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One more try: the SCS solo no-reload tale of Glorydd, Dwarven Fighter/Thief



  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited March 2015
    Grum said:

    Congrats on beating BG1, and GL on 2!

    You also remind me how far behind I am on my write up...

    Thank you @Grum!
    And I understand. Proper writing takes quite a lot of time, time one can also spend playing the game :)
    Hopefully we can soon read more of Durak's exploits!
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    They will be back! Life just gets in the way from time to time. :) I know it does for me sometimes.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    It looks like Protection from Undead is becoming a standard method for the Shade Lord, rather than toughing it out with SI: Necromancy. In fact, I just used it today, in a party of Archers: Charname used the scroll while her friends stayed hidden or used Potions of Invisiblity to evade notice. Shadow Patrick tried a divination spell, but one of the Archers blocked it with the Horn of Blasting (an odd way to avoid notice) before drinking a Potion of Invisibility to stay invisible.

    Also, it turns out the level drain from Darkling Aura isn't permanent: it only lasts 1 turn, so you don't have to use Restoration after the battle. I'd never noticed that before.

    Good to see Glorydd is progressing steadily. What are all those new items she has? I don't recognize any of them.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    From my fight/thief run that I've got going now:

    "You know little of how you came to be a ward of Gorion's, but over the years you have gleaned something of your mother's tale from his vague allusions and from the words he sometimes uttered in tear-filled sleep. She was a dwarf from Mithral Hall and a friend of his for many seasons..."

    So there you go. The race and place changes based on Charname's race.


    And down goes a dragon! Keep this up and she'll be remembered as a greater hero than Durlag!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Thank you @Gotural! It's nice to see you enthusiastic about this. There are still quite a few scary foes out there like Lavok, Tolgerias, the Unseeing Eye, Planar Prison Warden, the Twisted Rune gang (I love Staff of the Magi), and Demons and Fallen Planetars are still quite capable of handing Glorydd her arse if she doesn't watch out... I'm cautious in my optimism. Overconfidence should not kill the dwarf, like @Grum said.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited March 2015
    In the Docks District Glorydd found Valygar's home but was told by his butler to look for the renegade in the Umar Hills. It seemed this Valygar wasn't the bad guy the Cowled Wizards had made him out to be. Yes, he had slain two cowls, but according to the butler in self-defense. Still a pseudo-Ranger at heart, Glorydd was eager to set out, but guild affairs kept her in Athkatla.

    First of all, Narlen Darkwalk, Rededge, Black Lily and other old friends from Baldur's Gate had decided to leave Alatos' guild, and to join Glorydd's Guild House. However, Narlen was the only one to arrive. She was glad to seem him, even though he was clearly upset. He explained that his party had been ambushed and captured by Orcs and Orogs. The two went to look for the ambushers' hideout and found it just north of Athkatla. It was a cave guarded outside by a priest, wizard and various warriors; all Orcs. They also had a large Wyvern doing their bidding. Glorydd buffed lightly with an oil of speed and when she got Malisoned, a potion of invulnerability, and then attacked. Narlen wasn't much of a fighting man, although he did his best with his bow, so Glorydd had to do most of the work herself (and heal Narlen with her innate powers).
    She didn't mind that though. Narlen was a good friend, who had once acted against the will of his superior Alatos, to save her from the wrath of a Haalruan wizard. A Dwarf doesn't forget such things.
    When all their foes lay dead, Narlen took her to the cave but warned her that many enemies awaited her. Glorydd buffed with potions of heroism, cloud giant strength, invulnerability, an oil of speed and a potion of power. [More than necessary but I really wanted Glorydd to keep Narlen alive.] The duo stepped inside and were greeted by circa ten Orog and Orc warriors and two casters. Their leader was a massive Orog warrior, clad in full plate. Glorydd's first action was to drop a Teleport Field around Narlen, in hopes of keeping the many monsters from hurting her friend.
    She then proceeded to slay the Mage before it could attack Narlen with its spells,
    and she healed her comrade when she saw him injured by one of the warriors.
    Alas, it was all in vain. Narlen was killed by an Orc priest's Blade Barrier.
    Glorydd remembered little of the remainder of the battle. Tears ran down her face as she butchered the monsters one after the other. The Dwarf found some solace in the release of Black Lily and the others. But she spoke little on the way back to her guild hall. The event had been a good reminder of why she didn't like people to come near her. Her thoughts wandered off to Imoen. She loved that girl, but would she want her close, and expose her to the dangers of her life as an adventurer?

    Back in Athkatla, another upset awaited Glorydd: the disappearance of Arledrian, an Elven fence and associate of Gaelan Bayle.
    Glorydd had bartered with Arledrian a tenday or two before, when she had taken her first steps in Athkatla. She even recalled purloining from him an enchanted dagger that provided Negative Plane Protection.
    A poster about a theatre play she found among his belongins at Gaelan's led her to the Five Flagons Inn. It turned out the Elf had a room there, but when she went to call on him, he wasn't there. She did find his diary though. It contained some extremely confidential information. Arledrian was in reality a spy who had infiltrated the Shadow Thieves. Through them he was to learn more about the 'Exiles', whoever they might be. It seemed these Exiles were somehow associated with the rival guild, the vampires. One passage alarmed Glorydd greatly. It said that he had been sent to spy on the Vampires in the Graveyard District, and he was very upset because his NPP-providing enchanted dagger, a gift from his loved one, had been stolen from him.
    Glorydd had previously postponed the job she had accepted from Aran Linvail to take on the Vampires, but now there was no time to waste. She rushed to the Graveyard District and found Arledrian surrounded by Vampires and Spiders. Still heavily buffed [note Blackraven: Glorydd had actually begun the search for Arledrian before she went after the Orcs and Orogs with Narlen Darkwalk], she had little difficulty felling the Vampires, and saving Arledrian.
    He had no idea, but Glorydd was about as happy with Arledrian's survival as the Elf was. She didn't want to think about the guilt she would have felt if she had failed to rescue Arledrian. She handed the Elf his diary and promised to keep what she knew to herself. The two then said goodbye, with Arledrian returning to his Elven community, and Glorydd venturing deeper into Vampire territory.

    A slaughterfest ensued. With her saves well in the negatives, she didn't even have to protect herself against the Vampires' dominating gazes. Vampires that dared to oppose were treated to a beating with the Flail of Ages.
    One of the Vampires was different though. It possessed powerful magical abilities, including an ADHW (that didn't hurt Glorydd thanks to 75 MR as a result of Carsomyr, Semaj's Cloak and Amulet of Power), and numerous PfMWs.
    She didn't want to waste debuff spell scrolls on the creature, but that didn't mean there was nothing else for Glorydd to do but wait. She slew more Vampires and a Golem guarding a room with three coffins for Vampires to rest in. Glorydd trapped that important room with two Spike traps and some of her regular traps. When she was done she successfully dispelled the caster Vampire's Stoneskins with Carsomyr, and gave it a pounding with her Flails until she fell.
    In a lower chamber she found more Vampires, feeding off pools of blood, and various Grimward Archers, but they too were permanently put to rest.
    After Glorydd had slain three Vampires with wooden stakes, guildmistress Bodhi appeared. She was big on words, suggesting a relation with Irenicus and denigrating the Shadow Thieves, but did not stay long to fight. She triggered Glorydd's traps, suffered a blow or two from the Dwarf's flails, and left.
    Back in the Docks District Glorydd had a nasty bit of business involving a new Guard Captain who had gained his position by manifesting himself as a true crime fighter. Glorydd wasn't pleased with Captain Sterling. She had run her Guild House as a relatively honest, steal-from-the-rich-give-to-the-poor institution, providing employment, commerce opportunities, and even the cocasional alms for the poor. She removed Cpt. Sterling from the equation,
    and mitigated the resultant reputation hit with some donations at the Temple of Oghma.

    Glorydd didn't bother with informing Aran Linvail of her work in Bodhi's lair, as she knew such tidings would reach his ear sooner rather than later anyway. Instead, she traveled to the Umar Hills where she hoped to find Valygar.
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