What's your favorite race?

Well as the Forurms seem to be somewhat quiet, I decided to spice things up a bit with a new poll. 
I'm wondering whether you guys have a favorite race and if so, which one. So let's hear it! It would be great if you could also state your reasons for yourr preferences.
I added the option "depends on class" because I can see people picking the 'best' race for each class they're going to play (i.e. Elven Archer) or the race that is traditionally associated with a given class (i.e. Dwarven Berserker).
To be honest I have to think about this one myself because I think my preferences aren't carved in stone. They seem to change over time, not in the least thanks to enjoyable playthroughs with races I didn't really care about before.

I'm wondering whether you guys have a favorite race and if so, which one. So let's hear it! It would be great if you could also state your reasons for yourr preferences.
I added the option "depends on class" because I can see people picking the 'best' race for each class they're going to play (i.e. Elven Archer) or the race that is traditionally associated with a given class (i.e. Dwarven Berserker).
To be honest I have to think about this one myself because I think my preferences aren't carved in stone. They seem to change over time, not in the least thanks to enjoyable playthroughs with races I didn't really care about before.
- What's your favorite race?153 votes
- Human24.18%
- Elf15.69%
- Half-Elf15.03%
- Gnome  7.84%
- Halfling  9.15%
- Dwarf  8.50%
- Half-Orc  3.27%
- Depends on class10.46%
- No preference / Just show me the results  5.88%
Being able to pick the Thief/Cleric multiclass doesn't hurt either.
They began not even as a character class.
They do not have a serious movie starring gnome characters such as elves, humans, dwarves, orcs and halflings have in lord of the rings. (Gnomeo and Juliet is fun, but set in English suburbia... I see it as more of a documentary... )
They do not have well defined myths.
Are they fairy folk? Are they magic users? Are they people of the earth? Are they people of the forest? Are they inventors?
No. Like humans. There character, there background is not written or clear.
That is why they are the best race.
And they will win this poll.
Because if not I will release a virulent plague destroying all humans.
Eye for an eye and all that jazz...
Up to this day, i very rarely play something else than human. Yet, i got to seriously love the elves... Their description does them good, too! Slim, beautiful, artistic, like frolicking (mmm...), they are more dextrous, they handle better the "bow" and "longsword" (mmmmm...), all these helped me fall for them! Aerie played no small part in my new turn-on, either! One of my most beloved companions, ever! Or winthrop, who dastardly makes us obsessed with seeking an elven arse, just so we can compare it to his inn and see ourselves how clean it is, and not only...!
So, elves! I agree with the class dilemma, or the protagonist dilemma, that is why myself answered, based on what i prefer right after my main/handmade characters!
I don't like Gnomes.
I hate them with a passion.
I love Wild Elves or Sylvan/Green Elves in ADnD.
A Wild Elf Druid is probably my favorite race/class combination in 3E. (Icewind Dale II, Temple of Elemental Evil, Neverwinter Nights 2 etc)
Though the fact they can neither be druids nor bards (for reasons I guess) makes them less desirable in BG.
In other news...
Can't believe pansy elves have overtaken the Gnomes...
I tend to name my dwarven fighters similar to Dave Ryder nicknames, like Beefcake Flanksteak, Gus Slamrock, or Brick Blastback. All of them invariably become somewhat masochistic at higher levels as I find myself whispering "hurt me more!" as they laugh off beatings that would fell lesser races.
I picked halflings because I don't like being forced to have a beard if I am a male gnome. The gnome characters I envision are always clean shaven.
In fact, in one of my 1.32 billion abandoned playthroughs I was a gnome fighter/illusionist, but EEKeepered him into the male halfling paper doll. Best of both worlds!