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Anita Sarkeesian: Your Thoughts (no flaming please)

SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
One thing I'm curious about is how the community here and elsewhere feels about Anita Sarkeesian? I'm not a really social person on any level, and so I don't have any greater a sense on her current perception by the communities I engage with than what's raised.

I never really paid attention to the whole kickstarter thing until I read something about it on a random search for more information about who she was, after watching a few posted videos from her on mostly just pop culture movies, music, her nearly tear filled entreaty for Veronica Mars, and a few of the early vids on Video Games. The search after revealed the ****storm that came up with those Video Games vids & the kick starter related request for funding of.

For my own part, I felt she had a number of good points, though for some parts here and there I also felt that there was a bit much in the way of criticism and a more 'balanced' opinion piece might have endeared her to me the more, with an allowance for compare and contrast, if you get me. But the torrents of abuse that were bucket tossed at her pretty much made me into a pro-Sarkeesian simply by default: If the only way you can win the argument is to spread malicious lies, threats, and abuse, you lose whatever argument you might have hoped to win.

Does anybody else here have anything they'd like to contribute or talk about in regards? Never have personally spoken with her by e-mail, chat, whatever, nor even attempted contact through her website as there's not much more I could say than, 'you go, girl!'. Have a good night all (7:03pm PST)


  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Yes she has some good points, however, she needs to work on her delivery and believably to get the message across. Her early videos about feminism in video games came off as very negative and she ignored many games that have adapted and changed for the better focusing on outdated classics instead of new releases.

    Her videos would have a little more power if she applied the tropes to newer games that were still breaking all the rules like Metro Last Light. She needs to review games from a feminist point of view, educating both the masses and developers on how to portray women more equally in video games.

    The vile directed at her is what one would expect from the internet, and it is a shame because there have been a lot of well spoken counters to her points that get lost in the mess and even bunched in with the threats and abuse.


    And if you want to put the EE through the ringer on feminism:
    Why do you need to rescue the two new female NPCs to get them to join you but not the male ones?
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Just a note, this thread is going to be watched incredibly carefully. We will not hesitate to close it if things get messy.

    Personally, I'm a feminist, and I found Anita's videos insightful - they helped explain the concept of male privilege to me in ways I hadn't previously thought of. Her last videos in particular were helpful in illustrating some hugely problematic depictions of women in games.

    We're guilty of this too at Beamdog, and work hard to combat it as we go. It's always a learning experience.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I enjoyed and appreciated what I've seen, though tbh, I'm not nearly as into games as I once was. Her points are generally good, and the presentation was fair imho.

    Feminists would also note most females are 'support' types, like clerics or thieves, and most shorties are the same. Exceptions like Shar-Teel and Korgan/Kagain arent exactly well adjusted, male tall characters are typically the warriors, etc. The best positive exception is probably Mazy.
  • SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
    Nah, I'm not overly focused on many of the games I play and I don't feel there's an inherent streak of misogyny to the titles (make your point to counter and I'll listen, of course). In regards the scope of games, I tend to agree that's one 9f the things I'd have liked to see, a sort of "where we've been, what's improved, what's stagnated, and what's gotten worse. In regards the expected vitriol, I'd say that that counters most of the well reasoned arguments, at least until the internet starts gaining a better reputation for policing itself. I have ideas in that regard for ISP's etc but no clue on where they fall for profit/local laws, etc.
  • SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2014
    LiamEsler said:

    Just a note, this thread is going to be watched incredibly carefully. We will not hesitate to close it if things get messy.

    Personally, I'm a feminist, and I found Anita's videos insightful - they helped explain the concept of male privilege to me in ways I hadn't previously thought of. Her last videos in particular were helpful in illustrating some hugely problematic depictions of women in games.

    We're guilty of this too at Beamdog, and work hard to combat it as we go. It's always a learning experience.

    No problems there at all Liam. :) I don't know that I'd describe myself as a feminist but thats more due to the sense of confusion that comes with the badge. As far as goes believing that all people regardless pf gender/sexuality, whatever have the right to equal treatment and representation, I am all the way there. The definition of feminism I believe.

    As an aside, "Mr. Male Character" is a good take on how wrapping up your masculine hero in a female avatar falls short of appropriately portraying a female character to the audience. Anybody want to recommend some games with either what they feel is a good female protagonist, or at least has good representation in that vein?

    DOUBLE ASIDE: does anyone know if she's made comments on 'Orphan Black'? One of those few shows recently that haven't made me switch off in disgust.
  • SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
    Random thought: Alyx Vance from Half Life 2. Have not yet played episode 1 or 2, but I liked her.
  • SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
    @deltago‌ It's funny, Metro last light and such are on my list of games to get and play, mostly because I want to do a good stealthy play through while slitting throats and killing a certain group of bandits. So it will have to fall in the guilty pleasures area, obviously. Also, feel free to throw out some games you feel have picked up the pace. Even if the protagonist isn't a strong female character, is there good representation from the cast? Are there games that while having a neanderthal take on human rights still make you want to support them. I'm pretty sure there was a woman reviewer of GTA5 (IGN?) that said it was a good game but for that viewpoint and got slammed for balanced reporting.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    SergeTroy said:

    deltago‌ It's funny, Metro last light and such are on my list of games to get and play, mostly because I want to do a good stealthy play through while slitting throats and killing a certain group of bandits. So it will have to fall in the guilty pleasures area, obviously. Also, feel free to throw out some games you feel have picked up the pace. Even if the protagonist isn't a strong female character, is there good representation from the cast? Are there games that while having a neanderthal take on human rights still make you want to support them. I'm pretty sure there was a woman reviewer of GTA5 (IGN?) that said it was a good game but for that viewpoint and got slammed for balanced reporting.

    Games that picked up the pace that I have played:
    The Walking Dead Season 1 & especially 2. Not only for strong feminine roles but also minorities which IMO get over looked more than women in games.
    Mass Effect 1 and 2 (3 took a giant step backwards)
    Dragon Age: Origins (once again DA2 took a step backwards)
    Red Dead Redemption especially for a period piece.
    XCom: Enemy Within/Unknown: even through it only has one female cast (not including squads) in a small cast to begin with, that female was handled brilliantly with no fan service thrown at her.


    And don't get me wrong, Metro Last Light is a great FPS. One of the first FPS I actually finished playing and enjoyed. It had two minor hiccups that could of been avoided or done a bit more tastefully. Both those scenes tend to distract from the story instead of enhancing it.

    GTA is and will always be an parody on pop culture. It is meant to offend and the player be as politically incorrect as possible.
  • SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2014
    Well, #3 was where Bioware and EA should have realized they would never create a good game working together, from what I heard. Bit of a side topic for me
    In regards DA:O, what anything in particular that made you feel that? I eventually stopped playing myself, after a combo of things that made returning seem more like a job I'd given myself rather than actual entertainment. I may have to try out X-com, I don't really know jack all about it but I am hearing a lot of good things about it as I look for games to play.

    Might have to check out Walking Dead too, I got disconnected after my favorite character bit it. Ah Shane, you were ... complicated :D

    I really liked Andrea too, regardless of crowd opinion, but I've seen that actress in quite a few shows and always liked her characters so that may be a bias.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,770
    An interesting topic it will be if we manage to do it without flaming.

    Personaly, I haven't heard about Anita Sarkeesian prior to opening this thread and then some googling. A cognitive read, I should say.

    So, the credit should go to @SergeTroy‌ for opening Anita and everything related to the problem to me.

    About the question in the OP - to me, the more people think about it, the better. Women should be respected both in the real life and in the video-industry. Ideally, I want everyone to look at and treat men and women equelly.

    BTW, I've been glad Beamdog have developed male and female characters for BGEE. And to me, Neera and Hexxat - as women - are depicted fine.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I've only heard opinions about her and her actions, I was never really interested in watching her content, so I don't think that I can go all out with my view on the case. I'll try to state some general things, thought.

    What I think is good: dicussion about presenting women in videogames can have positive results in varying how videogames are going to look like. Having more strong female leads will add to the variety. And at the same time, no one will ban or stop making videogames for "strong male gets to rescure beautiful female" fantasy.

    What I think is bad: going to extremes. In Anita's case, it would be nice from her, had her stopped using video clips that are not belonging to her, and to notice that from time to time, there are some notable strong female leads. Samus Aran, new Lara Croft, for examples. Especially Lara got a hell of a psychological and emotional development, which is why I liked new Tomb Rider so much.

    About extremes in internauts case: remember guys, everyone has right to speak their mind. Everyone has right to feel uncomfortable with something. But that doesn't mean you can overreact and send rape and death treats to other person! Majority of typical internauts are nothing more than trash thought, so I don't ever see them having second thought about their actions.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    I too consider myself a feminist though I acknowledge that this has many different interpretations.
    Anyway, in regards to videogames: I want interesting characters, and I believe she has a good point in that the damsel in distress is such a go-to trope. Very unimaginitive. However, I also dont want writers to include female characters for 'balance' or any outwards pressure. What I do believe is that uncritical use of helpless and fragile women and strong men is a mark of poor understanding of people (Im not saying dont create these characters as there obviously *are* strong men and weak women, just think it through).
    I believe the critical view of the videogame culture is good, becuase a broadening perception of women and men seems to move sluggishly at times.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Maybe it's because I live in Europe, but I never heard about a person called Anita Sarkeesian. I take it she's famous in North America?

    Anyway, I don't consider myself a feminist. Nor am I a masculist by any means. Rather, I don't care about gender at all! What's important is that a person gets the job done and not what shape their chromosomes are.
  • SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2014
    @Kamigoroshi - Anita is Canadian-American, dual citizenry I think, no clue on where she's at right now city wise. And to say my own thoughts here, judging someone by the merits of their actions regardless of other context such as gender would qualify you as feminist in many circles. :) Feminism is an odd word for the way we think of how it was formed in root linguistic style, what with the 'femini' but it does mean something along the lines of equal respect for all genders.l
    I don't think there really is such a thing as a 'Masculinist' perse, but I'm too lazy to do much more than finish this post.
    O_Bruce said:

    I've only heard opinions about her and her actions, I was never really interested in watching her content, so I don't think that I can go all out with my view on the case. I'll try to state some general things, thought.

    What I think is good: dicussion about presenting women in videogames can have positive results in varying how videogames are going to look like. Having more strong female leads will add to the variety. And at the same time, no one will ban or stop making videogames for "strong male gets to rescure beautiful female" fantasy.

    What I think is bad: going to extremes. In Anita's case, it would be nice from her, had her stopped using video clips that are not belonging to her, and to notice that from time to time, there are some notable strong female leads. Samus Aran, new Lara Croft, for examples. Especially Lara got a hell of a psychological and emotional development, which is why I liked new Tomb Rider so much.

    Bit of a selected text-quote there, think I got what I was interested in replying to. @O_Bruce‌ are you saying that you were bothered by Anita's use of select clips that supported her case without providing a more balanced or contrasti g view, or were you offended by the specific clips used when talking about what did and did not belong to her for use? I think I've heard some complaint before about the use of certain game footage, though I never understood the issue as I'm not aware of any legal bar against. Admittedly, I should probably be trying to sleep now, so, uh nites. :P
  • SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2014
    @Aristillius. Lot of good points that challenge our creative sets. Building good stories and characters without an over-reliance on tropes and broadening your cast of characters without throwing in a bunch of token who-evers. I have to admit that I do have an issue with writing female characters myself and hope I and others can find ways to do that with constructive critiques and examples others present. Some issues on other writers characters comes from recognizing good characters in bad people ( Cersei, anyone?) Depth and a subversion of genre tropes can only make it better for everyone; you have got to feel better making an individual Eowyn, rather than a idealized Elizabeth knock off. (Sleeping now, swear)
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I never approved stealing. And using videos of other people in her own videos is like stealing an intellectual property - unless they don't mind it. It doesn't matter what intention she had.

    And I'm not offended by lack of balance in her view. I just don't approve of going extremes, be it her or her haters or her supporters. In valuable discussions, multiple point of views are taken into consideration. Also, each sides are equally speaking and listening to others.
  • TheGraveDiggerTheGraveDigger Member Posts: 336
    I'd never heard of Anita Sarkeesian, so I googled her and wasted some time on youtube. In the second video I saw she admitted to not being a fan of video games... It seems she's just using them to spew her views and get popular like all the other youtube "celebs". Though she's atleast presentable and not too annoying.

    She mostly focuses on old "rescue the princess!" style games. In the first 10 minutes she's talked about very old games, ancient mythology, and movies from the 1920s... Who even plays Super Mario anymore?

    If anything this whole feminism thing is getting ridiculous. I was watching a TV show about the British SAS recently and one of the troopers was a woman...

    Who is one of the best fighters in Game of Thrones? A woman.
    Who is the real leader of Sons of Anarchy? Jax's mother.
    Who is the main character of the Alien movies? A woman.
    Who is the main character of the Kill Bill movies? Ninja woman.
    Who is the main character of the Resident Evil movies and games? Usually a women.
    Who is the main character of the Hunger Games? A woman.
    Who is the main character of Divergent? Another woman
    And I read recently they're turning Thor into a woman...?

    All very popular modern franchises, all with very strong women. When was the last time you saw a movie or played a game that didn't feature strong women?

    Really most feminists are just annoying and blow things out of proportion. It's actually so bad I'll probably get banned for calling them annoying. Haha
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Dee said:

    She's allowed to use clips from other games as fair use, so that's not really an issue.

    The issue revolves around her using clips from other gamers without crediting them for their playthroughs in her videos. She allows the perception that the gaming experience she is talking about is from her perspective of playing the game when in fact, in most cases it wasn't. This can (and did) affect her credibility on the topic of video games and her self titled tag as a gamer.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I think the subject matter was the issue, complaining about the clips is essentially a cover. Media doesnt handle women very well because men in our culture in the west are trying protect the 'benefits' of patriarchy while being made increasingly aware that being a misogynist is becoming increasingly unacceptable.

    As I noted in previous posts, men are way worse at portraying women than women are at portraying men. Not sure if its laziness on our part or emotional blindness.

    @TheGraveDigger‌ you aren't being serious, right? Do you really want a list of all the 'recent' media that is blatantly regressive? No, representation is still vastly one sided, and pretty much had been for thousands of years. You're doing a great job of portraying why feminists are generally better people though.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2014
    1: My thoughts as a mod maker and "artist"

    She is irrelevant because i never played or saw any real stuff of her!

    2: My thoughts as just a person who grew up in the 80s with games

    She suxs because she and her henchman doesnt know anything about gaming, games = fun but every person has the right to like what he wants and there is no such thing as the general gamer! Remember the hardcore c64 games which were brutal and funny at the same time and no one complained. Because it was just a game!
    You have been fooled if you think it´s different today... no it´s not. But some People want you to believe that games should be like school tools!

    Teacher BUSTER my friends!

    3: My thoughts as someone who is sick of these stupid aliens in the scene

    they and she should be honest and should do yoga because they are irrelevant and contributed no CONTENT anywhere or pushed any techstuff or art to the limit. They use games or specifically the "gaming" press to push political social topics into the minds of young people which is manipulation and abuse!

    My hope for the young generation is dont let them mess up your mind with poltical correctness censorship of free thoughts. Do what you want in gaming and let your expression be your first priority. If it is gore and bloody and offensive do it. But be prepared to be bombared and sanctioned but dont censor yourself from these people. Freedom of creativity is the most important thing in a free society as long it´s not totaly mad like a holocaust manager....

    And i´m well aware of any changes in the gaming and mod scene. It´s my passion and what i see is a try to censor content on a much bigger picture then just gaming. The kids are their target of manipulation and adults via presure by blackmail and other ugly things we see in recent events. People who gets fired because some evil persons spread lies about them.

    And once and for all if you want to support gaming guys check out PRESS PLAY ON TAPE and others who realy love games and use them for their base of creation and remembrance (all the c64 and amiga games remixes etc.). There are dozens of great examples how the real scene loves games. So please... dont lie to me! it s an INSULT! Or who are the guys compared to that fraud who programmed the c64 and amiga emulaters tell me. It´s a joke and i realy am ashamed of you supporting these self worshipping peoples. Shame on you guys for not mentioning the REAL people or scene who creates and loves it but you instead talk about these haters in a positive way.
    Post edited by NWN_babaYaga on
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Anita what now?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @NWN_babaYaga‌ This thread has a pretty clear notice to keep things civil. Consider that a warning.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2014
    yeah ok but anyway i am part of the scene from back then and nothing has changed except that people are flooding into the gaming biz with all sorts of strange agendas that has no relevance at all for the process or creativity that is involved in making pixels go mad :D But ok sorry i went over the top with my honest oppinon :)

    But admit you cant name any coder who did the emulators but you can name all the new age people of social perfection in gaming. If this is not strange what is strange in a scene of pixels!
  • NaturalBornKielerNaturalBornKieler Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 407
    I did not hear of her before (here in Germany), and when I read about her now I was really appalled by the way she was treated by the gaming "community".

    Her opinions might be controversial, as many feminist and "genderist" (or whatever you call it) opinions are, but the first rule must be that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and the discussion style among grown-ups should be just that, grown up and responsible. Hate is simply childish. It rather shows that she in fact found a weak point.

    It is true that computer games do contain stereotypes of many sorts, and always have. And computer games are made and have been made for a predominantly male audience. Therefore the perceived or real taste of males is what determines the content. In my opinion it is okay to decry that but I just hope that prudery and bigotry will not get the upper hand. A little serenity, please!
  • TheGraveDiggerTheGraveDigger Member Posts: 336
    DreadKhan said:

    You're doing a great job of portraying why feminists are generally better people though.

    I'm just realistic. If this makes me a lesser person... so be it.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    And keep in mind that most of the guys back in the day were realy independant and thats why they made games that very funny and right on raw to the bone. I know every game since then that is controversy and where things has changed into the mainstream stuff and from there on money and business took totaly over. I always loved the idea and passion of these real basement dwellers who are still the kings of gaming. Honestly a real gamer, moder or programmer only needs an idea and the skills and thats it. It´s just the wrong path we take if we dont support active and innovative people in gaming but instead focus on an agenda that rewards you. Every guy who coded phenomenon stuff did it almost for free! Think about that the next time someone mentiones anyone who pretends to "like" games...
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    No @TheGraveDigger‌ I am saying you are being rather unrealistic; extremely few positive and realistic depictions of women actually exist. Saying otherwise would be very similar to saying that all the crappy Westerns now get a pass because there are a tiny handful of movies featuring black cowboys (ie Django, Posse). The fact remains non-white cowboys were pretty much standard historicaly, yet we got horsecrap Westerns in which the entire West is white.

    @NaturalBornKieler‌ the days of games being the domain of entitled suburban white boys are gone. They arent the majority anymore, and could be expected from entitiled brats, we get death threats over putting less booby in videogames.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2014
    But i must add one little thing and then i just stop wasting my time on that.

    Where is Anita gaming related ? Just tell me what she has Created. A Creation that leads to gaming is usually for what you earn respect. You dont earn respect just by telling others what is good and wrong or are we now a days realy so far that people with skills are less interesting then people who can make lots of drama? IF thats the reality im so sorry for a once great little community of people who did stuff and i congrat everyone for their contribution in destroying the meaning of it by opening the door to pretenders. And we will have a great future in modding also because no one cares and gives you any kind of spotlight because other strangers will come first because they have an oppinon!

    Im sure we will see lots of great "games" in the future of indy gaming with all kinds of social topics. And the cool or REAl games will get no attention or support. Yes, great! Thanks!

    And i must say you can ban me for that i dont care anymore. dont know what went wrong everywhere but i just dont care about political correctness censorship. If thats not welcome then well fare well!
This discussion has been closed.