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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    well this is the first i've ever heard of a Sarevok-Imoen dialogue bug. never had seravok in the party and never had this happen.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    megamike15 wrote: »
    well this is the first i've ever heard of a Sarevok-Imoen dialogue bug. never had seravok in the party and never had this happen.

    I got this bug, and I was able to continue the game normally only after this fix. Why it does not arise at all - I find it difficult to answer. But adding this additional check will help those who have it, and will not worsen anything for those who don’t have it :) If it is not added to the mod in the future and no one has any problems, I’ll be glad :)
    I'm glad that our translation and other corrections are included in the mod :))
  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2020
    The challenge talk already has a check for Sarevok IsValidForPartyDialogue.

    I think there is something else making it not work for you Austin87.

    I have incorporated all fixes on last few pages.

    I am not sure what happened to Sarevok as i was waiting for the russian translation integration from him, so maybe we may have to integrate it ourselves instead.
    Post edited by elyon on
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2020
    elyon wrote: »
    I am not sure what happened to Sarevok as i was waiting for the russian translation integration from him, so maybe we may have to integrate it ourselves instead.

    It is already integrated - as I wrote earlier, Israel Blargh has already updated the mod and russian translation and my TRAification have been added: Romance Multi-language.rar
    The text errors that ArthasII mentioned are already fixed there. There is also an updated version of WeidU.
    In the readme file all changes are indicated.
    In the future, it is better to take this version for bug fixes.

    As for the bug with Sarevok - perhaps this is somehow connected with the fact that I also have the "Imoen Friendship" mod installed - I don’t know why, but after adding this check the bug disappeared, but the dialogue with Imoen from the "Imoen Friendship" mod started.
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  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2020
    Thanks @ArthasII

    I have a few fixes which i will integrate your translation and mac compatibility into, Israel left both links as he thought i would integrate it into the main one at some point.

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2020
    OK thanks! But then you can use the ready-made TRAification so as not to do double work. All texts, including from scripts, were transferred to the tra-files. Also, a iconv-transcoder was added there, without which the Russian text will not work in the "vanilla" (old) version.

    And added three replicas of the meeting between Imoen and the bear Wilson (BG2EE-NPC) during the reunion of the party in SpellHold (previously there were no replicas for him and he was ignored).

    Everything that has been changed is described in the readme file.

    P.S. Please take the Russian texts from here - here some corrections of typos and inaccurate translations that were still in the version on the site were made: Romance 3.9.7 Multi-language.rar?dl=0
  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    Ok, i will double check everything and let you know.

    I will ask Israel if it is ok to add the Imoen - Wilson reunion, i tend not to add any writers content to this mod without the writers consent (and since their basically 'retired' it really means i dont add any writing content).

    Thanks for your efforts!
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2020
    Yes of course! When I wrote to him, I warned him to look at the readme file, where all the changes are indicated. But he could not notice this change. Please clarify! I hope he will not mind. After all, knowing the character of Imoen, she would probably say something when she saw that her brother/sister was traveling with a bear :) However, there were replicas for other EE-NPC, but not for Wilson.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah the seravok bug may be due to you having both imoen mods installed. it's not recommended as the tob content for both has an overlapping talk after the 2nd challenge which causes a conflict.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2020
    I noticed one more strange thing - if Imoen Romance and Ascension were installed at the same time, then my final Imoen's epilogue was from Ascension, and not from Imoen Romance, which would be more correct!
    If it matters, the final decision I had was to abandon the heritage of Bhaal.
    Perhaps the reason is that I installed Ascension later than the IR?
    Post edited by Austin87 on
  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    Yes most likely. I haven't looked at it for awhile, but the critical code is the last dialogue with the solar at the end.

    Most likely ascension overwrites Im romance for that part.

    In general (or it used to be) npc mods were advised to be installed after any gameplay mods and after ascension.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    this is why most say install Ascension first as it overwrites epilogues of other mods.
  • Rev1395Rev1395 Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2020
    Hey guys, I just finished a run through the trilogy with the mod installed for BG2EE :) So originally, I was going to go for Branwen for the second game since I used the BG1NPC project to romance her in the first game. My Charname bonded with Corwin in SOD but we all know how that would end ;)

    I then decided to install the Imoen Romance mod... and I can honestly say that I got a bit emotional playing through the mod. Especially during the deurgar bit. Imoen got to stake Bodhi and when Irenicus was finally killed for good, I actually reloaded the final fight a few times just to see Jon get thrown through the lava pit a couple of times.

    The Throne of Bhaal portion was also well done, with Sarevok actually acknowkledging Charname's and Imoen's relationship and I managed Sarevok and Imoen having a banter about said relationship. On the choice at the end, it was pretty good to know that both are happy endings. That through mortality or godhood they'll always be together.

    The hardest battle in TOB portion was probably the Master Wraith for me :D

    So I got three questions though; does the ToB choices affect Imoen's character that much in that portion? Would the more evil dialogue options affect her following dialogues with Charname (Aside from getting two (or more?) new endings)? And lastly I actually started another run this afternoon and I'm planning to play through the Sirene mod and go through Imoen's friendship path this time. Would there be incompatibilities between the two? Aside from those two, the only other mods I have installed for the second game is the banter pack from the Pocket Plane Groupand the Arcane Archer kit from The Artisan's Kitpack .
    Post edited by Rev1395 on
  • JarveyJarvey Member Posts: 31
    Rev1395 wrote: »
    So I got three questions though; does the ToB choices affect Imoen's character that much in that portion? Would the more evil dialogue options affect her following dialogues with Charname (Aside from getting two (or more?) new endings)? And lastly I actually started another run this afternoon and I'm planning to play through the Sirene mod and go through Imoen's friendship path this time. Would there be incompatibilities between the two? Aside from those two, the only other mods I have installed for the second game is the banter pack from the Pocket Plane Groupand the Arcane Archer kit from The Artisan's Kitpack .

    Okay so:

    1-2: The dialogue choices in ToB have a large impact on Imoen, and there's lots of ways things can play out with her. If you want details...
    Dialogue choices affect how she views her relationship with Charname and plays a big role in what epilogue she has, especially in the romance path. There's around 40 or so epilogues depending on if she is being romanced or not, how much she likes Charname, if Charname stays mortal/ascends with her/ascends without her, Imoen's relationship with Aerie, and Charname's alignment. Which should give an idea of just how many variables are going on.

    Evil choices lower her opinion of Charname and can result in her starting arguments, breaking up with Charname and/or outright leaving the party. It's also possible to get Imoen to embrace her Bhaalspawn nature and unlock her powers (including the Ravager form), but doing so without making her angry can be tricky even for a Good-aligned Charname.

    3: Sirene should be fine to use. IR has a reputation for frail scripting, but any mods that keep within BG1 and/or SoD should always play nice with IR barring exceptional circumstances, as IR only takes effect from BG2 onward.
  • Rev1395Rev1395 Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2020
    Jarvey wrote: »
    Rev1395 wrote: »
    So I got three questions though; does the ToB choices affect Imoen's character that much in that portion? Would the more evil dialogue options affect her following dialogues with Charname (Aside from getting two (or more?) new endings)? And lastly I actually started another run this afternoon and I'm planning to play through the Sirene mod and go through Imoen's friendship path this time. Would there be incompatibilities between the two? Aside from those two, the only other mods I have installed for the second game is the banter pack from the Pocket Plane Groupand the Arcane Archer kit from The Artisan's Kitpack .

    Okay so:

    1-2: The dialogue choices in ToB have a large impact on Imoen, and there's lots of ways things can play out with her. If you want details...
    Dialogue choices affect how she views her relationship with Charname and plays a big role in what epilogue she has, especially in the romance path. There's around 40 or so epilogues depending on if she is being romanced or not, how much she likes Charname, if Charname stays mortal/ascends with her/ascends without her, Imoen's relationship with Aerie, and Charname's alignment. Which should give an idea of just how many variables are going on.

    Evil choices lower her opinion of Charname and can result in her starting arguments, breaking up with Charname and/or outright leaving the party. It's also possible to get Imoen to embrace her Bhaalspawn nature and unlock her powers (including the Ravager form), but doing so without making her angry can be tricky even for a Good-aligned Charname.

    3: Sirene should be fine to use. IR has a reputation for frail scripting, but any mods that keep within BG1 and/or SoD should always play nice with IR barring exceptional circumstances, as IR only takes effect from BG2 onward.

    Thanks for the reply!

    I'll probbably generate a "Vergil" for the ToB portion when the next time I try it out ;)

    40 epilogues?! :* I guess one of those is where they decide to get kids? I wasn't able to convince her during this playthrough though :D The ones I got were the ones where

    They get married in Candlekeep and then keep on adventuring or they ascend together and Imoen actually does a very good job on the goddess thing <3 Oh, and she beomes good friends with Mystra :)

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2020
    In the Ascension support topic, DavidW wrote about yet another Ascension and Imoen Romance compatibility issue, and he says that this problem can only be solved in Imoen Romance mod:

    Elyon, can you see this comment on the link?
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Rev1395 wrote: »
    40 epilogues?! :* I guess one of those is where they decide to get kids? I wasn't able to convince her during this playthrough though :D
    As far as I know, Imoen is adamantly against having children and there is no possible ending where it happens. This was from me scrutinizing the file that lists all of the potential epilogues for your companions.
  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    I am looking at integrating the macOS compatibility changes listed in this thread, however i notice it introduces a rather large amount of macos artifacts.

    Has anyone tested this 'easy' macOs installation from

    That seems to imply no need to modify existing mod it just 'works', would simplify alot of things.
    As i understand the only possible complication is the music files.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited May 2020
    @elyon All macOS changes added by @Dropkicker are the valid and the easiest way for you is just to include them. (ofc without .DS_Store files)
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    Hi Everyone,

    I have done quite a substantial update to the mod (more then i thought) in order to address the various long-hanging issue's below:

    Fixed various minor grammar mistakes
    Fixed a few incorrect transitioning dialogues of Imoens
    Fixed Anomen introduction to being generic
    Major restructure of end Solar talk to guarantee compatibility with any other mod no matter mod install order
    Ascension compatibility fix (ending as described above and bhaal taint talks, thanks DavidW and Jastey)
    Russian language integration (and support for multiple languages cheers eR1s0n, Austin, Staylos &
    MACOSX compatibility integrated (thanks Dropkicker)

    This is available from the main download link of the website.

    If anyone can test and confirm at least that imoen ending works with ascension installed (ideally installing imoen after) and MACOSX compatibility that would be great.

    I will be around to address any issues arising from these changes.

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    elyon, thank you so much for supporting this wonderful mod and for adding our translation! We worked on it for many years :)

    One question: there are two links left on the site - probably the second one can already be removed, it still does not work, moreover, the translation is already included in the main version.

    Also, version 3.9.6 is still indicated in the page title - probably, it can also be updated?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Austin87 wrote: »
    Also, version 3.9.6 is still indicated in the page title - probably, it can also be updated?
    Or even better, removed, so it won't ever confuse players.
  • elyonelyon Member Posts: 37
    I can ask the owner, unfortunately i don't own the website nor have access to change it. I only have very limited access to upload the mod package itself.
  • DropkickerDropkicker Member Posts: 3
    I can report that macOS works fine. A reminder for anyone running on macOS Catalina, you have to right click the .command file and choose Open with -> Terminal(default) otherwise the new system preference will block you from running unidentified scripts.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 344
    elyon wrote: »
    I can ask the owner, unfortunately i don't own the website nor have access to change it. I only have very limited access to upload the mod package itself.

    This is already done!
    Hooray! Thank!
  • Rev1395Rev1395 Member Posts: 11
    Zaxares wrote: »
    Rev1395 wrote: »
    40 epilogues?! :* I guess one of those is where they decide to get kids? I wasn't able to convince her during this playthrough though :D
    As far as I know, Imoen is adamantly against having children and there is no possible ending where it happens. This was from me scrutinizing the file that lists all of the potential epilogues for your companions.

    Ah, okay :)
  • MrennigmaMrennigma Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2020
    This may be a silly question but what would it take to get elyon and whoever else may still be doing updates the access needed to update the "home" page for Imoen Romance? Is the current site owner still around? Could the site content be hosted elsewhere? If so what would the logistics involved be? OK that's several silly questions but I'm curious and have very little knowledge when it comes to mod hosting.

    I'm returning to BG after a very very long hiatus and was overjoyed to see that not only had this mod been resurrected but improved as well! Thank you everyone that has contributed! About to start my 1st EET playthru and hit several conflicts with IR when I ran my EE Mod Setup build. Would be nice, for instance, to have a compatibility topic that could be visited without having to comb thru this whole topic in the hope of finding an answer. I also noticed the primary content for the page hasn't been updated in a very long time, NEWS for instance, even though the mod is still actively being worked on.
  • AsimovAsimov Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2020
    Hi, a bit of a problem or maybe a bug - I'm after the campfire cut scene and MRSLEPTIMOEN=1 but Imoen is not talking to me and there are actually no new dialogs in game. Tried to sleep in a tawern, forest and even city... advanced real time like 2 weeks and left the game running for the night.

    Could comeone tell me what should be the next dialog? Is it MRResolution1 from RomanceNoConflict.txt (I have no other romances)? If so what should be the trigger for it :(


    Edit: solved it - reinstall helped :wink:
    Post edited by Asimov on
  • JL85JL85 Member Posts: 3
    Hi there folks, long time BG/BG2 fan here. The announcement of BG3 has sucked me back in with all the classic BG gaming stuff.

    I remember waaaay back when the IR mod was first started, it was having lots of issues and compatibility problems. I've always wanted to see what was in the IR mod though, and I'm about to buy the BG/BG2 EE versions to see what all has changed over the decades.

    I would love to go on a big epic adventure with Imoen in a BG Trilogy setup and lots of the big mods (and slower level progression so we don't get too overpowered too quickly), but I don't even know where to begin these days. The main focal point will be getting this IR mod compatible with as much as I can pack in (and as many story mods as can be compatible with each other).

    Where do I even get started? Is there a Readme or instructional page somewhere I should read?

    Any help is appreciated.
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