Does Bodhi have a merchant like the Shadow Thieves?

I just sided with Bodhi. The two vampires in her lair acted rude to me after I spoke with them. I had Aerie chunk them.
Were any of them merchants? Does Bodhi's lair have merchants? Is Meredath or Cohn Ta'glaen important?
Were any of them merchants? Does Bodhi's lair have merchants? Is Meredath or Cohn Ta'glaen important?
If they plan to just limit themselves to bug patches or slight UI / QOL improvements then that is very unfortunate. There wouldn't really be a need for an EE version of these games when modders have already done some great work on these type of improvements already.
I have noticed this unfortunate trend by Beamdog to just repackage and slightly spruce up prior releases. I found this especially true about Neverwinter Nights and will not be purchasing that game anytime soon - even on Winter sale. I made one exception on this "museum" approach to Beamdog re-releases for Planescape: Torment but that's because almost two decades have gone by since I last played that game and didn't mind a new play through.
Personally, I would like to see some of the development team devoted to further content / add-ins into the base game. Whether that is making items available from BG 1EE or SOD or adding content that might have been cut or overlooked on the first release.
The devs can do it?Yes.
The devs have done it before? Yes.
Should they keep adding changes that aren't optional? I don't think so,but that's my point of view.
Hopped on the forums to check into this, surfaced this thread and saw that I was not alone in this and decided to add my two humble coppers to the conversation here.
And as you, yourself admitted - the Devs are making changes and additions to the base game with each patch.
Unlike you, I do not want the EE base games to be carbon copies of the original release games. I want them to evolve - and they most certainly have, with Beamdog. Plus, I don't think it would not kill them to consider adding a vampire vendor in the future I think. ^_^
But to your point, I will go ahead and put up a post on the Mod forum to see if a modder can maybe assist with this in the meantime. Thanks for your passion around this addictive game and have a Happy New Year!
Very little in terms of harm or benefit to be had here, and arguments for and against it are more a matter of principle than anything else.