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Eve of War [Abandoned]



  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    This mod overwrites some area scripts instead of patching them, which is bad for compatibility.
    Also, I notice this in the tp2:
    COPY ~k9EveOfWar/CRE/Candlekeep/sleepmh.cre~ ~override/sleepmh.cre.cre~
    (One .cre too much)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Ulkesh wrote: »
    I've tried installing this mod and I had issues (I attached a debug).

    I know it's abandoned, but it doesn't hurt to try.

    ERROR: internal label [10] appears 2 times in processed DLG [CENTEO]
    ERROR: postprocessing [CENTEO]: Failure("cannot resolve label")
    Seems the mod uses real numbered states to patch to existing dialogues, which is also bad for compatibility since other mods might already have added more states (which is probably the problem here @Ulkesh Try moving it up in install order, but no guaranty that will improve the actual compatibility. ).
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2022
    @jastey Thanks for your help.

    Turns out, judging by your words, I should probably restart reinstalling everything and avoid installing this mod. My bad - I had hoped the few issues were ironed out thanks to Thacobell but turns out I'm wrong.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited August 2022
    @Ulkesh the mod assumes to be the first one or the only one. It can work if you install it early. It also changes so much it probably is worth a mini install to see all the changes.

    For compatibility in a bigger install, this mod needs a lot of love and work.

    EDIT: Just to make this clear: I really like some of the ideas presented in teh first post. But from the technical side, I can't recommend to install it blindly with other mods.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2022
    I'd still be interested in participating/spearheading the polishing tbh, but I fully agree with jastey on this. This needs a lot of work, especially because of the very varied code quality inside the mod and some of the portions need heavy rewrites to make them more install-order agnostic and more compatible with other mods.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    On an EET install with many mods, how safe is it to install Eve of War immediately after DLCMerger but before EET to minimize the chance of undesired and unintended consequences?
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    The mod claims that you can take control of the Cloakwood Mines and run it as a slaver (which has its own risks). Today I explored the Cloakwood Mines and I was not able to find any clue on how to do it. Did I miss anything?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    For those who have played Eve of War or/and read through its code, what features that are in the documentation are implemented fully, partially, and not at all? I'm curious and others likely are too!

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2022
    I've lost the passion to work on this anymore. If people in the community want to rehost it, take inspiration from this, pull things from it for their own mods, change things, delete things, add things, or make it their own then go for it. Same goes with the readme.

    Ive left the link in the description for people who are interested in taking things from it or modding it. But if you are looking to play it its current state it is not ready for downloading.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • SirickSirick Member Posts: 94
    elminster wrote: »
    I've lost the passion to work on this anymore. If people in the community want to rehost it, take inspiration from this, pull things from it for their own mods, change things, delete things, add things, or make it their own then go for it. Same goes with the readme.

    Ive left the link in the description for people who are interested in taking things from it or modding it. But if you are looking to play it its current state it is not ready for downloading.

    I can completely understand burnout of losing enthusiasm for something that's primally a passion project , that said, what you did release was pretty awesome and added to the game in an immersive and organic way.

    I can only hope if someone else picks up and continues working on this mod, they can replicate the care and craft you put in.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    edited September 2022
    Once this mod did go for more than two years I felt that it would likely die before reaching the end.

    Mods that tend to go forever often end dead for numerous reasons whether its due to a burnout, a PC/HD failure resulting in data lost, College exams taking priority (and eventually a busy job post College taking away any free time), health issues, moving on to a different place or just starting a family.

    Though I heard that the general scope of this mod was reduced compared to what it was originally it was still far too big IMO for a first try mod.

    1-3 quests or just a single NPC mod is fairly a safe bet to start with while a dozen of quests and several joinable NPCs...sounds too much of a challenge.

    Still, I nevertheless appreciate the effort put even if things did not work.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Thankee for letting the community take over!
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    edited September 2022
    Eye of War (version played: k9EveofWar.-.1.24) – I will not install it again.

    I played this mod and in its current iteration I do not recommend it. This is my experience with the mod:

    1) You can meet issues while installing it. Turns out it is not that safe on big installs. You can find more info here:

    2) It’s not perfectly clear to me if the features listed inside the readme are actual content for the mod, or not. An example: the mod claims that you can take control of the Cloakwood Mines and run it as a slaver (which has its own risks). Today I explored the Cloakwood Mines and I was not able to. I’ve met so many bugs that I’m not sure if I’ve been missing content or if the mod, being “abandoned”, doesn’t simply contains what it is claimed. Is this an option gated behind your alignment? I don’t know.

    3) There is quite a bit of meat inside the mod, but that doesn’t mean it is always good. The execution is particularly lacking and screams “unfinished” for a lot of stuff. I will be making examples using some extracts from the readme:

    a) An Aquatic Elf can now be found near a pond in the north-west corner of the map. She can be pressed about what she knows about Thalantyr.
    You can ask her about Thalantyr, but it’s not like you can get interesting informations. She just tells that Thalantyr exchanges informations with her and she keeps asking you where is him.

    b) You can find a journal on Bassilus now. You can either read the journal and travel to the Mountain of Skulls (a Cyric Stronghold in the Cloudpeaks), or you can talk to Kelddath to learn more about what he knows about Bassilus beforehand. This is part of a quest that involves wiping out any followers of Cyric in the region.

    I was really curious about this part of the mod, because a correct execution would mean a lot of interesting encounters, especially with Cyric followers, that aren’t exactly npcs you meet any day of the ordinary sort. So the quest starts when you get the journal from Bassilus. You bring it to Keldath and then he assigns you to go the Temple, if you have a high enough level (I think, judging by the content of the quest, that rather than the level, the quest should be given if you have reached the chapter right after you discover your heritage, but that’s debatable).

    So you reach the new area (that is south of Dryad Falls) and it is a snowy open area where you are ambushed by some cultists. They ask you how you’ve found the place, you can try to ask them to join, but you won’t be able to.
    After exploring the area, you reach the end of the open area, meet the final boss, take his head, and then you enter a black door. You are brought to a copy of Candlekeep inn where you meet the current owner of Murder portfolio.

    The quest is disappointing, because it is claimed you are going into a temple, but there is no temple. Hence why I have my doubts that the readme is up to date with the content of the mod itself.
    I would also add that the cyricists have no interesting items. I had hoped a chief of a cult would at least have one simple (and creative) item that could be useful for the rest of the adventure. Nope.

    c) Attack people in the prologue in Candlekeep. Alternatively, you can attack Gorion himself and he will have some choice words for you
    Well, I tested these two options and they are not real RP options. First of all, Gorion just stops you and then brings you to the cutscene. You can attack the people in the prologue and that’s at least remarkably more interesting, but the readme implies things that I’m not sure exists in the mod: “Attacking people in Candlekeep will have consequences down the line of course”.

    Anyway, I’ve met the following bugs:
    1) The journal from Bassilus spawns a certain creature. When you bring it to Keldath, he is supposed to take it. He doesn’t. Actually, after he took it from me I had two copies on my inventory.

    2) I wasn’t able to deliver the head of the final boss from the temple of Cyric to anyone. I thought Keldath would take it, he doesn’t.

    3) When you enter the temple, I guess your npcs companions should be brought to another place, or at least disappear. I guess, because nothing of that happens, even if by meeting Cyric you can ask him what happened to them.

    4) Cyric takes the book from you, but really, he doesn’t.

    5) Dialogues option do not seem to disappear after you’ve finished questlines (such as the one concerning the temple).

    6) When you attack Drizzt and his companion, after you’ve killed a few, they tend to flee and disappear (the panther is especially keen on this together with the female npcs). I don’t know if it’s some sort of odd interaction with SCS, but after killing Drizzt they should turn on you until you are dead.

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Thanks for the warnings!
  • MapekMapek Member Posts: 57
    For those who played Eve of War - Serpent Cowl quest, can you actually finish it or is it one of these things that haven't been finished. I spoke to townspeople, reported back to the mayor who told me to use 'dirty tricks'. I stole a letter from Sjaha which should be enough evidence yet she has nothing to say, nor does the mayor. Is it poor scripts, or have I missed something else?

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