Something is up with to hit rolls

I turned on displaying to hit rolls because I have a character missing way more than they probably should. As near as I can figure, the first number is the roll, and the second number is the bonus to the roll. I have a base THAC0 of 19, adjusted to 17 for my current weapon. My strength is 18/04, so that should be an extra +1 to hit, and I'm specialized in the weapon. Yet, my to hit rolls say roll + 0. Meanwhile, Imoen has a +2 and both Jah and Khalid have +3s.
Can anyone figure this out? Thanks.
Can anyone figure this out? Thanks.
I closed the game and restarted and it seemed to have gone away. My hit rolls are displaying properly now.
Then again, he's a paladin, so I figure he deserved a little divine intervention.
Nothing has ever made me as superstitious as BG dice rolls.
But when a great roll like that comes up that quickly, it's almost like you -have- to play the character.
You know what to do.