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Eve of War [Abandoned]



  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2016
    Update: I haven't finished Jenora but I do now have banter between her and the following companions pretty much finished.


    Sample dialog below

    Neera: So I've thought about what you had to say earlier. You know, about the end of the world and all. And I've been wondering...
    Neera: When it comes to my wild magic how much do you think I should try to limit myself to? The odd falling cow - maybe a wayward polymorph spell here and there...
    Jenora: I think you can do better.
    Neera: OHH COME ON. It's not like I'm *trying* to tear a hole in the weave. Besides, I'm a BETTER mage than you. What do you even know?
    Jenora: What knowledge in the arcane that I may lack I have made up for in other areas. Studying history, the art of fighting, the teachings of Azuth. Open your mind to new ideas Neera. Wild magic does not have to be the only way you cast spells. I can teach you otherwise.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Question: will this mod will be playable without SOD? I think this is the one I'm finally going to upgrade from 1.3 for once it's done because it sounds amazing, but I may not have SOD by then.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2016
    Yes it will be playable without SoD (for the record most of its components are not in SoD). But you will need to have BGEE 2.0 or greater (namely because it introduced new opcodes that I take advantage of)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    That's fine. I've just been waiting for a mod that makes it worth upgrading since most of the bigger quest mods aren't being updated any more and won't work on 2+. So it sounds like this will be the perfect excuse.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    edited September 2016
    I suddenly realised: could you also incorporate a gloomy bard singing somewhere in a tavern
    "The changes of anything coming from Amn, are a million to one they say. The chances of anything coming from Amn, are a million to one....but still, they come!" ;)
    Post edited by Doubledimas on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2016
    Wow its been over a month since I've written here.

    So basically I haven't gotten much done in the mod in the last month. With the Rough World released last month my mod-related focus has mainly to get an NPC mod named Jenora finished. She's a lawful neutral fighter/mage/cleric who will be available as a companion in Siege of Dragonspear (she's found outside of the Sorcerous Sundries).

    At the moment I've gotten all of her introductory dialog finished and most of her banter with companions finished (only some of her banter with Edwin, Rasaad, Khalid and Jaheira are left). The only dialog other than that that I need to do relates to comments she'll make during the progression of the main plot.

    Jenora's portrait and stats are as follows

    Fighter/mage/cleric (5/5/5)

    (I'm hoping to use this portrait from Isandir...we'll see if I can)

    STR: 16
    DEX: 9
    CON: 13
    INT: 16
    WIS: 14
    CHR: 12


    Helmet: (just a normal helmet)
    Gloves: She wears a set of gloves that grant her -2 to her casting speed (this is because she is a follower of Azuth)
    Shield: Medium Shield
    Weapon: Morningstar +1
    Armor: Splint Mail +1
    Misc: Wand of the Heavens

    Weapon proficiencies:

    ++ Mace
    + Warhammer
    + Sling
    + Sword and Shield Style

    Here is a bit more sample dialog.

    Jenora: Tell me Minsc, why do you travel with a hamster?
    Minsc: Boo is no ordinary hamster. He is a miniature giant space hamster! Never could you ask for a finer companion.
    Jenora: Forgive me Minsc but that does not seem plausible. I have read of skyships and the travel between our world and others. Never have I heard of space hamsters, let alone a spacefaring species of them.
    Minsc: The little lady doesn't believe in you Boo. See how he squeeks? Boo knows more than either of us I think.

    On that note everything related to the joinable NPC's I'm adding (as part of Eve of War and as their own separate downloads) is done in modal dialog (this is the type of dialog where you can hit continue, as opposed to it just appearing above people's heads). This makes them stand out compared to the rest of the joinable NPC's in SoD but it is a heck of a lot easier to program and it allows the player to control how long text appears on their screen.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    elminster said:

    On that note everything related to the joinable NPC's I'm adding (as part of Eve of War and as their own separate downloads) is done in modal dialog (this is the type of dialog where you can hit continue, as opposed to it just appearing above people's heads). This makes them stand out compared to the rest of the joinable NPC's in SoD but it is a heck of a lot easier to program and it allows the player to control how long text appears on their screen.

    Is it though? From what I learned with SoD modding it seems like because NPCs lack banter .d files for SoD then the only workarounds are to either have all banter be initiated by the mod NPC or create banter files for each individual NPC. Or you could just use their 'BDxxxJ'.d files instead I suppose but then you'd also have to set specific timers for each banter to initiate.

    If it's any help here's an example of how I created my banters to be similar to the overhead style - mostly works except for a bit of stuttering whenever an NPC starts a line of dialogue. With this script I was able to stick all the banters within my NPC's override script rather than (unless I'm mistaken about how SoD banter actually works) creating a separate script file for every banter.

    // M'khiin
    // talk 1
    RESPONSE #100
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Do you follow a deity, M'khiin?~)
    RESPONSE #10
    ActionOverride("Mkhiin",DisplayStringHead("Mkhiin",~Don't know. Believe they exist. Never cared much for 'em though. Greedy bastards, always demanding, never giving.~))
    RESPONSE #20
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,~That is not the way of all gods... but I admit I have not shared your perspective. What was your clan's god?~)
    RESPONSE #30
    ActionOverride("Mkhiin",DisplayStringHead("Mkhiin",~Maglubiyet. Goblin war god. Never saw the point of worshipping a god that wants you to fight your whole life. Other goblins feared him. I didn't.~))
    RESPONSE #40
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Truly? Then you are braver than many men that I have known. There are all too many that would follow an evil god out of fear.~)
    ActionOverride("Mkhiin",DisplayStringHead("Mkhiin",~Goblins are cowards. We follow whoever is the strongest, and beat up anyone we're not running from. Our gods are the same.~))
    RESPONSE #50
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Is that why you chose your path as a shaman?~)
    RESPONSE #60
    ActionOverride("Mkhiin",DisplayStringHead("Mkhiin",~Spirits are better. Spirits respond when I call, and never demand. They're worth listening to.~))
    // talk 2
    ActionOverride("Mkhiin",DisplayStringHead("Mkhiin",~You took a hit on purpose in our last fight. Stupid move. Could have avoided it.~))
    RESPONSE #10
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,~I had no choice. 'Twas either that or I allowed you to lose an arm.~)
    RESPONSE #20
    ActionOverride("Mkhiin",DisplayStringHead("Mkhiin",~I'm tougher than I look. Not like you really care.~))
    RESPONSE #30
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Is't so difficult to believe that I do?~)
    RESPONSE #40
    ActionOverride("Mkhiin",DisplayStringHead("Mkhiin",~Can't say. Don't trust any of the long-legs, not after they all tried to kill me. Not sure about you, yet.~))
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2016
    Personally I find it to be quite a bit easier. But that is just from my own experience.
  • Graf_WasiliGraf_Wasili Member Posts: 60
    I was thinking about something that might fit in your mod: If your reputation is very low there should be an encounter with flaming fist on the bridge to Bladur's Gate (before chapter 7). It just bugs me that I can easily enter the gates of the city while the Flaming Fist is trying to hunt me down. Also Duke Eltan pretending everything is alright, while his soldiers are chasing me through his castle isn't exactly realistic...

    Maybe you fell like doing something about this...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2016
    Also Duke Eltan pretending everything is alright, while his soldiers are chasing me through his castle isn't exactly realistic...

    The flaming fist working with someone with 1 reputation was never realistic. I'm also not about to rewrite the whole of the chapter 5 questline to try to make it that way.

    At this point what I've listed for this mod is what is going into this mod. There won't be any further additions beyond that.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • Graf_WasiliGraf_Wasili Member Posts: 60
    Awww, I see. It's a lot of cool stuff you are already doing there anyway...
  • LoremasterLoremaster Member Posts: 212
    I'm looking forward to this mod. Have a question, I'm playing both EE and BGT, will EoW (or at least its main components) be compatible with BGT? It would make it possible for the mod to reach a larger audience.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2016
    At the moment the main components are compatible with non-IWD EET runs (I need to rename some things for it to be fully compatible). As has been explained previously it will not be compatible with BGT (BGT is missing a number of opcodes, as well as script triggers and actions, that it needs)
  • LoremasterLoremaster Member Posts: 212
    No BGT compatibility, too bad. I still hope, though, some components in the future many work with BGT. Good luck with your work.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Each day that passes gives less reasons to prefer BGT over EET though. If you don't have anything against Beamdog, you should probably check out EET.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Glad to hear you're still working on this. I still expect this mod to be the thing that finally brings me over to the newest version of BG1, though I haven't been playing much BG lately.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2016
    So this past week or so I've been working on the SoD components of the mod. In particular Serpent's Cowl - a town that (with this component of the mod installed) you have the opportunity to visit. At this stage I'm about 85% complete with the content in Serpent's Cowl.

    Serpent's Cowl is just a reuse of the Lonelywood map from Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter.

    All the characters from Icewind Dale have obviously been removed, with new characters put there. My thinking behind the component was basically to add an area to the expansion that could act as an opportunity to step away from the main questline and visit an untouched settlement in the region. Given the existing map (and map icon locations) Serpent's Cowl turned out to be the best choice (compared to somewhere like Soubar).

    I chose this map because (while it's not a perfect choice) canonically Serpent's Cowl is supposed to be on the east side of the Winding Water. The downside of course is that it is covered in snow, but I turned that around to be the reason you are asked to travel to it.

    It features

    - 4 different merchants
    - 6 new magical items
    - Assorted other treasures (its a small village, so for the most part don't be expecting vast riches)
    - 2 Quests (1 large quest and one smaller quest. I've left room for a medium sized quest if I ever find the time to do it.)
    - A bunch of commoners and unique characters you can talk to throughout the village (including people inside the buildings)
    - Renamed buildings (the church now follows Chauntea for instance)

    Post edited by elminster on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ZoGarthZoGarth Member Posts: 48
    Can't wait... about to start another run after the holidays
  • @elminster , I am so psyched for this mod after learning about it literally five minutes ago! If you deliver only half of what you've outlined, this will still be miles better than, say, TOTSC.
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