Blackguard Kit Details!

For those who didn't peruse the Reddit AMAA:
It's not exactly what I wanted, but it is still pretty cool. Kind of wish you got more Aura of Despair uses per day as you leveled. Mostly, though, I hope you get Poison Weapon from level 1, to help with that pesky Mage at the Friendly Arm Inn!
Well, a quick run down of the Blackguard is as follows:
Must be evil.
Immune to level drain and fear.
Can specialize in any weapon (2 slots)
Can use any armor, wear any armor
Absorb Health (Level 1) ability to heal self quickly: Absorbs 2hp from enemy per level of Blackguard. Save vs Magic.
Can Turn Undead (Rebuke) as Paladin of same level.
Can use poison weapon 1x every 5 levels.
Can use Aura of Despair. Once per day ability that varies with level: 2nd: Gives enemies -1 to hit, -1 to damage, +2 AC 6th: Gives enemies -2 to hit, -2 to damage, +2 to AC 15th: Gives enemies -4 to hit, -4 to damage, +4 to AC, causes Fear in enemies level 8 or below. 20th: Gives enemies -4 to hit, -4 to damage, +4 to AC, causes Fear in enemies level 18 or below.
Is it it's own class or is it a kit of fighter or paladin?
Nay, no divine casting. It's a Fighter kit.
I could see it being subpar on rangers though. They don't get the amazing that is DUHM and makes the entire thing worth it for a paladin. I seem to remember stalkers got some nice mage spells to make up for it though (including web I think).
I was under the impression rangers and paladins got spellcasting at the same level, which is rather late in BG1... isn't that the case? Also, what is DUHM >.>
Actually I think rangers get their spells 1 level earlier for some reason. I think they were both supposed to get them at level 9 but I think rangers started at level 8.
DUHM is the best level 2 cleric/paladin Spell for melee combat. Draw Upon Holy Might. for every 3 levels of the caster you gain +1 str, +1 Dex and +1 Con. I don't think it started calculating on paladin though until the actual level you got your spellcasting abilities. But even being able to get up to 23 str, dex and con in ToB was really nice for the duration of the buff which I seem to remember was rather significant......if you could make sure you didn't dispel it off yourself as you went after their casters.
Plain bard: any radio pop song - go with the flow
Skald: Power Metal - to inspire
Jester: Weird Al Yankovic - to confuse
Blade: American Idol - not impressed
Blackguard: Doom Metal - FEAR ME!
1. Must be Evil (lower starting Reputation and Reaction values)
2. Can only Specialize in Weapon Proficiencies, which means two pips versus the Fighter's five pips in a given proficiency.
3. Doesn't get divine spellcasting or the Paladin's +2 to all saving throws.
4. If it's classified as a Paladin kit, which is possible, it will level up more slowly than a Fighter.
That'd be neat, but I'll likely be focusing on the martial HLAs myself. I love Smite with all of my merciless heart!
It makes more sense to keep it a fighter kit that every race can choose.
What would have been awesome for this kit is a summon undead ability.
What are the stat requirements - although a fighter kit will it be similar to paladin?
As for the mention of divine spells in my quote there I was refering to BG:EE's Blackguard rather than the Neverwinter one; I do remember the spells you were given at fixed levels. Still I think that was done in a poor fashion and would've much preferred a paladinish "spellbook" or blackguard spesific innate abilities rather than fixed spells at fixed levels that you can cast a fixed number of times.
It will be interesting to play BG:EE's Blackguard and equally interesting how it develops down the line; I imagine they will do more with the class when the next game rolls out.
Other than that, this class seems reasonably close in power to the other fighter kits without sacrificing it's unique flavor and play style. I can't wait to see it in action.
Ulfgar_Torunn is 100% right that poison weapon is very powerful in BG1 and still very useful in BG2/TOB (for those that have had access to it as an assassin with BGT, etc.).
*whistle* Heeere Bodhi, heeere Bodhi...