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The more I play this, the more I feel like giving up.



  • terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232
    #ConfessionsofaBhaalspawn Aerie is the only BG2 romance I think I ever saw through to the end, for reasons that escape me to this day.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    jackjack said:

    Trust me, you're better off.

    Eh, depends on opinions. I was quite enjoying her romance, but it was mostly due to the fact I have a soft spot for those types of romances (guy being the White Knight who makes girl understand life's worth it, or vice versa). I can see how that is a major turnoff, though. Anyway, will focus on finishing the game for now and hope that things get back on track with ToB. By the way, what's the advised level for going to Chapter VII and facing Irenicus? (Still have to go to Bhodi's Lair.)

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    Dee said:

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)

    Maybe you're right. Damn my dirty mind which is used to JRPGs and their romances! XD
    At least some of them, as most of them are the best at delaying a relationship when both characters clearly like each other lol. Oh well, at least it wasn't due to them falling out or something, that would have really made me feel mad about myself.I seriously hope I can patch things up in ToB....
  • nosecretnosecret Member Posts: 92
    Dee said:

    jackjack said:

    Trust me, you're better off.

    Eh, depends on opinions. I was quite enjoying her romance, but it was mostly due to the fact I have a soft spot for those types of romances (guy being the White Knight who makes girl understand life's worth it, or vice versa). I can see how that is a major turnoff, though. Anyway, will focus on finishing the game for now and hope that things get back on track with ToB. By the way, what's the advised level for going to Chapter VII and facing Irenicus? (Still have to go to Bhodi's Lair.)

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)
    ummm, Male = waking up that day IS a sufficiently urgent plot point.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    nosecret said:

    Dee said:

    jackjack said:

    Trust me, you're better off.

    Eh, depends on opinions. I was quite enjoying her romance, but it was mostly due to the fact I have a soft spot for those types of romances (guy being the White Knight who makes girl understand life's worth it, or vice versa). I can see how that is a major turnoff, though. Anyway, will focus on finishing the game for now and hope that things get back on track with ToB. By the way, what's the advised level for going to Chapter VII and facing Irenicus? (Still have to go to Bhodi's Lair.)

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)
    ummm, Male = waking up that day IS a sufficiently urgent plot point.
    And people wonder why she ditches them.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    nosecret said:

    Dee said:

    jackjack said:

    Trust me, you're better off.

    Eh, depends on opinions. I was quite enjoying her romance, but it was mostly due to the fact I have a soft spot for those types of romances (guy being the White Knight who makes girl understand life's worth it, or vice versa). I can see how that is a major turnoff, though. Anyway, will focus on finishing the game for now and hope that things get back on track with ToB. By the way, what's the advised level for going to Chapter VII and facing Irenicus? (Still have to go to Bhodi's Lair.)

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)
    ummm, Male = waking up that day IS a sufficiently urgent plot point., let me get this straight, you have a plot point in your britches thats happy to see Aerie??


  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,449

    Dee said:

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)

    Maybe you're right. Damn my dirty mind which is used to JRPGs and their romances! XD
    At least some of them, as most of them are the best at delaying a relationship when both characters clearly like each other lol. Oh well, at least it wasn't due to them falling out or something, that would have really made me feel mad about myself.I seriously hope I can patch things up in ToB....
    I think once its broke, its broke. You might want to use an older save. It really is a satisfying and sweet end when fully played out.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,449

    Dee said:

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)

    Maybe you're right. Damn my dirty mind which is used to JRPGs and their romances! XD
    At least some of them, as most of them are the best at delaying a relationship when both characters clearly like each other lol. Oh well, at least it wasn't due to them falling out or something, that would have really made me feel mad about myself.I seriously hope I can patch things up in ToB....
    I think once its broke, its broke. You might want to use an older save; because it really is a sweet and satisfying end when it fully plays out.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,449

    Dee said:

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)

    Maybe you're right. Damn my dirty mind which is used to JRPGs and their romances! XD
    At least some of them, as most of them are the best at delaying a relationship when both characters clearly like each other lol. Oh well, at least it wasn't due to them falling out or something, that would have really made me feel mad about myself.I seriously hope I can patch things up in ToB....
    I think once its broke, its broke. You might want to use an older save. It really is a satisfying and sweet end when fully played out.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,449

    Dee said:

    Interestingly, the reason you failed was because you fell short in your White Knight characterization: a true white knight always waits until marriage (or a sufficiently urgent plot point). :)

    Maybe you're right. Damn my dirty mind which is used to JRPGs and their romances! XD
    At least some of them, as most of them are the best at delaying a relationship when both characters clearly like each other lol. Oh well, at least it wasn't due to them falling out or something, that would have really made me feel mad about myself.I seriously hope I can patch things up in ToB....
    I think once its broke, its broke. You might want to use an older save; because it really is a sweet and satisfying end when it fully plays out.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    What sorcery is this?
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    edited August 2014
    Following @atcDave‌ 's advice, I restarted the game with a Cavalier. While reluctant to do it, I might change up the party to spice it up a bit like replacing Keldorn for Rasaad or something like that. Still need a proper thief though.... Now I don't know whether to just console in the items I had earlier and bum rush to Chapter VI or play out the story again. The things a man does for a woman XD
    And all for something along the lines of this:
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited August 2014
    @InvictusCobra‌ , LOL. We truly have you hooked if you're willing to completely restart the game over having botched Aerie's romance. :D

    You know, since you are now not going to be spoiled by this, you can download a very, very handy utility program called EE Keeper. It will allow you to do or reset almost anything in the game that you please.

    One of the things that you can do with it is to reset Aerie's romance variable without having to restart all over from the beginning. EE Keeper can save you hours upon hours of gaming time if you learn how to use it.

    In EE Keeper, you can bring up Aerie's character sheet, and tab over to a "variables" page that shows you a "Romance = x" variable. "Romance = 1" means that the whole thing is in the flirtation stages. "Romance = 2" means that you have a full blown, in progress romance. And, "Romance = 3" means that you have blown it with this character, permanently.

    If you were to bring up your old save in EE Keeper, and tab over to Aerie's variables, you would see a "Romance = 3". You can easily reset that back to "2".

    The only thing I'm not sure of, is that since you got the "I was really unsure of myself about sex, and now I'm even more unsure, so I'm dumping you, wham, bam, thank you, sir" dialogue, reactivating the romance through EE Keeper might do strange things to Aerie's dialogue progression.

    Have any of you experts here tried resetting a failed Aerie romance before?
  • nosecretnosecret Member Posts: 92
    Although it is a cool utility, you don't have to use Keeper for those - just set the variables at the console.

    Aerie I've reset, and Anomen when he went nuts and smacked Minsc - I have never properly reset Jaheira... too many moving parts there, apparently... wound up bugging the whole chain of events AND the romance.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited August 2014
    Enabling and using "the console" is indeed an alternative to EE Keeper, and possibly quicker, but also much more complicated to learn to use.

    First, you must enable the console in your .ini file in your game folder. Then, and this is the hard part, you must know the *exact* codes to do what you want. The magical codes are in DOS-like command lines, and must be typed *exactly*, complete with capitalization, spacing, and symbols like @ and ~ .

    I find it much easier and less complicated to use the EE Keeper utility to do the same sorts of alterations, but to each their own - "the console" is indeed much faster than EE Keeper if you know how to activate it and the command lines for it.
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    I tried messing with Aerie's romance variable and even though I failed, it said 2 instead of 3. I didn't want to risk it so I remade my original character from the 1st game (A Cavalier named Siegfried) and just consoled the Items and XP I had on the other character. I feel bad for cheating on such a great game and feel free to call me cheater but I just want to finish the story at this point and gave myself nothing more than what I had. Also, restarting is good because now I can do Keldorn's quest properly, since last time it went the worst way possible D: (felt like restarting then too lol).
    I also never thought I'd receive so much support from the members of this community when I made this thread, since we're nearing the 200 reply mark (big thing for me) and going!
    Thanks, everybody! \o/
  • nosecretnosecret Member Posts: 92
    But remember, the Baldur's Gate series are single and multiplayer games, not MMO's... and we all know MMO's are more "social".

  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    One thing I have found is that my major gripe with the game from Day 1 has been stupid route-finding by the NPCs in critical situations as well as NPCs who, without orders, rush forward at just the time I am trying to lure a group of enemies into target range one-by-one.

    Reducing the full party to a party of 5 was really helpful for me in that respect as I was much more able to micromanage without hypertension and it also seemed like just a more enjoyable RP experience. Plus you get that little bit of extra XP for faster levelling.

    Another point which may or may not have been covered is to dispel the presumption that you must abide by the game's scripted pair-sets, i.e. Jaheira-Khalid and Minsc-Dynaheir. There are simple ways to get around this plot element without sending someone on a suicidal mission.

    This substantially widens the RP possibilities for Party compositions. Imho, the whole reason the BG franchise is so highly rated is because of its many RP possibilities which require/reward a certain amount of imagination time outside of playing the game. In my case that imagination time is FAR and away the best part of my BG experience.
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    Well, I'm now where I was before restarting with a few exceptions. I now have what I call the "gamebreaker", aka Crom Fayer. I gave it to Minsc and his THAC0 went from -1/1 to -10/-6, wow. I'm gonna face Bhodi now and hopefully I'll be able to finish the game today.
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    Just killed Irenicus. Even though I kinda hate the guy, I still wish I could've saved him (real me talking, not the RP XD). Might try out the Redemption mod in the future if it's what I think it is. For now, I'm more worried about the supposed "5" and their status as worst bosses this franchise has ever seen....
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    Sergio said:

    Edit: so @invictuscobra which BG did you enjoy the most? The first or the second?

    And by the way, is the saga good? :P

    I think after finishing the second one, I like the first one best in terms of gameplay and music. I know it's weird to say "gameplay" when both of the use the D&D systems but what I mean is itemization, as in the first game finding a +1 or +2 weapon felt great. In BG2, it seemed like everyone and their mother had a magical artifact to offer me for doing some quest, although the best items were still a pain to get (looking at you Firkraag) and most of the satisfaction I got from character progression came from my casters and reading the OP spell descriptions and effects (I don't think I ever got so excited with magic in any other RPG).

    In terms of characters and story, SoA takes the cake, as the characters, their interactions and the part they play for the story was much more fleshed out than in the first one (BG1 NPC mod might fix that aspect). One point that made me really care about my party was the romances as I'm a sucker for them, even though I failed the one I picked the first time around XD.

    As for the antagonist, I like Irenicus more than I do Sarevok, mostly due to his "badassness" as a Mage, since I was a bit disappointed with what his Master Plan really was.
    "I cannot be caged! I cannot be controlled! Understand this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fools!" - badass.

    I still have to play ToB, but I think each BG has it's own qualities and flaws, and both are equally good.

  • DullSkullTheSecondDullSkullTheSecond Member Posts: 243
    Why is this still getting posts? :p
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Every time I read this thread I keep thinking of the original post and how it has evolved.
    Could/should this be archived somewhere before it dies and becomes forgotten?
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    This thread is one of the best (if not THE best) I've seen here. It started about right when I signed up, and the OP was ready to give up on the game forever, and the whole forum came out in support of him giving it another try and offering helpful advice along the way. We should sticky it as far as I'm concerned :P
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    So I'm gonna do Watcher's Keep now. I bet I'll shit my pants when I have to fight the Imprisoned One if he is the Aec'Letec of this place.... Then again, if I beat the guy, it might make the other fights a lot easier. I still have to take on Yaga Shura and the rest. Regarding the story, the fact that I already know that:
    Merciful and kind Mellisan will be the future reason I will pull out my hair, probably.

    might make the ToB storyline a bit less of a twist. I still don't know the how, why and whatever so I'll make the most of it. Oh, and Cespenar's funny.
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