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Picking a good character name

Human names are easy enough, and one can always google the culture they are feeling.

Hear is just a small list of tools (that I have found) for non-human. What are yours?



Some of mine: Kel'drin, Shri'tana, Dil'ithra, Zar'zyne


Half pint: (Halfling)

Dwarves: (The other pint)



  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    I never used name generators, except perhaps for NWN 1&2 when I felt bored. Building character names is quite easy IMO. I also never use character names from books (but I did find out that some of the characters I invented were already imagined by some author).
    I do use names from other older games. I find that the names from Lords of Midnight (one of the best games ever created) are quite good to be used in IE games. Same for the names used in Majesty and Heroes of Might&Magic (2 or 3, it matters little).
  • AureolAureol Member Posts: 53
    Like Elrandir, I generally make all my names myself; it just doesn't feel like my character if I don't. Some names are just whatever sounds cool (Dmirio and Rahamas), but others have meaning (Sulsaris - sol (sun) saris (sear or sword), Lavinia (lavendar)). Usually, if I hit a road-block, I'll go for the latter method; pick a few things that describe the nature of my character and corrupt the words into names.
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    I like to use names that fit the roleplaying theme of the character, and are easily identifiable for me in the feedback window as the action takes place. If 'Sneaky Sam' is taking damage, I know immediately that I have a problem, because he's the thief in the back row - I don't have to think which name belongs to which character. Sorcerors may be Electra, Ember, etc.

    I also sometimes use superhero names (e.g. Colossus, Nightcrawler) and names of fictional, historical or mythological entities (e.g. Leonidas, Artemis).
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Aureol said:

    .. pick a few things that describe the nature of my character and corrupt the words into names.

    ^- This.

    I like making words or phrases into names, basing the name on the RP perspective of my intended char:

    Ava Rice (avarice, duh!): a F/T or kit thief, NE, with a greed for gold and power way beyond the normal adventurer.
    Ace Anine (asinine, duh again!): a complete nitwit, CN ofc and completely wtihout wisdom. Can't really take a single logical decision. Relies heavily on the judgement and counceling from the likes of Jaheira.
    Cad Rake (each word has it's own meaning, both associated with rogue-like behaviour): My ûber-charming blade, a master of everything (in his own eyes, and quite a few ladies as well) yet also deceitful and scheeming. I believe "Cad" is used exaclty the same for "Cad Bane", a character in the star wars clone wars, though I did come up with it before I saw that show.
    Slaizen Dice (slice and dice): a half-orc F/T focusing on dualweilding sword and dagger.
    ser Penthe Poysonne: My assassin/mage's alias, meaning of course Serpent Poison. It's his alias and his focus is on poison and vemons. His magery is mostly to augment his thief skills and, in my RP, for brewing pots, potions and poisons etc. He has an unhealthy obsession for snakes and serpents and I imagine him having a french accent.

  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @Skatan It's funny you should mention that ser Penthe Poysonne has a french accent, because as soon as I saw the name I thought of the french word for fish; Poisson. =p
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Haha, @Elrandir, I had no idea it meant fish! That's so funny. Maybe he should be fishmonger instead of a potion brewer then :D
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @Skatan Well maybe that can be your IWD version of him then. =p #Easthavenhumour
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    That's hilarious! I wish I had an equally funny and snappy comeback, alas I don't.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    There are name generators??? Nothing so sophisticated for me - I just pick the name of a wild animal whose traits I feel most represent my character and then if I want it feel a bit 'exotic' I translate it into either French or Afrikaans.
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