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  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited October 2017

    Sorry sex is not optional, it is a huge primal urge that the species depends on.

    Or rather, it's optional but it is nevertheless a basic need for the vast majority of people.

    I mean, imagine if sex was mandatory. That doesn't sound good at all!
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Viagra and cialis are more than just recreational drugs for some, and for the most part, are not covered under insurance, last I checked.
    Same can be said for bc pills, more than just recreational. The same goes for steroid use for men. Damn sports has got that all screwed up, feared, and misunderstood.

    Overpopulation is a problem as I see it. Why make it harder than it is to ease that somewhat in the world by the use of a lil pill. Even lil ol Mr Happy himself, the Dali Lama, who I think is quite wise on a number of things, has said as much himself.

    Just for the record I see a connection between the number of people and climate change, for numerous reasons. Ignore one and one ignores the other. Just sayin.

  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455

    I took away any rights to have children any female in my life might have had when I chose an elective vasectomy at the age of 25. With me, she doesn't get to choose--children are not an option. This decision upset my mother (it isn't like she doesn't have grandchildren from my two brothers) but it made my life easier, I can assure you.


    The note the Las Vegas shooter left in his room were scribbled calculations so he would know how to aim, taking into account the distance, his elevation, and bullet drop (obviously, bullets follow a mostly parabolic path once they leave the barrel due to gravity and air resistance). People are still trying to figure out why he did it, given that his life was actually one most people would want to have--no kids, no spouse, no need to work because he had plenty of money, he got comped rooms, meals, and cars from the casinos, etc. They are forgetting two of the most obvious reasons why: 1) he was bored/tired of life and wanted to see if he could do it and 2) he wanted to become world famous, even if only posthumously.

    @Mathsorcerer What a strange thing to think you took her right away. She can still have children.

    I am also amused by the "why" speculation every time this happens. And it's always "oh, he must be mentally ill". No, he must not. You just lack imagination.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    I took away any rights to have children any female in my life might have had when I chose an elective vasectomy at the age of 25. With me, she doesn't get to choose--children are not an option. This decision upset my mother (it isn't like she doesn't have grandchildren from my two brothers) but it made my life easier, I can assure you.


    @Mathsorcerer What a strange thing to think you took her right away. She can still have children.
    Well, okay, technically, yes. If she winds up pregnant, though, that is my clue that it is time to change my life.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited October 2017

    Well, okay, technically, yes. If she winds up pregnant, though, that is my clue that it is time to change my life.


    that is my clue that it is time to change my life
    that is my clue that it is time to change my wife
    Post edited by smeagolheart on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2017
    Mike Pence made an announcement this afternoon that he had walked out of the Colts/Niners game because of some players kneeling during the anthem. Make no mistake, this entire thing was a staged publicity stunt, probably the most transparent one I have ever seen. This is what our government has been reduced to. The Vice President of the United States flew to Indianapolis on the taxpayer dime simply so he could walk out of a football stadium in a pre-planned stunt. Pretty solid proof from the reporter pool itinerary:

    Mike Pence honestly seems like the kind of guy who, when he passes away, the family finds a hidden room in the corner of the basement filled wall-to-wall with bestiality porn.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    BillyYank said:

    ThacoBell said:

    @jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.

    @smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.

    Agreed here. Recreational birth control (that is, not used for a medical issue) is just that, recreational. Not medicine. The employer should not be in the habit of financing your personal hobbies and activites.
    And yet, there's absolutely no "religious" objection to these same plans paying for Viagra and Cialis.
    I wans't aware that was even a thing. Its just as dumb.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    The neo-Nazis were back in Charlottesville last night, holding another rally. Football players kneeling?? Blasphemy. White nationalist returning to gloat at the scene where one of their own murdered someone with a car?? Not a word, from the media or the White House.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2017
    Because they can't even do a political stunt under the radar, it is now beyond question (based on Pence's own travel itinerary to his press pool and Trump's own statements) that the Vice President flew to Indianapolis to stage this walk-out of the football game. Let's review: it costs roughly $50,000 dollars an hour to fly the VP around the country. He was in Nevada, and took what we will say was a two-hour flight to Indianapolis. $100,000. Let's add in another $100,000 for the security detail that had to be working and put up around the stadium. After the pre-staged walk-out, he takes a flight BACK to California for a fundraiser (after starting the day in Nevada, which is right next door). Another two-hour flight. We are looking at a bare minimum of $300,000 of taxpayer money because Donald Trump sent his VP to a football game to walk-out of a stadium. That's right, the same people who cry and bitch about liberals being offended about everything literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and criss-crossed the country specifically TO BE offended. Fiscal responsibility my ass.

    90% of Puerto Rico is still without power. 45% of them are still without potable drinking water. After 18 days. And THIS is what your Executive Branch is spending their weekend coordinating.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    Definitely pre-planned nonsense.

    And folks, why are they taking a knee? To disrespect the flag? For fun? No, they're doing it because of police violence and un-equal status for minorities in the eyes of the law.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2017

    Definitely pre-planned nonsense.

    And folks, why are they taking a knee? To disrespect the flag? For fun? No, they're doing it because of police violence and un-equal status for minorities in the eyes of the law.
    This is what Trump, the VP, and the right-wing are losing their shit about (or pretending to lose their shit about, depending on who you are). This:

    Even as far as protests go, this is BY FAR the mildest, most respectful, peaceful form of dissent we have seen in modern history. This has nothing to do with respect for the flag (I'm not going to go into the hypocrisy of those who don't follow the flag code again), it's not about respect for the anthem, or the troops. This is about Donald Trump and Mike Pence using black (specifically black) athletes as a foil, because he knows it plays to the racist instincts of his base. Even if you do think this is disrespecting those who died in service of the "flag", why, pray tell, did they die?? According to conservatives, the only reason we send our military to wars is so everyone in America can participate in mindless worship of a piece of cloth. If that is true, then they truly did die for absolutely nothing.

    Everyone knows the quote, and everyone here likely knows it's true. Patriotism is indeed the last refuge of a scoundrel. Be very, very wary of anyone who willfully and purposefully unleashes this brand of blind nationalism. But ESPECIALLY look for these type of antics and stunts to ramp up as things inevitably get worse for Trump. It's October, and we haven't seen anything yet. This gets much worse. Much worse. Trump sees what is coming with Mueller. He doesn't just need supporters when that happens, he needs what are going to be akin to cult members who will stand with him no matter what comes out. Moves like this are to make sure that nothing can unhitch his base of 33% of the population.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Trump is a farce. What else is new :D
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited October 2017
    “Nobody could have done what I’ve done for #PuertoRico with so little appreciation. So much work!” Trump tweeted earlier.

    "Many people" would say there are things wrong with this. First of all, nobody could have done what Trump's done? Toss paper towels? Please, tons of people could have done as much or more than Trump bothers to do if you can catch him when he's not goofing off at one of his Golf Courses like he was when he tweeted that earlier.

    Second and perhaps the most obvious thing. According to Trump, you only deserve help if you show "appreciation". What the heck? People see this craziness, no?

    This old-man child only wants sycophants, he'll only listen to you if you tell him what a good boy he is. That makes him so easy to manipulate it's ridiculous. If you want him to do something, you tell him it's his idea and he's so great. Republican Senator Corker is right, the White House is day care for this guy.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857

    Wesboi said:

    Birth control is far cheaper than maternity leave that's got sure.

    And not only that, poor people that can't afford to take care of their kids would be a drain on the state what with welfare and food stamps and what not right. Birth control is far cheaper.

    Sorry sex is not optional, it is a huge primal urge that the species depends on. People are going to get in there and get down. If it was something that was just for laughs or just for fun there would be far fewer people on Earth.
    Sex is not really that strong an urge, its that people consider it 'acceptable' to place inordinate importance on it. Plenty of people have been celibate throughout history. Most people don't really have much sex, nor a variety of partners.

    Tbh, human urges are really just small things we make bigger by choice. Wants really shouldn't be lumped in with needs.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    DreadKhan said:

    Wesboi said:

    Birth control is far cheaper than maternity leave that's got sure.

    And not only that, poor people that can't afford to take care of their kids would be a drain on the state what with welfare and food stamps and what not right. Birth control is far cheaper.

    Sorry sex is not optional, it is a huge primal urge that the species depends on. People are going to get in there and get down. If it was something that was just for laughs or just for fun there would be far fewer people on Earth.
    Sex is not really that strong an urge, its that people consider it 'acceptable' to place inordinate importance on it. Plenty of people have been celibate throughout history. Most people don't really have much sex, nor a variety of partners.

    Tbh, human urges are really just small things we make bigger by choice. Wants really shouldn't be lumped in with needs.
    I don't find this a true statement from personal experience.

    For me, I made it to about 28 when I realized I better make some changes and find someone to settle down with and have sex with and have some kids. Changed my life.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    edited October 2017
    DreadKhan said:

    Wesboi said:

    Birth control is far cheaper than maternity leave that's got sure.

    And not only that, poor people that can't afford to take care of their kids would be a drain on the state what with welfare and food stamps and what not right. Birth control is far cheaper.

    Sorry sex is not optional, it is a huge primal urge that the species depends on. People are going to get in there and get down. If it was something that was just for laughs or just for fun there would be far fewer people on Earth.
    Sex is not really that strong an urge, its that people consider it 'acceptable' to place inordinate importance on it. Plenty of people have been celibate throughout history. Most people don't really have much sex, nor a variety of partners.

    Tbh, human urges are really just small things we make bigger by choice. Wants really shouldn't be lumped in with needs.
    celibacy is a bad thing

    society is sick.
    "Data from the 2002 survey indicate that by age 20, 77% of respondents had had sex, 75% had had premarital sex, and 12% had married; by age 44, 95% of respondents (94% of women, 96% of men, and 97% of those who had ever had sex) had had premarital sex. Even among those who abstained until at least age 20, 81% had had premarital sex by age 44. Among cohorts of women turning 15 between 1964 and 1993, at least 91% had had premarital sex by age 30. Among those turning 15 between 1954 and 1963, 82% had had premarital sex by age 30, and 88% had done so by age 44."

    the fact that almost everyone has had sex by the time they're forty but singificantly fewer people have have had sex by the time they're 20 means that they've (vast majority) wanted to have sex all along but couldn't find a partner or weren't enabled to seek fulfillment of this need in any number of ways.
    "sexual quality of life is a significant predictor of happiness and satisfaction with life"
    "Women may want more sex than their husbands or partners think. -- New research by psychologists at the University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario, published earlier this month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, found that men in long-term relationships often underestimate how often their wives or girlfriends want to be intimate. ...
    All three studies showed the same thing: Men consistently underestimated their female partner’s desire, while the women had an accurate read on whether or not their partner was interested in sex. And on the days when the men thought their partner was less sexually interested than she actually was, the women reported being more satisfied in and committed to the relationship."
    "In one of the most credible studies correlating overall health with sexual frequency, Queens University in Belfast tracked the mortality of about 1,000 middle-aged men over the course of a decade. The study was designed to compare persons of comparable circumstances, age and health. Its findings, published in 1997 in the British Medical Journal, were that men who reported the highest frequency of orgasm enjoyed a death rate half that of the laggards."
    "women who reported any sexual intimacy during the course of the week had significantly longer telomeres measured in whole blood and PBMCs, but not in granulocytes. These relationships held covarying for age, body mass index, perceived stress, the relationship indices, and caregiver status. Sexual intimacy was not significantly related to PBMC telomerase activity. These data provide preliminary data that sexual intimacy is associated with longer telomere length. Future studies investigating these associations are warranted."
    (this is insane, longer telomeres means that you're biologically younger, so sex literally makes you age more slowly)
    Post edited by bob_veng on
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited October 2017

    ThacoBell said:

    @jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.

    @smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.

    Agreed here. Recreational birth control (that is, not used for a medical issue) is just that, recreational. Not medicine. The employer should not be in the habit of financing your personal hobbies and activites.
    The birth control pill can be used to treat:

    *Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    *Lack of periods
    *Menstrual Cramps
    *Premenstrual Syndrome
    *Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

    Women are also less likely to get anemia, certain types of cancer and ovarian cysts as a byproduct of being on the pill. NOW....just because men will never have to deal with ANY of these issues other than the acne does NOT mean they don't exist. So what are we suggesting here?? That women get a note from their doctor that they can show their boss or some pencil pusher at the insurance office that the pills they are taking are in fact for one of these specific reasons?? You and no other males here are ever going to have to do any such thing as long as you are on this Earth. Do you have any idea how degrading and demeaning it is to ask them to do so?? Who is going to police the valid and "recreational" uses of birth control pills?? I'm sure no one has an answer to these questions, because the vast majority of the posters in this thread are men who don't know what the hell we are talking about when it comes to this issue. But even a cursory look into the subject shows that, no, birth control pills aren't just for recreation. Not even remotely. Also, not for nothing, but your employer is financing you personal hobbies and activities every 2 weeks when you get a paycheck.
    It's "demeaning" to see a doctor to diagnose your medical issues and perscribe treatment, like we do for virtually everything else under the sun? What is "demeaning" is emotional and subjective, and somehow I feel most well adjusted adults are okay seeing a doctor about medical issues. In fact I think it's "demeaning" to suggest women somehow can't handle something so perfectly ordinary. The world can not and should not be altered to the political whims of the oversensitive on the basis of being offended about perfectly normal things.

    No message is made any more or less truthful when a man parrots it or woman does. This is a myth of identity politics and one of it's worst manifestations, in my opinion.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2017

    ThacoBell said:

    @jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.

    @smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.

    Agreed here. Recreational birth control (that is, not used for a medical issue) is just that, recreational. Not medicine. The employer should not be in the habit of financing your personal hobbies and activites.
    The birth control pill can be used to treat:

    *Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    *Lack of periods
    *Menstrual Cramps
    *Premenstrual Syndrome
    *Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

    Women are also less likely to get anemia, certain types of cancer and ovarian cysts as a byproduct of being on the pill. NOW....just because men will never have to deal with ANY of these issues other than the acne does NOT mean they don't exist. So what are we suggesting here?? That women get a note from their doctor that they can show their boss or some pencil pusher at the insurance office that the pills they are taking are in fact for one of these specific reasons?? You and no other males here are ever going to have to do any such thing as long as you are on this Earth. Do you have any idea how degrading and demeaning it is to ask them to do so?? Who is going to police the valid and "recreational" uses of birth control pills?? I'm sure no one has an answer to these questions, because the vast majority of the posters in this thread are men who don't know what the hell we are talking about when it comes to this issue. But even a cursory look into the subject shows that, no, birth control pills aren't just for recreation. Not even remotely. Also, not for nothing, but your employer is financing you personal hobbies and activities every 2 weeks when you get a paycheck.
    It's "demeaning" to see a doctor to diagnose your medical issues and perscribe treatment, like we do for virtually everything else under the sun? What is "demeaning" is emotional and subjective, and somehow I feel most well adjusted adults are okay seeing a doctor about medical issues. In fact I think it's "demeaning" to suggest women somehow can't handle something so perfectly ordinary. The world can not and should not be altered to the political whims of the oversensitive on the basis of being offended about perfectly normal things.

    No message is made any more or less truthful when a man parrots it or woman does. This is a myth of identity politics and one of it's worst manifestations, in my opinion.
    That is not the point, the point is who is going to decide when and if a women is taking birth control pills for "acceptable" reasons to be covered by a employer's insurance?? How many (and whose) hoops does a woman have to jump through to make sure the self-appointed slut police are satisified??

    And for the record, the Hobby Lobby case was brought because the owner of that company opposes how birth control works, because it prevents ovulation and thus the possibility of fertilization. And that prevention of ovulation happens whether the person taking them is a prostitute or a goddamn nun. Either way, the pill is doing it's job, even if that person is entirely celibate. The far-right fringes of the anti-abortion movement believe birth control is a form of abortion, and THAT is how this whole debate started. They opppose how the pill works regardless of what it is prescribed for. They believe every egg is a possible life that deserves a shot at fertilization. Which also means that any woman who has had more than one period in her life is a mass murderer.

    So even if a woman meets the critieria of one of the ailments listed above, her employer can STILL come back and say he objects to how the medicine itself works on a basic level. Fine. If that's the case, let's say I own a business, and my new religion is against ashma inhalers because I don't believe anyone should breah anything but the pure air god gave us. And I sue to not have to provide coverage for it. Based on the Hobby Lobby case, they'd be utter hypocrites to deny my claim. At which point the health of the entire health care system is at the whim of religious nujobs filing lawsuits based on their personal beliefs.

    And I don't know where the hell the idea is coming from that women don't need to see a doctor and get a prescription to get birth control pills. They don't hand them out at Planned Parenthood like Tootsie Rolls from a jar on the desk. The issue is whether the government or a woman's employer has the right to know WHY that birth control was prescribed. But again, that doesn't matter anyway, because those who would use this exemption object to what the pill DOES.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    And to think USA was the model for secular society when it was founded. You have lost your way in horrible horrible sense.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited October 2017
    Pence's publicity stunt to walk out of a NFL game cost taxpayers roughly $88k for the extra security. Pence's flight on Air Force 2 from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000. Then Pence flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500.

    Now President Trump is fundraising off of the Vice President's stunt. In an email sent out from the Trump Make America Great Again Committee he cited this stunt to try and get some cash.

  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    Pence's publicity stunt to walk out of a NFL game cost taxpayers roughly $88k for the extra security. Pence's flight on Air Force 2 from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000. Then Pence flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500.

    Now President Trump is fundraising off of the Vice President's stunt. In an email sent out from the Trump Make America Great Again Committee he cited this stunt to try and get some cash.


    But the Republican Party is the party of fiscal responsibility.

    I hurt my eyes rolling them that hard.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited October 2017

    Pence's publicity stunt to walk out of a NFL game cost taxpayers roughly $88k for the extra security. Pence's flight on Air Force 2 from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000. Then Pence flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500.

    Now President Trump is fundraising off of the Vice President's stunt. In an email sent out from the Trump Make America Great Again Committee he cited this stunt to try and get some cash.


    But the Republican Party is the party of fiscal responsibility.

    I hurt my eyes rolling them that hard.
    Yeah all these needless trips by officials such as as Price, Mnuchin and here's Pence - much less Trump going on vacation EVERY WEEKEND at his own resorts directly profiting himself from taxpayers. Then they want to blow up the deficit by giving millionaires and billionaires tax cuts, while throwing nearly another trillion at the military industrial complex and cutting every social program.

    Fiscul rusponsubiluty
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I normally don't count on Buzzfeed as a news source (they do re-hashing clickbait crap as well as substantive investigative pieces), but they have a fascinating article about the FBI's public affairs work. The premise is a little click-baity--they imply that the FBI is using filmmakers as propagandists--but the article itself makes the work seem more innocuous. They want to cultivate a more positive public view of the FBI for the simple reason that the FBI needs witnesses to talk to them in order to get the information to do their job, and witnesses will be less willing to share information with the FBI if the average American's conception of an FBI agent is an aggressive guy who's just trying to put you behind bars. I can sympathize with the agency.

    That being said, it does come off as rather shady when their public relations work is kept secret rather than public. These documents only came to light as the result of a lawsuit.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited October 2017
    Know who else is shady? Head of the EPA Scot Pruitt regularly meets with energy companies and lobbyists. Then he spent $25,000 in tax payer money on a soundproof booth(!) so that he make phone calls to big corporations to make backroom deals to poison our rivers, streams and children.

    That also comes off as really shady when he's trying to keep his work secret rather than public. It's like he's ashamed of what he's doing or he knows he's doing the wrong thing.

    "Critics say Mr. Pruitt has gone to unusual lengths to operate in secrecy at the E.P.A., where employees report he is often accompanied by armed guards even inside the agency, and avoids making important calls in his office. He is the first E.P.A. administrator to have round-the-clock security."

    Shady as hell. This isn't the CIA, FBI, or NSA this is the EPA. What is he hiding?
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    you know Maclean's Magazine is offering a way out for all the Blue States.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @jjstraka34 "That is not the point, the point is who is going to decide when and if a women is taking birth control pills for "acceptable" reasons to be covered by a employer's insurance??"

    The doctor. If their office reports that its for medical reasons then boom. Covered.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @ThacoBell Isn't that the whole point of this argument? If it can be refused on ridiculous religious grounds, it's not the doctor who decides, is it.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Leave it to Forbes to come up with a simple and reasonable theory to explain Trump's behavior:
    Inside Trump's Head
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2017
    ThacoBell said:

    @jjstraka34 "That is not the point, the point is who is going to decide when and if a women is taking birth control pills for "acceptable" reasons to be covered by a employer's insurance??"

    The doctor. If their office reports that its for medical reasons then boom. Covered.

    The religious zealots still won't be satisfied, because any gynecologist worth their salt would write the perscription and just list the reason as regulating the menstrual cycle, since it does so no matter the other reasons for taking it. And, again, the legal basis for the Hobby Lobby case was opposition to how the pill works and what it does, regardless of symptoms it's treating.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    edited October 2017
    Carles Puigdemont, regional leader of Catalonia, will be addressing the regional Parliament this evening (local time, UTC 0...a mere 30 minutes after I am writing this); he is still expected to declare independence from Spain but is likely to use language which leaves the door open for negotiations with Madrid. The separatist parties have backed the region into a corner and there is no easy out for them. If they declare independence then Madrid might (likely, actually) respond with another widespread crackdown; if they don't declare independence then the hardcore separatists are likely to resort to violence to achieve their goal.

    Reality Winner (her name is still awesome, you have to admit), NSA spy/whistleblower, has been denied bail a second time.

    The suspension of the Jones Act for Puerto Rico has expired; as of now the law is once again in effect.

    5.4 million unionized workers are on strike in France in response to a government plan to lay off 120,000 people, roll back sick leave, and cutting take-home pay.

    Harven Weinstien, long-time Democrat supporter...are there any actresses he *didn't* assault over the years?


    Why are people still so upset with Christopher Columbus? I don't see any reason to have a Federal holiday for him, myself, but he wasn't the first European to make it to North America--Lief Erikson made it to present-day Newfoundland centuries before Columbus stumbled into the outermost Caribbean Islands.

    Oh, I get it--being exploited and fought by an outsider is significantly more terrible than exploiting and fighting each other, culminating in capturing each other's people and offering them up as human sacrifices to the gods. Brilliant.

    Personally, I don't see any reason to commemorate Columbus or have statues dedicated to him. Sure, it takes balls to sail off into the unknown but it isn't like he was doing it altruistically or merely for the sake of adventure or exploration--the Crown had offered him 10% (!) of all valuables he found and brought back. Besides, the story of him bringing diseases to the New World is presented in a skewed manner--no one in the world knew that most diseases were carried/created by microorganisms at the time, so that is hardly his fault. Not only that, but many people on his voyages picked up syphilis (don't ask how--you should already know) and took it back to Europe, where it was unknown at the time; the disease there ultimately killed over five million people. That sword cuts both ways.
    Post edited by Mathsorcerer on
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