For the Berserker Beamdog are still causing the loss of 15 HPs to come off your current HP total, but have now put in a new rule that if this loss would kill you, you are only rendered unconscious.
Maybe they've seen enemy berserkers (SCS Ogre berserker comes to mind) exploding when rage expired if they had few HP left. That's hilarious. A real "exploding ogre".
It looks suspicious. I think you should check in the EE Keeper which variables you had.
OK. The only thing I could think of was a hangover from the Marek/Lothander poison quest from back in the city. I resolved that back in Chapter 5 and I think the death timer is 10 days, which I'm sure have already elapsed... Are there any other things that I could have done earlier in SoD that would have put me on a timer toward death if I didn't resolve them? I didn't notice any...
Did you get level drained there? If yes, it might have been that. But I doubt that level-drain thingie in that area (radiation!?) would kill you that quickly. Neera certainly didn't disintegrate you. I'd reload, see if level drain did kill you, if yes, start anew, if no, continue your game.
I hadn't triggered the spellstone yet, so it wasn't level drain. (And I was at full HPs and no stat drains, so level drain shouldn't have been fatal anyway). I reloaded, went through the same dialog options with Neera and this time, no insta-death. I'm going to try it again several times to make sure I'm not missing any possible ways that Steinarr could have actually died there... but, as of now, I'm inclined to chalk this up to an unexplained bug in the code and continue his run. I'll make a final decision before the weekend.
Except Dushai has magic resistance. I can remember Grond0 saying it took him 100 tries before she finally gets charmed. I've tried to charm her, and it always fails. Too much time, would rather just risk a failed pick-pocket.
OK, I was not able to replicate my mysterious encounter with insta-death at Bridgefort after multiple attempts. No idea what could have caused it.
Steinarr had some indigestion, apparently, and it lead to a bad dream about losing concentration and failing in battle. But it isn't time for the Barbarian to put up his sling just yet.
Except Dushai has magic resistance. I can remember Grond0 saying it took him 100 tries before she finally gets charmed. I've tried to charm her, and it always fails. Too much time, would rather just risk a failed pick-pocket.
Yeah, charming her isn't very effective since she has 5 on each save and 50% MR. If you have SCS I think you can kill her without Reputation loss because she isn't tagged as an innocent.
There's no reputation loss in vanilla either - the main problem is you cause a lot of the townfolk to become enemies (then they go into the tavern, making more enemies, etc.). But it's less a problem if you finish all your Ulgoth's Beard business 1st, then deal with Dushai, as you don't care then.
The cooking at Bridgefort is terrible. The crusaders really put the pinch on the place and fresh rations have been running low. The food was so bad that Steinarr thought he had died. But it was just a terrible case of Barbarian indigestion. Fortunately, he has a natural constitution of 20 (thanks to lucky tome finds in BG1) and his guts bounce back quickly after a night of rest.
SoD spoilers below
Steinarr wasn't able to keep his big mouth shut while trying to obtain the scroll needed to disarm the spellstone that had poisoned bridgefort. He got into a fight with the mage responsible. And it brought the whole siege force down on his head.
The Flaming Fist regiment heard the ruckus and came to support the Barbarian.
Steinarr and his backup team cut down the Bhargest and his crusaders, forcing their lead mage Oloneiros back into a corner. But somehow, the mage managed to paralyze Steinarr. (Forgot to don the free action ring at the start of the fight.)
Fortunately, Corwin had some dispelling arrows to hasten the demise of the troublesome mage. And the crusaders were too few in number by this point to do much damage to the Barbarian.
After mopping up in the courtyard, the team took the bridge before the defenders could blow it.
Steinarr had intended to negotiate a surrender. But rage makes him unpredictable. Rarrr!
Next up in Barbarian News: Undermining Dragonspear Castle
Sorry for the small update and no fancy screenshots. So, after considering what @Blind_Visionary said I changed my stats to 9 STR and 18 WIS, so that I can dual-class to Cleric later on.
Eilwa continued her quest for XP, we killed an Ogre, two Ogrillions and four Half-Ogres and got a Ring of the Princess +1, a Medium Shield +1 and a bit of gold accompanied with a bunch of insults. The battle against the Ogrillions was particularly hard... :p I bought Sleep and Grease from Thalantyr and managed to get Quayle killed again by some Skeletons. I raised him for 100 gold since he wasn't the only one that didn't get another level yet (Eilwa is level 3, both Kivan and Ajantis are level 2 and Quayle is very close to Cleric level 2).
Fortunately, Corwin had some dispelling arrows to hasten the demise of the troublesome mage. And the crusaders were too few in number by this point to do much damage to the Barbarian.
Did you think of using one of those arrows against Steinarr?
CrevsDaak said:
» show previous quotes Yeah, charming her isn't very effective since she has 5 on each save and 50% MR. If you have SCS I think you can kill her without Reputation loss because she isn't tagged as an innocent.
If you pickpocket Algernon's Cloak, that is far more effective in charming, though I think that EE might have nerfed it somewhat. I think that now you have to rest between usages. In general that is good as it prevents over-usage. Not so good if you are doing a no killing run.
Ætheling the Erudite Continued Ætheling continued by killing Gnarl and Hairtooth, a couple of polar bears, Zordral and Zargal.
These were followed by Greywolf, Icharyd, and all the ankheg she could find, sometimes cutting things a bit TOO close.
She then killed the Revenant, whilst Narcillicus killed himself.
Meilum was next which brought her to level 7.
I now have a problem or two. For some reason I cannot dual either Berserkers or Barbarians. I therefore used the magic of Shadowkeeper to dual her to a cleric. Everything looks good except that a) She still had two berserker spells memorised. Is that right or not? b) when levelling her up to level 1 cleric, I was able to give her a proficiency point in slings. Should I be able to do that as she was a berserker?
While awaiting an answer to the above question, I finished off the half-finished quests and rapidly reached level 5 as a cleric and 20 reputation. Upon going to the farmer in the ankheg area, two more ankheg needed killing. Ætheling now has ** in dual wielding as well as ** in sword and shield style.
I'm making progress against the crusade, we explored a ruin for the local dwarfs (nice hat) and agreed to help Edwin find some enemy he needed to kill. My old wildmage friend has rejoined us before leaving the area for good.
Aldain, Human Conjurer, Update 4 Previous update found here Next update found here
When last we saw our Conjurer, he was about to tackle a fair number of Ankhegs. Sadly, this went without incident! One or two of said Ankhegs got off crits against Khalid, but he's beefy beyond belief and can weather such torment unabashed. At least Xan got to demonstrate that, even with very good HP rolls, he's just not cut out for a life on the front lines.
An 800 gold Raise Dead later, we finished clearing the Ankhegs (picking up the lovely Wand of Fire they were hoarding), assisted Tenya, and cleared some zombies, helping ourselves to a *real* reward in the form of the Pearl Necklace and Cloak of Protection +1 the stingy farmer was keeping locked up in his house. Yes, we're not above petty burglary. Greater good and all that.
We swung by the Carnival and picked up the Necklace of Missiles. Finally, we were good to proceed with the main quest. Squaring off with Mulahey, a single Fireball from one of our trusty wands eliminated his reinforcements before they could get a single shot off, and that was pretty much it for the half-orc.
Heading back to Nashkel, taking care of Nimbul, moving up to Beregost, clearing Tranzig.. all went smoothly. Nevertheless, as we are now wanted men/half-elves/elves/what-have-you, we proceeded to, under appropriate protections (Invisibility on Aldain and Xan at all times) travel back and forth between Nashkel and the western wilderness. It would not take long afore a first party of our would-be assassins stumbled upon us. A triple Fireball and a Holy Smite (2x Wands, 1x Necklace of Missiles, 1x Branwen) should see to them! And it almost did. To his credit Halacan somehow survived the barrage by making all his saves, and had time to get Sleep off from a scroll. Hah! Such a futile gesture!
Not so futile, as it turns out. Halacan succeeded in knocking out EVERYONE except Branwen (who made her save) and Imoen, who had hit L5 previously and so is Sleep-immune (I'm particularly impressed that he got past Xan's 90% immunity to Sleep). Thankfully they were able to finish him off on their own, but imagine if we hadn't played it safe with mass bombardment, and Branwen + Imoen would've had to tackle the entire enemy team? It's just not a good idea to underestimate SCS mages, ever.
Not long after, the second assassin party showed up. Lacking enhanced shorty saves (they're all human, as far as I know) they did not fare as well as Halacan. Pictured: Assassin-on-a-spit.
On the trail of the main quest, we carved a path through Larswood and Peldvale. Not much to report here, Corsone was a bit annoying but couldn't withstand getting hit with double Scorcher.
Oh boy.. deep breaths. It's time for that ever ill-fated battle, taking on the entire Bandit Camp at once. This almost always goes well, but there's ever the risk of something terrible happening (like a Black Talon Elite sneaking past your kill zone and getting two rapid critical hits on Aldain, who is not overly fond of Arrows of Ice to the vital parts).
Imoen goes ahead under stealth to grab the Fireball and Web scroll in the empty hut. Usually I have Web available on a mage by now, but Xan can't learn Evocation and I didn't want to waste potions just to have Aldain learn a handful of spells, so we're going ahead anyway. I have a total of 3 web scrolls, so I can in good conscience cast 2 of them if necessary. As a substitute, we load up on enormous amounts of Grease and Entangle instead. A few potions are distributed to Jaheira and Khalid, Imoen gulps down an Oil of Speed, Remove Fear is applied, and it's time...
We have taken positon to the extreme south-east of the map. Enemies can only approach from one angle, and we will create a kill zone of Grease, Entangle and continuous barrages from our wands/Necklace of Missiles. Imoen runs off at precocious speed to attract a target, and thereby alert the entire camp. Taugosz spots her first... and downs his own Oil of Speed! Run Imoen, run!
She makes it back to the rest of the party safely, Taugosz in tow. We catch our first break, as Taugosz (he seems to have remarkably rotten saves) fails to withstand a Hold Person, and drops after a few rounds of relentless hammering.
And.. that was as brutal as it got this time, really. Close to the entire camp comes pouring straight into our horrible little grease-stain full of aggressively grabbing plants, and consequently succumb to incessant fireballs. Venkt never even got a spell off. Anti-climax, but I'll take that any day over bitter defeat. A handful of hobgoblins somehow have the good sense to NOT charge straight into certain death, but what can a few hobbos do at this point? Not much but die, really.
We clean up the stragglers in the cave and among the tents without issue, grab all the lovely loot, and leave, the scent of burned Hobgoblin on the wind a smelly reminder of our great triumph.
Back to Beregost, hand in all the scalps, advance to the next chapter. We get some shopping in; a second Full Plate Mail in addition to the one we swiped off of Taugosz, a Robe of the Good Archmagi for Aldain, and a few scrolls we were missing in preparation for our next big bout of scribing.
To finish off for now, we also clear the wolves by the temple. Next time around, we'll probably want to finish clearing all available outdoor areas (including the XP factory, Basilisks!), and quite possibly clear the above-ground parts of Durlag's Tower to beef us up even further.
During all the carnage, we gathered quite a few levels. Most importantly of course, Aldain leveled (hooray!) and rolled a 4 (boo!) for hitpoints.
As we leave our party for now, they can be found in the common room of the Jovial Juggler, making merry over the fact that with 3rd level Mage spell slots at hand, they are no longer entirely dependent on their (by now somewhat depleted) Wands of Fire. Aldain is now a level 5 Human Conjurer, and a certified archmage (it says so on his robe!).
…three warriors warring, two casters casting, one robber robbing…uh, one stinking rodent!
Magastar, ½-Orc Shaman, update 4
Magastar is not very fond of heights and one look into the fast running current below told her that any fall would mean certain death. Unfortunately, Khalid also looked. It took both Jaheira and Magastar the better part of an hour to get him to take the first few steps. It would have been sooner had Minsc not also tried to help... He didn’t even slow down when they came to the bridge. Apparently, there’s something unsettling about a huge man ham-fisting both guide ropes and jumping around yelling, “Look! It’s as sturdy as Boo’s pajamas!” It was then that a large board at Minsc’s feet, gave way and plummeted into the waters. Although surprised, Minsc easily regained his footing. At first Magastar thought that a breakthrough had occurred when the look of understanding flashed on Minsc’s face. But the moment was fleeting. Minsc opened up his ‘carrier’ and, in a stern reprimanding tone, told Boo that his diet starts tomorrow! “At least he stopped jumping,” Magastar said, upbeat. Khalid had already retreated back to solid ground. Near the other end of the bridge the party spotted a pair of ogrillons training to be trolls. Minsc didn’t even let them start their ‘troll toll’ speech before charging. Surprisingly, Khalid also ran forward to engage the brutes. “He just wants off this bridge,” snickered Imoen. The party grabbed an interesting, obviously magical, pair of half-gloves off one of the bodies before proceeding.
Magastar made great progress as they neared the center of the compound. The Gnoll bodies piled up.
It was then that one of the feral beasts, one that looked slightly bigger and meaner than the rest, caught Khalid with a polearm. If it wasn't for his helmet he would have lost his head. As it was he merely slumped to the ground with a gurgled moan. Magastar's group retained their composure and Jaheira ran to Khalid only AFTER the last of the attacking Gnolls had been vanquished. She looked at Magastar and shook her head after checking his vitals. "Blast it Khalid! You die! I swear you'll never hear the end of it." Minsc spotted a couple more Gnolls hovering over a pit nearby and charged instantly, forcing any ideas of 'retreat and regroup' to vanish.
With Minsc leading the charge and a fierce volley from Jaheira, Magastar, and Imoen. The Gnolls at the pit didn't stand a chance. Minsc then scrambled into the pit shouting, "Dynaheir! Minsc and Boo have saved you!" Magastar stepped to the edge in time to witness Dynaheir getting smothered in a great big bear hug. Dynaheir gasps when she sees Magastar appear at the pit's edge. "Oh, no, Dynaheir, these are my friends. This is Magastar, and Jaheira, and Imoen. They helped me rescue you! AND Magastar, she speaks the language of Boo!! Magastar, this is my witch, Dynaheir! She is saved!" Magastar smiled through Minsc's words, rolling her eyes only at the mention of being a 'vermin linguist'. Dynaheir's smile broadened. "Thy hadst faced adversity in trekking through this evil land...with Minsc." *gasp* Dynaheir refused to allow Minsc to carry her out of the pit and, even with Minsc's help, winced several times as she walked up the crude steps. Jaheira healed the mage when she reached the top and then turned back to Khalid's body, clearing her throat loudly. Magastar was already thinking the same. "We have been successful in your rescue but one of our own lies on the precipice of death." Magastar said hurriedly. "This is Khalid. He fell only moments before. We must get him back to the healer in Nashkel." Recognizing the danger they were still in, Dynaheir moved to help with Khalid's litter. Magastar's group slowly made their way back to Nashkel, arriving without further incident.
Magastar could hardly contain her happiness as they walked out of the Nashkel temple. She was surrounded by friends. Dynaheir and Khalid were formally introduced and discussed Dynaheir's harrowing experience with the Gnolls. Jaheira and the priest talked about how she might be able to 'resurrect on the road'. Magastar gathered, from Jaheira's appreciative whistle, that she's got a lot to learn before she can perform such a task. Minsc and Imoen discussed the finer points of Boo's diet. As the priest bid Magastar goodbye the rest of her group turned to her. "Friends," Magastar started. "I could not ask you to accompany me without knowing of the dangers I face. My foster father, Gorion, was recently killed by assassins as we fled Candlekeep. Since then, there have been two more failed attempts on my life. I intend to avenge Gorion's death and destroy those who hunt me." Magastar barely finished her words before Imoen chimed in. "Don-cha even think about leaving without me! I loved Gorion too and want to make them pay!" Jaheira and Khalid said much the same, emphatically . Misc turned to Dynaheir saying that this kind of adventure was, "...the stuff of legend!" but Magastar could tell that he was as much asking Dynaheir as he was telling her. It only took Dynaheir a moment to respond. "Even if thy hadn't rescued me I would think to accompany you on such a noble quest. Minsc and myself are in your debt and offer thy our services." As the group cheered Minsc could be heard adding, "and Boo too!"
I now have a problem or two. For some reason I cannot dual either Berserkers or Barbarians. I therefore used the magic of Shadowkeeper to dual her to a cleric. Everything looks good except that a) She still had two berserker spells memorised. Is that right or not? b) when levelling her up to level 1 cleric, I was able to give her a proficiency point in slings. Should I be able to do that as she was a berserker?
While awaiting an answer to the above question, I finished off the half-finished quests and rapidly reached level 5 as a cleric and 20 reputation. Upon going to the farmer in the ankheg area, two more ankheg needed killing. Ætheling now has ** in dual wielding as well as ** in sword and shield style.
Great update, @Wise_Grimwald! Weird that you can't dual zerks. Zerk->cleric is one of my favorites. How are you liking it so far? I just tested with a zerk to 4 dualed to cleric. When you dual you are supposed to lose all your 'inactive' class abilities so you shouldn't have those enrages until your zerk is unlocked again. Zerks can become proficient in missile weapons they just can't go above that. I'm only using the unfinished business and NPC project mods.
I now have a problem or two. For some reason I cannot dual either Berserkers or Barbarians. I therefore used the magic of Shadowkeeper to dual her to a cleric. Everything looks good except that a) She still had two berserker spells memorised. Is that right or not? b) when levelling her up to level 1 cleric, I was able to give her a proficiency point in slings. Should I be able to do that as she was a berserker?
While awaiting an answer to the above question, I finished off the half-finished quests and rapidly reached level 5 as a cleric and 20 reputation. Upon going to the farmer in the ankheg area, two more ankheg needed killing. Ætheling now has ** in dual wielding as well as ** in sword and shield style.
Great update, @Wise_Grimwald! Weird that you can't dual zerks. Zerk->cleric is one of my favorites. How are you liking it so far? I just tested with a zerk to 4 dualed to cleric. When you dual you are supposed to lose all your 'inactive' class abilities so you shouldn't have those enrages until your zerk is unlocked again. Zerks can become proficient in missile weapons they just can't go above that. I'm only using the unfinished business and NPC project mods.
I am liking the beserker/ cleric idea very much and am looking forward to getting the rage back. Whilst I have it, I don't use it. I knew that as a beserker I shouldn't be able to get proficiency points in slings, but wondered whether it was legal to get them as a cleric. That isn't made clear in what I have read about them. From a logical point of view I would say that it is as he is no longer a beserker, but the devs might have had other ideas. As the game gave me the option, I am going to go with it unless somebody gives me evidence to the contrary. As a cleric she can only get one proficiency point anyway.
Ætheling the Erudite Continued
This is how Ætheling raced up through the levels to be a competant cleric. She didn't spend ALL her time fighting, even taking time out for an embrace or two. When in the ankheg area, she was careless with positioning and so triggered the fight against the adventurers before she was buffed. That was ALMOST disastrous. Fortunately help was at hand in the form of Korax. A lot of screenshots follow.
I knew that as a beserker I shouldn't be able to get proficiency points in slings, but wondered whether it was legal to get them as a cleric. That isn't made clear in what I have read about them.
Restrictions continue to apply to a character even after dualling. A kensai cleric could thus not use slings at all. However, berserkers are not prohibited from using slings (though they can't specialise in them) and therefore can still use them as a cleric.
I knew that as a beserker I shouldn't be able to get proficiency points in slings, but wondered whether it was legal to get them as a cleric. That isn't made clear in what I have read about them.
Restrictions continue to apply to a character even after dualling. A kensai cleric could thus not use slings at all. However, berserkers are not prohibited from using slings (though they can't specialise in them) and therefore can still use them as a cleric.
A shame about that. Since dual classing very little fighting was done, especially with slings, so I have just used magic of shadowkeeper to transfer that proficiency point to hammers as Bassilus won't be needing his hammer much longer (I hope). The fighting was mainly done with necklace of missiles plus flail. Only one level to go to regain fighting attributes, but the amount of experience needed for that one level looks quite vast - nearly 26000 points.
Seriously, though, most of my near-death horror stories turned out to be actual death horror stories Usually involving panic, paralyzation, overcrowding, poison, extreme cold, extreme heat, or a well-placed backstab from Shank.
I suppose the most horrific thing is that we keep rolling new victims and throwing them back into the grinder!
This was a bit scary: You can see why. Unfortunately no ghosts involved, just doppelgangers. Just as well they were all dead or it would NOT have been a NEAR death experience.
Hey there hi there everyone! Everytime I log in, I have the same feeling: gladness and joy to see this thread thrive. I'm pretty much up to date with recent developments, but I don't now where to start commenting. @Corey_Russell, belated congrats with your F/M/T trilogy success! @alceryes, I'm enjoying your well-written writeups on Magastar, keep it up! @Enuhal, looking very good (again)! Best of luck with your final battles. @Wise_Grimwald, I see you've had some dual-classing issues. Hopefully they're over now, and hopefully your Berserker-Cleric will come far @JuliusBorisov, I like your party. You make things looks quite easy! I'm pleased to see @ussnorway and @Blind_Visionary progressing in SoD (even though I'm not reading because I still need to go through the expansion myself). @sluckers, I like Goldie, but my character (see below) might want to have a word with her about her adherence to Lathander's tenets. Finally, am looking forward to @Grondo's, @Aasim's and @Serg_BlackStrider's next posts, and any others' I forget to mention.
Lately I’ve had the urge to do a new, role-played playthrough with a party, in large part because of SoD. Some weeks ago I created Owanna, my shapeshifting Gnomish Cleric/Illusionist to explore SoD, and she has indeed entered the SoD portion of the game as I’ve reported here. She’s currently in the Dwarven temple near the camp at the Coast Way Crossing. But for a first playthrough of SoD she doesn’t feel like the right character since I swiftly solo-metagamed her through BG1 with no attention to role-play or NPCs.
I’ve never played a single-class cleric, but this comment by @jinxed75 on Viconia’s role in ToB made me want to try one: a defensive powerhouse greasing the wheels of the party. Priest of Tyr appealed thanks to their Exaltation ability, a great supportive ability for a party Cleric I think, but with the Song of the Morning Temple in Beregost in BG1, the temple of Lathander in Athkatla, the Amaunator storyline and Bodhi and her Vampire guild in SoA, the variety of new undead creatures in SoD that I discovered with Owanna, Lathander just seems to offer a more immersive experience.
Using a portrait I have long wanted to use, Sigrid was born, Dwarven Priestess of Lathander.
A Dwarven servant of Lathander is a rarity in Faerun, but then Sigrid has lived all her life in Candlekeep, surrounded by humans, raised by Gorion, and tutored by the Candlekeep monks. Rather than the Dwarven deities of battle, smithing, or adventuring, it was Lathander with his benevolence, vitality, creativity, tolerance, and forgiving nature that Sigrid felt the strongest affinity with. Extensive reading and commission to memory of the teachings and prayers of Lathander enabled Sigrid to cast her first divine spells shortly before her adventure began. Like her deity Sigrid is optimistic, forgiving, and cheerful. She’s also quite sociable: never too sullen, tired or indifferent to greet strangers and acquaintances with a smile, and always willing to lend them an ear. These attributes contribute to a rather high Charisma for a Dwarf, which is a nice change of pace from my usual gruff and dour Dwarves. Her 14 Strength is about average for a Dwarven priest (min is 8, max is 18). She definitely isn’t the beefiest of Dwarves, and she won’t be able to don full plate mail or use large shields (at least not till late in BG1 which is something to look forward to), but she has the agility and hardihood to make up for that in battle. Sigrid is of average intelligence but wise beyond her years. (The 91 roll was by far the highest I managed, with 88 being second best, but I’m quite pleased with it. A pretty good yet non-optimized distribution of stat points that favors Charisma over Strength and Constitution makes her a strong but realistic Bhaalspawn to me).
From the description of Lathander’s dogma and Lathanderites’ daily activities on I’ve taken a number of tenets Sigrid has to follow. It's nothing shocking, in fact I woudn't have minded a stricter code, but it should offer some guidance and interesting limitations:
- Always aid those in need. This is more important than strict adherence to rituals, rules, and the dictates of superior clergy. (This tenet clearly reflects Lathander’s NG alignment; by strictly adhering to it, Sigrid can be considered lawful good.) - Perfect thyself. - Guard ever against pride. (Sigrid may not allow herself to be provoked by taunts.) - Look after nature. (This is only relevant for a few quests.) - Promote culture. Sigrid must foster interracial harmony, cooperation, pursuit of the arts and progress. (This one too will only apply in a few cases.) - Drive out evil wherever it is found, and battle monsters to nurture civilization. (This calls for a completionist approach similar to @SergBlackstrider’s.) - Recover lost magical items, pieces of literature, and works of art and make regular offerings of ideas, inventions, coins, discovered artifacts, or food to Lathanderian temples and shrines. (Sigrid will try to collect special items and donate them to the Temple of Lathander. One example is the Kozah statutette.) Sigrid is Lawful Good. In her dialogue choices and in her actions I’ll try to make Sigrid adhere to the above tenets, in conjunction with general lawful good commandments like thou shalt not kill, steal, lie, deceive etc. as much as possible. In addition to this, Sigrid will not Animate Dead as it goes against Lathander’s ethos. I might give her an adequate replacement spell or ability if I can think of one.
As for the nature of the challenge, apart from the role-playing restrictions, I’m playing on core difficulty pretty much with my standard setup, which includes SCS fully installed. However enemy casters only have instant buffs when created in sight of the party (i.e. in ambush/teleport situations). I normally don’t pre-buff unless the imminence of battle is obvious, nor do I attack blue-circled characters except maybe with a ruthless, evil character. (Norgath might have done this on occasion.) I find the game more realistic and enjoyable this way, so to me the toned down version of the pre-buffing component is only fair.
Sigrid, Priestess of Lathander, 1st BG1 update
While aware of the urgency of her journey, Sigrid completes all the tasks she can receive in Candlekeep as she needs to make some quick gold so she can afford all the equipment, which includes a suit of splint mail armor, that she wants for her journey. She does not steal nor does she pester Firebead for gold.
After Gorion’s tragic passing, she runs into Imoen. While she does not think highly of her friend’s roguish ways, she does know that Imoen’s essentially a kind-hearted girl so Sigrid agrees to travel with her. Besides it is nice to have someone around that she could trust after the events of the night before.
Although neither Imoen nor Sigrid likes the looks of them, Xzar and his ruffian aide Montaron join as well. The former has offered the Dwarf a healing potion, which is an act of kindness, and he has a point that it’s safer to travel together what with all the monsters and wild animals about, let alone the talk of bandits. They are probably more dangerous than their new companions. Xzar and Montaron want Sigrid to travel with them to Nashkel, but she convinces them to first accompany her back to Candlekeep to inform the Keeper of the Portal of Gorion’s death and arrange his burial, and then to the FAI to meet Khalid and Jaheira.
We do not stray from the road and we reach the FAI in good order, having to deal only with Xvarts and Gibberlings. (Sadly, the diamond in the tree, the ring of the princes and the ring of wizardry are all ignored.)
When we climb the steps of the stairs to the inn, Tarnesh accosts us. Monty applies his oil of speed and rushes toward the wizard. The latter casts MI before Xzar can interrupt him with a LMD from scroll - he has already used his two memorized LMDs against two Xvarts, and we have not rested yet. We had been hoping to do that at the inn. Imoen and Sigrid attack with bow and sling respectively. Tarnesh’s MI is reduced to one image but his health is unaffected. He casts Sleep at Xzar, causing Imoen and Sigrid to run away in different directions. Both Xzar and Imoen save vs spell (yes!) and Sigrid timely escapes the spell’s AoE.
I don’t know who injured Tarnesh first, but it is Sigrid who finishes him off with a critical sling shot.
At the FAI we have an unpleasant encounter with Dorn, and we speak with Khalid and Jaheira, who join us. We accept to retrieve Unshey’s girdle of piercing from a rogue Ogre south of the inn. The creature is easily slain after Sigrid casts a Command at it. The belt we promptly return to Unshey. Joia’s ring is retrieved and returned from Hobgoblins, the nobleman whose golden pants need a wash is politely informed that we are no FAI staff, and Landrin is promised the removal of four Huge Spiders and the delivery of some of her belongings from her home in Beregost. On the way there, we defeat two Kobold archers with some difficulty.
In Beregost we appease drunken Marl as the dialogue options taken make sense for self-assured yet prudent and empathic Sigrid. Firebead asks for a copy of the History of the Fateful Coin and we oblige. (Entering houses is in principle unacceptable, but Firebead’s house was marked on Sigrid’s map, and she knew the wizard from Candlekeep.) Landrin’s spiders are a challenge. It seems it has become more difficult to lure them out. Monty enters hidden, and injures one of the creatures with a backstab. He then runs outside, but gets blocked by the spiders, forcing him to reenter the home. Fortunately for him the spiders don’t follow Monty back inside, but attack the others. Sigrid Commands the first spider so that it blocks the others, and Jaheira does a good job at keeping the spiders at bay by Entangling them. The party can then eliminate the threat with relative ease even though Monty gets hit once, without getting poisoned, when he returns with another backstab.
We bring Landrin her belongings, and then return to Beregost. There, Xzar reminds Sigrid of her promise to travel to Nashkel with him and Monty. Thus we travel south without further ado (except for the delivery of Roe’s letter to Mirianne). Even a visit to the Temple of the Morning is postponed. Although their plate mail suits looks enticing, we say what is necessary to convince three Flaming Fist Mercenaries that we are no bandits. Hobgoblins are slain with ease, a Coquetle family necklace picked up, and warrioress Shar-Teel is denied the pleasure of a duel. Lord Foreshadow doesn’t give us his Ring of Human Influence. (I think he never does when Jaheira’s in the party.)
In Nashkel Bardolan tells us of captain Brage’s madness, and we fail to change the mind of an assassin that’s out to kill Sigrid, the priestess Neira. Monty and Khalid melee-attack her, Xzar interrupts her spell casting twice with LMDs, Jaheira Entangles her, and Sigrid Commands her. Khalid deals the death blow. After the battle Sigrid feels a slight surge of power inside herself. Lathander awards her with vigor and with an extra spell to memorize each day (level 2).
We agree to investigate the Nashkel mines for mayor Berrun Ghastkill and we explain to Oublek that none of us is the infamous bounty hunter Greywolf.
On our way to the mines, we are ambushed by bandits. But aided by Dorn, who apparently has a personal score to settle with them, we manage to defeat them, albeit not before one of their archers fells Xzar (still level 1 with 4 HPs). Dorn suddenly wants to join us, which comes as a surprise after his behavior at the FAI, but we tell him off. We return to Nashkel to get Xzar back up on his feet, rest, with Sigrid dreaming of Gorion, and then make a second attempt at reaching the mines. This time we arrive and are given one day for our investigation by overseer Emerson. We clear the first floor, killing three Kobolds, including one guard that badly injures Montaron with its Nome Stikka dagger.
On the second floor, stealthy Montaron spots several more Kobolds, and Miner Kylee confirms that Kobolds have been overrunning the place when Montaron brings him his dagger. Knowing ourselves able to defeat two, maybe three individual Kobolds but unprepared to deal with a Kobold plague, we leave the mines, report our findings to Ghastkill (who expects us to proceed anyway instead of sending the military), and then travel back to Beregost. There we promise Bjornin to slay four Half-Ogres that have grievously injured him. Sigrid understands that it’s in everyone’s best interest that we first endeavor to carry out smaller jobs like the killing of these Half-Ogres to acquire more experience and better equipment, before taking on the daunting task of clearing the Nashkel mines.
Just south of Beregost we fail to convince a Flaming Fist Mercenary that even a dark elf deserves a fair trial, and maybe even a chance at penance, for else we’d be as cruel as their the drow themselves. The warrior manages to Hold Khalid, but the drow Commands him twice.
Imoen ends up felling him with an arrow. During the battle Sigrid repeatedly hears the drow pray to Shar, so it goes without saying that she does not desire Viconia in the party. None of her companions disagree. We give her a suit of splint mail armor that we have been carrying, and we suggest she seek shelter in a nearby cave after we’ve slain its Hobgoblin inhabitants. One of those Hobgoblins owned a pair of Boots of Stealth. Apparently it had stolen them from a Halfling named Zhurlong who in turn nicks 25 GP from us. We give him the boots anyway and are pleased to see him return the 25 GP to us, and reward us with another 100 GP.
We slay three Gnolls near the High Hedge and we bring Melicamp to his master Thalantyr so that the latter might restore the fellow. Thalantyr does not succeed.
At the Temple of the Morning Sigrid meets with high priest Keldath Ormlyr. Being sworn into the faith and accepted into the clergy as a novice is the highlight so far in Sigrid’s short career as a priest and adventurer. Together with another novice priest of Lathander, a human male named Gavin, she is to perform smaller routine tasks and rituals and to complete a number of dangerous quests to prove herself as a Lathanderite. If she passes these tests she shall obtain the title of Dawnbringer of Lathander, and with Lathander’s blessing she shall acquire more powers as a priestess to help her make the Sword Coast a safe and thriving place.
We explore the lands south and west of Beregost and do eventually track down Bjornin’s Half-Ogres. With Jaheira’s Entangle once more instrumental in our success we avenge the wounded paladin for which an enchanted shield is our reward. Our exploration also brings us to the horrible scene of a murder. The Nashkel guard captain Brage has just slain an innocent family when we arrive. We manage to talk some sense into him and we discover that a cursed blade had caused the poor man to lose his mind. We escort him back to Nashkel, to the Temple of Helm. Much to Sigrid's satisfaction Helmite father Nalin takes an almost Lathanderite approach, condemning the action but not the actor, and deciding that not punishment but atonement is the appropriate legal response to Brage’s case.
Even further south we are asked to bring an injured man to the Temple of Garl Glittergold. Gavin, our strongest party member, gives his armor to Jaheira and carries the man all the way to the FAI. Luckily we are spared an ambush.
Edit: added some spoiler tags to shorten the wall of text.
In honor of the coming Halloween, here is a friendly challenge to the thread:
***** Share, please, your spookiest, near-death horror stories. *****
Given the site rules, I can't post any of mine since they usually involve some stuff which isn't legal. Other than that - I was hit by a car, bitten by a dog, got lost in the woods and had a seagul s**t on me. None of these are really near-death horror stories, bar the seaguls.
Time to start that Grond0 's 24 hour challenge again.
With her party resolved to help her hunt the bastard that murdered Gorion and sent assassins against her, Magastar decides that the Nashkel mines can wait a little longer. Jaheria barely complained, acknowledging that they would surly have a greater chance of success with more adventuring experience. “I think we should travel back to the Friendly Arm Inn, where the first assassination attempt occurred,” Magastar says. “Maybe we can learn something about the assassin from the locals.” The trip back to the Friendly Arm Inn was surprisingly uneventful. After asking around for a bit, it was clear that they wouldn’t get any useful information on the assassin. He had arrived just prior to Magastar’s own arrival. Just as they finished talking with some locals near the portcullis Magastar heard the crash of cookware and a female cursing from a nearby home. Getting the others attention she cautiously stepped up to the home and opened the door. Inside, a woman was stomping about, cursing up a storm. Magastar couldn’t help but blush. She wasn’t sure what some of the words meant but, in the context, she had a pretty good guess. Looking back she saw Minsc with a hand in Boo’s carrier and a worried look on his face. She realized that he was covering Boo’s ears. “I don’t know which is worse,” she whispered to herself, “Minsc protecting a hamster from obscenities, or the fact that I KNOW he is protecting a hamster from obscenities.” “What!?” Jaheira whisper-shouted, surprising the foul-mouthed lass inside. She recovered quickly though, apologizing for the outburst and telling the party that she was just robbed by a group of hobgoblin thugs nearby. Magastar gladly agreed to help.
With unsuccessful attempts at this challenge now up to 89 I decided it was time to generate a new random class to attempt - and rolled a shaman. I've not played this class at all yet, so the chances of success seem pretty slim, but we'll see if I can draw on Magastar's experience ...
I'm not sure how much use the shaman dance will be for a solo character in the longer run, but I did manage to get a bit of distance away from Shoal in order to generate a fox spirit to finish her off to provide an early level boost.
After doing a few tasks around Beregost I went down to Nashkel wondering if the ankheg armour would be usable by the shaman - it isn't (I think that's appropriate, but a guy can always dream). It took a long time, but I did eventually manage to get a spirit to kill Oopah at the Carnival. I reverted to old-fashioned run & shoot tactics for Meilum - that also took a while, but the extra level gained there and his bracers will make future encounters quicker.
Shaman L4, 30 HPs, 19 kills
Edit: well that didn't last too long. I killed Mutamin with Writhing Fog without him reacting, but Kirian's group was a bit smarter and stormed after me. A scroll of PfM protected against Peter's spells, but Baerin hit several times with vicious arrows to almost kill me. Having lost him I tried retracing my steps with the aim of seeing if spirits would be able to attack him before he saw me, but that didn't work. I was thinking I would be able to run off the map before he could attack, but without autopause enabled I was just too slow to manage that ...
Good luck @Grond0! I've never done a solo Shaman but am guessing it's difficult. The bow will make it easier and with a few levels under your belt you should be surviving a hit or two depending on who's swinging. From what I've read the summoning ability is okay at the start and when you gain each new tier but, ultimately (above level 20 in BGII), it falls flat. I'm hoping that Magastar makes it that far to prove the naysayers wrong. I'm really interested in the higher levels sorcerer-like spell casting too. A look at M'khiin at tenth level tells me that there's huge potential there. Magastar took a different proficiency approach. Picking axe and single-weapon style gives her the versatility of both melee and ranged (ranged axes can really split heads with 19 STR), while also giving her an extra AC while she's just walking around or 'dancing the jig'.
Thanks @alceryes, though I'll have to try take 2 . I agree the axe was tempting - I partly took short bow for the availability of magic ammunition such as dispelling arrows for the Palace, although the slow attack speed of the axe is also a significant problem for a solo character. Having not used the class before I wasn't confident about what spell selection he would have, though if nymphs are available that would give him a decent chance at the Palace anyway.
A decidedly not scary ghost Story Ætheling the Erudite Continued
Ætheling decided to visit Durlag's Tower. Fighting the battle Horrors was tough and she was badly hurt, but she decided to carry on and fight the doppelganger. This was successful, so she carried on inside the tower. There DUHM was cast before sleeping which gave her full health. She had memorised such spells as freedom of action so that the ghast would not be too scary. She defeated several ghast and even Kirinhale. She then decided to take on the ghost using a skeleton warrior as a proxy. The battle went fairly well though the skellie was killed. As spells were getting low, she rested. At that a ghast arrived on the scene! No more freedom of action spells. Decided to fight it anyway as the way to the exit was blocked by the ghost. Battle successful. Slept again. This time successful. Cast another skeleton warrior. The ghost dies. Level up!! Berserker abilities back. Now a super warrior.
Flails **** War hammers * Two handed weapon style. *** Sword and shield style. **
The question now is whether to continue soloing: eminently possible. Get a party. Likewise
I decided to stay single until the Drittz Saga and then get Drizzt's friends in my party. I also decided not to level up again until starting the Drizzt Saga otherwise Ætheling would become way too powerful.
Note the level cap is higher due to the Drizzt Saga which is fine for completing that mod, but overpowered for the main game which is why no levelling up for the moment. When going to dragonspear the experience will be lowered back to 161000. I am wondering what happens to proficiencies then. Do you lose proficiency points as well as experience upon entering Sarevok's Lair?
Perhaps I am counting chickens before they are hatched here. She might never leave Durlag's Tower.
That's hilarious. A real "exploding ogre".
Ætheling went to the Lighthouse Area and killed som Sirene whereupon she went up a level.
You can always charm Dushai.
Except Dushai has magic resistance. I can remember Grond0 saying it took him 100 tries before she finally gets charmed. I've tried to charm her, and it always fails. Too much time, would rather just risk a failed pick-pocket.
Steinarr had some indigestion, apparently, and it lead to a bad dream about losing concentration and failing in battle. But it isn't time for the Barbarian to put up his sling just yet.
So, raging onward we go!
Start of the Saga
Defeat of Sarevok
Most recent post
The cooking at Bridgefort is terrible. The crusaders really put the pinch on the place and fresh rations have been running low. The food was so bad that Steinarr thought he had died. But it was just a terrible case of Barbarian indigestion. Fortunately, he has a natural constitution of 20 (thanks to lucky tome finds in BG1) and his guts bounce back quickly after a night of rest.
SoD spoilers below
Steinarr wasn't able to keep his big mouth shut while trying to obtain the scroll needed to disarm the spellstone that had poisoned bridgefort. He got into a fight with the mage responsible. And it brought the whole siege force down on his head.
The Flaming Fist regiment heard the ruckus and came to support the Barbarian.
Steinarr and his backup team cut down the Bhargest and his crusaders, forcing their lead mage Oloneiros back into a corner. But somehow, the mage managed to paralyze Steinarr. (Forgot to don the free action ring at the start of the fight.)
Fortunately, Corwin had some dispelling arrows to hasten the demise of the troublesome mage. And the crusaders were too few in number by this point to do much damage to the Barbarian.
After mopping up in the courtyard, the team took the bridge before the defenders could blow it.
Steinarr had intended to negotiate a surrender. But rage makes him unpredictable. Rarrr!
Next up in Barbarian News: Undermining Dragonspear Castle
Eilwa's journey
previous postnext post
part 2
Sorry for the small update and no fancy screenshots. So, after considering what @Blind_Visionary said I changed my stats to 9 STR and 18 WIS, so that I can dual-class to Cleric later on.
Eilwa continued her quest for XP, we killed an Ogre, two Ogrillions and four Half-Ogres and got a Ring of the Princess +1, a Medium Shield +1 and a bit of gold accompanied with a bunch of insults. The battle against the Ogrillions was particularly hard... :p
I bought Sleep and Grease from Thalantyr and managed to get Quayle killed again by some Skeletons. I raised him for 100 gold since he wasn't the only one that didn't get another level yet (Eilwa is level 3, both Kivan and Ajantis are level 2 and Quayle is very close to Cleric level 2).
CrevsDaak said:
» show previous quotes
Yeah, charming her isn't very effective since she has 5 on each save and 50% MR. If you have SCS I think you can kill her without Reputation loss because she isn't tagged as an innocent.
If you pickpocket Algernon's Cloak, that is far more effective in charming, though I think that EE might have nerfed it somewhat. I think that now you have to rest between usages. In general that is good as it prevents over-usage. Not so good if you are doing a no killing run.
Ætheling continued by killing Gnarl and Hairtooth, a couple of polar bears, Zordral and Zargal.
She then killed the Revenant, whilst Narcillicus killed himself.
Meilum was next which brought her to level 7.
I now have a problem or two. For some reason I cannot dual either Berserkers or Barbarians. I therefore used the magic of Shadowkeeper to dual her to a cleric. Everything looks good except that a) She still had two berserker spells memorised. Is that right or not? b) when levelling her up to level 1 cleric, I was able to give her a proficiency point in slings. Should I be able to do that as she was a berserker?
While awaiting an answer to the above question, I finished off the half-finished quests and rapidly reached level 5 as a cleric and 20 reputation. Upon going to the farmer in the ankheg area, two more ankheg needed killing. Ætheling now has ** in dual wielding as well as ** in sword and shield style.
burning my bridges,
I'm making progress against the crusade, we explored a ruin for the local dwarfs (nice hat) and agreed to help Edwin find some enemy he needed to kill. My old wildmage friend has rejoined us before leaving the area for good.
Previous update found here
Next update found here
When last we saw our Conjurer, he was about to tackle a fair number of Ankhegs. Sadly, this went without incident! One or two of said Ankhegs got off crits against Khalid, but he's beefy beyond belief and can weather such torment unabashed. At least Xan got to demonstrate that, even with very good HP rolls, he's just not cut out for a life on the front lines.
An 800 gold Raise Dead later, we finished clearing the Ankhegs (picking up the lovely Wand of Fire they were hoarding), assisted Tenya, and cleared some zombies, helping ourselves to a *real* reward in the form of the Pearl Necklace and Cloak of Protection +1 the stingy farmer was keeping locked up in his house. Yes, we're not above petty burglary. Greater good and all that.
We swung by the Carnival and picked up the Necklace of Missiles. Finally, we were good to proceed with the main quest. Squaring off with Mulahey, a single Fireball from one of our trusty wands eliminated his reinforcements before they could get a single shot off, and that was pretty much it for the half-orc.
Heading back to Nashkel, taking care of Nimbul, moving up to Beregost, clearing Tranzig.. all went smoothly. Nevertheless, as we are now wanted men/half-elves/elves/what-have-you, we proceeded to, under appropriate protections (Invisibility on Aldain and Xan at all times) travel back and forth between Nashkel and the western wilderness. It would not take long afore a first party of our would-be assassins stumbled upon us.
A triple Fireball and a Holy Smite (2x Wands, 1x Necklace of Missiles, 1x Branwen) should see to them!
And it almost did. To his credit Halacan somehow survived the barrage by making all his saves, and had time to get Sleep off from a scroll. Hah! Such a futile gesture!
Not so futile, as it turns out. Halacan succeeded in knocking out EVERYONE except Branwen (who made her save) and Imoen, who had hit L5 previously and so is Sleep-immune (I'm particularly impressed that he got past Xan's 90% immunity to Sleep). Thankfully they were able to finish him off on their own, but imagine if we hadn't played it safe with mass bombardment, and Branwen + Imoen would've had to tackle the entire enemy team? It's just not a good idea to underestimate SCS mages, ever.
Not long after, the second assassin party showed up. Lacking enhanced shorty saves (they're all human, as far as I know) they did not fare as well as Halacan. Pictured: Assassin-on-a-spit.
On the trail of the main quest, we carved a path through Larswood and Peldvale. Not much to report here, Corsone was a bit annoying but couldn't withstand getting hit with double Scorcher.
Oh boy.. deep breaths. It's time for that ever ill-fated battle, taking on the entire Bandit Camp at once.
This almost always goes well, but there's ever the risk of something terrible happening (like a Black Talon Elite sneaking past your kill zone and getting two rapid critical hits on Aldain, who is not overly fond of Arrows of Ice to the vital parts).
Imoen goes ahead under stealth to grab the Fireball and Web scroll in the empty hut. Usually I have Web available on a mage by now, but Xan can't learn Evocation and I didn't want to waste potions just to have Aldain learn a handful of spells, so we're going ahead anyway. I have a total of 3 web scrolls, so I can in good conscience cast 2 of them if necessary. As a substitute, we load up on enormous amounts of Grease and Entangle instead. A few potions are distributed to Jaheira and Khalid, Imoen gulps down an Oil of Speed, Remove Fear is applied, and it's time...
We have taken positon to the extreme south-east of the map. Enemies can only approach from one angle, and we will create a kill zone of Grease, Entangle and continuous barrages from our wands/Necklace of Missiles. Imoen runs off at precocious speed to attract a target, and thereby alert the entire camp.
Taugosz spots her first... and downs his own Oil of Speed! Run Imoen, run!
She makes it back to the rest of the party safely, Taugosz in tow. We catch our first break, as Taugosz (he seems to have remarkably rotten saves) fails to withstand a Hold Person, and drops after a few rounds of relentless hammering.
And.. that was as brutal as it got this time, really. Close to the entire camp comes pouring straight into our horrible little grease-stain full of aggressively grabbing plants, and consequently succumb to incessant fireballs. Venkt never even got a spell off. Anti-climax, but I'll take that any day over bitter defeat.
A handful of hobgoblins somehow have the good sense to NOT charge straight into certain death, but what can a few hobbos do at this point? Not much but die, really.
We clean up the stragglers in the cave and among the tents without issue, grab all the lovely loot, and leave, the scent of burned Hobgoblin on the wind a smelly reminder of our great triumph.
Back to Beregost, hand in all the scalps, advance to the next chapter. We get some shopping in; a second Full Plate Mail in addition to the one we swiped off of Taugosz, a Robe of the Good Archmagi for Aldain, and a few scrolls we were missing in preparation for our next big bout of scribing.
To finish off for now, we also clear the wolves by the temple. Next time around, we'll probably want to finish clearing all available outdoor areas (including the XP factory, Basilisks!), and quite possibly clear the above-ground parts of Durlag's Tower to beef us up even further.
During all the carnage, we gathered quite a few levels. Most importantly of course, Aldain leveled (hooray!) and rolled a 4 (boo!) for hitpoints.
As we leave our party for now, they can be found in the common room of the Jovial Juggler, making merry over the fact that with 3rd level Mage spell slots at hand, they are no longer entirely dependent on their (by now somewhat depleted) Wands of Fire.
Aldain is now a level 5 Human Conjurer, and a certified archmage (it says so on his robe!).
…three warriors warring, two casters casting, one robber robbing…uh, one stinking rodent!
Magastar, ½-Orc Shaman, update 4
Magastar is not very fond of heights and one look into the fast running current below told her that any fall would mean certain death. Unfortunately, Khalid also looked. It took both Jaheira and Magastar the better part of an hour to get him to take the first few steps. It would have been sooner had Minsc not also tried to help...
He didn’t even slow down when they came to the bridge. Apparently, there’s something unsettling about a huge man ham-fisting both guide ropes and jumping around yelling, “Look! It’s as sturdy as Boo’s pajamas!” It was then that a large board at Minsc’s feet, gave way and plummeted into the waters. Although surprised, Minsc easily regained his footing. At first Magastar thought that a breakthrough had occurred when the look of understanding flashed on Minsc’s face. But the moment was fleeting. Minsc opened up his ‘carrier’ and, in a stern reprimanding tone, told Boo that his diet starts tomorrow! “At least he stopped jumping,” Magastar said, upbeat. Khalid had already retreated back to solid ground.
Near the other end of the bridge the party spotted a pair of ogrillons training to be trolls. Minsc didn’t even let them start their ‘troll toll’ speech before charging. Surprisingly, Khalid also ran forward to engage the brutes. “He just wants off this bridge,” snickered Imoen. The party grabbed an interesting, obviously magical, pair of half-gloves off one of the bodies before proceeding.
Magastar made great progress as they neared the center of the compound. The Gnoll bodies piled up.
It was then that one of the feral beasts, one that looked slightly bigger and meaner than the rest, caught Khalid with a polearm. If it wasn't for his helmet he would have lost his head. As it was he merely slumped to the ground with a gurgled moan. Magastar's group retained their composure and Jaheira ran to Khalid only AFTER the last of the attacking Gnolls had been vanquished. She looked at Magastar and shook her head after checking his vitals. "Blast it Khalid! You die! I swear you'll never hear the end of it."
Minsc spotted a couple more Gnolls hovering over a pit nearby and charged instantly, forcing any ideas of 'retreat and regroup' to vanish.
With Minsc leading the charge and a fierce volley from Jaheira, Magastar, and Imoen. The Gnolls at the pit didn't stand a chance. Minsc then scrambled into the pit shouting, "Dynaheir! Minsc and Boo have saved you!" Magastar stepped to the edge in time to witness Dynaheir getting smothered in a great big bear hug. Dynaheir gasps when she sees Magastar appear at the pit's edge. "Oh, no, Dynaheir, these are my friends. This is Magastar, and Jaheira, and Imoen. They helped me rescue you! AND Magastar, she speaks the language of Boo!! Magastar, this is my witch, Dynaheir! She is saved!" Magastar smiled through Minsc's words, rolling her eyes only at the mention of being a 'vermin linguist'. Dynaheir's smile broadened. "Thy hadst faced adversity in trekking through this evil land...with Minsc."
*gasp* Dynaheir refused to allow Minsc to carry her out of the pit and, even with Minsc's help, winced several times as she walked up the crude steps. Jaheira healed the mage when she reached the top and then turned back to Khalid's body, clearing her throat loudly. Magastar was already thinking the same. "We have been successful in your rescue but one of our own lies on the precipice of death." Magastar said hurriedly. "This is Khalid. He fell only moments before. We must get him back to the healer in Nashkel." Recognizing the danger they were still in, Dynaheir moved to help with Khalid's litter. Magastar's group slowly made their way back to Nashkel, arriving without further incident.
Magastar could hardly contain her happiness as they walked out of the Nashkel temple. She was surrounded by friends. Dynaheir and Khalid were formally introduced and discussed Dynaheir's harrowing experience with the Gnolls. Jaheira and the priest talked about how she might be able to 'resurrect on the road'. Magastar gathered, from Jaheira's appreciative whistle, that she's got a lot to learn before she can perform such a task. Minsc and Imoen discussed the finer points of Boo's diet. As the priest bid Magastar goodbye the rest of her group turned to her. "Friends," Magastar started. "I could not ask you to accompany me without knowing of the dangers I face. My foster father, Gorion, was recently killed by assassins as we fled Candlekeep. Since then, there have been two more failed attempts on my life. I intend to avenge Gorion's death and destroy those who hunt me." Magastar barely finished her words before Imoen chimed in. "Don-cha even think about leaving without me! I loved Gorion too and want to make them pay!" Jaheira and Khalid said much the same, emphatically . Misc turned to Dynaheir saying that this kind of adventure was, "...the stuff of legend!" but Magastar could tell that he was as much asking Dynaheir as he was telling her. It only took Dynaheir a moment to respond. "Even if thy hadn't rescued me I would think to accompany you on such a noble quest. Minsc and myself are in your debt and offer thy our services." As the group cheered Minsc could be heard adding, "and Boo too!"
Weird that you can't dual zerks. Zerk->cleric is one of my favorites. How are you liking it so far? I just tested with a zerk to 4 dualed to cleric. When you dual you are supposed to lose all your 'inactive' class abilities so you shouldn't have those enrages until your zerk is unlocked again. Zerks can become proficient in missile weapons they just can't go above that. I'm only using the unfinished business and NPC project mods.
Ætheling the Erudite Continued
This is how Ætheling raced up through the levels to be a competant cleric. She didn't spend ALL her time fighting, even taking time out for an embrace or two. When in the ankheg area, she was careless with positioning and so triggered the fight against the adventurers before she was buffed. That was ALMOST disastrous. Fortunately help was at hand in the form of Korax. A lot of screenshots follow.
just used magic of shadowkeeper to transfer that proficiency point to hammers as Bassilus won't be needing his hammer much longer (I hope). The fighting was mainly done with necklace of missiles plus flail. Only one level to go to regain fighting attributes, but the amount of experience needed for that one level looks quite vast - nearly 26000 points.
***** Share, please, your spookiest, near-death horror stories. *****
The winner will win the Odesseiron Family Omelette: "+1 extra Necromancy spells per day; -3 Death saves; Permanent Fear effect [*]"
([*] Feareffectappliesdirectlytothewearerandtonobodyelsenoexchangesorrefundsforaccidentaldeathanddismemberment
Seriously, though, most of my near-death horror stories turned out to be actual death horror stories
I suppose the most horrific thing is that we keep rolling new victims and throwing them back into the grinder!
You can see why. Unfortunately no ghosts involved, just doppelgangers. Just as well they were all dead or it would NOT have been a NEAR death experience.
Lately I’ve had the urge to do a new, role-played playthrough with a party, in large part because of SoD. Some weeks ago I created Owanna, my shapeshifting Gnomish Cleric/Illusionist to explore SoD, and she has indeed entered the SoD portion of the game as I’ve reported here. She’s currently in the Dwarven temple near the camp at the Coast Way Crossing. But for a first playthrough of SoD she doesn’t feel like the right character since I swiftly solo-metagamed her through BG1 with no attention to role-play or NPCs.
I’ve never played a single-class cleric, but this comment by @jinxed75 on Viconia’s role in ToB made me want to try one: a defensive powerhouse greasing the wheels of the party. Priest of Tyr appealed thanks to their Exaltation ability, a great supportive ability for a party Cleric I think, but with the Song of the Morning Temple in Beregost in BG1, the temple of Lathander in Athkatla, the Amaunator storyline and Bodhi and her Vampire guild in SoA, the variety of new undead creatures in SoD that I discovered with Owanna, Lathander just seems to offer a more immersive experience.
Using a portrait I have long wanted to use, Sigrid was born, Dwarven Priestess of Lathander.
From the description of Lathander’s dogma and Lathanderites’ daily activities on I’ve taken a number of tenets Sigrid has to follow. It's nothing shocking, in fact I woudn't have minded a stricter code, but it should offer some guidance and interesting limitations:
- Always aid those in need. This is more important than strict adherence to rituals, rules, and the dictates of superior clergy. (This tenet clearly reflects Lathander’s NG alignment; by strictly adhering to it, Sigrid can be considered lawful good.)
- Perfect thyself.
- Guard ever against pride. (Sigrid may not allow herself to be provoked by taunts.)
- Look after nature. (This is only relevant for a few quests.)
- Promote culture. Sigrid must foster interracial harmony, cooperation, pursuit of the arts and progress. (This one too will only apply in a few cases.)
- Drive out evil wherever it is found, and battle monsters to nurture civilization. (This calls for a completionist approach similar to @SergBlackstrider’s.)
- Recover lost magical items, pieces of literature, and works of art and make regular offerings of ideas, inventions, coins, discovered artifacts, or food to Lathanderian temples and shrines. (Sigrid will try to collect special items and donate them to the Temple of Lathander. One example is the Kozah statutette.)
Sigrid is Lawful Good. In her dialogue choices and in her actions I’ll try to make Sigrid adhere to the above tenets, in conjunction with general lawful good commandments like thou shalt not kill, steal, lie, deceive etc. as much as possible. In addition to this, Sigrid will not Animate Dead as it goes against Lathander’s ethos. I might give her an adequate replacement spell or ability if I can think of one.
As for the nature of the challenge, apart from the role-playing restrictions, I’m playing on core difficulty pretty much with my standard setup, which includes SCS fully installed. However enemy casters only have instant buffs when created in sight of the party (i.e. in ambush/teleport situations). I normally don’t pre-buff unless the imminence of battle is obvious, nor do I attack blue-circled characters except maybe with a ruthless, evil character. (Norgath might have done this on occasion.) I find the game more realistic and enjoyable this way, so to me the toned down version of the pre-buffing component is only fair.
Sigrid, Priestess of Lathander, 1st BG1 update
While aware of the urgency of her journey, Sigrid completes all the tasks she can receive in Candlekeep as she needs to make some quick gold so she can afford all the equipment, which includes a suit of splint mail armor, that she wants for her journey. She does not steal nor does she pester Firebead for gold.
After Gorion’s tragic passing, she runs into Imoen. While she does not think highly of her friend’s roguish ways, she does know that Imoen’s essentially a kind-hearted girl so Sigrid agrees to travel with her. Besides it is nice to have someone around that she could trust after the events of the night before.
Although neither Imoen nor Sigrid likes the looks of them, Xzar and his ruffian aide Montaron join as well. The former has offered the Dwarf a healing potion, which is an act of kindness, and he has a point that it’s safer to travel together what with all the monsters and wild animals about, let alone the talk of bandits. They are probably more dangerous than their new companions. Xzar and Montaron want Sigrid to travel with them to Nashkel, but she convinces them to first accompany her back to Candlekeep to inform the Keeper of the Portal of Gorion’s death and arrange his burial, and then to the FAI to meet Khalid and Jaheira.
We do not stray from the road and we reach the FAI in good order, having to deal only with Xvarts and Gibberlings. (Sadly, the diamond in the tree, the ring of the princes and the ring of wizardry are all ignored.)
When we climb the steps of the stairs to the inn, Tarnesh accosts us. Monty applies his oil of speed and rushes toward the wizard. The latter casts MI before Xzar can interrupt him with a LMD from scroll - he has already used his two memorized LMDs against two Xvarts, and we have not rested yet. We had been hoping to do that at the inn. Imoen and Sigrid attack with bow and sling respectively. Tarnesh’s MI is reduced to one image but his health is unaffected. He casts Sleep at Xzar, causing Imoen and Sigrid to run away in different directions. Both Xzar and Imoen save vs spell (yes!) and Sigrid timely escapes the spell’s AoE.
At the FAI we have an unpleasant encounter with Dorn, and we speak with Khalid and Jaheira, who join us. We accept to retrieve Unshey’s girdle of piercing from a rogue Ogre south of the inn. The creature is easily slain after Sigrid casts a Command at it. The belt we promptly return to Unshey. Joia’s ring is retrieved and returned from Hobgoblins, the nobleman whose golden pants need a wash is politely informed that we are no FAI staff, and Landrin is promised the removal of four Huge Spiders and the delivery of some of her belongings from her home in Beregost. On the way there, we defeat two Kobold archers with some difficulty.
In Beregost we appease drunken Marl as the dialogue options taken make sense for self-assured yet prudent and empathic Sigrid. Firebead asks for a copy of the History of the Fateful Coin and we oblige. (Entering houses is in principle unacceptable, but Firebead’s house was marked on Sigrid’s map, and she knew the wizard from Candlekeep.)
Landrin’s spiders are a challenge. It seems it has become more difficult to lure them out. Monty enters hidden, and injures one of the creatures with a backstab. He then runs outside, but gets blocked by the spiders, forcing him to reenter the home. Fortunately for him the spiders don’t follow Monty back inside, but attack the others. Sigrid Commands the first spider so that it blocks the others, and Jaheira does a good job at keeping the spiders at bay by Entangling them. The party can then eliminate the threat with relative ease even though Monty gets hit once, without getting poisoned, when he returns with another backstab.
We bring Landrin her belongings, and then return to Beregost. There, Xzar reminds Sigrid of her promise to travel to Nashkel with him and Monty. Thus we travel south without further ado (except for the delivery of Roe’s letter to Mirianne). Even a visit to the Temple of the Morning is postponed.
Although their plate mail suits looks enticing, we say what is necessary to convince three Flaming Fist Mercenaries that we are no bandits. Hobgoblins are slain with ease, a Coquetle family necklace picked up, and warrioress Shar-Teel is denied the pleasure of a duel. Lord Foreshadow doesn’t give us his Ring of Human Influence. (I think he never does when Jaheira’s in the party.)
In Nashkel Bardolan tells us of captain Brage’s madness, and we fail to change the mind of an assassin that’s out to kill Sigrid, the priestess Neira. Monty and Khalid melee-attack her, Xzar interrupts her spell casting twice with LMDs, Jaheira Entangles her, and Sigrid Commands her. Khalid deals the death blow. After the battle Sigrid feels a slight surge of power inside herself. Lathander awards her with vigor and with an extra spell to memorize each day (level 2).
On our way to the mines, we are ambushed by bandits. But aided by Dorn, who apparently has a personal score to settle with them, we manage to defeat them, albeit not before one of their archers fells Xzar (still level 1 with 4 HPs). Dorn suddenly wants to join us, which comes as a surprise after his behavior at the FAI, but we tell him off. We return to Nashkel to get Xzar back up on his feet, rest, with Sigrid dreaming of Gorion, and then make a second attempt at reaching the mines. This time we arrive and are given one day for our investigation by overseer Emerson. We clear the first floor, killing three Kobolds, including one guard that badly injures Montaron with its Nome Stikka dagger.
Just south of Beregost we fail to convince a Flaming Fist Mercenary that even a dark elf deserves a fair trial, and maybe even a chance at penance, for else we’d be as cruel as their the drow themselves. The warrior manages to Hold Khalid, but the drow Commands him twice.
We slay three Gnolls near the High Hedge and we bring Melicamp to his master Thalantyr so that the latter might restore the fellow. Thalantyr does not succeed.
At the Temple of the Morning Sigrid meets with high priest Keldath Ormlyr. Being sworn into the faith and accepted into the clergy as a novice is the highlight so far in Sigrid’s short career as a priest and adventurer. Together with another novice priest of Lathander, a human male named Gavin, she is to perform smaller routine tasks and rituals and to complete a number of dangerous quests to prove herself as a Lathanderite. If she passes these tests she shall obtain the title of Dawnbringer of Lathander, and with Lathander’s blessing she shall acquire more powers as a priestess to help her make the Sword Coast a safe and thriving place.
We explore the lands south and west of Beregost and do eventually track down Bjornin’s Half-Ogres. With Jaheira’s Entangle once more instrumental in our success we avenge the wounded paladin for which an enchanted shield is our reward. Our exploration also brings us to the horrible scene of a murder. The Nashkel guard captain Brage has just slain an innocent family when we arrive. We manage to talk some sense into him and we discover that a cursed blade had caused the poor man to lose his mind. We escort him back to Nashkel, to the Temple of Helm. Much to Sigrid's satisfaction Helmite father Nalin takes an almost Lathanderite approach, condemning the action but not the actor, and deciding that not punishment but atonement is the appropriate legal response to Brage’s case.
Even further south we are asked to bring an injured man to the Temple of Garl Glittergold. Gavin, our strongest party member, gives his armor to Jaheira and carries the man all the way to the FAI. Luckily we are spared an ambush.
Edit: added some spoiler tags to shorten the wall of text.
Other than that - I was hit by a car, bitten by a dog, got lost in the woods and had a seagul s**t on me. None of these are really near-death horror stories, bar the seaguls.
Time to start that Grond0 's 24 hour challenge again.
Hobgoblins wanna dance?!
Magastar, ½-Orc Shaman, update 5
With her party resolved to help her hunt the bastard that murdered Gorion and sent assassins against her, Magastar decides that the Nashkel mines can wait a little longer. Jaheria barely complained, acknowledging that they would surly have a greater chance of success with more adventuring experience. “I think we should travel back to the Friendly Arm Inn, where the first assassination attempt occurred,” Magastar says. “Maybe we can learn something about the assassin from the locals.”
The trip back to the Friendly Arm Inn was surprisingly uneventful. After asking around for a bit, it was clear that they wouldn’t get any useful information on the assassin. He had arrived just prior to Magastar’s own arrival. Just as they finished talking with some locals near the portcullis Magastar heard the crash of cookware and a female cursing from a nearby home. Getting the others attention she cautiously stepped up to the home and opened the door. Inside, a woman was stomping about, cursing up a storm. Magastar couldn’t help but blush. She wasn’t sure what some of the words meant but, in the context, she had a pretty good guess. Looking back she saw Minsc with a hand in Boo’s carrier and a worried look on his face. She realized that he was covering Boo’s ears. “I don’t know which is worse,” she whispered to herself, “Minsc protecting a hamster from obscenities, or the fact that I KNOW he is protecting a hamster from obscenities.”
“What!?” Jaheira whisper-shouted, surprising the foul-mouthed lass inside. She recovered quickly though, apologizing for the outburst and telling the party that she was just robbed by a group of hobgoblin thugs nearby. Magastar gladly agreed to help.
With unsuccessful attempts at this challenge now up to 89 I decided it was time to generate a new random class to attempt - and rolled a shaman. I've not played this class at all yet, so the chances of success seem pretty slim, but we'll see if I can draw on Magastar's experience ...
I'm not sure how much use the shaman dance will be for a solo character in the longer run, but I did manage to get a bit of distance away from Shoal in order to generate a fox spirit to finish her off to provide an early level boost.
After doing a few tasks around Beregost I went down to Nashkel wondering if the ankheg armour would be usable by the shaman - it isn't (I think that's appropriate, but a guy can always dream). It took a long time, but I did eventually manage to get a spirit to kill Oopah at the Carnival. I reverted to old-fashioned run & shoot tactics for Meilum - that also took a while, but the extra level gained there and his bracers will make future encounters quicker.
Shaman L4, 30 HPs, 19 kills
Edit: well that didn't last too long. I killed Mutamin with Writhing Fog without him reacting, but Kirian's group was a bit smarter and stormed after me. A scroll of PfM protected against Peter's spells, but Baerin hit several times with vicious arrows to almost kill me. Having lost him I tried retracing my steps with the aim of seeing if spirits would be able to attack him before he saw me, but that didn't work. I was thinking I would be able to run off the map before he could attack, but without autopause enabled I was just too slow to manage that ...
I'll try again
I've never done a solo Shaman but am guessing it's difficult. The bow will make it easier and with a few levels under your belt you should be surviving a hit or two depending on who's swinging.
From what I've read the summoning ability is okay at the start and when you gain each new tier but, ultimately (above level 20 in BGII), it falls flat. I'm hoping that Magastar makes it that far to prove the naysayers wrong. I'm really interested in the higher levels sorcerer-like spell casting too. A look at M'khiin at tenth level tells me that there's huge potential there.
Magastar took a different proficiency approach. Picking axe and single-weapon style gives her the versatility of both melee and ranged (ranged axes can really split heads with 19 STR), while also giving her an extra AC while she's just walking around or 'dancing the jig'.
A decidedly not scary ghost Story
Ætheling decided to visit Durlag's Tower.Ætheling the Erudite Continued
Fighting the battle Horrors was tough and she was badly hurt, but she decided to carry on and fight the doppelganger. This was successful, so she carried on inside the tower. There DUHM was cast before sleeping which gave her full health.
She had memorised such spells as freedom of action so that the ghast would not be too scary.
She defeated several ghast and even Kirinhale.
She then decided to take on the ghost using a skeleton warrior as a proxy.
The battle went fairly well though the skellie was killed.
As spells were getting low, she rested. At that a ghast arrived on the scene!
No more freedom of action spells.
Decided to fight it anyway as the way to the exit was blocked by the ghost.
Battle successful.
Slept again. This time successful.
Cast another skeleton warrior.
The ghost dies.
Level up!!
Berserker abilities back.
Now a super warrior.
Flails ****
War hammers *
Two handed weapon style. ***
Sword and shield style. **
The question now is whether to continue soloing: eminently possible.
Get a party. Likewise
I decided to stay single until the Drittz Saga and then get Drizzt's friends in my party.
I also decided not to level up again until starting the Drizzt Saga otherwise Ætheling would become way too powerful.
Note the level cap is higher due to the Drizzt Saga which is fine for completing that mod, but overpowered for the main game which is why no levelling up for the moment. When going to dragonspear the experience will be lowered back to 161000. I am wondering what happens to proficiencies then. Do you lose proficiency points as well as experience upon entering Sarevok's Lair?
Perhaps I am counting chickens before they are hatched here. She might never leave Durlag's Tower.