A bunch of neat baldur.ini options in BG2EE 1.3 that I've noticed (carry overs from IWDEE)

The line
'Game Options', 'Maximum HP', '1',
Lets you always get max HP regardless of the difficulty level. 0 means you don't always get max HP, a 1 means that you do. Default setting is 1.
'Game Options', 'Show Character HP', '1',
Determines whether or not the HP appears on your characters portrait. A 0 value means it doesn't, 1 means it does. Default setting is 1.
'Game Options', 'Nightmare Mode', '0',
Activates a Heart of Winter styled mode for the game (0 means its not active, 1 means it is). I don't know if it is exactly a copy of Heart of Fury from Icewind Dale, but I do know I just did probably around 300 damage to Illasera before she was killed (and in normal BG2 she has only 98 health). Also when I did finally kill her I got 21,000xp instead of her usual 10,000. Default setting is 0.
Edit: Apparently Nightmare Mode is untested and also benefits your joinable NPC's. Still might be an option for soloers.
'Game Options', '3E Thief Sneak Attack', '0',
Sneak Attack. Like the others 0 means its not active, 1 means it is. Presumably they follow the IWDEE's progression, though no progression for the ability is listed in any of the class/kit descriptions in game. An in-game option would have been nicer, since you could more easily switch on the fly then, but its still a welcome addition. Default setting is 0.
Edit: Apparently the sneak attack tables aren't in the game yet. So this option won't work at the moment unless you use a fix smeagolheart posted below
'Game Options', 'Cleric Ranger Spells', '1',
If you want to have is so that you get all (or nearly all) of the druid spells then you can turn this to a 0. Its default is 1 (meaning you only get up to level 3 druid spells).
'Game Options', 'Maximum HP', '1',
Lets you always get max HP regardless of the difficulty level. 0 means you don't always get max HP, a 1 means that you do. Default setting is 1.
'Game Options', 'Show Character HP', '1',
Determines whether or not the HP appears on your characters portrait. A 0 value means it doesn't, 1 means it does. Default setting is 1.
'Game Options', 'Nightmare Mode', '0',
Activates a Heart of Winter styled mode for the game (0 means its not active, 1 means it is). I don't know if it is exactly a copy of Heart of Fury from Icewind Dale, but I do know I just did probably around 300 damage to Illasera before she was killed (and in normal BG2 she has only 98 health). Also when I did finally kill her I got 21,000xp instead of her usual 10,000. Default setting is 0.
Edit: Apparently Nightmare Mode is untested and also benefits your joinable NPC's. Still might be an option for soloers.
'Game Options', '3E Thief Sneak Attack', '0',
Sneak Attack. Like the others 0 means its not active, 1 means it is. Presumably they follow the IWDEE's progression, though no progression for the ability is listed in any of the class/kit descriptions in game. An in-game option would have been nicer, since you could more easily switch on the fly then, but its still a welcome addition. Default setting is 0.
Edit: Apparently the sneak attack tables aren't in the game yet. So this option won't work at the moment unless you use a fix smeagolheart posted below
'Game Options', 'Cleric Ranger Spells', '1',
If you want to have is so that you get all (or nearly all) of the druid spells then you can turn this to a 0. Its default is 1 (meaning you only get up to level 3 druid spells).
Post edited by elminster on
Baldur's Gate with sneak attacks? Really? I love you Beamdog! What a new experience to try this game! One can't do this anywhere except the EE of BG! Spread the word! @BelgarathMTH has to see this : )
Nightmare mode? Ohh yesss. All no-reloaders and difficulty lovers, rejoice! This is a new way to make BG much more harder! I couldn't even dream about it! Spread the word again! @Blackraven @Gotural @CrevsDaak @Wowo @Lord_Tansheron have to see it : )
Thank you, elminster, for these amazing discoveries!
Presumably it works the same.
Basically it replaces backstab. Instead when you have this enabled you can move your thief behind a target and hit them with a sneak attack (unlike backstab your thief does not have to be hidden for it to work). The attack does extra damage and can cause things like the enemy suffering from a Thac0 increase/damage decrease (as a result of getting a "critical strike"). It will only work once on an enemy however.
Elminster beat me to it >.<
Maybe the HoF formula is based on the *2 xp multiplier from the Insane difficulty from IWD.
But since in BG moving the difficulty slider has no effect on the xp, the Nightmare Mode formula could be xp*2 + 1,000 which is half of the HoF formula.
Just my two cents, but I'm eager to try this one out !
I do think the sneak attack option is interesting. It will make the backstab benefits more useful to those that don't like to use sneak during combat and it keeps you from exploiting the backstab by only allowing it to work once per a target.
It would be great if they would allow a difficulty option that will increase the HP of enemies without increasing the XP that you receive. I already play on insane and would love to ditch using mods like SCS but I don't want to mess up the balance of character progression by adding a bunch of XP that shouldn't be there. On the flip side you will finally be able to hit that 8 million XP cap with a 6 person party without having to farm so it's not all bad.
I also appreciate the option to turn off the hit point display on the character portraits. I can see why some would like it but the red bar of damage is sufficient for me. The whole screen feels organic and the digital numbers didn't feel right for me. The more options the better. It would be nice to have them in the game menu but the .ini works all the same I suppose.
Must... try this... now!
Could I be getting my very own Christmas Miracle after all?!
i guess I'll have to see. i already now play on insane with both SCS and ascension, so it seems I have more than enough difficulty to offset a bit of hp. if I ever did a playthrough without the mods however I wouldn't be wanting the extra help.
Edit: posted the comment begore having finished writing it. Stupid phone.
Can't wait to try this, damn you work and your damnable paycheck!