Canonize A Mod NPC

If you could choose one mod NPC to become an "official" party member in BG/BG2 - fully integrated, like the EE characters - who would it be?
- Canonize A Mod NPC67 votes
- Nathaniel (Lawful Good Human Kensai, by Feuille & Miss Sakaki)  2.99%
- Fade (Chaotic Neutral Fey'ri Shadow Thief, by Mistress Elysia and Silmarien)  4.48%
- Arath (True Neutral Human Druid, by K'aeloree)  1.49%
- Adrian (Lawful Evil Elf Sorcerer, by Rhaella)  2.99%
- Solaufein (Chaotic Good Drow Fighter/Mage, by Westley Weimer)28.36%
- Valen (Chaotic Evil Vampire Fighter/Thief, by Westley Weimer)  4.48%
- Sarah (Chaotic Good Human Ranger, by theacefes)  1.49%
- Mur'Neth (Chaotic Evil Ooze Thief, by Andyr)  1.49%
- Vynd (Neutral Evil Drow Assassin, by Glam Vrock)  2.99%
- Other/None (please specify)49.25%
(Course Dorn will bisect him in like two rounds tops. He is weak. But cute! My type. Lol)
I vote for Yeslick in BG2. I think we need a good ol' dwarf in SoA, by Clangeddin's hammer.
Kang- lawful neutral Edwin essentially. likes power and think himself as leader of the party.
Donathal- much too loyal dwarf that will do anything asked of him, and seemingly never remembers why he is doing what he is doing. he started by getting lost from his clan and now somehow he's never gotten back to them and instead ended up on an epic adventure with a bhaalspawn! tells crazy, long winded stories whenever he has to explain something and every tavern you visit you can drink with him and get crazy banter! he is a simple but lovable dwarf!
Andre- a good person and a source of comedic relief as he makes a joke about just about everybody in the party. just a word of advice though... don't give him Lilarcor!
Maeglin- grown up in poverty. even when life gets better he still steals a little just out of habit. he is my character and the bhaalspawn, so he would probably lose the bhaalspawn trait and thus not have the dark moments to his story, but coming late into the game he is changing and maturing. when we get HLAs he'll practically not be a thief anymore in our game, as he'll be more of a paladin holding caromyr in full plate, thus for a while now in BG2 he's been on a path of redemption and growing up.
And finally, what becomes of Solaufein after Bodhi captures him, regardless of who you actually romanced with? Huge difficulty spike, that's what.
She is very well written ans her quest is just awesome. @shawne, you should definitely try her.
He seems cool.
I voted Solaufein because I like the idea of making this character joinable, but I would like to change him a bit for some of the reasons that @O_Bruce mentioned. I prefer the more guarded Solaufein you see in the canon vanilla game, and would want the character to be a bit more that and a bit less of a poet. I never actually got far in the mod, even though I installed it, because of restartitis (its bad). However, I do find it interesting to have an NPC that joins you later in the adventure, and Solaufein is a really convenient character to add plot-wise.
I like Keto and Kelsey. If they were options I would have chosen them. I like their characters, though I would like to change Kelsey's voice acting a bit if he was canonized.
BGEE = Finch
If the NPC has to have content in both...Gavin