It's less about the politics than being a status quo kind of guy. Connor Lamb is change. He's not a 100% policy guy as you guys mentioned. So what? He's honest, he's not a pro-corporate sell out like Mancin. That's what I'm trying to say.
Mancin is running as a (conservative) safe choice, Lamb was a vote for change.
As luck would have it, I just installed this game yesterday and started playing. In the first 30 minutes, a woman is decapitated with an axe and her severed head is rubbed against the crotch of an overweight woman to humiliate and shame her. How THIS game became the rallying cry for those pissed off at PC culture is beyond all human understanding.
As luck would have it, I just installed this game yesterday and started playing. In the first 30 minutes, a woman is decapitated with an axe and her severed head is rubbed against the crotch of an overweight woman to humiliate and shame her. How THIS game became the rallying cry for those pissed off at PC culture is beyond all human understanding.
It might have started with who the player is in conflict with. “Why are white nazis always the enemy?! Can’t I play a game where my fascist beliefs are considered evil for once?” and all that Jazz.
The Israeli military seems to be participating in target practice on Palestinian protestors, as the death count in now near 50 (all on one side, of course). 7 children and one paramedic among them. Real discerning snipers they are using. All this so Trump can score points with the religious right in America by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Fantastic work.
Speaking of political correctness, has anyone seen these stories about Robert Jeffress? Now, I don't care for religion as a whole, and I especially dislike evangelical Christianity, but the criticism of this guy just strikes me as a little odd. He's stated that Jews and Mormons are going to hell, and that Mormonism is heresy "from the pit of hell". But really, that's just stating the doctrine of his religion (the "pit of hell" stuff is a little over the top, though.) With a very few exceptions, all religions state that they are the only ones going to heaven and the rest of us peons are all getting tossed into the pit. Mitt Romney, a devout Mormon, is leading the charge against this guy. Does Mormonism state that Jews and other non-Christians go to heaven?
It just seems to me that this guy is getting lambasted for not being a hypocrite.
Now the Rabbi who's part of the delegation, he's a real piece of work.
I'm starting to wonder if some of our societal problems in this country may stem from the fact that a vast majority of the population believes that someone CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD as a core tenant of their faith. In any other context, this would be viewed as a mass delusion.
I think we would actually have far fewer problems if more people followed the teachings of Christ. The mystical, supernatural stuff is neither good nor bad (superstitious maybe, but also deeply meaningful to lots of folks), while the philosophical stuff is a very good blueprint for how to live as a human being.
It's hard to disagree with the principle of love, nonviolence, and service to humanity--and that's the long and short of Christ's teachings.
Speaking of political correctness, has anyone seen these stories about Robert Jeffress? Now, I don't care for religion as a whole, and I especially dislike evangelical Christianity, but the criticism of this guy just strikes me as a little odd. He's stated that Jews and Mormons are going to hell, and that Mormonism is heresy "from the pit of hell". But really, that's just stating the doctrine of his religion (the "pit of hell" stuff is a little over the top, though.) With a very few exceptions, all religions state that they are the only ones going to heaven and the rest of us peons are all getting tossed into the pit. Mitt Romney, a devout Mormon, is leading the charge against this guy. Does Mormonism state that Jews and other non-Christians go to heaven?
It just seems to me that this guy is getting lambasted for not being a hypocrite.
Now the Rabbi who's part of the delegation, he's a real piece of work.
A hypocrite is someone who preaches one thing while practicing what he preaches against. This guy would be a fundamentalist, not a hypocrite (unless he's secretly a Mormon).
Edit: Schneiderman is a perfect example if a hypocrite. Publicly pushing for women's rights while privately persecuting them...
"It's hard to disagree with the principle of love, nonviolence, and service to humanity--and that's the long and short of Christ's teachings."
If only more "Christians" actually took that to heart. Its not even really complicated. Jesus himself boiled it down to two commandments: 1.Serve only God 2.Treat others with love and respect.
You don't need to be religious for point 2 to look like a good idea.
"It's hard to disagree with the principle of love, nonviolence, and service to humanity--and that's the long and short of Christ's teachings."
If only more "Christians" actually took that to heart. Its not even really complicated. Jesus himself boiled it down to two commandments: 1.Serve only God 2.Treat others with love and respect.
You don't need to be religious for point 2 to look like a good idea.
Funny thing, most of the people that I've met in my life that actually followed point 2 were atheists.
"It's hard to disagree with the principle of love, nonviolence, and service to humanity--and that's the long and short of Christ's teachings."
If only more "Christians" actually took that to heart. Its not even really complicated. Jesus himself boiled it down to two commandments: 1.Serve only God 2.Treat others with love and respect.
You don't need to be religious for point 2 to look like a good idea.
Except when people are of the delusional belief that serving God means NOT treating others with love and respect.
That is, ultimately, what all the religious problems since time immemorial have boiled down to.
Especially when it's some variation of "Be of the true faith, or be a subhuman mongrel dog not worthy to breathe air."
Or others can dress it up politely, but there is still those who feel it's their duty and obligation to have others converted because they feel that if they don't, then they are failing God and their fellow man.
I've met both very Christ-like atheists, and the stereotypical hollywood style arsehole ones as well. In my circles, I see a lot of true Christians, but they are never the majority in a church, as well as ones who use religion as a blind to justify bigotry, or even just to feel surperior. People are complicated and no single group is homogenous.
"It's hard to disagree with the principle of love, nonviolence, and service to humanity--and that's the long and short of Christ's teachings."
If only more "Christians" actually took that to heart. Its not even really complicated. Jesus himself boiled it down to two commandments: 1.Serve only God 2.Treat others with love and respect.
You don't need to be religious for point 2 to look like a good idea.
Unfortunately there are plenty of hellfire & brimstone scriptures to choose from too.
@Balrog99 I'm gonna let you in on a secret. The Old Testament is called "old" for a reason. At this point it serves as little more than a religious history. Jesus covers all the core tenants (which I handily provided above). The book of Acts has you covered for what would still be considered valid carried over from the OT.
Verdun, a historical accurate game Witcher, a game based on Polish culture and mythology? Kingdom come deliverance, a historical accurate RPG?
All games mentioned aims to be historical accurate as possible, but SJW's complains about the "lack of diversity" on this games....
About Wolfenstein 2, If this is not SJW propaganda, i don't know what is.
I haven't played Wolfenstein 2, so I won't comment too much about it. But... a nazi hating on someone for being fat is propaganda? If historical accuracy is important even in science fiction/alternate history games, I see no problem here. Nazi Germany was obsessed with physical fitness, from the Hitler jugend to the Strength through joy movement. That's just how nazism is.
I enjoy discussing historical accuracy in games (when it's valid to do so) and do think that people sometimes are too quick to complain instead of discussing how to deal with a historical context in a product in our modern world. Still, if historical accuracy was so important to "anti-SJWs", we should see more complaints about, say, lorica segmentata always being portrayed in the wrong century or something.
So, my grandfather was a missionary, as I've mentioned in the past. Anyway, he had six sons and one daughter, and one day, two of his sons were talking at home. Apparently one of his sons, the older one, has been having some trouble with one of the other boys at school. So he says to his little brother,
"If he ever says that again, I'm gonna clobber him."
Then he looks up and sees his dad standing right next to him, and remembers that his dad, of course, is a devout Christian missionary--who just heard him talking about beating up another kid at school. So, remembering his conscience and his faith, he turns back to his little brother and adds,
The Israeli military seems to be participating in target practice on Palestinian protestors, as the death count in now near 50 (all on one side, of course). 7 children and one paramedic among them. Real discerning snipers they are using. All this so Trump can score points with the religious right in America by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Fantastic work.
The protesters could choose to walk away. The only logical reason to stay would be that they *want* the IDF to shoot at them--nothing helps to sell a cause like a few martyrs. Why are those protesters allowing children to be present at such a dangerous situation in the first place? Why not blame the ones who brought children to what they knew would likely be an escalated event? Those "discerning snipers" are having to look through the thick, black smoke from all the burning tires which the protesters have set on fire--where are the environmental activists speaking out against the protesters' actions in that regard?
When two groups decide that engaging in an armed conflict with one another is how they want to interact then there is going to be one side which wins and one side which loses; history has demonstrated that fact time and time again. Whether or not you believe that Israel is acting correctly (in my opinion they are not), the fact remains that the Palestinians lost. That sucks and it is a raw deal but for their own sake they really need to start accepting that fact. Failure to do so will result only in more tragedy for them.
As far as the broader question over Jerusalem itself...whether some nations recognize it as the capital city or not is irrelevant--Israel managed to take control of Jerusalem by force of arms and retains control of it by the same method. Until someone manages to convince them otherwise (good luck with that--Israel's government does not normally listen to anyone but itself) or retakes the eastern portion of the city by force of arms (good luck with that) then they will retain control of it and may do with it as they please. I do not ascribe to "might makes right"--many of our worst atrocities committed throughout history boil down to "might makes right"--but I cannot dispute the fact that the side in that aforementioned conflict which brings more guns and more propensity to use them to a dispute is the side which "wins". My wallet is mine but if you and your three friends all point a gun in my face it becomes your wallet (for now).
If Israel is not careful, it risks becoming the thing it hates the most by committing some of the same actions which led it, collectively, to conclude "never again". Some proposed legislation suggests this and also serves to highlight a disturbing trend in political thinking in Israel. They want to subordinate Israel's democratic values to its identity as a Jewish nation state--"traditional Jewish values" (whatever that means) could take precedence over established, democratic law? They want to allow for the establishment of communities which are for Jews only? According to Avi Dichter, Likud party member in the Knesset, "Anyone who does not belong to the Jewish nation cannot define the State of Israel as his nation-state". If that doesn't sound *creepy* then you aren't paying attention.
@Balrog99 I'm gonna let you in on a secret. The Old Testament is called "old" for a reason. At this point it serves as little more than a religious history. Jesus covers all the core tenants (which I handily provided above). The book of Acts has you covered for what would still be considered valid carried over from the OT.
The last time I checked, The Book of Revelation was in the New Testament. Just sayin'...
Verdun, a historical accurate game Witcher, a game based on Polish culture and mythology? Kingdom come deliverance, a historical accurate RPG?
All games mentioned aims to be historical accurate as possible, but SJW's complains about the "lack of diversity" on this games....
About Wolfenstein 2, If this is not SJW propaganda, i don't know what is.
I haven't played Wolfenstein 2, so I won't comment too much about it. But... a nazi hating on someone for being fat is propaganda? If historical accuracy is important even in science fiction/alternate history games, I see no problem here. Nazi Germany was obsessed with physical fitness, from the Hitler jugend to the Strength through joy movement. That's just how nazism is.
I enjoy discussing historical accuracy in games (when it's valid to do so) and do think that people sometimes are too quick to complain instead of discussing how to deal with a historical context in a product in our modern world. Still, if historical accuracy was so important to "anti-SJWs", we should see more complaints about, say, lorica segmentata always being portrayed in the wrong century or something.
You are right, but in the video that i've posted there are tons of examples of SJW scenes
I think we would actually have far fewer problems if more people followed the teachings of Christ. The mystical, supernatural stuff is neither good nor bad (superstitious maybe, but also deeply meaningful to lots of folks), while the philosophical stuff is a very good blueprint for how to live as a human being.
It's hard to disagree with the principle of love, nonviolence, and service to humanity--and that's the long and short of Christ's teachings.
Jesus is attributed as saying a lot of horrible things and he specifically is quoted as saying he did not come to do away with the laws of the old testament. I think you might be looking at this through some very rose tinted glasses.
The Israeli military seems to be participating in target practice on Palestinian protestors, as the death count in now near 50 (all on one side, of course). 7 children and one paramedic among them. Real discerning snipers they are using. All this so Trump can score points with the religious right in America by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Fantastic work.
The usual predictable misinformed over-simplified "Israel is bad" response....
Lets review the recent events in Gaza and the "'Peaceful' Return March"
First I want to lay the baseline:
1. Israel has pulled-out completely from Gaza Strip back in summer 2005, by forcefully evacuating ~8,600 jews and destroying their homes.
2. The Gaza Strip between 2005-2007 was controlled by the Fatah (The organization of Abu Mazen/Mahmud Abbas, the head of the PLO)
3. In 2007 Hamas, a recognized Islamic Terror Organization, dedicated to destroy Israel, has took over the Gaza Strip by force, and currently single-handily controls the Gaza Strip since then, essentially took hostage the Gaza Strip population.
4. Since than, Hamas has invested hundred of billions of dollars in rocket manufacturing, terror tunnel digging and smuggling weaponry, on the expense of the population.
5. Hamas Invests approximately 67% of the Strip budget (from taxes it collects) for the Hamas Military Wing - Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
6. Currently the Gaza Strip is in big humanitarian crisis, since Hamas, the sovereign of Gaza Strip, fails to invest in infrastructure and wealth of its own people, in favor of the military wing.
As #6, Hamas right now is in a big crisis, since it has a big pressure from the population of Gaza due to the humanitarian and financial crisis. Also Hamas afraid the local population will uprise against him. So what is the easy way out, which will not just deflect the rage of the population, but also will get international attention?
Just like the in 2015, when Hamas also needed money because of salary crisis with the Fatah. It started an armed conflict with Israel, got the automatic sympathy from the International community, got promises of billion of dollars dedicated for rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip, and of course it used it for expanding its military capabilities.
Same is now.
Hamas has started a new tactic. Sending thousands of protesters, to infiltrate into Israel territory, kidnap/hurt IDF soldiers/citizens if possible. By this Hamas achieves three of his goals:
1. Deflect local pressure and rage to a 3rd party (Israel) 2. Achieving international sympathy and PR supposedly. 3. Painting Israel as a ruthless and cruel country.
The violent demonstration are happening on weekly basis now, it includes satchel charges, grenades, molotov cocktails, carrying cold arms (axes, knifes). Launching "terror kites" - kites attached with molotov cocktails or satchel charges, causing millions of dollars damage to Israeli farmers so far, by burning its corps, woods and so on. All this followed by chanting "Yitbah El-Yahud" (Slaughter the Jews).
Among the "protestors" there are Hamas members, dressed as citizens, which incites the crowd, deliver arms and fuel. Hamas also pays money for protesters to "charge" the border fence, and pays the families of protesters who will die. Maybe even Iran is involved in funding it.
Again, Israel is not controlling at all the Gaza Strip, and there is a DEFINED BORDER between Gaza Strip and Israel.
Israel, a sovereign country, needs to first and foremost to defend its own citizens. If tens thousands of violent, hostile, some even armed, 'protesters' charge the border and try to infiltrate, it needs to stop them, even if it costs human life. NO other country would have acted otherwise.
Hamas is CYNICALLY exploiting the Gazan population for its own needs, pushing them to the fence in order them to die - for its own interest. And the sad thing is... that it is working for Hamas! As evident in the comment above. So why Hamas shouldn't use those tactics?
as the death count in now near 50 (all on one side, of course).
I always always fail to understand this logic... are you suggesting that it would be 'fairer' if Israel had the same amount of casualties?
Tomorrow Hamas and the Islamic Jihad are planning to initiate even bigger 'protests' against Israel, as part of the "Nakba Day" - The Disaster Day - expect the same scenario, though it may deteriorate even further.
When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.
How many times is the "they forced us to shoot or bomb a group of people indiscriminately" card going to be played?? And the second half of Meir's quote sounds like the excuse of every abusive, alcoholic father in history, which is "you made me do it."
as the death count in now near 50 (all on one side, of course).
I always always fail to understand this logic...
The logic should be fairly obvious: people point out the fact that Israel kills a lot more Palestinians than Palestinians kill Israelis to show that Israel is more violent/dangerous/reckless/whatever. The idea is that the "bad guy," for lack of a better word, is the one who kills more people, not less.
I don't agree with that logic, but I've never had trouble understanding it.
are you suggesting that it would be 'fairer' if Israel had the same amount of casualties?
He clearly, clearly is not.
In general, if you see someone making an argument so preposterous that you can't even understand why anyone would ever believe it... they're probably not making that argument. They're making a completely different one.
as the death count in now near 50 (all on one side, of course).
I always always fail to understand this logic...
The logic should be fairly obvious: people point out the fact that Israel kills a lot more Palestinians than Palestinians kill Israelis to show that Israel is more violent/dangerous/reckless/whatever. The idea is that the "bad guy," for lack of a better word, is the one who kills more people, not less.
I don't agree with that logic, but I've never had trouble understanding it.
are you suggesting that it would be 'fairer' if Israel had the same amount of casualties?
He clearly, clearly is not.
In general, if you see someone making an argument so preposterous that you can't even understand why anyone would ever believe it... they're probably not making that argument. They're making a completely different one.
Mancin is running as a (conservative) safe choice, Lamb was a vote for change.
It just seems to me that this guy is getting lambasted for not being a hypocrite.
Now the Rabbi who's part of the delegation, he's a real piece of work.
It's hard to disagree with the principle of love, nonviolence, and service to humanity--and that's the long and short of Christ's teachings.
Edit: Schneiderman is a perfect example if a hypocrite. Publicly pushing for women's rights while privately persecuting them...
If only more "Christians" actually took that to heart. Its not even really complicated. Jesus himself boiled it down to two commandments:
1.Serve only God
2.Treat others with love and respect.
You don't need to be religious for point 2 to look like a good idea.
Witcher, a game based on Polish culture and mythology?
Kingdom come deliverance, a historical accurate RPG?
All games mentioned aims to be historical accurate as possible, but SJW's complains about the "lack of diversity" on this games....
About Wolfenstein 2, If this is not SJW propaganda, i don't know what is.
That is, ultimately, what all the religious problems since time immemorial have boiled down to.
Especially when it's some variation of "Be of the true faith, or be a subhuman mongrel dog not worthy to breathe air."
Or others can dress it up politely, but there is still those who feel it's their duty and obligation to have others converted because they feel that if they don't, then they are failing God and their fellow man.
I've met both very Christ-like atheists, and the stereotypical hollywood style arsehole ones as well. In my circles, I see a lot of true Christians, but they are never the majority in a church, as well as ones who use religion as a blind to justify bigotry, or even just to feel surperior. People are complicated and no single group is homogenous.
I enjoy discussing historical accuracy in games (when it's valid to do so) and do think that people sometimes are too quick to complain instead of discussing how to deal with a historical context in a product in our modern world. Still, if historical accuracy was so important to "anti-SJWs", we should see more complaints about, say, lorica segmentata always being portrayed in the wrong century or something.
"If he ever says that again, I'm gonna clobber him."
Then he looks up and sees his dad standing right next to him, and remembers that his dad, of course, is a devout Christian missionary--who just heard him talking about beating up another kid at school. So, remembering his conscience and his faith, he turns back to his little brother and adds,
" a perfectly Christlike way, of course."
When two groups decide that engaging in an armed conflict with one another is how they want to interact then there is going to be one side which wins and one side which loses; history has demonstrated that fact time and time again. Whether or not you believe that Israel is acting correctly (in my opinion they are not), the fact remains that the Palestinians lost. That sucks and it is a raw deal but for their own sake they really need to start accepting that fact. Failure to do so will result only in more tragedy for them.
As far as the broader question over Jerusalem itself...whether some nations recognize it as the capital city or not is irrelevant--Israel managed to take control of Jerusalem by force of arms and retains control of it by the same method. Until someone manages to convince them otherwise (good luck with that--Israel's government does not normally listen to anyone but itself) or retakes the eastern portion of the city by force of arms (good luck with that) then they will retain control of it and may do with it as they please. I do not ascribe to "might makes right"--many of our worst atrocities committed throughout history boil down to "might makes right"--but I cannot dispute the fact that the side in that aforementioned conflict which brings more guns and more propensity to use them to a dispute is the side which "wins". My wallet is mine but if you and your three friends all point a gun in my face it becomes your wallet (for now).
If Israel is not careful, it risks becoming the thing it hates the most by committing some of the same actions which led it, collectively, to conclude "never again". Some proposed legislation suggests this and also serves to highlight a disturbing trend in political thinking in Israel. They want to subordinate Israel's democratic values to its identity as a Jewish nation state--"traditional Jewish values" (whatever that means) could take precedence over established, democratic law? They want to allow for the establishment of communities which are for Jews only? According to Avi Dichter, Likud party member in the Knesset, "Anyone who does not belong to the Jewish nation cannot define the State of Israel as his nation-state". If that doesn't sound *creepy* then you aren't paying attention.
Lets review the recent events in Gaza and the "'Peaceful' Return March"
First I want to lay the baseline:
1. Israel has pulled-out completely from Gaza Strip back in summer 2005, by forcefully evacuating ~8,600 jews and destroying their homes.
2. The Gaza Strip between 2005-2007 was controlled by the Fatah (The organization of Abu Mazen/Mahmud Abbas, the head of the PLO)
3. In 2007 Hamas, a recognized Islamic Terror Organization, dedicated to destroy Israel, has took over the Gaza Strip by force, and currently single-handily controls the Gaza Strip since then, essentially took hostage the Gaza Strip population.
4. Since than, Hamas has invested hundred of billions of dollars in rocket manufacturing, terror tunnel digging and smuggling weaponry, on the expense of the population.
5. Hamas Invests approximately 67% of the Strip budget (from taxes it collects) for the Hamas Military Wing - Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
6. Currently the Gaza Strip is in big humanitarian crisis, since Hamas, the sovereign of Gaza Strip, fails to invest in infrastructure and wealth of its own people, in favor of the military wing.
As #6, Hamas right now is in a big crisis, since it has a big pressure from the population of Gaza due to the humanitarian and financial crisis. Also Hamas afraid the local population will uprise against him. So what is the easy way out, which will not just deflect the rage of the population, but also will get international attention?
Just like the in 2015, when Hamas also needed money because of salary crisis with the Fatah. It started an armed conflict with Israel, got the automatic sympathy from the International community, got promises of billion of dollars dedicated for rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip, and of course it used it for expanding its military capabilities.
Same is now.
Hamas has started a new tactic. Sending thousands of protesters, to infiltrate into Israel territory, kidnap/hurt IDF soldiers/citizens if possible. By this Hamas achieves three of his goals:
1. Deflect local pressure and rage to a 3rd party (Israel)
2. Achieving international sympathy and PR supposedly.
3. Painting Israel as a ruthless and cruel country.
The violent demonstration are happening on weekly basis now, it includes satchel charges, grenades, molotov cocktails, carrying cold arms (axes, knifes). Launching "terror kites" - kites attached with molotov cocktails or satchel charges, causing millions of dollars damage to Israeli farmers so far, by burning its corps, woods and so on. All this followed by chanting "Yitbah El-Yahud" (Slaughter the Jews).
Among the "protestors" there are Hamas members, dressed as citizens, which incites the crowd, deliver arms and fuel. Hamas also pays money for protesters to "charge" the border fence, and pays the families of protesters who will die. Maybe even Iran is involved in funding it.
Again, Israel is not controlling at all the Gaza Strip, and there is a DEFINED BORDER between Gaza Strip and Israel.
Israel, a sovereign country, needs to first and foremost to defend its own citizens. If tens thousands of violent, hostile, some even armed, 'protesters' charge the border and try to infiltrate, it needs to stop them, even if it costs human life. NO other country would have acted otherwise.
Hamas is CYNICALLY exploiting the Gazan population for its own needs, pushing them to the fence in order them to die - for its own interest. And the sad thing is... that it is working for Hamas! As evident in the comment above. So why Hamas shouldn't use those tactics? I always always fail to understand this logic... are you suggesting that it would be 'fairer' if Israel had the same amount of casualties?
Tomorrow Hamas and the Islamic Jihad are planning to initiate even bigger 'protests' against Israel, as part of the "Nakba Day" - The Disaster Day - expect the same scenario, though it may deteriorate even further.
As Golda Meir said:
I don't agree with that logic, but I've never had trouble understanding it. He clearly, clearly is not.
In general, if you see someone making an argument so preposterous that you can't even understand why anyone would ever believe it... they're probably not making that argument. They're making a completely different one.