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Canonize A Mod NPC



  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    I'm sure I'll get a lot of "Fire this guy!!!" demands for saying that, but I'll pick Saerileth. For all the issues it may have, this is the only NPC mod I played that had a spark to it. An uncut diamond, so to speak - other mods may have good and accurate writing, coupled with balanced and stable scripting, but they simply feel as generic line content, good to play once and forget. This one, otoh, made me instead think "hey, if only it were polished to perfect state, it's be so rad". Pretty much like Neverending Journey in the quest category - for all the flaws it has, I see a great base idea undermined by more technical problems.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Ardanis said:

    I'm sure I'll get a lot of "Fire this guy!!!" demands for saying that, but I'll pick Saerileth. For all the issues it may have, this is the only NPC mod I played that had a spark to it. An uncut diamond, so to speak - other mods may have good and accurate writing, coupled with balanced and stable scripting, but they simply feel as generic line content, good to play once and forget. This one, otoh, made me instead think "hey, if only it were polished to perfect state, it's be so rad". Pretty much like Neverending Journey in the quest category - for all the flaws it has, I see a great base idea undermined by more technical problems.

    Sure, if you cut out the underage romance, the bizarre use of Olde Englishe, the rather unfortunate gender implications of a female paladin of Tyr fainting and blushing and outright killing herself if you sleep with Phaere...
    Aedan said:


    She is very well written ans her quest is just awesome. @shawne, you should definitely try her.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I tend to play Evil in BG, she wouldn't quite fit that mold. :)

    A cherry-picked list of mods (including Soulafein and Valen, barf, do we really need two by Weimer with so many NPC mods by other authors who could have been highlighted?) with only one choice for "other/none" should mean that we can vote for as many of "other/none" as we want. Because.

    *shrug* Take it up with whoever designed this forum, they're the ones who decided polls could only have ten options.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    edited February 2015

    only NPC that would fit into the game.

    @Ardanis - You must be a gentleman, she didn't commit suicide for you?
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Solaufein just seems like such an obvious choice, I remember being genuinely surprised that you couldn't take him along during my first playthroughs.

    The mod of course is not without controversy, but from a character standpoint, I think he would fit the story etc. perfectly.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Ardanis said:

    There're few other bits that I think were overdone, but in general - yes. I just view those moments as technical issues, i.e. make a couple more passes on dialogue and it's good. It is the idea behind the mod that I like, and which is the reason I was willing to overlook the more down to earth issues.
    If it helps any to understand my reasoning, I was deeply disappointed Kaelyn wasn't on the romance list in MotB :)

    Kaelyn's a much, much stronger character, though, and I feel like a romance wouldn't have changed that about her, if that makes any sense. Saerileth's designers never passed up an opportunity to make her appear weak and dependent and melodramatic - she's basically the Bella Swan of the Forgotten Realms, and really, who needs that?
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    I'd like to throw my vote in for the Isra mod. Great voicing, great music, just a seamless insertion into Forgotten Realms culture, really gets you thinking every now and then. All that and an excellent non-stereotypical Paladin to boot. Just brilliant all around.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I'd personally be much more lenient towards Saerileth if she wasn't a complete Shakespeare ripoff. Seriously. Go read Romeo and Juliet and you'll see that entire verses are literally taken whole cloth. Bad writing is mostly forgivable. Plagiarism to make up for lack of talent is borderline (or flat out) criminal.

    Going back on course... though he's not my favorite mod character, I'm going to say Gavin, mainly because I admire the creator's writing in all of her mods and I haven't seen a mod character who fits as well in the game.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited February 2015
    Like some others already said, Finch!!

    I'd love to hear what kind of personal quest she could have in Amn, after she's established a library in the Amnish town of Nashkel. She could write a history of Spellhold for instance and surely she will continue her notes on Charname and write a tome on divine essences in mortal progeny.

    *edit: deleted an apostrophe that shouldn't be there, I'm not as good a writer as Finch apparently.
  • SkieSkie Member Posts: 90
    I think I only ever played with Solaufein, though Valen sounds familiar too. That's not enough for me to actually vote proper :)
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    So in addition to Finch, who is fantastic, I'll add my voice to @smeagolheart and @Aedan in endorsing Kelsey and Keto. Great mods focused on good characters.

    Just Finch isn't enough? Well, if I can add a second suggestion, I had memorable times with, besides Keto, Amber the tiefling Fighter-Thief wrestling with her identity in my playthrough with charname Faihra the Cleric-Ranger.

    Amber is a well written mod-npc and even though there's a lot going on in Amber's struggle with her demonish nature, it doesn't get Mary-Sueish. Nor is there a romance path, but a friendship path instead in which charname got to show some patience with her slightly autistic nature to win her friendship. A very endearing mod and an addition to the party with some special skills that are helpful but not overpowered. Very well done.
  • jscohenjscohen Member Posts: 117
    Finch. Not even close.

    I was also always sad that Kivan, Tiax, and Xan weren't in the game as it stood. I was never sure why, but I guess other people didn't like them as much as I did.
  • ChnapyChnapy Member Posts: 360
    I'll say none. Never saw a mod that I thought blend really well with the original setting and hadn't power balancing issues (Dorn's enough of a powerhouse for BG1, and the only thing that balances Mr TOB is the fact that when you get him he should be badly underleveled. Well, a bit at least).

    I liked some mods, though, it's just that I don't think they should be canonized. I really liked Tyris Flare, but obviously, she does not belong in a wotc-approved game.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    But please, do get him a portrait that doesn't belong to drizzt.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Chnapy: I don't believe Sarevok gets that big of an upgrade in ToB. I believe he was supposed to be level 15 in BG1; in ToB, according to DLTCEP, he starts at level 17. I suppose he might have gained a few levels while in hell, since the demons or devils there might have decided to make him one of their hired goons instead of turning him into a lemure or whatever.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    My favorite has always been Berelinde's Gavin , the humble and flawed priest of Lathander with baggage from his past. He's so deep and well-written, he seems like a real person.

    My second favorite is also not on the list - the adorable bespectacled librarian priestess of Deneir, Finch.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    edited February 2015
    The best idea Saerileth mod had was offering a third option to get to Spellhold. Honestly it's hard to stay in character while playing a paladin and having to work either with the Shadow Thieves or, gods forbid, the vampires. I find it hard to believe that none of the churches or the Order of Radiant Heart can offer you a ship.

    My pick - Varshoon. Because having a Mind Flayer in your team just rocks :)
    Post edited by Lathlaer on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Lathlaer: I was disappointed at Varshoon being weaker than a normal Mind Flayer. It seems like his very job is to be more dangerous than the ordinary flayer, since he's got a fighter type kit. I realize Mind Flayers are overpowered, but maybe we could implement an XP penalty to balance him out a little more, like how IWD2 has level penalties for drow and other overpowered races, rather than removing the INT drain and Psionic Blasts that are the calling card of BG2 Mind Flayers.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Well, I usually boosted him by giving him the normal fighter APR progression. Seemed more than enough :)
  • SanctiferSanctifer Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2015
    Oh yeah, like others, Finch
    I'd love to have her back in bg2 with a story btw.

    But Kelsey in BG2 could be canon too I believe.
  • BugratBugrat Member Posts: 118
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It's interesting that Solaufein has got 15 votes while Finch, who is not directly listed in the OP, is mentioned by 8 different posters here already:)
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I really enjoyed both Solaufein and Valen back in the day. My nod's to Solaufein though because of the Van Helsing encounter in Valen. If that encounter could be edited out (and maybe the Eclipse encounter in Solaufein, but that's optional) then I'd have no objection to both of them being canon.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2015
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • LuremasterLuremaster Member Posts: 100
    He's a vampire! Of course I want to have him in my party :smiley:
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239

    I have to give Ardanis some support here. The biggest complaint people have with Saerileth is easily solved by simply not getting romantically involved..

    Not for nothing, but as far as I know the most frequent criticism of Saerileth isn't the romance, it's the fact that she hijacks the story (which, to be fair, is a common enough problem with certain mod NPCs). That happens whether you romance her or not.
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