wizard slayer - do i have this right?
So now the wizard slayer has miscast magic using ranged. So if I have this right, she has 10‰ per melee hit to dispel magic, and a chance per ranged hit to give a caster an 80% chance of spell failure? If so, that doesn't sound bad at all.
It's a nice addition. But the WS is still relatively weak because of her inability to use the magical items and potions. I like this difficulty ; )
Note, though, that the WS can't dispel magic on hit - only a modded WS can.
Also, there's a weapon called "Wizard Slayer" (Bala's Axe) in BG1 that can now be transferred to BG2, it has an awesome ability - its Miscast Magic that affects the target when hit is even better than the kit's version. Any spellcasting has 80% chance of failure when affected. Creatures can save vs. spells to avoid the effect, but do so at -2.
This of course is compounded by mods such as SCS, which add a lot of scripted spellcasting that cannot in fact be interrupted by the WS spell failure.
We should listen to what @Blackraven can tell us about the WS in general and maybe in terms of the questions raised in this thread. After all, our raven has managed to solo with the WS in the SCS-modded game without reloads as far as the ToB.
First of all, I'd be surprised if the the spellfailure penalty were indeed 25% rather than 10%. I'm quoting myself here: With a 25% penalty, four hits with the Tuigan Bow should have completely shut down Tolgerias' spellcasting, at least for a couple of rounds, but he managed to cast whatever he wanted without a single failure, which suggests that either a 10% spellfailure is inflicted or that maybe certain (SCS?) enemies are immune to the penalty.
I have no idea how efffective a Wizard Slayer using Bala's Axe is as my WS were solo characters; they didn't do Durlag's Tower. The problem is that the weapon's spellfailure penalty can be saved against at -2 penalty to saves vs spells as @benhoshi correctly pointed out, and that Mages (obviously the class one wants to use that weapon against) get really good saves vs spell. However, with Doom and Greater Malison there are ways to impose significant penalties on enemy mages' saves.
The WS is a difficult solo character, but doable even on no-reload, at least BG1 and SoA (can't say much about ToB because I got disinterested and failed there). You'd have to be willing to play very carefully, plan quest order etc a lot, and rely on a bit of luck. I think in a small party of say three, they can be lots of fun. You still level up pretty fast so that you can enjoy the excellent MR the higher levels offer during a reasonable portion of the game. Keldorn the dispelling Inquisitor, and Aerie (or maybe Jaheira or Cernd if you don't want any arcane magic) could be good companions for such a run.
I've filed a report about it
Regarding PfMW with SCS as impediment to WS
If you are a dart throwing WS and have a handful of non magical darts on reserve (and you should have a LOT), the PfMW wont stop you from adding the miscast magic effect. It seems very cool to me to have a grandmaster in darts with 19 dex hurling away at a stoneskinned, mirror imaged, PfMW SCS mage -- you stop it from casting while your rapidly thrown darts work through images and stoneskins, and then the mage is wacking at minsc with a staff while boo laughs. Perhaps not the best way to dispose of a mage but what can I say: CHARNAME was trained by Gorion to hate wizards (other than him). : )
Another strategy that is quite powerful even on non-WS is to use the Firetooth crossbow loaded with non-magical bolts - it will hit through PfMW and then deliver bonus fire damage through SS, potentially interrupting spells that are being cast. That, too, unfortunately does not work against enemies also immune to normal weapons.
Keep in mind SCS high lvl mages use triggers, sequencers, and contingencies, aside from the prebuff option, which do not follow normal casting rules as far as spell failure, interruption, etc.
The difficulties with mages are not really associated with whether 10% or a higher figure is used, but what they can still do and the possible difficulty of hitting them at all (as pointed out earlier in the thread). Shutting down normal casting doesn't stop special abilities, sequencers, wands etc from targetting you (and only applies to arcane of course anyway), so the change to 25% seems both insufficient if the intention was to make a WS easier to play, while also being overpowered in its limited field of application.
I'll see if I can find the log of changes to check if anything else has been done. What has always seemed odd to me is the inconsistent treatment of armour - boots are allowed, but not bracers for instance. If the intention was to ease the restrictions then allowing, e.g. bracers, belt, even a cloak would go a long way without fundamentally changing the nature of the class.
Its fantastic so if anyone wants to play a decent Wizard Slayer worth a download. That being said I assume once the 2.0 patch comes out the mod will stop working so maybe AlexT would be kind enough to update it
Wizard Slayer Rebalancing for BG:EE and BGII:EE:
If memory servers Beamdog are not allowed to alter any existing class only fix bugs or something to that effect so that's why there were never able to officaly change it.
There is a version, what i think better or wizard slayer, or just funnier, this class immune to magic by born, not only harm but friendly magic too. And not just have 100% mr but no magic is used on it. And it cam only use non magical armor etc, and non magical weapons, but he get enchantment bonus to the weapon he use, may by use an ability to switch enchantment bonus. It only can use healingpotions and antidote.
Its boring for some ppl, but i think it would be great, or it can use magic weapons for some fun.
And may it can get some fighting ability, offensive stance etc.
This is not new, this was implemented since 2000. But Baldur's Gate is such a beautiful game that some things remain undiscovered for 15 years.
@Gotural and I were puzzled for ages by the question of critical failures on saving throws, and it was only after EE came out that we discovered that our differing experiences and tests were due to mage specialization penalties. I've read FAQs and walkthroughs and forum posts from years ago and none of them ever said anything about specialization save bonuses. In fact, few people even knew about the specialization-based scroll scribing chance either until EE, and that was why people thought that BG's scroll scribing was bugged. I don't even know how many posts I've seen complaining about failing three times in a row to scribe a scroll with 19+ INT. People have debated which school specialization was the best since the game came out. But for years, that debate was based entirely on opposition schools, not on save penalties or scribing chances.
Who knew about the save penalties? How did they figure it out? And why didn't they mention such an important detail, which could have answered questions people had been puzzling over for years?
I am not a member of the Bioware forums so I can't speak for the players there but I didn't know a single person who knew about the additional -2 penalty to saves from specialist Mages on this forum.
As far as I know it is I who believed I failed a saving throw while I was in the negative, but I was not sure. @bengoshi confirmed that it was impossible thanks to Jalily.
But in my no-reload run with my Blackguard I was lucky enough (or unlucky, it nearly costed me my run) to get a solid proof with two screenshot, I was affected by Web while having a saving throw vs spells of -2.
At this point @semiticgod was interested and ran a lot of tests with a huge number of iterations to see what was going on but he couldn't reproduce what happened and we couldn't figure out how it was possible.
A difference in our setup? A bug?
And this is only very recently (2-3 months ago I think?) that someone managed to find and document the specialist additional features, then the developers confirmed, looking at the code, that this was actually in the game since the start and we were totally amazed.
The same goes for the Miscast magic ability. Nobody knew it was 25% including players like Blackraven, bengoshi who played some WS in no-reload.
Even @Grond0 who is a well known name of the Bioware community and who actually managed to solo no-reload BGT with a WS (huge congratulations, you are a legend!) posted above in this thread that he thought this was a recent change.
Finally for the scribbing scrolls chance, a lot of people had the intuition that the RNG was really strange, but it is only recently that someone (I don't remember his name but if I find again his post I'm going to ask to get him promoted) ran hundreds of iterations and found out what was going on.
I think this game is extremely complex and this is why it is such a jewel. I'm sure we will discover other tricks like this in the future.