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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the love talks start in chapter 4 when you rescue imoen. the romances does not actually start until the beginning of chapter 6.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    There is a better than average chance that this mod is not compatible with Imoen 4 Ever.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Maurvir wrote: »
    There is a better than average chance that this mod is not compatible with Imoen 4 Ever.

    it's not. imoen forever pretty much breaks the mod.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    megamike15 wrote: »
    Maurvir wrote: »
    There is a better than average chance that this mod is not compatible with Imoen 4 Ever.

    it's not. imoen forever pretty much breaks the mod.

    Yep. Unfortunately, the Imoen Romance mod works off the assumption that Imoen was captured and taken to Spellhold. Naturally, this means that the Imoen Forever mod, which never lets Imoen leave the party, is incompatible with it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2019
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  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    The trouble is that there are two "versions" of Imoen according to Jastey. The one in ID and the one in Spellhold (who you get to keep). This is also why the Imoen you get back isn't exactly the same as the one you started with.

    Imoen 4 Ever short circuits this and gives you the "new and improved" Imoen in Chapter 2, so there is a very good chance that mods made to it by the romance mods will either get overwritten or will behave incorrectly. However, if you wish to risk it, you never know - maybe the triggers will start firing normally. I'm not sure I would be willing to risk that many game hours, though.

    Be sure to follow up either way. :)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Zaxares wrote: »
    Naturally, this means that the Imoen Forever mod, which never lets Imoen leave the party, is incompatible with it.
    Just to be precise: Imoen is taken by the CW/Irenicus at the beginning like normally. With I4E she then returns soon after, though.

    Maurvir wrote: »
    The trouble is that there are two "versions" of Imoen according to Jastey. The one in ID and the one in Spellhold (who you get to keep). This is also why the Imoen you get back isn't exactly the same as the one you started with.

    Imoen 4 Ever short circuits this and gives you the "new and improved" Imoen in Chapter 2, so there is a very good chance that mods made to it by the romance mods will either get overwritten or will behave incorrectly. However, if you wish to risk it, you never know - maybe the triggers will start firing normally. I'm not sure I would be willing to risk that many game hours, though.
    Just to be clear: The "Imoen in ID is not the same one you meet later" is original BGII(:EE) design and changing this to a "continuous" Imoen would mean incompatibilities.
    I4E gives the Imoen you'd meet in Spellhold back to the party sooner - and that is why all mods detect her presence in chpaters 2&3 like they would if she'd join in Spellhold.
    The problem why most mods are not compatible with Imoen in chapters 2&3 is that no mod made a chapter check for all the "Great to have you back and sorry you were tortured in Spellhold" banters, because her absence was canon until the sacrilege I4E came around. :)

    The Imoen Romance mod weaved the "Imoen abducted in Spellhold" storyline into the design of the romance. This includes dreams while Imoen is away as well as extensive dialogues about the time of separation and "let's meet your comrades with whom you rescued me and who I've never met before".
    Making it compatible with I4E would require rewriting parts. It wouldn't be impossible, but even if assumed the author of Imoen Romance would be interested (which I don't know), he stopped writing so that probably will not happen.
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  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the fix might not even be relevant anymore since the mods been updated.

    thats the case with alot of mods that had to need the fix pack said fixes tended to be put into the newer versions.
  • ShaewarosShaewaros Member Posts: 24
    Can someone help with the debug file? My installation failed, not sure why. Tried to install it on top of a completed EET install.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    megamike15 wrote: »
    the fix might not even be relevant anymore since the mods been updated.

    thats the case with alot of mods that had to need the fix pack said fixes tended to be put into the newer versions.

    This. @ArthasII I would advise to always check changelog first. It's possible there will be mention that some( (all) BWP Fixpacks were included in one of the newer versions. Most mod authors are thorough when it comes to listing changes.
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  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    bwp fix pack tellls you if a mod is a different version and if you don't want to install it. really most of the fix pack has been included in other mods and for the msot part only adds eet compatibility. it's mostly needed for tashia as she has a very bad game breaking bug in tob that only that fixes.
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  • DropkickerDropkicker Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2020
    Hello everyone!

    Back to October 2019, I added macOS X support for this mod (3.9.1) and sent them to Sarevok08, however it didn't show up in the future patches.
    Now since the mod is 3.9.6, I will just post it here and in the future.

    Credits should go to original mod creators.

    Full change log:
    • Added entry shell command and latest WeiDU binary for OSX user's installation (Linux should work the same)
    • Packaged tisunpack and oggdec binary file corresponding to their win32 counterparts (credits go to Per Olofsson and Vorbis)
    • Added shell commands corresponding to their batch file counterparts.

      Code Change:
      //Music setup
      Original ->
      AT_EXIT ~imoenRomance/bat/IMMUSIC.bat~

      Modified ->
      ACTION_IF ( ~%WEIDU_OS%~ STR_EQ ~win32~ ) THEN BEGIN
      AT_EXIT ~imoenRomance/bat/IMMUSIC.bat~
      AT_EXIT ~imoenRomance/bat/IMMUSIC.command~

      //vanilla bg2 use tileset
      Original ->
      COPY ~imoenRomance/areas/tisunpack.exe~ ~override/tisunpack.exe~
      AT_EXIT ~imoenRomance/bat/ArUnPackMR.bat~

      Modified ->
      ACTION_IF ( ~%WEIDU_OS%~ STR_EQ ~win32~ ) THEN
      COPY ~imoenRomance/areas/tisunpack.exe~ ~override/tisunpack.exe~
      AT_EXIT ~imoenRomance/bat/ArUnPackMR.bat~
      END ELSE
      COPY ~imoenRomance/areas/tisunpack~ ~override/tisunpack~
      AT_EXIT ~imoenRomance/bat/ArUnPackMR.command~

      Original ->
      AT_UNINSTALL ~imoenRomance/bat/uninstall.bat~

      Modified ->
      ACTION_IF ( ~%WEIDU_OS%~ STR_EQ ~win32~ ) THEN BEGIN
      AT_UNINSTALL ~imoenRomance/bat/uninstall.bat~
      AT_UNINSTALL ~imoenRomance/bat/uninstall.command~

    If there's any problem during installation, please let me know!

    Post edited by Dropkicker on
  • pwaringpwaring Member Posts: 81
    I'm not sure if this bug has already been reported, but in 3.9.6 I noticed when I introduced Imoen to the other party members Anomen is referred to as my 'sweetheart', even though I'm not in a romance with him (and can't be due to my PC being male).
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    There's a notable lack of Keldorn in my party for this specific line... I think it triggered from entering the Mithrest inn, though it might have a different trigger.

  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    this triggers if either Keldorn or Anomen is in the party. maybe the text should be changed
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020
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  • pwaringpwaring Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2020
    Neverused wrote: »
    There's a notable lack of Keldorn in my party for this specific line... I think it triggered from entering the Mithrest inn, though it might have a different trigger.

    I think that trigger is on a timer, as I saw it in the Underdark after using C:AdvanceRealTime through the console (with Keldorn in my party).
  • JarveyJarvey Member Posts: 31
    It's gotten quiet here. Hopefully development hasn't completely stopped, cause I've got a few more text corrections I'd like to bring:

    SOA/love/lovetalks.d, line 80: "haha, nice to hear yer just as much a goody-two-shoes as ever." ---> "Haha, nice to hear yer just as much a goody-two-shoes as ever."

    SOA/love/PartyReactions.d, line 302. I think this dialogue option ("I would have never expected such prejudices from someone like you.") should be made a female-only response. It doesn't make much sense to say this line as a male (human, at least) Charname, and this option plays into the line Jaheira says to a female Charname during this talk ("Especially, since you are a woman...")

    scripts\SOA\dreamCutscenes\tras\CutiM16.tra and CutiF16.tra, line 6: "I must reach Spellhold." It's possible to get this journal entry before being told of Spellhold, so I would suggest changing this line to "I must reach Imoen." (I think I pointed this out some time ago, but as of 3.9.6 it hasn't been changed)

    TOB\GorionWraith\GorionWraith.d, lines 75, 100 and 144: "I finally find you" ---> "I finally found you". (I posted about this one a page or two back, but leaving it here for the sake of putting everything I've caught in one post)

    scripts\TOB\Bracelet\BracCut4.tra, line 7: "I will take you to where Xaglaroth awaits" ---> "I will take you to where Xaglaroth awaits."

    scripts\TOB\Bracelet\BracCut4.tra, line 19: "Ok let's go." ---> "Okay, let's go."

    scripts\TOB\Bracelet\BracCut6.tra, line 14: "Let us leave this place" ---> "Let us leave this place."

    Also, some miscellaneous gameplay observations from my playthroughs:

    - I liked the little sub-plot about the Bracelet in ToB, but the final fight in this sidequest is a complete pushover. I know it was intentional to be a fairly easy fight, but I still felt that it could have offered stiffer opposition.

    - The mod's version of the ToB Gorion Wraith fight seems tougher than any of the equivalent Wraith fights in the base game. Maybe it's the number of enemies or just my towering hatred of level drain monsters talking, but I think this could have used some balancing tweaks.

    - Looking into the ToB dialogue files, I feel that not enough dialogue options raise IRTLoveMeter, which affects the epilogues at the end of the game. There's some dialogues that I was quite surprised to see that they didn't raise this variable. I haven't ran the numbers but I'm fairly sure you'll only get this variable high enough to unlock the best epilogues by a quite thin margin.
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  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Well, she has a lot of talks, but not nearly for every quest. I guess if you'd want invest a little time, you could look at areas scripts in the mod files (just the filenames - area codes - to see to what areas the mod does add scripts), and then based on the codes, identify which areas you should visit with her in the party.
  • JarveyJarvey Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2020
    ArthasII wrote: »
    Given the huge amount of content this mod has, especially in optional areas quest, what's the best course of action charname can assume to actually experience all the content there is with imoen?

    Circle quest, then sell everything found in Irenicus dungeon? Then raiding the cemetery and nothing more than that? Or maybe something else?

    You won't miss all that much if you complete a fair share of quests before rescuing her or completing the romance. While the mod adds a number of comments to Imoen for various quests around Amn, it's usually one-line interjections in dialogues, though there are some exceptions.

    The main reason you might want to give yourself some excuses to go around Amn in Chapter 6 is the new events, like showing Imoen your stronghold, a new merchant character at Waukeen's Promenade, and the flirt pack-style interactions she gets once you complete the romance as lovers. But overall if you want to rush the main quest into Chapter 4, it's to reach Imoen before she becomes too underleveled to be an effective party member, not because you'll miss out on mod content later on.
    Post edited by Jarvey on
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Jarvey wrote: »
    But overall if you want to rush the main quest into Chapter 4, it's to reach Imoen before she becomes too underleveled to be an effective party member, not because you'll miss out on mod content later on.

    I booked Imoen in for a one-night stay at the EEKeeper Inn to remedy that. ;)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    so is there a walkthrough that tells you how to make the romance go? i remember i did everything i thought was right even got the bodi event but then something broke and i had no idea how.
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2020
    Sometime after Bodhi, Immy should say sth along the lines of "we should talk about what happened". During the talk, the right choices determine whether the romance continue or not. In the conversation you should be decisive, not pushy, but not passive.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    edited February 2020
    Sometime after Bodhi, Immy should say sth along the lines of "we should talk about what happened". During the talk, the right choices determine whether the romance continue or not. In the conversation you should be decisive, not pushy, but not passive.
    In addition to the above, be careful not to push TOO hard before the pivotal Elven ruins camp scene. There's a few conversation choices that can put Imoen into a state where she will not be receptive to any romance whatsoever. In general, you should be considerate and caring, but don't "come on too strong".

    For example, IIRC, there is one conversation you can have after rescuing Imoen where she asks you if there's anyone special to you, and here is where you can affirm a romance with another party member if you so choose. One of the options you can pick is "It's you, Imoen. My heart belongs to you." Imoen will at first laugh this off, and if you just smile and leave it at that, you're safe. But if you're too insistent, Imoen gets creeped out, which kills the romance AND also puts Imoen into a suspicious state about you. Unlike the other romances, IR has a lot of different states ranging from "Imoen knows she has a strange attraction/bond to you, but isn't sure what it means" to "Imoen isn't interested in you romantically, but still treats you as her best friend/companion" to "Imoen finds your blatant attraction to her disturbing" to "Imoen loves you back".

    After the camp scene, you have to wait until Imoen gets her soul back from Bodhi before the romance will progress, as amberCoffeeCat says.
  • JarveyJarvey Member Posts: 31
    There are a surprising amount of ways to get the romance called off before it can even start in SoA. Most of the time it's not obvious and easy to mistake for broken scripting. To expand on what the others have said:
    Ending the lovetalks by treating Imoen cruelly or ending the talks early with dismissive replies like "I don't have time for this right now/We need to get going" can put Imoen in a state where she's angry with you and/or has no interest in a romance. In a few talks, it's possible to creep her out by expressing attraction to her before the camp scene, but in these cases it's pretty clear she's ending any notion of romance with you.

    After the camp scene, the romance won't continue until you've dealt with Bodhi. About ~24 in-game hours after that, you should get prompted by Imoen to talk out your feelings in private. You might also need to be in an area considered outdoors/forest before she'll want to talk - I vaguely recall that she won't prompt you in cities or dungeon areas but I could be wrong. It's a long series of dialogue that's full of ways to anger Imoen and get the romance called off so I would suggest saving before going through with it.

    Even after it's been resolved, there's still a few ways to end the romance. Some of the flirt pack style interactions you unlock with her can result in her leaving you if you are too dismissive/cruel toward her feelings. If Jaheira is in your party, she will confront you and demand you end your relationship with Imoen, which you can do (tbh I find Jaheira's writing here a bit over-the-top, but in the mod's defense a character like Jaheira is tough to write well). There's one last big dialogue once you enter Suldanessellar where Imoen nearly loses her nerve and you need to talk her through by being firm but fair, otherwise she'll leave you.

    It's a double-edged sword; The mod's take on a RPG romance plot is more nuanced and a lot less 'gamey' than most, but the lack of transparency means it's not always apparent what you should do, or if you've said something that angered Imoen.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    ok i did not know the last talk had to be out doors. that may be why the romance broke the last time i tried playing the mod. i got the chapter 7 talk but not the final love talk so it must have ended the romance.
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