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BG2: So good it's depressing... What are we going to do about it? *ATTN: BEAMDOG/OVERHAUL*

Hey all!

Okay so this creeping and morbid reality has been clawing it's way into my mind for many things including but not limited to video games. I'm 28, getting older, and amazing things like BG2 just aren't coming out and probably never will again. What we have here are more than likely humanities greatest gaming achievements ever... It's actually super depressing... Like members of your favorite band dying of old age depressing. But hope for this particular situation is not lost.

I jumped for joy when I heard that the Legendary infinity engine games were getting revamped and redone. I reacted the same when I discovered that these games have such an incredibly large following of intelligent people who love them as much as I do, and want to spend their precious little time to tweak and develop them to make them better. 1000 praises to Black Isle, Interplay, Bioware, the modding community and the EE teams.

So what is the future? BG series + IWD1 are complete. In my opinion IWD2 is new enough that it doesn't need to be revamped. Planetscape: Torment is really the only remaining infinity engine game that needs to be redone. After that, whats next? Call me crazy but I think what we really need is...... ***ANOTHER GAME***.

Here is my vision, and I'm sure most will agree. This game must be like BG2 series without the whole son of a God thing. I like my character's power to be because of his accomplishments and skill, not heritage.

I love the idea of Athkatla being the central hub of everything, having so much to do within the main city walls and always having a bustling familiar city to come home to. I think multiple Athkatla's will be even better across a dozen+ continents. Corruption, mafia organizations, etc. The guild war between the vamps and the shadow thieves was phenomenal. I also loved the personalities behind each leader. Aran Linvail appeared to be the weaker guild, but we very quickly found out that he had many resources available to him that Bodhi could not contend with. And his super polite, sly, and honest nature behind such a powerful man just made Aran one of my favourite characters.

So many things just came together perfectly to make BG2 the greatest game in existence. This new game would have to mimic (but in a different way) everything that was amazing.

The game must also be 2D, no exceptions. We all saw the travesty that was NWN and I won't have any of it. Got vertigo every time I played that damn game.

Aside from being 2D, the world must be gorgeous and pop out at you, with multiple diverse landscapes and regions. IWD series failed at this. The land was dreary, wet, dull and brutal in seemingly every area. I understand we're in the spine of the world, but in my vision and with today's technology, we can have a game that encompasses this as well. In BG2 the cities and even villages were incredible. The Harper Hold, the temples, Ust'Natha, all breathtaking.

The game must be open concept like BG2, not linear with a few side quests here and there like IWD. There should be a boatload of quests and one should be able to reach max level and be uber unstoppable not even half past the game. We must also be able to solo the game or approach it with a party.

There must be endgame content. Once the game is finished, there should be things to do including but not limited to getting revered by the townsfolk, building your rep to such a point where one can become a king and war with other lands, etc.

Strongholds are mandatory. There should be not one, but a few for each class across a few different lands. You should be able to acquire multiple strongholds that are appropriate for your class not unlike a F/M/C owning the De'Arnise hold, Planar Sphere, and presiding over a Temple.

Game must include multiple speed enhancing items. Nothing pisses me off more than trudging through the game pre-boots of speed.

I know I'm missing a lot of things that made these games great, but I'm sure you all get the picture. Can we expect a project like this in the future?


I would totally help organize a fundraiser for this. GO BEAMDOG/OVERHAUL!!!!! :P

Don't mind my obnoxious nature, its nearing the end of the work day and I'm tired.

Let me know what you guys think? What would make my suggestion better? etc.



  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Aedan said:

    @elminster That is what I am saying since I signed up here!!! I want to see more snow!

    I HATE snow...
  • Baron_BathoryBaron_Bathory Member Posts: 46
    Exactly my point! I mean they couldn't possibly make another BG, the saga of the spawn is over. I'm totally down for it being a third IWD, although I wouldn't want it to be completely true to the IWD style. As discussed in my original post, I believe Baldur's Gate (at least SoA) is superior in story, visuals, dialogue, characters, and gameplay, and options. One thing I did think IWD did better though was the massive dungeons. Only a few in BG. This is totally it though. With this new game we can take the best of all worlds, essentially another SoA but on a much grander scale.

    EEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!! WTF IS THIS!!?!?!?!?!?!?? I wants! Tell me more!
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    I would totally help organize a fundraiser for this. GO BEAMDOG/OVERHAUL!!!!! :P

    So here's the first flag. Allegedly, Wizards of the Coast do not like fundraising such as kickstarter for their licence. So anything revolving around D&D licencing has to be done the old fashion way.

    I think you outlined a long term project for Beamdog though. What your proposing MAY happen, but you know, they need to build their reputation, fiances, fan base etc up first.

    In the mean time, check out Pillars of Eternity like @Shandyr suggested. It is coming out soon,
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Tresset said:

    I HATE snow...

    Then the Spine of the World is not for you :P
  • Baron_BathoryBaron_Bathory Member Posts: 46
    @deltago Oh I don't care about D&D, I just want it to be amazing. I can't believe I didn't know about PoE, I'm gonna do a bit of research. Anyone know if they've said anything about solo play?
  • garyriley1982garyriley1982 Member Posts: 32
    @Baron_Bathory It depends on what you mean by solo play, it is single player, but it has the party creation of Icewind Dale, as well as Baldurs gate style companions

    it also is its own IP, and has new Classes and races, and there is alot of customisability to the classes
  • garyriley1982garyriley1982 Member Posts: 32
    It is also out on 26th March
  • Baron_BathoryBaron_Bathory Member Posts: 46
    @garyriley1982 Just purchased, can't wait to play!
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    edited March 2015
    @Baron_Bathory: here's a thread in our forum where we're talking about Pillars of Eternity, inside there's a link to the kickstarter page (the game was uber-successfully funded in 2012),
    here's the site where you can find the link to their forums too. :)

    As already said, PoE will be out on 26th of March. :)

    EDIT: how could I have missed your last post?

    @garyriley1982 Just purchased, can't wait to play!

    Just don't consider my post at all, as it seems that you already saw all! :mrgreen:
  • Baron_BathoryBaron_Bathory Member Posts: 46
    @Metalloman Not at all! Thank you so much for the info! :P
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    Hey, hey! My pleasure! :blush:
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited March 2015

    Exactly my point! I mean they couldn't possibly make another BG, the saga of the spawn is over. I'm totally down for it being a third IWD, although I wouldn't want it to be completely true to the IWD style. As discussed in my original post, I believe Baldur's Gate (at least SoA) is superior in story, visuals, dialogue, characters, and gameplay, and options. One thing I did think IWD did better though was the massive dungeons. Only a few in BG. This is totally it though. With this new game we can take the best of all worlds, essentially another SoA but on a much grander scale.

    EEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!! WTF IS THIS!!?!?!?!?!?!?? I wants! Tell me more!

    Icewind Dale also was better in terms of making class and alignment determine your dialogue options.
  • GreenWyvernGreenWyvern Member Posts: 247
    edited March 2015
    Aedan said:

    @elminster That is what I keep saying since I signed up here!!! I want to see more snow!

    Snowflakes fluttering through the atmosphere, filling the fog filled air amid a day merely chilly enough to see ones breath, but not harsh on ones skin. The suns shines bright as the birds return and the furry critters awake, making their trails through banks and blankets of frosted snow.

    Wait, that's today's weather where I live. Still though, I would love snowy environments!
  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    There will never be games as good as BG1, 2 or Fallout 1, 2 again. The sad reality is that the cost of developing and marketing a modern game is horrendously expensive (often more than a big movie... we're talking upwards of 30 or 50 MILLION). What developers are after is online play (where they can sucker people into paying subscriptions), looking pretty, and dumbing it down to the lowest common denominator so that they can sell as many as possible.

    Much like modern movies. A good story and good acting take the backseat to special effects and just looking really impressive.

    Mind you, there are some GREAT games coming out still, but I really doubt many of them will hold up 15 years from now.

    Lastly, what modern game will be simple enough that fans can do mods? IMO that's a large piece of what has kept Infinity Engine games alive and with such a large fan base is the ease of editing/adding/modding.
  • MusaabMusaab Member Posts: 94
    I need a remake of IWD2 and PST before anything else...(although I'll accept adventure Y :) )
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    elminster said:

    I'd rather they make IWD3!

    We would be happy with an 'Ice Pits' :(
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