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Solo No-Reload Archer/Thief SCS2 Run



  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Looking good, does the Helm trigger Cowled Wizards in Vanilla? For a prepared party, they are easy XP and loot, but for a solo without casting powers, they are a very big pain in the butt I think.

    Well, technically, you COULD buy a license if you want, right? 5k I think? Kinda absurd I would say, a non-caster buying that, and you will never really NEED to use arcane magic in Athkatla out of doors, and indoors they don't show up I think. Or shouldn't anyways. Is the Sphere harder than the Prison? I always found the Prison was harder, but ymmv. SCS seems to buff the enemies in the sphere pretty hard, but the Warden is a bit of a beast iirc.

    I don't know if I EVER have bothered casting Sphere of Chaos... I always found HEAPS of scrolls, while I could think of some uses, it never seemed worth the hassle, like Prismatic Spray.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Very clever solution to the +5 Darts problem. Might borrow that tactic from you :)

    I have made a habit of ensuring that I rest after setting all 7 traps for major encounters. This allows me to run away and set up some more in case things go wrong.

    If you do that the you might as well make a habit of summoning the Vhailor-simmy to place more traps before resting (provided the daily ability hasn't been used yet).
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    We have just made history.

    Rovala chooses UAI as her first HLA. She takes Jan's armor, trades Belm for the Scarlet Ninja-to, and I give her a supply of flashers so Jan doesn't have to go to the trouble of making them for her.

    With the Light Crossbow of Speed and Jan's flashers, Rovala can drain Strength from any hostile critter in the game. She can drain 7-9 STR on her own, and maybe another 1 or 2 with Improved Haste from the Ring of Gaxx, which doubles if we're working with the clone. It's a very narrow interval, but it's virtually a guaranteed kill.

    Beholders have about 10 STR according to DLTCEP, which might be an SCS2 change, since I vaguely recall seeing values of 20 in the past. Either way, we should be able to kill them with STR drain.

    I bring Rovala and her clone out to the cluster of eyeballs in the southwest hall of the Beholder hive. Kitty doesn't last long as a decoy.

    To make sure Sil doesn't face the same fate, her clone, who has already drunk a Potion of Magic Shielding, activates Called Shot and attacks first, making the Beholders target her instead of Rovala. We deal a lot of damage very fast.

    I was fairly certain that we killed them with STR drain, but on repeating some calculations, the Beholders could have easily died of raw damage before Called Shot dropped their STR to zero.

    I get ready for the Unseeing Eye. I set up a line of traps leading from the Unseeing Eye's spawn point up to the resting place of the second half of the Rift Device, same as usual, then get Kitty and the clone in the right order.

    Here's the thing about the SCS2 version of the Unseeing Eye.

    It's designed to be nearly impossible to kill without the Rift Device. The Unseeing Eye boasts 95% resistance to physical damage, immunity to all spell levels (except 5, but it's immune to level 5 spells besides Breach), and immunity to +3 weapons and below. In terms of defense, it's basically a demi-lich that takes half as much damage and has more than three times as much health. The Rift Device removes the item that grants these defenses, in addition to dispelling all magic and bringing the target down to about 40 HP.

    I'm not going to use the Rift Device on this guy. I'm going to kill him with STR drain, even though I won't get any XP, just because I can do it.

    The setup is quite simple. Kitty will be at the front to distract the Unseeing Eye, and Rovala's clone, with her Potion of Magic Shielding to keep her safe, will cover Rovala. Both Rovala and her clone will be using +5 darts in lieu of Firetooth, as it allows Rovala to maintain some of her immunities by wearing the Shield of Harmony, just in case the Unseeing Eye decides to target her. I send Kitty down south, pick up the second half of the Rift Device, and have both Rovala and her clone activate Improved Haste via the Ring of Gaxx. They now have 10 seconds of double attacks, and 6 seconds before they can activate Called Shot.

    I wait a few seconds, then send them both down the hall to greet the Unseeing Eye. They activate Called Shot as soon as possible and attack the Unseeing Eye with their darts.

    We get an auto-pause when Rovala's round ends, which lets us know when we can activate a second Called Shot. We renew our STR drain and continue the attack.

    Makes me smile.

    I assumed that the Unseeing Eye's Chain Contingency with Summon Death Tyrants would only activate when it was at low health, but apparently it will activate upon its death as well, even though we barely did any damage to it. We now have another two enemies to deal with.

    But Rovala is a monster.

    She slays them with a hail of flashers and gains a level. She chooses Time Trap as her second HLA.

    We can't bring the Rift Device back to the temple of Amaunator until it's expended, so we need to decide who to hit with it. I have the perfect target.

    Very nice.

    Finally, we have to fight Gaal. I sneak in, talk-block him, set a Time Trap, hide again, and backstab him. Once Gaal turns hostile, he triggers the Time Trap, giving Rovala 10 seconds of free hits. Rather than mauling him with a melee weapon, Rovala activates Called Shot and fires off a bunch of flashers. They all hit instantly, which means there's no time delay problem with STR drain. Not that the STR drain is really necessary.

    Gaal survived the blast by running away, but all we had to do was retarget him and he was gone within a round.

    So. Rovala is now an Archer(13)/Thief(25). Her clone can cast Improved Haste on itself via a scroll, giving the two of them 15 APR. Anything that manages to survive the sheer damage of our flashers will not survive the STR drain, especially if we use a scroll of Improved Haste on Rovala herself as well. And that won't be necessary once we get the Bracers of Blinding Strike, which give a 20-second Improved Haste that can remain for the duration of Called Shot. And if we use Time Traps, we don't even need that. Lots of things are immune to all forms of damage, whether from weapons or spells or traps, but no enemy in this game is immune to STR drain.

    And if we're not opposed to using a glitch, we can use the Wand of Lightning trick with Called Shot, and drain 6 STR per shot instead of 1, rendering all question of APR completely moot. But she does not even need this.

    This is Rovala the Archer/Thief.

    She is the single deadliest critter ever to exist in BG2.
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  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    I notice that it does an extra 2 damage several times over, and then I realize that Called Shot is being cast at the maximum level, 16, which tacks on another 2 damage to every hit. I forgot that class-based innates are cast at the higher class' level for dual-classed kitted characters.

    Wow, didn't know that. Interesting to know for duals from Thief into other classes (traps, Assassin poison).

    I decided that I would need either the Staff of Striking or the upgraded Sword of Arvoreen. I decided on the latter because of its various Free Action-type immunities (except no immunity to stun, which Arbane's Sword and the original Sword of Arvoreen both grant) and its nonmagical, 45-second slow effect. It wouldn't do as much damage when backstabbing as the Staff of Striking would, but the slow effect and the immunities would make it more useful overall.

    You're good if you have the BG2fixpack component that makes Free Action include stun protection. If not, then I would advise against upgrading Mazzy's sword, as Stun is more common at this stage then Hold.

    Your character doesn't rely as much on backstabs as my Bounty Hunter, so I won't say anything about how great the Staff of Striking is. ;)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    I had been wondering if I should start over the run and begin a true no-reload run, using the formula, but eventually I decided to keep going.

    That was a good idea. Because Spellhold is brutal.

    I didn't know it at first, though. Perth the Adept went surprisingly well. I was anticipating something much more difficult. But I was able to talk-block him and lay some traps. Without Stoneskin, he was quite vulnerable to Assassination.

    SCS2's version of Spellhold takes away your items, but does not remove non-vanilla items, which included both the Sword of Arvoreen and the Improved Spider Figurine. This was a major boon. Although getting the Ring of Free Action made the Sword of Arvoreen's newfound immunities obsolete.

    The one thing I was worried about in Spellhold was the Lich. It's a guaranteed spawn in my install, and its faster-moving undead buddies would soak up any traps I set in the hallway. But I came up with an alternative.

    I would lay seven Time Traps and let the Lich's friend trigger them. With a 70-second combined duration, that would be more than enough time for me to wait out the Lich's PFMW, take down its Stoneskins, and backstab it into oblivion.

    The Mummies triggered the Time Traps, as I expected. After waiting for the first Time Trap to expire, I started test jabs at the Lich to see if he was vulnerable to magical weapons yet.

    Once I stopped getting weapon ineffective messages, I removed the Lich's Stoneskins. When I heard the sound of a buff being removed, I knew it was out of Stoneskins, and activated Assassination.

    The Lich falls. I have Rovala flee the area and close the door behind her, so we can rest before dealing with the other undead. But not all is well.

    Lots of demons can teleport, including through doors. I lay some traps just in case.

    A Spike Trap and a Time Trap spelled its doom. Now all I have to do is fight the Kobolds.

    I underestimated them.

    I have no escape options for this. I can only take down these guys safely by relying on Kitty, or an extremely cautious strategy of trapping and retreating that SCS2 enemies tend not to fall for. I failed the save despite the odds and had to face the Lich again.

    Turns out my strategy against the Lich was not as solid as I expected.

    I mishandled the situation--after the Mummies triggered some of the Time Traps, I led them away, preventing the Time Traps from triggering one after another--and had to flee. But that was not the end of it.

    The Lich might not be able to break down the door, but it knows its demons can.

    Unbuffed and blocked in, Rovala is doomed. So, we can't expect to take down this Lich by running away.

    Since I needed to make sure the Mummies kept triggering the Time Traps, I decided to use Kitty to lure them along, while Rovala would remain hidden. Once time was stopped, she ran over to the other side of the room, ensuring that the Mummies would not change targets in between the Time Traps. While time was stopped, she attacked the Lich with Bolts +1 to test its immunities without losing valuable Bolts +2 or getting hit by Fire Shield. But it seems the Lich knows exactly how to handle this situation.

    I haven't even hit the Lich, but he still managed to get a Contingency to activate. There's no condition in Contingency that triggers the spell when the caster's weapon immunities run out, so I'm not sure this Contingency is legal. Either way, he's got another 24 seconds of total immunity to weapons. I must wait.

    I select Kitty, who is offscreen, by clicking the "=" button and deselecting Rovala. I send Kitty up the hall, thinking there might be some Time Traps still untriggered, but no such luck. Our Time Traps are all triggered, and the Lich has free reign. I wait out the duration of PFMW in the corner, but the Lich is ready for this, too.

    So I wait longer, and lay a couple Time Traps and a Spike Trap. I venture out to attack.

    That Lich will just not let its defenses down. I wait it out again. Meanwhile, Kitty dies off screen.

    Very irritating. I lure the Skeleton Warrior archer over to the Time Trap, which does very little. Finally, the Lich runs out of PFMW spells, and I am able to hit it. But with only 3.5 APR, I'd need three rounds to take down its Stoneskins. I have to deal damage through Stoneskin if I'm going to survive under the Lich's spellpower, so I switch to Bolts of Lightning and activate Called Shot, hoping that the extra missile damage will break through Stoneskin. It seems that it does not. And the Lich is immune to electricity. But I manage to get a shot in.

    It seems awfully soon to get through its Stoneskin. It might be that the extra missile damage of Called Shot takes down an extra Stoneskin, but I don't really know. Either way, I've got the Lich locked.

    I'm almost positive the Lich died of STR drain. I activated Called Shot twice, which should have drained roughly 14 STR after 10-12 seconds.

    I lure the Skeleton Warrior into the Spike Trap and finish it off with the Sword of Arvoreen. I've still got two Greater Mummies left, but with my superior movement rate, I can use hit-and-fade tactics to bring them down without letting them make a single attack roll.

    On to the kobolds. This time I let Kitty do the work, and keep Rovala hidden in an alcove I've never been to before.

    Kitty is immune to their charm spells. She wins the battle easily.

    Dace is another problem. As a vampire, he should have charm spells as well as level drain, the latter of which I have no means of recovering from. He can also summon rats, which will absorb trap damage. But even if he summons his rats the first round, we can still use Time Traps to our advantage. I only lay two, though I could lay more by resting, and open the door.

    Dace turns into a rat, negating most of the damage from my backstabs. But he reverts to normal form during Time Stop, losing his physical damage resistances in the process.

    Another Coiled Cabal stands watch over the way to the next level. I try to lure them out into some traps, but the mages aren't falling for it. I approach closer and closer, making sure to duck out before they can cast a spell on me. But one of them manages to get a Stinking Cloud spell off the ground. I use Hide in Shadows before the mage can reach me, but he follows me into the cloud.

    Against all odds, I fail the save against the Stinking Cloud.

    Twice. The mage kills me with Sunfire spells. Pitiful.

    Next time around, I just hide, trick one of them into wasting an Oracle spell, hide again when out of range, and walk right past them.

    If only Liches couldn't see through invisibility.

    Well, Spellhold is a nightmare. Rovala has excellent traps, but the circumstances just don't line up correctly. SCS2 enemies are hard to bait, and the one critical enemy, the Lich, has lots of friends who will invariably run up and hit the traps first, soaking up any trap damage. And if I try to slay the other undead first, the Lich can send demons after me. And it's too far a trip to leave the area to escape the demons, unless I pick Scribe Scrolls or Alchemy as an HLA and use an Oil of Speed or scroll of Haste.

    I don't know if I have a solid formula against the Lich. My best bet might be to pick Alchemy, a rather lousy HLA, and use Oils of Speed to outrun the Lich and its demons. I could wait out the demons' duration as well as PFMW. But if the Lich tries a charm spell, I have absolutely no way to defend myself, aside from interrupting the spell. Maybe I could wait out the duration of Protection from Electricity, if the Lich actually gets its immunity to electrical damage from there, and then just throw out a bunch of Bolts of Lightning. The Lich can't really escape the damage without using PFMW, and if he casts PFMW, I can easily run away and outlast the duration before he gets to cast another spell. And by the time I get back, his aura may be fresh, but I should have about 95% hit chance and automatic lightning damage through Stoneskin.

    I'll have to do some tests to see if a level 16 Called Shot helps break through Stoneskin.
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  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Kudos for playing with the equipment removal component. I never installed it because it strongly favors the spell casting classes, and I prefer difficulty increasing mods to be less discrminatory.
    I see that you're confronted with a huge challenge here. I checked the Lich creature files in NI, and was surprised to see they aren't immune to electricity. This means that your plan of waiting out the Lich's electricty immunity (which must be temporary) could work.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I just tested Called Shot and the bonus damage neither bypasses Stoneskin nor breaks it down. So Called Shot is not going to help us deal with Stoneskin at all. Though the other effects of Called Shot still bypass Stoneskin perfectly fine.

    @Blackraven: I normally pick the middle difficulty options in SCS2, and considering there's a "Hardcore Mode" for the itemless Spellhold component, which is "not recommended," I picked the other version instead. I assume the harder version removes the (rather crummy) items Bodhi leaves for you in the Bag of Holding, leaving you with only Spellhold's normal loot, if that. Speaking of which... I forgot to get the Bag of Holding. Thank you for reminding me. I might have gotten all the way out of the maze before realizing it was gone.

    I actually thought most people playing SCS2 would have it installed, and thought Norgath would be wrecking that Lich with Maze traps (which I really need to try sometime). But in retrospect, the itemless Spellhold thingy is a terrible idea for a no-reload run. I'm not sure I'll keep it installed when I begin the real run.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    As @Blackraven noted, the no items thing really penalizes some classes brutally, while leaving a Sorcerer almost completely in tact. Imagine if you were a solo pure warrior... or don't, its too awful. ;)
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    @semiticgod do you play bg2ee?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Wowo: No. Using flashers with UAI is apparently not possible in BG2:EE, anyway, which I find both unfortunate and strange. They turned Use Any Item into Use Many Items, and that just doesn't sound as cool.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    @Wowo: No. Using flashers with UAI is apparently not possible in BG2:EE, anyway, which I find both unfortunate and strange. They turned Use Any Item into Use Many Items, and that just doesn't sound as cool.

    I guess it shouldn't be the only reason, semiticgod.

    If the UAI is the only thing that stops you, then you can use freely and get the vanilla behavior even in BG2EE.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @bengoshi: Great! Does Near Infinity work with BG2:EE?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    @bengoshi: Great! Does Near Infinity work with BG2:EE?

    Yes it does (at least the latest version).
    Actually more and more works with EE, though there are also a number of mods that don't though, or at least not yet, Ascension being one of them. Not sure how important that is to you.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I can always play both.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited February 2015
    I just realized that the custom Archer fighter kit is not necessary for area-effect STR drain, although it's certainly the most effective means short of another mod.

    Fire Seeds also have a small area of effect, just like flashers, and also apply the effects of Called Shot, but they are not party friendly. Normally, the things only last 3 turns, but you can make them permanent by storing them in an Ammo Belt, or perhaps also the Bag of Holding. So even in the vanilla game, you can get STR drain that bypasses weapon immunities.

    Fire Seeds are +6 weapons with a +5 bonus to THAC0, but since they have no proficiency, the Archer will have worse APR. And since the weapons only do fire damage, the Archer's bonuses to damage will not improve them. Plus, the fire damage can be resisted by MR as well as fire resistance, and they only come in stacks of 10, making them less convenient than other missile weapons. Finally, the fire damage has a spell level of 6, which means it won't bypass demi-lich or Rakshasa spell level immunities, and Spell Turning/Deflection/Trap might block it.

    EDIT: Greater Whirlwind Attack would compensate for the low APR of Fire Seeds. A single-classed vanilla Archer with Fire Seeds might actually be the better choice compared to a dual-classed non-vanilla Archer/Thief with Jan's flashers, considering the drawbacks dual-classing. Fire Seeds are also perfectly usable by Archer/Thieves, but the Archer can get 10 APR with those things, more than 1 million XP before the Archer/Thief gets UAI.
    Post edited by semiticgoddess on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I also needed to grab a single scroll of Protection from Undead, for the Shade Lord quest. Otherwise, Poppy leaves the Promenade mostly unequipped.

    Bregg and Cohrvale are normally pretty easy pickings in the early game, but I'm not confident Poppy can deal with them, not when she only has 1.5 APR in melee. I decide to use the Ring of Human Influence, but not for its normal purpose.

    I've seen Saros Shadowfollower use charm effects in his no-reload run of Improved Anvil, which inspired me to recruit some of the locals to deal with Bregg and Cohrvale. The duo killed an Amnish Soldier in one round without even getting hit, but a local slaver at least managed to force Cohrvale to down a potion.

    I scour the map for other recruits, and find a swindler by the Planar Sphere, who looks like an excellent candidate, as he has a weapon and armor already equipped.

    I'm starting to run out of bodies. Bregg and Cohrvale are monsters. Making the most of the situation, I recruit the richest-looking guy in the area, in the hopes of filching some gold from his bloated corpse.

    "Hack and slash your way to fortune! Woo hoo!"

    While resting and recharging the Ring of Human Influence, I trigger all of the pre-Spellhold dream sequences, and also spawn in some of the guild war encounters, which I sneak away from. More importantly, I come across Habib Khalid Achmed Allafif, who gladly flings his mighty scimitar at Cohrvale's ugly mug, giving Cohrvale a new weapon. Habib spends the rest of the fight bare-knuckle boxing.

    Bregg and Cohrvale finally fall. Habib turns on me, only to realize he no longer has his mighty scimitar.

    After grabbing Lilarcor, which, despite not fitting Poppy's proficiencies, is still the best magic weapon we can find at this point in the game. I continue on the Promenade->Slums->Government District->City Gates->Umar Hills path that prevents random encounters like Suna Seni from popping up.

    You know those three soldiers who appear in the Government District at night to ask if you're up to no good? Well, over the course of two rest periods, those guys prove very helpful in taking down the Beshaban Fanatics trying to burn Viconia to death.

    This one actually panicked midway through the fight, but came back even after the charm effect wore off to help finish off the second Fanatic.

    After speaking to Delon and Flydian, I travel to the Umar Hills to grab Ilbratha and some Bolts of Lightning from Merella's Cabin.

    I don't know exactly how long it takes for that golem to kill Jermien (I've never seen Jermsy die), but I used up some magical darts instead of Lilarcor to ensure he survived.

    I also snuck past Valygar's friends to slay the Stalker himself. I don't like fighting a good character like Valygar, especially an atheist with no god to take him in (thankfully, Kelemvor is not the awful sadist his predecessor was), but this is a solo no-reload run and I really do need his armor. Ilbratha does a lot to keep Poppy safe. Valygar is very dangerous at this stage of the game.

    Once he's almost dead, I switch to nonmagical darts, which are the better offensive choice even in close quarters. The results are impressive.

    Nonmagical darts benefit from STR bonuses, hence the crazy damage. Unfortunately, magical darts don't get STR bonuses.

    Now Poppy is immune to charm, and she will be much more resistant to Horrid Wilting spells in the future. This is especially important, because I plan on taking on Kangaxx, if I can figure out some way to take down his Lich form without traps.
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  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I've mentioned before that you can make the darts from the Cloak of Stars permanent, and therefore gain an endless supply of +5 darts. Well, I need those darts for Poppy. Since I'm limiting Poppy to vanilla items and such, I can't benefit from the extra 1 APR from Grandmastery that Rovala used with Firetooth, so I'll need to use darts for STR drain. An extra benefit of the Cloak of Stars in that the darts can break through SCS2's Improved Mantle, while Firetooth cannot.

    But the Cloak of Stars belongs to Merella, now possessed by the Shade Lord, who drains levels every round. And Poppy is completely incapable of getting Negative Plane Protection until she gets the Improved Mace of Disruption, which we can only get after the Unseeing Eye quest, as I recall. We've brought precisely one scroll of Protection from Undead for this purpose, as we could afford no more while we were at the Promenade (and going back to the Promenade would risk triggering the Suna Seni ambush). This means we have 10 minutes of invisibility to undead, but many of those minutes would be spent going through the dungeon before the Shade Lord. Instead, I have Poppy sneak around the place to avoid all fights, except for the lone shadow in a tiny closet to the northeast. Due to SCS2's upgraded AI, however, the monsters like to chase after Poppy even after she hides. I lead them outside and let the magic crystal thingy deal with the Shadows and Shade Wolves.

    I still have to fight the Skeleton Warriors, who are not affected by the crystal, but because of their excellent resistances and strong melee abilities, I have to turn invisible after slaying the first, and rest before finishing off the second.

    I do all the necessary puzzles to get through the dungeon, use the Protection from Undead scroll right before Thaxll'ssillyia, and run past the dragon to fight the Shade Lord, who is blissfully unaware of my presence.

    The Shade Lord has tons of HP and excellent resistances. I did the math and found that I could take her down before the scroll's effects wore off, even if I used no buffs, but since the Shadow Altar also needs to be defeated, I drank an Oil of Speed, my only one, just in case. Because if my invisibility to undead ever ran out, I'd be doomed. Look at all the Shadows the altar was summoning.

    There's no way Poppy could survive that.

    Eventually, Poppy finishes off the Shade Lord and Shadow Altar both, and takes the Cloak of Stars from Merella's body. We report our success to the mayor and sell off the armor he gives us, since Valygar's armor is more useful.

    Next, we have to deal with the Trademeet quests. I really want to get a hold of Ras and the Shield of Harmony. Problem is, I have no access to fire damage, and therefore no ability to kill the trolls of the Druid Grove.

    Instead, I sneak past everything. The only guys I can't sneak past are the Shambling Mounds.

    They're blocking the way. I hit one of them in the face with a dart and run away, drawing the shamblers out of the way. I then turn invisible via the Ring of Air Control and scurry past to talk to Cernd, who completes the quest for me.

    Now all that's left to do is deal with the djinn. Normally I prefer to slay Ihtafeer, but I'm not sure I can deal with her, considering her fantastic AC and multiple castings of Stoneskin. Instead, I will fight the djinn, who all can cast the rather nasty spells Flesh to Stone. On top of that, they have rather excellent combat stats compared to Poppy and can cast Improved Haste as well.

    Fortunately, they can't target Poppy while she's invisible, and have no means of dispelling the effects of the Ring of Air Control.

    They're still quite tough, however, so once Khan Zahraa is down, Poppy has to run outside, hide, rest, and turn invisible once again before confronting the final djinni. One of the locals gets caught up in the crossfire, but Poppy manages to save him.

    Unfortunately, due to some bug, the merchants of Trademeet still won't sell Poppy anything, even after the djinn are dead and both Guildmistress Busya and Lord Logan Coprith acknowledged Poppy solved the problem. I reload, use CLUAConsole to add in Ihtafeer's head, use CTRL-Y on Taquee, and give the Rakshasa's head to the other djinn. This only cost Poppy about 5000 XP, and allowed her to do business with the merchants of Trademeet.

    Poppy receives the Shield of Harmony and buys Ras. With all of the equipment we've gathered so far, she can now return to the Adventurer's Mart and pick up Vhailor's Helm.
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  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    There's a cute little trick you can use with Vhailor's Helm and Ras. It also works with the Book of Daily Spell. It allows us to get a duplicate of either item.

    First, I have to go to the sewers beneath the Copper Coronet, since the Cowled Wizards in SCS2 will detect the magic if I use Vhailor's Helm most anywhere else. I equip both Ras and Vhailor's Helm, spawn a clone, and then have the clone summon Ras.

    Four rounds later, the Ras sword vanishes, and the clone receives a new copy of the sword in its inventory. I kill the clone and loot a duplicate of Ras from its body.

    Ras is an extremely overpowered summons with a tragically short duration. The sword only lasts for 4 rounds, and only has 1 APR at 10 THAC0 for 1d8+2 damage, but it is immune to all damage, all magic, and has the MINHP1 item that grants it various immunities. The only thing that can kill it is stat drain. But since the sword only lasts 4 rounds, it won't have much impact in larger battles. We can circumvent that low duration by using a duplicate of the sword. This is also a potential infinite gold trick, though the potion swap glitch to duplicate gems is still the more efficient method.

    Even one copy of Ras, however, is enough for the time being. Our next target is the Suna Seni ambush, which we trigger by traveling through Athkatla until we get waylaid. Poppy turns invisible and flees to the northeast, where she spawns in a clone. Poppy and her clone then summon Ras and two Efreet, who hurl Fireballs at the enemy party.

    The rest of the encounter is fairly simple. There was just too much spell damage being thrown around for the enemy to survive long.

    Each Efreeti has three castings of Magic Missile and Invisibility, two castings of Fireball and Flame Arrow, and one casting of Flame Strike. Their spells are easy to interrupt, however, as they have neither Mirror Image nor Stoneskin, so they require some careful management to make sure their spells make contact.

    I do some other chores to gather XP. Since Poppy won't be dual-classing, I don't have to worry about quest order, which is quite important, as we don't have the improved version of Kitthix that made some of Rovala's quests so easy.

    The Harper Hold quest is so silly and overcomplicated.

    Why don't they just ask me to kill Prebek AND Xzar? Their whole plan already rests on the assumption I'm willing to fight a mage for them.

    Silly or not, those are the requirements. I give Prebek and Sanasha a visit.

    Fireball is such a great spell. The funny thing about SCS2 enemies is that even with pre-buffing installed, the buffs don't activate until the casters turn hostile, and if I enter the area invisible, I can conjure a simulacrum without turning anybody hostile, and therefore bring out an Efreeti and cast Fireball before the mages' buffs activate.

    We get ambushed again later on, and though our summons can still deal with the enemy quite nicely, I see something rather spooky.

    If an enemy mage can kill Poppy's clone, they can kill Poppy, too. I decide not to finish this fight, since Poppy's invisibility, and therefore her immunity to single-target spells, won't last forever. Poppy flees the area once she grabs the loot from the fallen enemies.

    Finally, we buy a scroll of Protection from Undead (in case I get surprised by vampires), Restoration (so my clone can drain STR), and Protection from Poison, for Pai'Na and her spiders. The Efreet take down most of the spiders in the crypts, as well as the spiders in Pai'Na's lair itself. I end up not using the Potion of Explosions in this fight, as the Efreet finish off most all of the spiders with one or two castings of Fireball.

    Pai'Na isn't much trouble without her spiders, who have extremely dangerous poison on hit effects, despite their 1 APR and bad THAC0.

    Notice the abnormally large stack of darts Poppy is using. I have given up using the Cloak of Stars to generate darts, and instead have decided to use CLUAConsole to create them instead, using a duplicate of the STARDART.itm file to prevent them from vanishing.

    What is Poppy wearing instead of the Cloak of Stars?

    The Nymph Cloak, actually. Why is this important?

    Well, it turns out the Nymph Cloak is pretty darn useful.
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