
Seriously... what... where do these guys get their training...

I... I don't... *facepalm*
(Yeah, been inactive for quite a few months. Thought I'd show something funny with my most recent playthrough. I know I certainly bust a gut laughing when I saw this.)

I... I don't... *facepalm*
(Yeah, been inactive for quite a few months. Thought I'd show something funny with my most recent playthrough. I know I certainly bust a gut laughing when I saw this.)
Seriously I think it would be better to point this in the bug section.
And I must confess I'm glad what I've found in this topic xD
That screen shot makes it look even more funny - cast a spell at a dire wolf, and a wild tiger rolls to save. Hey these animals surely help each other out :P
Looks like there is a mixup between what spells he actually has memorized and what spells he has available to cast. So just generally his script could be improved as well.
But I mean its such a minor NPC
All the same when danger called, he answered, heroically defending the town against the wild animal attacks to the best of his ability. So what if he made a few mistakes? What were the Alibakkars and Luraxols doing to save Trademeet?
Let's face it, without the Trademeet Militia, the entire town would be overrun. I think they deserve major props - next time you play, try not to let any of them die, and heal them when the skirmishes are over.