The Ongoing Quiz ...

Think this may have been on the previous Baldur's Gate forums (the Bioware ones) but here's how it works ... I ask a question about Baldur's Gate and whoever answers it gets to ask a question themselves. If someone beats you to it, do the good thing and edit your post saying so.
Right, so here goes ...
Who was once buried alive?
Right, so here goes ...
Who was once buried alive?
To whom can your character deliver the awesome line of conversation "We are the Gibberlings Three. As merry a band as you ever did see."?
As for your question, I remember the line but definitely can't remember who! So I'll leave it for someone else to answer.
Who was the person who hired goons to put a curse on Jaheira?
Who is the world's only exploding ogre?
who said "Halt! Be you friend... or be you foe?!"
Rumor has it that the tavern wenches in the Friendly Arm Inn are what exactly?
Iron Golems (disguised by illusionary means)
What was Jon Irenicus' original name going to be, and how does this tie in with a sub-plot in BG1?
Alright lemme think of a good'un ...
Alright, here goes, by what title does Davaeorn's brother go by? Clue, you encounter him along the Sword Coast.
"Used no net
Knew no fear
Made mis-step
Wound up here"
Where (in any of the BG games) can you find this quote?
What was the name of the being in the jar in the Firewine Ruins?
What was the name of the mage in the Underdark who you can free from an imprisonment spell (using Freedom)?
Which NPC drops ring of gaxx ?
@Duron Kangaxx, the legendary demi-lich.
Who gets into trouble after getting some gong lessons?
Alright, hope I worked this one out correctly, but name the 2 noble joinable NPCs from Baldur's Gate 1, the 3 noble joinable NPCs from Baldur's Gate 2 and the 2 noble joinable NPCs in both games. By noble I just mean their background / birth, so that's 7 NPC names I'm after!
Name the God worshipped in the temple uncovered by the Archaeologists.
When asked about his past, Ajantis announces that he is a squire-paladin of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, and that he enforces the power and discipline of Helm. He belongs to the noble family of Ilvastarr in Waterdeep, and has studied swordplay under such luminaries as Myrmith Splendon. His skill and devotion apparently brought him to the attention of the paladin Keldorn, one of the most respected of the order, who decided to take Ajantis under his wing as a squire.
Safana, then.
When asked about his past, Ajantis announces that he is a squire-paladin of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, and that he enforces the power and discipline of Helm. He belongs to the noble family of Ilvastarr in Waterdeep, and has studied swordplay under such luminaries as Myrmith Splendon. His skill and devotion apparently brought him to the attention of the paladin Keldorn, one of the most respected of the order, who decided to take Ajantis under his wing as a squire.
Safana, then.
What weapon belonged to the fisherman's father, that lives directly south of baldur's gate? Hint: they upset a priestess of an evil goddess.
Name the password
Actually: Who is the guy who tries to steal the golden pantaloons off you in baldurs gate?
Name the characters in the picture in Waukeen's Promenade... the ones who died badly...
Perhaps an obscure one here, but which BG2 NPC nearly had a lycanthropy related personal quest that was later written out as being too 'exotic'?
Who is involved in the love triangle in Baldur's Gate?
also lol at who framed roger rabbit - the original portable hole and sentient magic items
Ill ask again: Who is the guy who take the golden pantaloons off you in baldurs gate?