Keeping Gorion company (SPOILERS)
I just started a new game of BGEE, and decided to make it interesting by playing minimal reload (only if my main dies) and no resurrections, on core rules. So far in chapter one, both Montaron and Jaheira have fallen to separate wolves. Goddamn wolves! Khalid and Xzar very narrowly escaped being fatally mauled by a bear. A madcap dash to the nearest edge of the map saved them with like 3 hit points left for the two of them to share.
I felt bad just dumping the corpses in some random place, so I've decided to make Gorion's final resting place their grave as well. I'm sure by the time I get through the game this will be a pretty crowded circle of stones...
I felt bad just dumping the corpses in some random place, so I've decided to make Gorion's final resting place their grave as well. I'm sure by the time I get through the game this will be a pretty crowded circle of stones...

Post edited by procco on
Also please pick that dagger up from Mr.G's body, it is worth like 1 gp. Although, now that I think about it, it may be cool if you also drop a mundane weapon the npcs used on their corpses. Great warriors are buried with their weapons, afterall. So a sling for Montaron and a staff for Jaheira. Should look neat.
Poor Khalid and Xzar, they both seem to have lost their 'husbands' lol
Xzar is still standing...
I've recently had a problem of JPEG/PNG images not showing in the posts. I had to convert them to bmp and it helped.
So I guess what I'm saying is keep up the good work?
Setting these rules for myself has made this play through pretty fun so far. i'm only in chapter 2 and the body count is mounting. I think this is going to force me to use some of the NPC's I've never used, or I may be playing solo before long.
Not pictured is Edwin who met his demise at the hands of Minsc. My PC (elven m/t named Pollie) MAY have whispered in Minsc's ear that Edwin was looking for the same person. Minsc did not take the news well.
Pollie has not found her familiar yet. Is there a mod that would allow me to take Boo as a familiar? If not, there sure as pie should be.
Haven't tried it, but see if you can put him in your helmet slot. He will then be riding on your head and protecting you from critical hits like a good familiar should.
Also, in terms of actual discusdion, the game is paused at the inventory screen last I checked, so who cares how many quickslots you've got. Wow, you would be willing to risk an obviously endangered Miniature Giant Space Hamster to save a couple seconds inconvinience? SHAME!
This is not going well...