Dragon's Den: mage guard page 1 wip

I haven't done much, procrastination and class work are my anti artists. Well I've been enjoying my current my roleplaying as a DD in BGEE. If I didn't have this thing about trying to beat games vanilla before modding them, I'd be searching for a dragon shapeshifting mod. Cheap, probably. Broken, more then likely. Stop dragons from being awesome, never!
Anyways my charaname romancing Neera who is completely awesome btw (next play through, evil wildmage definitely!) So I decided to do a sketch of her.
Anyways my charaname romancing Neera who is completely awesome btw (next play through, evil wildmage definitely!) So I decided to do a sketch of her.
Post edited by DragonKing on
I kind of lied, I actually have two playthrough right now and the second one is of a evil wild mage XD with Neera as my back up mage. I remember when I dropped a cow on the head of a ogre, it was beautiful. I also learned not to put khalid and Viconia in the same team...I I also learned Khalid can't beat Viconia 1v1....Now until I find a replacement, I'm stuck with that one mage found at the end of the tunnel.
And re: wild mages, I confess I'm in complete agreement, I'm a sucker for having them around, currently have my Charname wild mage and Neera together, which is a boatload of flying cow disappearing gold fun.
Khalid and Viconia? I must say I've never found them conflicting, maybe Kivan? And Xan-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel is fun in his own masochistic way.
Oh, they fight, I was on floor two of the mines when he said something he didn't like and then I as watching a freaking fight right before my eyes....
Wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry this is my screw up. Not Khalid but Kivan. It was Kivan that Viconia had put down.
If I can get past this block, I'll be starting on a dragon portrait for my Charaname. Really ish DD had a dragon tranformation in this game. I wouldn't even care if it was considered UP, as long as I could stay in it like the druids can stay in theirs lol.
Since I'm in bit of a BG mood right now, any request?
I know, the head feels to big, it was a bit bigger in the first picture I took, I ad to scale it down before taking this one. It stl feels a bit big, so I'll mess with it more when I awake.
So the banter...
Bubble 1:
No my foolish ssinsirigg, our child shall not carry the name "Devir!" Nothing that you can say will change my mind.
Bubble 2:
Bubble 3:
Bubble 4:
You're really making me debate taking CHARM PERSON ad my next spell choice!
Bubble 5:
If you do then the next couple of times that we rest, I just may forget how my mouth and tongue works! I may also forget the erotic arts thatbi have spent years learning! I think I even feel a headache coming on right now!
As for requests, I don't have any... I am curious as to why your OC is so intent on having his child carry the DeVir name. I think I heard a plot bunny run by...
No I have not, I'm not a large fan of books and comics based on rpgs, because its not my character. I didn't read the skyrim comic, because that's not my redguard wizard. I didn't read the comic for Kotor because that's not my Jedi consular.
While the storys are probably awesome, it takes away the immersion that comes with playing the game. The little above scene is practically one from my own continuation and changes to the story.
Edit, also thanks.
I'm still curious to know why Bhaalspawn wants a DeVir heir as a child!!
Oh, that sounds interesting... With that said...
The ways of the bhaalspawn are shrouded and mystery! That and my character isn't actually bhaalspawn lol. It's one of those changes I mentioned. Unless I specifically state otherwise, I don't follow the story 100%
For example the character Vi is talking to is my DD, who rescued her twice, once during the iron crisis and again in Amn. Since she is non-canonical companion, I can just replace him for the ward. I'm also a believer of everything you CAN do in a video game, the protag DOESN'T actually do canonly. Meaning some adventures like Durlag's tower or totsc I don't believe the Gorion's ward actually did so those are things I tend to attach onto my character.
Add onto that my infactuation with dragons, he is also Dragon born... Despite the fact t the race hating dragons and if Viconia can fall for a half orc, then dammit she can fall for the one race willing to show every other Race respect!
Nyame set a high price: Anansi must bring back Onini the Python, Osebo the Leopard, and the Mboro Hornets.
Anansi set about capturing these. First he went to where Python lived and debated out loud whether Python was really longer than the palm branch or not as his wife Aso says. Python overheard and, when Anansi explained the debate, agreed to lie along the palm branch. Because he cannot easily make himself completely straight a true impression of his actual length is difficult to obtain, so Python agreed to be tied to the branch. When he was completely tied, Anansi took him to Nyame.
To catch the leopard, Anansi dug a deep hole in the ground. When the leopard fell in the hole Anansi offered to help him out with his webs. Once the leopard was out of the hole he was bound in Anansi's webs and was carried away.
To catch the hornets, Anansi filled a calabash with water and poured some over a banana leaf he held over his head and some over the nest, calling out that it was raining. He suggested the bees get into the empty calabash, and when they obliged, he quickly sealed the opening.
Anansi handed his captives over to Nyame. Nyame rewarded him by making him the god of all stories.