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What will your first BG:EE character be?



  • Almar007Almar007 Member Posts: 34
    Elf wiz / necro :) CE :)
  • ToxicToxic Member Posts: 30
    Wow, you are correct. Derp, 3.5 has spoiled me so much I need to refresh myself with this edition.
  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96
    edited September 2012
    Anything except kensai dual-classed to mage.

    Edit: Kensai dual-classed to mage.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I usually pick fighter/mage or Cleric/mage. However, I feel this may be an incorrect starting area for me, as I'm making Khalid a fighter/mage (as he always should have been) and I feel like a Bhaalspawn being a Cleric of any kind is a ridiculous notion. I ACTUALLY want to be a Ranger/Mage even though that isn't possible... and the alignment restriction would eat away at me, even if it was.

    I can't bring myself to be a thief, or a bard of any kind as they seem very fickle to me as well.

    *Sigh* I just can't decide. I think An Avenger would be perfect except for the fact that I want to bring Jaheira along... and there's no way in hell I'm using two druids.
  • SolobearSolobear Member Posts: 55
    Evil mage, maybe a short race. I always end up rolling human.
  • MeekratMeekrat Member Posts: 31
    I plan on doing a series of "Let's Play" videos, and for those, I'm going to playing a bard of indeterminate race named Jonjamin. For my own games, it really depends on whether or not the "Find Familiar" spell is available. If it is, I'll be reviving my gnome fighter/mage. If not, I'll likely be playing a druid who is some sort of elf.

    Heck, if it's doable, I may just play through the game with both at once. I used to use custom parties all the time for the original games.
  • AnaximanderAnaximander Member Posts: 191
    Wait, I think maybe female half-elf neutral evil blade dual wielding warhammers and hanging out with Monty, Dorn, Neera and Viconia ... depends on who I play with ... if my fellow players side with good I'll probably play a ranger/cleric, ... damnit November hurry up!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2012
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  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited September 2012
    LREC said:

    Human Chaotic Evil Blackguard

    Same here.

    I always felt BG1 was more fun playing the "evil" route, so it's great that we may finally have an evil char that's as (over)powered as a paladin.
  • wolf81wolf81 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012

    Am I the only person who is gonna play druid?

    I think I am. Totally plan on being an Avenger. And for the record, half elf. I refuse to play Human unless I'm meta-gaming with some sort of dual-class thing.

    I'm gonna play a Druid as well. Pretty much my favourite class in any AD&D RPG. But, in contrary to my previous druids in Baldur's Gate games, this time it's a multiclass druid, namely an half-elven male fighter / druid.

    I decided that my Druid should be first and foremost a melee fighter. I don't want to rely on shapeshifting for melee combat, since the animal forms are pretty crappy. I will try to mainly use spells to enhance my combat abilities, some self heal, some summoning. I prefer spells that are quick to cast, less likely to interrupt. Spells like Doom will fit this druid well, in contrary to the Lightning spell (easily interrupted, so risky to use in melee combat). Staves and Spears will be the main weapons, Scimitars / Shields might be used when I need my Druid to tank.

    Image here:

    My ability scores are currently:
    - STR: 18/00
    - DEX: 18
    - CON: 18 (+1 from tome)
    - INT: 10
    - WIS: 15
    - CHA: 16 (+1 from tome)

    One thing I "kinda" regret is starting with 10 INT and 17 CON. Didn't want to lose out on some lore score which will happen at INT below 10, but forgot that an INT tome exists that would negate the effect. Could have started with 18 CON. Apart from that I was really happy with my rolls, didn't cheat or anything :)

    Ah well, IIRC there is a point in BG2 where I have to sacrifice an ability score (dream sequence), might sacrifice my INT by then, since I should have 11 by the end of BG 1.
  • claudiusclaudius Member Posts: 82
    Chaotic Good gnome Fighter/Thief with the portrait of the dude smoking the pipe and 18s STR DEX CON with shorty saves!
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    This was like my first post 3 months ago... why is it back?
  • foolstonefoolstone Member Posts: 37
  • claudiusclaudius Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2012
    Daelric said:

    This was like my first post 3 months ago... why is it back?

    Raise thread spell.

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