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Keeping Gorion company (SPOILERS)



  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    Well, my dwindling party of adventurers is doing a little better. While exploring the areas around Beregost and Nashkel, various and sundry monsters have been met and bested. Pollie has decided that they need a little extra help, but no one seems to be willing to join up. Perhaps word has gotten around that the party has been seen frequenting a circle of stones and corpses, and that's just a little too weird for the average Sword Coast thrill seeker. Whatever the reason, the only lead they have is the "witch" Minsc and Edwin were so interested in. Off to the gnoll fortress they go...
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    But there are always more NPCs to be found.

    You get two near the bandit camp. One in cloakwood, one on the farm leading to baldurs gate.... Add Safana who is in the neighbourhood and you got a full (and balanced) party again.

    You are coming up to one of the the toughest back to back to back fights.
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    Oh I know it! I'm trying to not meta game at all though, so my characters really haven't had any need to go to the areas with more NPC's yet. As far as they know, they're as good as it gets. I fully expect that once I get around to The TOTSC stuff, the body count is going to explode!
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    the adventure continues...(had to take a little break in order to prepare for and have my daughter's fifth birthday party.)
    The party has been out getting into trouble trying to get Dorn up to speed. They swung back down to the Nashkel mines to finally get Xan out of his cave. Things were going well until they ran into Sendai and her crew. Imoen was shot down before Pollie and Dynaheir could launch their web/stinking cloud fight ending combo. They took Sendai and friends out pretty easily, but it was too late for Imoen.
    Since nothing was really pressing, they decided to take the scenic route back to the grave site. Several days of travel left a a swath of dead gnolls, hobgoblins, and assorted canine aggressors in their path. Albert was reunited with his pooch, Drienne as reunited with her kitty. Areas were explored. Finally, the stink of Imoen was too much for even Dorn, so back to the stone circle they went. But then a funny thing happened. Imoen's body refused to drop on the ground. (Side note, I think this may be a very minor bug. I kept the dead Imoen in the party for at least a week game time, but her avatar didn't show on the ground. I loaded up an earlier save and killed her, and she did show up when I dropped her. Don't know if it was a factor of having hung on to her for too long, or if something else is going on...). Well, Pollie has decided that this is some sort of sign from the gods of the mysterious engine driving the infinite worlds and will bend her rules against resurrection and give Imoen a second chance. She really hated to see her childhood go so soon, anyway. So now to the temple at the Friendly Arms, then off to start tracking down the bandits...
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Cool run, I know a cute drow chick that would fit in your party pretty well right now.
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    Very soon....
  • LuremasterLuremaster Member Posts: 100
    @procco For adventurers, these guys don't seem to know how to defend themselves very well...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    And now this looks like a morning after a heavy party!
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    I love this thread. My god, the carnage! It really puts in perspective how many npcs there really are. Or in your case, were.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Firewine is murder. Narrow corridors. Traps. Arrows of flame! Only the dead and the damned dare to walk those cursed ruins.
  • Fiendish_WarriorFiendish_Warrior Member Posts: 309
    procco said:

    I've been a little distracted by other stuff the last week or so, but I will have a new pic to share later this evening or tomorrow. The pile has definitely grown. The gang has made it through Cloakwood and are currently bickering amongst themselves whether to head straight on to Baldur's Gate or to go back east and raise a ruckus in Gullykin and see what's up with that old bridge they have out there.

    @Grum It also puts into perspective how not very good I am at this game ;)

    What's your charisma? How are you keeping the morale up? With so many deaths, you'd think someone would simply stop believing in the cause and quit or, worse, plot against you for a coin.
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    Here's the latest grave(n) image. To be honest I kind of lost track of who's there now. I know Dynaheir was killed by the Wizards of Thay. Faldorn joined the party for literally 10 minutes before being critically mauled by a bear she failed to charm. The bears of the Sword Coast are no laughing matter.
    So as it stands now, Pollie is traveling with Imoen, Shar Teel, Viconia, Coran, and Baeloth. It's pretty solid party...they got all the way through Cloakwood and the mines without too much trouble (aside from a couple of party killing lightning bolts from Daevorn down in the mines).
    Onward to Firewine then the city...
  • MivsanMivsan Member Posts: 139
    Adventuring with Pollie sure is some risky business. Great idea, though. Seeing this graveyard somehow reminded me of Cannon Fodder.

  • gunmangunman Member Posts: 215
    edited March 2015
    I always wondered how could a single surviving character carry 5 dead members to a temple for raising. If it was implemented that a dead member becomes an item that must be carried in inventory, like the body of Samuel from Gibberling Mountains, then most characters could only carry one dead member due to weight limitation.

    It would add a great deal of realism if this could be implemented by a mod, but it's overly complicated.
  • muswellbrookmuswellbrook Member Posts: 12
    This is a great thread - Thanks Pollie for keeping us all entertained. It's inspired me to start a new game. One thought - how do you keep the bodies from rotting? Must be a perfect climate for preservation at the gravesite. Or maybe it is the lingering influence of Gorian's magic?
  • Fiendish_WarriorFiendish_Warrior Member Posts: 309
    Hope it's not Pet Sematary. If anyone is alive when you return one day, do *not* trust them!
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