim. Turns out I was wrong again. It seems Trump lost @Balrog99 and that's about it. Base remains solid based on a couple of polls.
People shouldn't fall for this. This was a move to mollify wavering Republicans on the Hill and little else. It's no great victory for liberals. Steve Bannon back in charge at Breitbart is just as bad for this country as having him in the White House, as long as he is going to bat for Trump. Seems to me like this whole thing was orchestrated, including that American Prospect interview that still makes no sense in any other context. This whole thing doesn't smell right.
yep a prominent racist, aka an alt-right white nationalist, calls a liberal journalist.... Ok stop right there. There's no way Steve Bannon, who considers the press the enemy, would willingly in normal world call a liberal about anything. Why start the day before he's fired? But I guess if you listen to him he turned in his resignation in a week ago and this was all planned. And then in the interview he "happens" to call the white nationalists in charlottsville a bunch of clowns. Yes, doesn't smell right.
So he goes back to Brietbart, they lost most of their advertisers way back when, due to their racist stuff. And he says this is all so wonderful, being fired from the White House, and now he can really get at Trump's enemies. hahaha bizarre. This smacks of more "you can't fire me, I quit. I quit to, uh, serve you!"
It is consistent, with all things around Trump and his administration, in that it's bizarre and it doesn't smell right.
No prominent right-wing media outlet needs advertising, they are all subsidized. Everyone knows about the Kochs, but if you want to know the power behind part of Trump's throne, I suspect you look into the Mercer family.
I liken terrorist methods to bacteria and viruses in a way. When something fails to work or a target become unavailable, it either evolves or even jumps species, continuing on, sometimes worse than before as people are not prepared for a new approach, having an unprepared defense or no defense at all.
It takes some time to adapt to these new methods but even then, something new is evolving at the same time. So many things have yet to be used ( I think some of the most potentially effective are still just a matter of time) or at least used on a regular basis. Terrorists are not going away anytime soon. There is always another issue coming up that people, somewhere, anywhere, get tired of, or get nowhere, trying to change (sometimes a futile effort, depending on the issue) through less violent methods.
I like having Gen. Kelly at the WH. It would just be nice (at this point) to see a couple of big marines come out at times though and 'reign' the pres in, just a tad more. I know, I know, ain't gonna happen, but still glad Gen. Kelly is there. Kinda like trying to send EOD in when the bomb's already exploding though, I reckon.
Last weekend almost seemed to have one of those reign in moments but was sandwiched in between two slices of moldy bread. Even if you throw out that bread afterwards, many can't stand to eat it after what's in the middle seems tainted even more. As much as I think he (Kelly) would be better off out, I also think somebody with some sense needs to be there to at least 'try' to mitigate the 'scorched earth' policy, even if it's in just the smallest of ways.
I like having Gen. Kelly at the WH. It would just be nice (at this point) to see a couple of big marines come out at times though and 'reign' the pres in, just a tad more. I know, I know, ain't gonna happen, but still glad Gen. Kelly is there. Kinda like trying to send EOD in when the bomb's already exploding though, I reckon.
Last weekend almost seemed to have one of those reign in moments but was sandwiched in between two slices of moldy bread. Even if you throw out that bread afterwards, many can't stand to eat it after what's in the middle seems tainted even more. As much as I think he (Kelly) would be better off out, I also think somebody with some sense needs to be there to at least 'try' to mitigate the 'scorched earth' policy, even if it's in just the smallest of ways.
Many people have been able to reign him in for roughly 12 hours. No one has been successful beyond that point. Because the moment he sees how he is being covered in the media, he flies off the handle and starts breathing fire again. Because his ego cannot handle it, not even a tad. Donald Trump may have the thinnest skin of nearly anyone who has ever been in politics, and that is a dangerously bad trait in a President. 71-year old men don't change who they are, especially ones who have never been told what to do in their entire adult lives. But more importantly, a President shouldn't require a (no hyperbole) babysitter to be with him 24/7 so he doesn't act like a maniac 3 or 4 times a week. He has less maturity than a moderately well-behaved 10-year old child.
I sort of like Gen Kelly but don't like Trump. So Kelly is an enabler. He's covering for and corraling a crazy person. He's enabling him to President when he has clearly shown he no business presidenting.
I can't think of a good expression but it's putting makeup on a pig, it's still a pig. Or putting a new coat of paint on a broken down car; it's still a lemon under that coat of paint. In this case, Trump has shown us who he is and what he really wants (racist stuff, tax breaks for the rich, and applause from low information fans in west virginia) why applaud the guy hiding behind someone respectable?
Too bad I'm just a bigoted ol white male southerner with a terrible ol culture though, that could never ever possibly hope to understand that and keep part of his culture as well. Might be nice thinking people's minds were more often than not, NOT made up about 'me' and where I grew up. All I had to do was spend time in NY to find out a while back. Now, after the internet, I only have to go online.
Easy how things can be viewed in a different light by different people, isn't it?. Infuriating at times as well.
Some cultures really are better than others, though. The value of a culture directly correlates to the degree in which tolerance and human rights are espoused by said culture. I grew up in Texas and, believe me, the culture sucks. Rather than defending such cultures, I would recommend embracing a new one.
As for the "white male southerner" thing, and being told you can't "ever possibly hope to understand" , try and understand that this kind of ID politics, SJW* stuff isn't tied to's tied to liberalism. Only liberals (and lefties who embrace/co-opt liberalism) spread that tripe. They are actually, in effect, working in conjunction with the right-wing to further divide the proletariat. True leftist politics are about defeating capitalism by promoting class-consciousness leading to mass-action through agitation efforts and the unification of the oppressed classes (transcending race altogether).
* I hate to use right-wing snarl words but if the shoe fits...
The point of my responses has been to show what blanket demonization can do, that it is not the best way to promote change, or make another feel, not to promote the superiority of the culture I grew up in. It is flawed, but it is not the only one, now or yet to be.
Is politeness gone? Is painting an entire culture as flawed the new way? Is that not what was done on the campus in Charlottesville, VA? ------- The words used that post. What type of government do they support? Any type in particular? I never delved too deep into politics, but do recognize a few words here and there. I want to make sure of what I am reading. I'm curious and just asking.
Jesse Waters has done two of the most contemptible "news" segments I've ever seen on television, one that just viciously mocks homeless people, and another in which he digs into the bag for every Asian stereotype in the book while doing man on the street interviews with Asian-Americans. He is a perfect distillation of what FOX News is selling, and one of the biggest scumbags in American media. Not surprisingly, he was also Bill O'Reilly's producer and his attack dog for ambush interviews. O'Reilly had too many sexual harassment allegations to be worthwhile to keep around any longer, but Waters is basically his son, so to speak. Jesse Waters would throw his own grandmother under a bus for a paycheck.
Seriously, he continues to lie about everything. What went on today in Boston was nearly totally peaceful, and the very definition of what free speech means. And instead of commending all these people for standing up to a small racist rally, he pretends the 10s of thousands of people protesting against racism are "anti-police agitators".
He is on their side. He is actually, totally 100% on the side of the 100 white nationalists rather than the thousands upon thousands of peaceful protesters.
Here is the real story behind those Confederate monuments all over the South. Pay close attention to what happens to the one that is brought down. It doesn't crack and break into pieces, it literally FOLDS. You'll see why:
"What do you say to the child, whose god is in the tv? And what do you say to the man, who blames the world on tv?
They don't even know how to sing my song. But they won't even try it. With me, with me, with me, yeah.
Who is standing over playing like the teacher Harnessing the learned, try but can't leave her I want to beg the liars to lay down their sirens That play like the angels to my deep desire."
"What do you say to the child, whose god is in the tv? And what do you say to the man, who blames the world on tv?
They don't even know how to sing my song. But they won't even try it. With me, with me, with me, yeah.
Who is standing over playing like the teacher Harnessing the learned, try but can't leave her I want to beg the liars to lay down their sirens That play like the angels to my deep desire."
-Live, 'Waterboy'
What do you say to the man who treats her like a mother? And what do you say to the man who treats him like a father? Come and see my heart, come inside and learn Come and see my soul, it's like yours I say it's just like yours
Who is making over, idolizing Princes Banishing the dreamers with barbed-wire fences And telling all the children who run to her feet That they have no vision and love's all diseased.
Keep pushing this agenda by the media and you will get a another civil war in the US. Extremism is wrong whether it be Right or Left.
I can accept your second sentence, though I suspect we might not agree on what extremism means. As for the first sentence though, which agenda are you referring to - would that be the one suggesting that telling the truth is a good idea?
Keep pushing this agenda by the media and you will get a another civil war in the US. Extremism is wrong whether it be Right or Left.
I can accept your second sentence, though I suspect we might not agree on what extremism means. As for the first sentence though, which agenda are you referring to - would that be the one suggesting that telling the truth is a good idea?
Extremism: eg
1) Fascism.... Pushing an Ideology through with violence.
2) Communism.... See Fascism.
3) Islam.... See Communism and Fascism.
4) Christianity... See all of the above.
Hope I made myself clear. (Don't hate any of these Extreme Ideologies, just the Violence and anger and hate they cause and how our Governments use them to divide us.)
You have made yourself clear - and as I rather anticipated we do have somewhat different ideas about what extremist means .
I'll go with you on fascism as I agree that ideology is inherently extreme. I'll even go half-way on communism as, although there's nothing inherently objectionable about the theory, that theory is considerably tainted by the way in which historically it's been put it into practice.
I'm not a religious person, but if you're painting Islam and Christianity as extreme you presumably believe the same applies to all religions - which I don't. I would agree that there are certainly people who both claim to be religious and generate hatred, but I don't think that's the result of something inherent in religion - simply that you can get religious extremists in the same way as political extremists or social extremists or anything else extremists.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg on Friday.
Bannon sounds pretty cucked there. He gets fired by Trump, then gratefully kisses his butt? "Thank you sir, may I have another" much?
80% of Republicans apparently approved of how he handled Charlottesville You know, despite the fact that, in the end, he never even ATTEMPTED to call the mother of the murder victim. Turns out I was wrong again. It seems Trump lost @Balrog99 and that's about it. Base remains solid based on a couple of polls.
People shouldn't fall for this. This was a move to mollify wavering Republicans on the Hill and little else. It's no great victory for liberals. Steve Bannon back in charge at Breitbart is just as bad for this country as having him in the White House, as long as he is going to bat for Trump. Seems to me like this whole thing was orchestrated, including that American Prospect interview that still makes no sense in any other context. This whole thing doesn't smell right. He was back in charge of the editorial meeting at Breitbart mere HOURS after the firing.
So he goes back to Brietbart, they lost most of their advertisers way back when, due to their racist stuff. And he says this is all so wonderful, being fired from the White House, and now he can really get at Trump's enemies. hahaha bizarre. This smacks of more "you can't fire me, I quit. I quit to, uh, serve you!"
It is consistent, with all things around Trump and his administration, in that it's bizarre and it doesn't smell right.
and lolzer
It takes some time to adapt to these new methods but even then, something new is evolving at the same time. So many things have yet to be used ( I think some of the most potentially effective are still just a matter of time) or at least used on a regular basis.
Terrorists are not going away anytime soon. There is always another issue coming up that people, somewhere, anywhere, get tired of, or get nowhere, trying to change (sometimes a futile effort, depending on the issue) through less violent methods.
Last weekend almost seemed to have one of those reign in moments but was sandwiched in between two slices of moldy bread. Even if you throw out that bread afterwards, many can't stand to eat it after what's in the middle seems tainted even more.
As much as I think he (Kelly) would be better off out, I also think somebody with some sense needs to be there to at least 'try' to mitigate the 'scorched earth' policy, even if it's in just the smallest of ways.
I can't think of a good expression but it's putting makeup on a pig, it's still a pig. Or putting a new coat of paint on a broken down car; it's still a lemon under that coat of paint. In this case, Trump has shown us who he is and what he really wants (racist stuff, tax breaks for the rich, and applause from low information fans in west virginia) why applaud the guy hiding behind someone respectable?
Is politeness gone? Is painting an entire culture as flawed the new way? Is that not what was done on the campus in Charlottesville, VA?
The words used that post. What type of government do they support? Any type in particular? I never delved too deep into politics, but do recognize a few words here and there. I want to make sure of what I am reading.
I'm curious and just asking.
Jesse Waters says America is not a racist nation; race baits about evil black people immediately afterwards
Seriously, he continues to lie about everything. What went on today in Boston was nearly totally peaceful, and the very definition of what free speech means. And instead of commending all these people for standing up to a small racist rally, he pretends the 10s of thousands of people protesting against racism are "anti-police agitators".
He is on their side. He is actually, totally 100% on the side of the 100 white nationalists rather than the thousands upon thousands of peaceful protesters.
Also he praised Bannons return to Brietbart. Odd that Bannon, after getting his ass canned, is licking Trump's boots.
Also just by a show of hands... How many here in this forum would "fight the good fight" when your ideological Masters, or Uncle Sam calls on you?
Unlike, apparently, you, who has no "ideological Master."
whose god is in the tv?
And what do you say to the man,
who blames the world on tv?
They don't even know how to sing my song.
But they won't even try it.
With me, with me, with me, yeah.
Who is standing over playing like the teacher
Harnessing the learned, try but can't leave her
I want to beg the liars to lay down their sirens
That play like the angels to my deep desire."
-Live, 'Waterboy'
And what do you say to the man who treats him like a father?
Come and see my heart, come inside and learn
Come and see my soul, it's like yours
I say it's just like yours
Who is making over, idolizing Princes
Banishing the dreamers with barbed-wire fences
And telling all the children who run to her feet
That they have no vision and love's all diseased.
1) Fascism.... Pushing an Ideology through with violence.
2) Communism.... See Fascism.
3) Islam.... See Communism and Fascism.
4) Christianity... See all of the above.
Hope I made myself clear. (Don't hate any of these Extreme Ideologies, just the Violence and anger and hate they cause and how our Governments use them to divide us.)
I'll go with you on fascism as I agree that ideology is inherently extreme. I'll even go half-way on communism as, although there's nothing inherently objectionable about the theory, that theory is considerably tainted by the way in which historically it's been put it into practice.
I'm not a religious person, but if you're painting Islam and Christianity as extreme you presumably believe the same applies to all religions - which I don't. I would agree that there are certainly people who both claim to be religious and generate hatred, but I don't think that's the result of something inherent in religion - simply that you can get religious extremists in the same way as political extremists or social extremists or anything else extremists.