The deliberate sabotage is now in full-effect, as predicted months ago. If they can't take away healthcare from 10s of millions of people, they will simply break the system:
@smeagolheart "Why only contraceptives? Why not allow employers to deny cancer treatment if they have "sincerely held religious or moral objections"? "
Contraceptives are recreational, not life saving. What consenting adults do in bed together is no one else's business or responsibility. It's like saying businesses should supply video games through health insurance.
@smeagolheart "Why only contraceptives? Why not allow employers to deny cancer treatment if they have "sincerely held religious or moral objections"? "
Contraceptives are recreational, not life saving. What consenting adults do in bed together is no one else's business or responsibility. It's like saying businesses should supply video games through health insurance.
I just explained why this isn't the case, and it is certainly not the responsibility of any woman to have to prove to the government or her employer whether her birth control is being used to treat a medical issue or to prevent pregnancy. And the whole phrasing of the contraception as "recreational" ties right into my argument that the entire point of this is to punish women for engaging in an activity that men will never face the same scrutiny for. And if anyone in this forum is being honest, they know how this has always been viewed in society. Women who have casual sex are labeled as whores or sluts, and men are viewed as conquerors to be praised and emulated. This is simply a policy decision that reflects that line of thinking.
And again, if we are actually talking about freedom of religion, and not just the CHRISTIAN religion, there is absolutely no reason someone can't start their own and claim that they don't view cancer treatment as life-saving. And yes, that would be ridiculous. Just as religious objections to this are. The issue here is that Christian business owners are being treated as super-citizens, being given rights to dictate the health coverage of their employees that NO other religion in this country would get the benefit of the doubt on. And if you don't believe me, look how they ruled against Native Americans smoking peyote in their religious ritutals:
I am an agnostic who WISHES I could wrap my head around the idea of religion again, but can't do so. I have never, and will never tell anyone how to worship in their private life. In fact, I despise what I call "militant atheists" who will try convince religious people they shouldn't be so. What a colossal waste of time and energy that is. But I DO have a problem with people trying to impose their religion on others. And once you enter the public square as a business, you need to leave your religion at the door, and show the same respect to everyone else that they show you when you are in your home or church. A business is not a person, and a business does not have religious rights. Hobby Lobby as a entity should not be treated the same as the people who own Hobby Lobby.
@smeagolheart "Why only contraceptives? Why not allow employers to deny cancer treatment if they have "sincerely held religious or moral objections"? "
Contraceptives are recreational, not life saving. What consenting adults do in bed together is no one else's business or responsibility. It's like saying businesses should supply video games through health insurance.
Yeah unless you or I are a doctor, we're not in a position to say what is or isn't medically necessary.
But why do people have to control what other people do with their lives?
Let women control their own bodies. If a doctor, doesn't believe in contraceptives good for him so what you are not the judge of others lives, that's the Lord's role right. Judge not.
One use of birth control is family planning. Married couples can control when they have children and decide when they are ready (if ever) they want kids.
Men want sex. These humans are usually more muscular and aggressive than women. In the pursuit of sex they will beg, rape, woo, date, marry and otherwise go after sexual partners. It is a biological urge that men feel and it's very strong.
Contraceptives give women some ownership over their reproductive lives and a defense against that.
This is what I mean when I say Republican voters have no long-term memory. One of THE major right-wing accomplishments of the Reagan Administration was getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine, which is what allowed for the absolute domination of the medium of radio by conservatives. Now all of a sudden the policy of the right is that they want the equal time clause of the Fairness Doctrine put back in place. Priceless. Absolutely priceless.
Even on CNN you will find conservative commentators being invited to speak, they don't get interrupted or shouted down, and they're often given the last word in a debate. Trump just wants to hear more people praising him instead of criticizing him.
I've never seen a president so fixated on approval.
Even on CNN you will find conservative commentators being invited to speak, they don't get interrupted or shouted down, and they're often given the last word in a debate. Trump just wants to hear more people praising him instead of criticizing him.
I've never seen a president so fixated on approval.
The myth of liberal media domination is just that....a myth. As much as the Iliad or the Odyssey.
I used to personally count the amount of conservatives/Republicans vs. liberals/Democrats on the guest lists for the 4 network Sunday shows. Maybe one weekend every 2 months would not have a significant advantage towards conservative guests. The medium of radio is, at a minimum, 98% conservative when it comes to political talk. Having a discussion about the media and not including radio is patently absurd. Everyone has a car, everyone uses it at least 5 days a week, and every car has a radio.
There is no truth to his whining for equal time. What's next flat earthers complain they need equal time? Polygamists?
He gets way too much time as is devoted to his lies. CNN and other respectable outlets are ruining their reputations by airing his dumb ass rallies. No need for the free airtime. Just show whatever sound bite he cooked up afterwards. But there's no reason to show re-election rallies in 2017. There's no reason to show election rallies at all really.
He could hold a Press Conferences and answer questions. When's the last time he actually held one? I'm pretty sure it was February. I guess he's been fired by himself from holding Press Conferences because he'll screw it up, now he just has Huckabee go out there and lie for him.
Jagmeet Singh won the federal NDP leadership race on the first ballot. As I stated prior, we need more politicians with his attitude in the house of commons. Even though I do not agree with many of his party's ideals, I am more inclined to listen and compromise when addressed in a civil way unlike say Elbowgate.
He is the first Non-white leader of a federal party in Canada as well, another barrier broken down in equality here, but a recent poll suggests we may have a long way to go before electing one as prime minister. Even though 7 out of 10 said they would vote for someone who wears a Turban, most said their friends and family would not vote for him. Which is saying, "I'm not racist, but everyone around me probably is."
Even though race shouldn't play a part in an election, it will with Singh taking on the leadership of the NDP. Many immigrants vote liberal because they are viewed as the party that has the better outreach. That will change with a leadership candidate who actually represents them, and knows the struggles they go through on a daily bases. Places like Toronto and Vancouver may be washed Orange in the next election because of this, chipping away at Trudeau's Majority.
@jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.
@smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.
@jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.
Who is responsible for the pregnancy then? Just her?
In an ideal world it would be both the parents responsibility to raise the child, however that is not the case. Women have to give up a lot more in their lives to raise a single child than a man does, especially when over 72% do not pay proper child support. This is also with over 25% of them living in poverty.
If someone is not fully emotionally or financially committed to raising a child they should not.
Now if society is able to remove both the emotional and financial stigmas from raising a child, educating the expectant mother on the positives with full support, then a discussion on pro-choice/pro-life would not even exist. But with a judgemental society, that will never happen.
@jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.
@smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.
You could use this same logic against smokers who develop emphysema or lung cancer but no one is arguing to take away their accessibility to COPD inhalers or chemo treatments based on religious grounds.
Even on CNN you will find conservative commentators being invited to speak, they don't get interrupted or shouted down, and they're often given the last word in a debate. Trump just wants to hear more people praising him instead of criticizing him.
I've never seen a president so fixated on approval.
The myth of liberal media domination is just that....a myth. As much as the Iliad or the Odyssey. .
It's really not though, and even the liberal media admits journalists are over 90% liberal. This has been true for decades with them (republicans) only being 16% in 1992. If you look at Pew, it's a little better, with left leaning journalists being slightly less than double that of right leaning ones, and double the liberal rate of the public at large.
Basically through any lens it can be looked at the echo chamber is very, very real, and should be taken into account, as with all human biases.
Also CNN "conservatives" like Ana Navarro give money to democrats and take to twitter urging democrats fleeing Puerto Rico to move to swing states and vote out republicans. One of those Democrats she donated to is on trial for corruption. So that's also what passes for a "conservative" journalist.
@jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.
@smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.
Agreed here. Recreational birth control (that is, not used for a medical issue) is just that, recreational. Not medicine. The employer should not be in the habit of financing your personal hobbies and activites.
@jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.
@smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.
Agreed here. Recreational birth control (that is, not used for a medical issue) is just that, recreational. Not medicine. The employer should not be in the habit of financing your personal hobbies and activites.
The birth control pill can be used to treat:
*Polycystic Ovary Syndrome *Endometriosis *Lack of periods *Menstrual Cramps *Premenstrual Syndrome *Primary Ovarian Insufficiency *Acne
Women are also less likely to get anemia, certain types of cancer and ovarian cysts as a byproduct of being on the pill. NOW....just because men will never have to deal with ANY of these issues other than the acne does NOT mean they don't exist. So what are we suggesting here?? That women get a note from their doctor that they can show their boss or some pencil pusher at the insurance office that the pills they are taking are in fact for one of these specific reasons?? You and no other males here are ever going to have to do any such thing as long as you are on this Earth. Do you have any idea how degrading and demeaning it is to ask them to do so?? Who is going to police the valid and "recreational" uses of birth control pills?? I'm sure no one has an answer to these questions, because the vast majority of the posters in this thread are men who don't know what the hell we are talking about when it comes to this issue. But even a cursory look into the subject shows that, no, birth control pills aren't just for recreation. Not even remotely. Also, not for nothing, but your employer is financing you personal hobbies and activities every 2 weeks when you get a paycheck.
@jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.
@smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.
Agreed here. Recreational birth control (that is, not used for a medical issue) is just that, recreational. Not medicine. The employer should not be in the habit of financing your personal hobbies and activites.
And yet, there's absolutely no "religious" objection to these same plans paying for Viagra and Cialis.
@jjstraka34 If a woman chooses to have sex, its her responsibility. That's it. No one else is responsible for that choice.
@smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.
Agreed here. Recreational birth control (that is, not used for a medical issue) is just that, recreational. Not medicine. The employer should not be in the habit of financing your personal hobbies and activites.
And yet, there's absolutely no "religious" objection to these same plans paying for Viagra and Cialis.
Birth control is far cheaper than maternity leave that's got sure.
And not only that, poor people that can't afford to take care of their kids would be a drain on the state what with welfare and food stamps and what not right. Birth control is far cheaper.
Sorry sex is not optional, it is a huge primal urge that the species depends on. People are going to get in there and get down. If it was something that was just for laughs or just for fun there would be far fewer people on Earth.
I took away any rights to have children any female in my life might have had when I chose an elective vasectomy at the age of 25. With me, she doesn't get to choose--children are not an option. This decision upset my mother (it isn't like she doesn't have grandchildren from my two brothers) but it made my life easier, I can assure you.
The note the Las Vegas shooter left in his room were scribbled calculations so he would know how to aim, taking into account the distance, his elevation, and bullet drop (obviously, bullets follow a mostly parabolic path once they leave the barrel due to gravity and air resistance). People are still trying to figure out why he did it, given that his life was actually one most people would want to have--no kids, no spouse, no need to work because he had plenty of money, he got comped rooms, meals, and cars from the casinos, etc. They are forgetting two of the most obvious reasons why: 1) he was bored/tired of life and wanted to see if he could do it and 2) he wanted to become world famous, even if only posthumously.
They are not. The party is anti-woman.
Contraceptives are recreational, not life saving. What consenting adults do in bed together is no one else's business or responsibility. It's like saying businesses should supply video games through health insurance.
And again, if we are actually talking about freedom of religion, and not just the CHRISTIAN religion, there is absolutely no reason someone can't start their own and claim that they don't view cancer treatment as life-saving. And yes, that would be ridiculous. Just as religious objections to this are. The issue here is that Christian business owners are being treated as super-citizens, being given rights to dictate the health coverage of their employees that NO other religion in this country would get the benefit of the doubt on. And if you don't believe me, look how they ruled against Native Americans smoking peyote in their religious ritutals:
I am an agnostic who WISHES I could wrap my head around the idea of religion again, but can't do so. I have never, and will never tell anyone how to worship in their private life. In fact, I despise what I call "militant atheists" who will try convince religious people they shouldn't be so. What a colossal waste of time and energy that is. But I DO have a problem with people trying to impose their religion on others. And once you enter the public square as a business, you need to leave your religion at the door, and show the same respect to everyone else that they show you when you are in your home or church. A business is not a person, and a business does not have religious rights. Hobby Lobby as a entity should not be treated the same as the people who own Hobby Lobby.
But why do people have to control what other people do with their lives?
Let women control their own bodies. If a doctor, doesn't believe in contraceptives good for him so what you are not the judge of others lives, that's the Lord's role right. Judge not.
One use of birth control is family planning. Married couples can control when they have children and decide when they are ready (if ever) they want kids.
Men want sex. These humans are usually more muscular and aggressive than women. In the pursuit of sex they will beg, rape, woo, date, marry and otherwise go after sexual partners. It is a biological urge that men feel and it's very strong.
Contraceptives give women some ownership over their reproductive lives and a defense against that.
I've never seen a president so fixated on approval.
The myth of liberal media domination is just that....a myth. As much as the Iliad or the Odyssey.
I used to personally count the amount of conservatives/Republicans vs. liberals/Democrats on the guest lists for the 4 network Sunday shows. Maybe one weekend every 2 months would not have a significant advantage towards conservative guests. The medium of radio is, at a minimum, 98% conservative when it comes to political talk. Having a discussion about the media and not including radio is patently absurd. Everyone has a car, everyone uses it at least 5 days a week, and every car has a radio.
He gets way too much time as is devoted to his lies. CNN and other respectable outlets are ruining their reputations by airing his dumb ass rallies. No need for the free airtime. Just show whatever sound bite he cooked up afterwards. But there's no reason to show re-election rallies in 2017. There's no reason to show election rallies at all really.
He could hold a Press Conferences and answer questions. When's the last time he actually held one? I'm pretty sure it was February. I guess he's been fired by himself from holding Press Conferences because he'll screw it up, now he just has Huckabee go out there and lie for him.
Jagmeet Singh won the federal NDP leadership race on the first ballot. As I stated prior, we need more politicians with his attitude in the house of commons. Even though I do not agree with many of his party's ideals, I am more inclined to listen and compromise when addressed in a civil way unlike say Elbowgate.
He is the first Non-white leader of a federal party in Canada as well, another barrier broken down in equality here, but a recent poll suggests we may have a long way to go before electing one as prime minister. Even though 7 out of 10 said they would vote for someone who wears a Turban, most said their friends and family would not vote for him. Which is saying, "I'm not racist, but everyone around me probably is."
Even though race shouldn't play a part in an election, it will with Singh taking on the leadership of the NDP. Many immigrants vote liberal because they are viewed as the party that has the better outreach. That will change with a leadership candidate who actually represents them, and knows the struggles they go through on a daily bases. Places like Toronto and Vancouver may be washed Orange in the next election because of this, chipping away at Trudeau's Majority.
obviously no point in making plans for something that doesn't exist...
@smeagolheart "Let women control their own bodies." Obviously, yeah. But don't make others pay for their choices. Sex is recreational, that's all it is. No one is going to die or get sick if they don't have it.
In an ideal world it would be both the parents responsibility to raise the child, however that is not the case. Women have to give up a lot more in their lives to raise a single child than a man does, especially when over 72% do not pay proper child support. This is also with over 25% of them living in poverty.
If someone is not fully emotionally or financially committed to raising a child they should not.
Now if society is able to remove both the emotional and financial stigmas from raising a child, educating the expectant mother on the positives with full support, then a discussion on pro-choice/pro-life would not even exist. But with a judgemental society, that will never happen.
Basically through any lens it can be looked at the echo chamber is very, very real, and should be taken into account, as with all human biases.
Also CNN "conservatives" like Ana Navarro give money to democrats and take to twitter urging democrats fleeing Puerto Rico to move to swing states and vote out republicans. One of those Democrats she donated to is on trial for corruption. So that's also what passes for a "conservative" journalist.
*Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
*Lack of periods
*Menstrual Cramps
*Premenstrual Syndrome
*Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Women are also less likely to get anemia, certain types of cancer and ovarian cysts as a byproduct of being on the pill. NOW....just because men will never have to deal with ANY of these issues other than the acne does NOT mean they don't exist. So what are we suggesting here?? That women get a note from their doctor that they can show their boss or some pencil pusher at the insurance office that the pills they are taking are in fact for one of these specific reasons?? You and no other males here are ever going to have to do any such thing as long as you are on this Earth. Do you have any idea how degrading and demeaning it is to ask them to do so?? Who is going to police the valid and "recreational" uses of birth control pills?? I'm sure no one has an answer to these questions, because the vast majority of the posters in this thread are men who don't know what the hell we are talking about when it comes to this issue. But even a cursory look into the subject shows that, no, birth control pills aren't just for recreation. Not even remotely. Also, not for nothing, but your employer is financing you personal hobbies and activities every 2 weeks when you get a paycheck.
Sorry sex is not optional, it is a huge primal urge that the species depends on. People are going to get in there and get down. If it was something that was just for laughs or just for fun there would be far fewer people on Earth.
The note the Las Vegas shooter left in his room were scribbled calculations so he would know how to aim, taking into account the distance, his elevation, and bullet drop (obviously, bullets follow a mostly parabolic path once they leave the barrel due to gravity and air resistance). People are still trying to figure out why he did it, given that his life was actually one most people would want to have--no kids, no spouse, no need to work because he had plenty of money, he got comped rooms, meals, and cars from the casinos, etc. They are forgetting two of the most obvious reasons why: 1) he was bored/tired of life and wanted to see if he could do it and 2) he wanted to become world famous, even if only posthumously.