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  • batjellybatjelly Member Posts: 25
    I don't know what the different versions are, but I have fond memories of a box set that came with a special map of Baldur's Gate city. It was a long time ago and my big brother gave it to me. I loved that map.

    I also got a copy of the collectors set to travel around time zones with, but there were lots of scratches and cracks so in the end I mounted the CD to its own drive (hope this wasn't a bad thing to do!).

    Now I use the Beamdog and iPad versions.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    edited October 2014
    Counting the versions that my dad bought (my inheritance) i have 4 ...

    ... I think, possibly...

    1x original set of BG1(5 discs)+ TotSC then Bg2(4 discs?)+ToB
    2x boxes of the entire series (apparantely north american though bought in england thank god i found the original TotSC disc or i would never have been able to get it to work)
    1x set of BG:EE (Steam) and BG2:EE (Beamdog)

    aside from Baldur's Gate
    2x IWD1
    1x IWD2
    2x NWN with expansions
    2x NWN2
    oh and my dad and two brothers each have BG:EE and BG2:EE

    all in all a very profitable family for Bioware and Beamdog
    not bad considering I was only 2 when BG1 came out

    Oh and the only complete playthrough I've managed finished yesterday
    DnD is far too complicated for kids (when you dont understand thaco, AC or dice rolls and only ever use magic missile and fireball you don't get very far)
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    edited October 2014
    I bought the original BG1 when it came out, something I NEVER EVER did, I would always wait a year or two, so I paid less for a more stable product. My brother in law had it too, and I 'borrowed' his TotSC disc. I still have it, relatively unscratched. I played it bugs and all, I got the werewolf island slowdown and the Durlag's tower 'shouldn't I teleport to some sort of chess board now?'.

    BG2 I showed some restraint on, I got the 4+1 set I think, played it but didn't like the initial dungeon, so I shelved it for a couple of years. Then I gave it another go, and absolutely loved it.

    I got the BG1:EE on steam, then bought another copy so I could multiplay with my kids. Should have got 3 copies, only have 2. Well if I could get them to actually play all 3 of us together I would.

    I was a beta tester for BG2:EE, so don't actually own a proper copy of that. Counting it anyway.

    In fairness I've kinda gone off actually playing the game, although I'm finally having a proper try on 1ee, and may be forced to buy 2ee when I finish. Otherwise I'll probably grab one from Beamdog if they ever have a sale. I will certainly be buying IWD:EE, and never again getting EE versions from Steam.

    The beta testing thing was the entire reason I discovered this forum, previously I was quite content on the EA/Origin forum, so cheers for that.

    EDIT Well if we're talking NWN etc too, then I have

    2x NWN1 (for multiplayer)
    2x NWN2 (one original that came with a video card, one on steam with expansions)
    1x Jade empire cd in German (bought in Berlin) (can't speak German)
    1x KotOR 2 cd
    1x KotOR 1 on Steam

    I have completed them all at least once, except for NWN1 which I got bored with. Yes I know that's fightin' talk.
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2014
    i have the Original BG release, the seperate TotSC release, i have the Collector's Edition of BG2. I have IWD release. i have the GOG release of all of the aforementioned . I also have the Steam/EE version of Each (well not IWD...... yet)

    EDIT: oh yeah i forgot a recently picked up a copy of BG1 on the Ipad for my son
    Post edited by Felspawn on
  • dashteacupdashteacup Member Posts: 52
    Wow. I'm the only person with a single copy of the series? I borrowed the BG2 CDs from a friend back in 2000ish, but I returned them without finishing the game. I was really into multiplayer games back then, so BG2 wasn't a priority. The EEs are the only version I've completed.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Whoops i actually think i have had 5 copies of bg and 5 of bg 2...

    2 of bg cds (lost disks had to replace)

    1 of baldur's gate 2 cds
    1 of bg/tob combo dvd
    1 of baldur's gate combo dvd
    1 of bg/bg2 on pc
    1 of bg/bg2 on ios.

    And I would buy the again if they released on psvita.

    I have problem?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited March 2015
    I dont really remember how many I have owned over the years... probably around 8-10. I currently have 6 which I use regularly. 2 for each enhanced edition of BG (one that was a beta and one that is a public version) and 1 for each vanilla version. I only actually play BG1:EE and BG2:EE anymore, but I use the vanilla versions in case I want to compare their functions to the EEs for whatever reason, and this is usually done in NearInfinity.

    The vanilla versions are both on the discs. Never needed to get the GoG version since I still had the discs.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    This is the only game series I've ever bought multiple times. I tend to lose my copies every couple years, and then get a craving to play it again.
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    Despite major usage, my original boxed versions are still in very good condition, so have never had to buy it again (before the introduction of EE that is).

    Also, the original box for SoA might be my fav game-box ever. It's my 2nd biggest box (only trumped by my Throne of Darkness game) and has that double front-cover, which is just awesome.
    Blizzard still makes some nice boxes with the WoW games, but they're not as silly big as the oldies. ^^

    Screw digital downloads, pretty and impractical cardboard clutter ftw.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Tuth said:

    Yeah, I think I lost count of how many copies I have. image

    Suddenly, I'm having cleptomaniac urges !!!
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I lost all my original boxes because I bought those when I was 12 years old and I was a demon back then.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Oh, back when BG came in glorious boxes!

    BG + TotSC 6-disc boxed release
    BG2 collectors edition of SoA
    ToB separate release
    GOG original BG
    BGEE and BG2EE via Beamdog
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    BG 4-in-1 boxset (twice)

    BG series GOG version

    BG:EE series Beamdog version

    BG:EE series GOG version

    BG2:SOA (second hand) carton box

    for a total of 5 unique, meaning I erred when clicking the poll

    other Infinity Engine games:

    IWD series 3-in-1 box set

    IWD series GOG version

    IWD:EE GOG version

    Planescape Torment GOG version
  • MoradinMoradin Member Posts: 372
    I think I have 7:

    - BG1 original box + TotSC separate;
    - BG2 original box + ToB separate;
    - BG 1 & 2 EE digital copies through Beamdog;
    - BG1 & 2 + relative expansions something like 10th year anniversary or similar;

    Atop of that, I have:
    - IWD 1 original box + HoW separate;
    - IWD 2 original box;
    - Planescape: Torment original box;
    - NWN I & II original boxes + the expansions original boxes.

    What can I say... I like boxes...
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    All that were, all that are and all that will be.
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    Damn, OK you need to tell me where that quote is from, it's .. damn I'm thinking some old song from Pink Floyd, or a book I read a million years ago.
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