How Gamers Treat Developers
dev says > $19
gamers say > ack. ack. ACK. ACK.
dev says > original art lost
gamers say > ack. ack. ACK. ACK. ACK! ack. ack.
Edit for bad link.
gamers say > ack. ack. ACK. ACK.
dev says > original art lost
gamers say > ack. ack. ACK. ACK. ACK! ack. ack.

Edit for bad link.
Post edited by Coriander on
Overhaul : The price for BGEE is $19!
A-hole gamer : Waaat, overpriced! I better spend 80 dollars for the new Call of Duty, with its 2 hours long campaign!
Rrrrright >.>
Disclaimer - I have nothing against CoD fans... I have EVERYTHING against CoD. Blame the game, not the gamer!
CoD isn't my thing either, but I'm pleased that Activision serves the FPS gamer.
Thankx Beamdog. Get back to work! It's crunch time.
DRM, always online, day 1 dlc, bad console ports, DLC "season passes", multiplayer dlc, pay 2 win, 3 activations allowed, sign up to our webservice to complete installation, EULAs and many other cancerous practises have come to dominate modern day pc gaming. There are some nice developers out there, and I include beamdog in this category, but it doesn't make them immune to criticism.
It is fair to say consumer rights in digital industries are worse than for any other product in the world right now.
Silly rambling. Anyway, the point is, there are some very community-focused developers. My gut feel is that they're paving the way to the future and the monolithic disconnected devs will have trouble keeping up.
But I guess that if the gamers are happy, then I am happy for them... AS LONG as they don't bash my BGEE Ô_ô
I don't mind the price
I am however a bit pissed that they can't edit/add anything to the original story and anything new is completely separate.
Either way, I pre-ordered on the very first day it was available and am very much looking forward to playing this game.
TL:DR - Ack, Ack, ACK, ACK, ACK, ack, ack
Regarding Wasteland, "Oh my, my, oh hell yes - Honey put on that party dress." God bless kickstarter.
Too there's Dishonored, PC Darksouls, Torchlight2, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, GuildWars2.... Truly is a great time to be an RPG fan. I'm still savoring Witcher2EE.
It's almost too much of a good thing:
DRM, always online, day 1 dlc, bad console ports, DLC "season passes", multiplayer dlc, pay 2 win, 3 activations allowed, sign up to our webservice to complete installation, EULAs and many other cancerous practises have come to dominate modern day pc gaming."
Well I just met you, and this is crazy, but I agree. Thing is, Developers gotta get paid, or I don't score good games. I loathe DRM etc as much as you, but Developers gotta get paid, or I don't score good games. Might as well nerdrage about the price of anything. It costs money to make games. Accept what you can't change. Acceptance is calming. Resistance is futile.
Edit added the link
The whole thing is a vicious, bitter cycle.
i hope so, it would be great to see a reference to such an awesome strip (and horrible rip off of garfield :P )
I see fault on both sides, but the common denominator is the belief that a person's own opinion is more right than another or whatnot. Equality sucks, as I'm sure we'd all like to rule the world, but we're stuck with it.
Sorry no cats. But you do have the ENTIRE rest of the internet for cats and midget porn.
Now, this is a cherry-picked example. I'm sure in many cases, developers use DLC to make as much money as possible. But for me, I'd rather pay a couple of bucks for a few DLCs than pay 20$ for one expansion.
Bill the Cat was the origin of Ack Ack Ack
I find it isnt just true about Gamers and Devs....Not to get too "real" just look at the political parties in the middle ground, each is portrayed as the Wicked Witch of the to with gamers and it off with a LARGE percentage of the gamers being young and uninformed in how the world works and it gets worse...then add the crowd that thinks no one owns anything and everything should be free and you get yet another level of unreasonable anger.....and on the Dev side its got to be acknowledged that some have been real stinkers.
But my favorite has always been bill the communist cat
I didn't want to bring politics into this, but yeah, its the same thing.
when my comp starts to get old but i won't be able to upgrade it for another year or two (say 5 year old fx card, 10 year old mb, etc) i might download a game to see how well i can run it. If i can't run it as a level i can enjoy, i'll delete the game and won't pick it up.
I hate that there are no more demos, and has let me down a few times in the past.
I think most games actually make demos available. At least before the actual launch anyway. I don't know if they pull the demos after the game actually goes on sale.