IWD2EE speculation

I see a lot of people mentioning IWD2EE. I am genuinely curious as to what they (and others) think could be enhanced with that, other than technical features like HD, zoom, etc.
While the BG series is (now) mostly in 2.5e, IWD2 is mostly in 3.5e. As such, vanilla already has half-orcs, and even tieflings, drow, aasimar and other sub-races. Monks are also already present, and while not all classes have kits, the Cleric has more choices than BG2. Dual- and multiclassing is a non-issue because of 3.5e, and that gives both powergamers and roleplayers virtually unlimited freedom in building their character. You can build your half-orc wizard or dwarven sorcerer, or a quintuple-class character. ...and I can have my ranger/sorcerer.
Icewind Dale 2 was the first Infinity Engine game I ever played, and I still love it to bits. This is not to bash any ruleset, but wouldn't IWD2 in the BGEE engine technically be a downgrade? Would there be issues concerning the rights to the game, because of the difference in ruleset?
Let us share our thoughts.
While the BG series is (now) mostly in 2.5e, IWD2 is mostly in 3.5e. As such, vanilla already has half-orcs, and even tieflings, drow, aasimar and other sub-races. Monks are also already present, and while not all classes have kits, the Cleric has more choices than BG2. Dual- and multiclassing is a non-issue because of 3.5e, and that gives both powergamers and roleplayers virtually unlimited freedom in building their character. You can build your half-orc wizard or dwarven sorcerer, or a quintuple-class character. ...and I can have my ranger/sorcerer.
Icewind Dale 2 was the first Infinity Engine game I ever played, and I still love it to bits. This is not to bash any ruleset, but wouldn't IWD2 in the BGEE engine technically be a downgrade? Would there be issues concerning the rights to the game, because of the difference in ruleset?
Let us share our thoughts.

As for rule sets, yeah, I wouldn't mind if it got downgraded to 2.5e, or upgraded to 3.5, 4e, or 5e as long as they fix the UI. I dislike some parts of the UI so much.
IWD2 itself is absolutely excellent in every way other than UI and I would pay just for a proper UI. Although I am not sure how the beamdog guys can handle the, I believe, less modifiable version of IWD2
@Silverstar I'd like to see the clerics of IWD2 in BGEE actually. I've always wondered why Oghma or Mystra were never included in the first place.
I know, I know; it'll never happen...
The good thing about the 3e and 3.5 rules is that classes are never restricted to 1 APR like in BG (besides fighter type classes that is.) So, in order to make a Battleguard of Tempus (which is a cleric kit in IWD2 that grants weapon proficiency and weapon focus in Axes) you can just make a Cleric and give him a high strength score. Sure, you wont be as good at fighting as a pureclass fighter but you'll hold your own WAY better than a vanilla cleric from BG with their 1 APR. In fact, the 3e cleric is more along the lines of a 2e Fighter/Cleric multi than the vanilla 2e cleric whereas a Cleric/Fighter multi in 3e is more of a hybrid class the would favor fighting more than spellcasting (kind of like a Paladin.)
1) Bring the EE improvements (better renderer, zoom, quick loot, better UI, etc.) to the IWD2 engine
2) Bring the IWD2 improvements (separate weapon sets, subraces, customizable action bar, etc.) and ruleset to the EE engine
I'm rooting for the second approach, because then those IWD2 features could also be backported to the other EE games, and I'd certainly love to see those weapon sets in BG, not to mention the possibility for subraces and/or subrace mods.
Of course, there's the third option where they would just try to port the whole game into a different ruleset, but that would be really bad and I'm certain that they know better.
The 3e rules can stay. I have no problem with them, though it's somewhat mere complex than 2.5e, and it kept me from getting into the game for a while.
IWD2EE would be an unusual opportunity for Overhaul, to work not with the kits that they've been doing a wonderful job with, but to develop the bits and pieces that make up a 3E character's "kit." They can fix the feats that didn't work right, like Quick Draw, and hopefully add their own and make the weaker feats in the game more attractive.
Even more ambitiously, maybe they could even add PRESTIGE CLASSES. I'd love to make my tiefling Barbarian a Frenzied Berserker like he was in my 3E tabletop games. But, more importantly, that's how they get their previous work on EE to shine on in a 3E ruleset. Shadow Dancer, Blackguard, Dwarven Defender, and Dragon Disciple are all prestige classes in 3E, so IWD2EE doesn't necessarily have to be a complete departure from their previous efforts. In fact, I would much prefer Overhaul's vision of the Blackguard's abilities to go into designing a prestige class version than WotC's original "smite good" nonsense.
Don't get me wrong. I really hope that Overhaul's work to clean up the base code of the Infinity Engine can be carried over to IWD2, because that has been invaluable in making the game run more smoothly, load faster, etc. However, that's bare bones engine stuff, not actual in-game mechanics, and I think it would be a disservice to the game and to fans of 3E to revert IWD2 back to 2.5/BGEE. 3E fans like myself have to deal with enough upturned noses around here from the 2E crowd, and having them and Overhaul say that they know best by edition-hopping IWD2 would be twisting the knife pretty hardcore.
On the other hand, a prestige class like the Hellknight in Pathfinder, while having a few skills requirements, literally requires you to kill a devil of your level or higher in view of another Hellknight before you can take levels in it. It's a sprawling organization, that operates out of strongholds in various regions throughout the Pathfinder campaign setting, and has a pretty strict hierarchy. A lot of their abilities revolve around emulating the fighting styles and magic of devils and turning that power into a force of (generally) Lawful Neutral uber-justice, so naturally be able to beat a devil senseless is a good rite of passage. My frustration with one of my friends at railroading my character away from speaking to the Hellknights has actually become infamous in my gaming group. I'm a bit on the Lawful Neutral side, myself, so I can't even really bring myself to "bend" the rules and take a level in it despite his interference.