The Bladesinger just got a big update. It's a bard now ... but bards are fighter/mages now, so it's still a fighter/mage. FnP is steadily improving, it should get a big update fairly soon.
Got it. On paper looks solid and interesting to try! In my current taste bit too restricted, because i want to get some close to original experience / powerhouse. I really cant remember what i'm actually lose without 8/9 spells... I played on this levels very long time ago, only remember that is was hard for me even without mods. On another side, while i'm still gravitating to having full party of multi casters with monitor of azuth on my side with maxed int and wis = full spells, xp bonus... looks like allow me to ignore this disadvantage, and be able to try all spells anyway. And it is melee combatant in first place, so enables lesser INT requirement. So generally really interesting choice. From my feeling most of valuable buffs comes from lesser levels, but not sure. Damn. Anyway, thanks again. Will slowly prepare some tools, real life aspects.
BTW: Dislike that them can't be chaotic. From my taste - Chaotic Good/Evil/Neutral is really may fit to any class, because chaotic nature allow break rules on the path to destination by any personal or organized reasons. Killing for goodness, thieving for goodness, desintegration for evilness all valid actions and grinding bears for exp is evil action. To be more serious on my personal preference/understanding of our world, all Christian Crusaders was been Lawful or Chaotic, Good or Neutral, but Crusade company was declared for Goodness, but at top-level perspective it was True Evil action for Goldness. In what way anyone can be Chaotic of everything.
@subtledoctor about "Chill Touch". I'm checked and weapon effect has normal timing mode with zero duration. Looks like this is error in spell, because weapon on-hit effects should use instant casting instead. I'm doesn't checked from where it is initially come, may be it is already coded as is and this never works correctly.
Hello. I think "Cloak of Balduran" from MRO may be buggy a bit: it add strenght bonus effect on item, but doesn't target it to self nor set timing to Instant/While Equipped, as result item does not provide this bonus. I'm not sure, may be some tweaks corrupt item, but found only SoB (who last) has CLCK05 in backup folder, so i believe it is SoB's responsibility. Fixed by NI for self, playing using EET.
// Somewhere in 180_mro.tpa around CLCK05.itm
LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode=44 parameter1=1 END
Scales of Balances' "proficiency changes" failed to instll this time, but did on my previous install. Scales, tome, faiths, and might were all updated between installs.
Cool. May be will retransplant changes manually... doesn't want reinstall game.
Yesterday i'm take visit into Durlag Tower, another some findings:
- (already known) Doom Guards still are easy creatures... thanks for SoB's armors which set's DR instead of giving bonus, and they become not-immune to missiles (normal bows). (Making all armors to use modifier instead of set are also is not a way to go - generally it is impossible to get correct results without making game-specific changes, both ways will break something in whole saga.) I'm year or few ago already wrote about. Personally, i'm just edit PLAT07 (which is not droppable) to give bonuses, it is not dramatic difference, but has noticeable impact (i use 3 melee + 3 ranged, where is two of them is bowmans). However, even this is not fair change: Know Opponent will not work as expected, because missile DR is over 100, but my party looks like prefer raw physical strike instead of casting in most cases, so i'm really doesn't care about.
- Phoenix Guards... well it is funny, and it is again PLAT07 (ouch!). Phoenix Guards have 3 DEX, and then magic of armor begins: 3 + -5 DEX => they spawned immediately dead. I noticed this inside Durlag's quest, when i'm enter into last room, expect fight with guards, but instead get immediately teleported to chess level. I'm fixed for self to raise their DEX to 10.
I don't remember where we came out on this one. I could quite easily exempt all undroppable armors. Dunno whether that would have some unforeseen consequences though...
Incidentally for what reason on God's formerly green earth is there an enemy with their DEX score set to 3???
I'm initially thinked what is my setup/mod issue, but bg wiki say what DEX score is 3... In my taste this should be defenitely better to raise dex score, may be to 10-15, instead of modify armor system - DR still play nicely. So in reality has no good advice. May be just remove dex penalties from non-droppable armors, and do not touch creatures? (If you don't want)
For missile immunity, i doesnt remember how engine handles resistances over 100... If i remember correctly, it is unsigned byte, so you can safely apply DR bonus. Ideally, if armor will provide bonus - each creature resists should be lowered to compensate armor bonus (to cap resist at 100). However, this change should be last in installation, for example, SCS/other difficulty mods may edit creatures. So, again, i dumb here.
This is why i just edit PLAT07 to give bonuses, and doesnt care about final 130 missile DR - i believe current mechanic/health/damage scaling doesnt give any reason to use DR-lowering spells at all, with only one exception if it will be exist creature who completely immune to any physical damage. However, even in this case, there is plenty of weapons with elemental lashes and/or damaging magic itself can solve this. And i think there is absolutely no creatures who normally 100-resist to every damage type. So... may be easier give them their buffs and doesnt care about overbuffing.
For switching all armors to bonus system, if i remember correctly it will be one creature in BG2 who will have incredible big resistances from bonuses, but i forgot which armor he use (unique droppable), and forget creature name.
As for Phoenix Guards... they are really are not so strong on it's own, even Doom Guards feel stronger (again missile immunity helps a lot to drop party dps). On another side may be they are weaky, because once you down each of them, not only you get damaged by fireball, but you will be immediately teleported to chess level, which with all scs improvements doesnt give you any second to prepare to battle, and if you doesnt lucky enough to disable queen asap - she may instakill someone in party. Actually stupidly weird place. Also you get teleported only when first phoenix guard is dead, not both, it is coded in scripts. But this is not SoB's issue.
I just started a new run of IWD:EE along with this mod and seem to have run into a bug during character generation. Choosing the Shaman class prevents you from selecting any weapon proficiencies or styles. The available weapons and styles are listed, but none of them can be invested in, which obviously prevents you from progressing any further through character generation.
Scales of Balance is the only mod I've installed (version 5.16.2) and IWD:EE is up to date with the patch as well.
EDIT: Found the issue. The profsmax_i.2da file included with the mod was missing the entry for the Shaman class. Editing it to add the line before installation (or editing the profsmax.2da file located in the override folder after installation) solves the problem.
" The newer code of Scales of Balance's component 200 SBO - Stat Bonus Overhaul conflicts with the code of some of Stratagems tactics components if Scales of Balance is installed before Stratagems.
Warning: it looks as if some entry that should be a key=>value list, isn't (~list~ is currently %RESREF_D5I15SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE% %RESREF_D5I16SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE% %RESREF_D5I17SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE%, key=%RESREF_D5I13SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE%)
I don't know why the author states to install Scales of Balance before Stratagems, but if it is installed after Stratagems there is no such problem.
For this reason in the current guide I have installed Might and Guile as well as Scales of Balance after Stratagems. However, if there are any good reasons to install them before stratagems I will change the guide shortly."
@subtledoctor Would it be possible to combine Item Revisions Revised Armors and your YARAS Armor systems (not using IRs Casting/Thieving etc) if in the Item Revisions ini I disable everything in Revised Armors minus the speed penalty and then install YARAS when I install Scales? Would it keep both? I like your system but also like the idea of speed being altered by armor as well and yours unfortunately doesnt have an option for that.
@subtledoctor Would it be possible to combine Item Revisions Revised Armors and your YARAS Armor systems (not using IRs Casting/Thieving etc) if in the Item Revisions ini I disable everything in Revised Armors minus the speed penalty and then install YARAS when I install Scales? Would it keep both? I like your system but also like the idea of speed being altered by armor as well and yours unfortunately doesnt have an option for that.
I think that should work, yes. I used to combine IR's system with FPPS, simply altering each mod's .ini options so they fit together.
The only thing is, descriptions might be a bit funky. Some of the information might not be shown accurately. Not sure tbh.
That's okay. I know there are speed penalties so Im not too worried about it if it doesnt show that in the UI.
Hello Subtledoctor,
I was wondering how things work with Wisdom.
1) Was the issue of wisdom not giving any xp bonus fixed?
2) What happens if you play a kit like geomantic sorcerer, where your xp gain are reduced by 15%?
Got it. On paper looks solid and interesting to try! In my current taste bit too restricted, because i want to get some close to original experience / powerhouse. I really cant remember what i'm actually lose without 8/9 spells... I played on this levels very long time ago, only remember that is was hard for me even without mods.
BTW: Dislike that them can't be chaotic. From my taste - Chaotic Good/Evil/Neutral is really may fit to any class, because chaotic nature allow break rules on the path to destination by any personal or organized reasons. Killing for goodness, thieving for goodness, desintegration for evilness all valid actions and grinding bears for exp is evil action. To be more serious on my personal preference/understanding of our world, all Christian Crusaders was been Lawful or Chaotic, Good or Neutral, but Crusade company was declared for Goodness, but at top-level perspective it was True Evil action for Goldness. In what way anyone can be Chaotic of everything.
// Somewhere in 180_mro.tpa around CLCK05.itm
LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode=44 parameter1=1 END
Yesterday i'm take visit into Durlag Tower, another some findings:
- (already known) Doom Guards still are easy creatures... thanks for SoB's armors which set's DR instead of giving bonus, and they become not-immune to missiles (normal bows). (Making all armors to use modifier instead of set are also is not a way to go - generally it is impossible to get correct results without making game-specific changes, both ways will break something in whole saga.) I'm year or few ago already wrote about. Personally, i'm just edit PLAT07 (which is not droppable) to give bonuses, it is not dramatic difference, but has noticeable impact (i use 3 melee + 3 ranged, where is two of them is bowmans). However, even this is not fair change: Know Opponent will not work as expected, because missile DR is over 100, but my party looks like prefer raw physical strike instead of casting in most cases, so i'm really doesn't care about.
- Phoenix Guards... well it is funny, and it is again PLAT07 (ouch!). Phoenix Guards have 3 DEX, and then magic of armor begins: 3 + -5 DEX => they spawned immediately dead.
I'm initially thinked what is my setup/mod issue, but bg wiki say what DEX score is 3... In my taste this should be defenitely better to raise dex score, may be to 10-15, instead of modify armor system - DR still play nicely. So in reality has no good advice. May be just remove dex penalties from non-droppable armors, and do not touch creatures? (If you don't want)
For missile immunity, i doesnt remember how engine handles resistances over 100... If i remember correctly, it is unsigned byte, so you can safely apply DR bonus. Ideally, if armor will provide bonus - each creature resists should be lowered to compensate armor bonus (to cap resist at 100). However, this change should be last in installation, for example, SCS/other difficulty mods may edit creatures. So, again, i dumb here.
This is why i just edit PLAT07 to give bonuses, and doesnt care about final 130 missile DR - i believe current mechanic/health/damage scaling doesnt give any reason to use DR-lowering spells at all, with only one exception if it will be exist creature who completely immune to any physical damage. However, even in this case, there is plenty of weapons with elemental lashes and/or damaging magic itself can solve this. And i think there is absolutely no creatures who normally 100-resist to every damage type. So... may be easier give them their buffs and doesnt care about overbuffing.
For switching all armors to bonus system, if i remember correctly it will be one creature in BG2 who will have incredible big resistances from bonuses, but i forgot which armor he use (unique droppable), and forget creature name.
As for Phoenix Guards... they are really are not so strong on it's own, even Doom Guards feel stronger (again missile immunity helps a lot to drop party dps). On another side may be they are weaky, because once you down each of them, not only you get damaged by fireball, but you will be immediately teleported to chess level, which with all scs improvements doesnt give you any second to prepare to battle, and if you doesnt lucky enough to disable queen asap - she may instakill someone in party. Actually stupidly weird place. Also you get teleported only when first phoenix guard is dead, not both, it is coded in scripts. But this is not SoB's issue.
The phonix guards are spawned dead as well, and I also got the extra proficiency part. Also retrospective when I used a int tome.
But I did find a new and minor bug. Wisdom seems to do nothing for XP.
Everything else seems to work
Scales of Balance is the only mod I've installed (version 5.16.2) and IWD:EE is up to date with the patch as well.
EDIT: Found the issue. The profsmax_i.2da file included with the mod was missing the entry for the Shaman class. Editing it to add the line before installation (or editing the profsmax.2da file located in the override folder after installation) solves the problem.
" The newer code of Scales of Balance's component 200 SBO - Stat Bonus Overhaul conflicts with the code of some of Stratagems tactics components if Scales of Balance is installed before Stratagems.
Warning: it looks as if some entry that should be a key=>value list, isn't (~list~ is currently %RESREF_D5I15SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE% %RESREF_D5I16SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE% %RESREF_D5I17SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE%, key=%RESREF_D5I13SPL_KIT_EFFECTS_REMOVE%)
I don't know why the author states to install Scales of Balance before Stratagems, but if it is installed after Stratagems there is no such problem.
For this reason in the current guide I have installed Might and Guile as well as Scales of Balance after Stratagems. However, if there are any good reasons to install them before stratagems I will change the guide shortly."
That's okay. I know there are speed penalties so Im not too worried about it if it doesnt show that in the UI.
I was wondering how things work with Wisdom.
1) Was the issue of wisdom not giving any xp bonus fixed?
2) What happens if you play a kit like geomantic sorcerer, where your xp gain are reduced by 15%?