Let's Play Policy?

Hi, I would love to do a Let's Play series of BG:EE but I can't find any policy from Beamdog if they are fine with it (with monetization or without it). I know that there are already some LPs of BG:EE but I'd like to know if creators are fine with it before recording and posting. An official statement on games page or studios page would also really help me and other YouTubers with dealing with YouTube.
1) I'm looking forward to this.
2) I think it's really thoughtful that you asked before just going for it.
After all the drama with Nintendo some time ago, I've abandoned my first channel and started a new one, where I'm only doing a LP if the creators of the game are fine with it. I don't want to have my channel deleted (it's a lot of work, a lot of hours of recording and production, and then gigabytes of uploading) and thats why I'm always looking for the permission from the creators.
I would also like to note that the document linked above states:
"You can, however, subsidize your Fan Content by taking advantage of sponsorships, ad revenue, and donations—so long as it doesn’t interfere with the Community’s access to your Fan Content."
Monetization is part that is not allowed, though. https://company.wizards.com/fancontentpolicy
Ok, now it's clear, thank you!
@VorZol will you send me a link if you start your lp series ? Thanks!
Ok, I will send the link. But please note, it will be in hungarian.