In the City Alba acquired the 3 tomes and the Helm of Balduran without fuss. While doing that she got the XP for level 11 (there is no level cap in BGT as BG2 is integrated with BG1), but won't level up in BG1. At the Iron Throne she used the invisibility ring for the first time, but rather than just sneak in and out she set up a full assault. That was a bit disrupted to start with as the Shennara twins backstabbed the spirits, killing one and badly wounding the other before the second was held by the nymphs. I didn't bother resting to start from fresh though, but summoned another nymph to give a bit of extra oomph to the insect plague and confusion opening. That lot dealt with everyone except Aasim and Naaman - the former causing much of the problems with his wand of the heavens. A potion of invisibility was used to wait for their buffs to subside before a horror from out of sight sent Aasim running and a stunning dart finished him off. A bit of hopping between floors (to dodge spells) before a poisoned dart brought Naaman to near death and he didn't survive a dose of insects.
Duke Eltan proposed a city break in Candlekeep, but that proved not too relaxing when the ogre magi greeting party became aggressive. However, a potion of magic blocking to defeat their initial spells provided plenty of time to move away and bring out summons to deal with them. Unfortunately I had just gone inside the keep when I remembered I hadn't gone back to pick up the violet potion - meaning it wasn't possible to get the strength or wisdom tomes from the catacombs. Disappointed by that I just sent Alba straight through invisibly without any conflicts.
Back in the City Slythe died quite quickly in combat with a couple of spirits and Alba just picked up his equipment and was intending to leave without chasing down Krystin. However, she showed herself by using a minor sequencer while under the influence of insects so the summons finished her off as well while Alba waited by the exit.
At the palace the nymphs pre-cast their domination spells to prevent any nasty accidents. The opening was timed perfectly with an insect plague about to hit and the nymph confusions on the way as the last of the dopplegangers appeared.
The shaman, assassin and one of the greater dopplegangers were confused and when the mage was held shortly afterwards the battle was effectively won (Belt is far less vulnerable in BGT than EE, so the odd hit on him would be no concern and both he and Liia were only barely injured in the fight). Sarevok then killed Liia, but Belt was safely stashed away in a side room.
Alba cleared the maze, but then went to get a maximum recharge on the Necklace before taking on Sarevok. She opened proceedings there by showing herself on the way into a corner of the temple, where she used a potion of invisibility to disappear - that resulted in everyone except Angelo being parked in the corner. Angelo was tempted out of invisibility by an unprotected target, but a potion of magic blocking should have countered his spells. Unfortunately I didn't pay enough attention to that and didn't appreciate until too late that it had been dispelled by a remove magic. It was only when I saw Angelo casting again immediately after Alba had used an oil of speed that I realised what must have happened (SCS Angelo wouldn't have cast at a protected target) and confirmed that with a review of the text messages.
There wasn't quite enough time or space available for Alba to get away and take another potion before the chaos arrived - and a few seconds later it was all over.
Sigh - another user error. Oh well, I'll try again and see if I can remember to get the tomes in the catacombs next time ...
Edit: I did actually make one final movement error there against Angelo. I had originally tried to get as far away as possible from him while he was casting and then clicked to take a potion of magic blocking. At least some of the time when an action is already queued it will take effect even after a status change, such as being confused - so I was still hopeful that could save Alba even if she failed her save against chaos. However, as the spell was on its way I realised it was possible to move marginally further away and did that without thinking about it - and without clicking again on the potion
@alceryes I love your write-ups. I have found that whilst I can do that for one or two posts, it isn't sustainable for me. I'll obviously never be a writer. @Blind_Visionary and @ussnorway All the best in SoD
Thanks @Wise_Grimwald! You can definitely be a writer, anyone can. Some of my text updates start off being two-liners but then one thought leads to the next and, well, you see the result. The trick is to not give up. It doesn't happen easily or quickly. My last couple updates probably took a total of 4-5 hours. Have you ever seen a dog scratch at the floor by his dinner bowl and growl, before diving in to his food? Many writers work that way. Their words are the result of blood, sweat, and tears, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
@alceryes I suppose that playing the game is more important to me than being a writer. Trusty Mark 4 enters the arena. I have realised that whilst berserkers are best dual-wielding, barbarians, due to weaker armour are probably better with a shield. I therefore edited Trusty to having ** in long swords and ** in sword and shield style. I will probably put the next point in slings since she has good strength. She has got as far as the scene of the ambush having had a pleasurable time with a guard in the Inn. He had unusual tastes, but Trusty seems to have similarly unusual tastes. (From romantic encounters mod which I would call LE rather than RE.)
Wren and team continue to make progress. Imoen got to level 7 mage even (she can cast emotion, good deal). We were running out of useful things to do, so decided was high time to deal with the Bandit Camp. We joined, after giving Tazok a pasting. We first looted everything we could (took two trips). Then after buffing what few buffs we had we showed ourselves in Tazok's tent. Jaheira's insects were of course used on Venkt - Wren dealt with the melee guys approaching (hold person, direct attacks), and Imoen was firing off her bow and firing off spells at Venkt until he died. Once Venkt went down, the others fell shortly there-after. A potion of absorption dealt with the trap (could have had Imoen de-trap it I guess, oh well).
It was necessary to cause a ruckus outside so that we could get the full plate from Khosann for Jaheira. We had a lot of summons up, and after a hold person on Khosann, the enemies' fates were sealed. Now that Jaheira can use a protection item, we need to get her one. Didn't want a neck one (Feldeposte's, Carnival), so instead went to the zombie farm and got the cloak +1 from there. Imoen needed to use knock on the chest to get it.
We've been in a lot of ambushes, but we no longer run from ambushes, we stay and fight them out, with good results. Imoen is now less of a liability, since she is better able to defend herself now.
The only real things left to do are the Ankhegs and Ulcaster School - after that, will be time to brave the Cloakwood.
Auch Grond0 . Fwiw, watch it with Nymphs in Belt/dopes battle. On my BGT game, should a dope get charmed by nymphs, Belt and guards go hostile.
Indeed - been there, done that (more than once). That was why I included the cryptic comment in my original post "At the palace the nymphs pre-cast their domination spells to prevent any nasty accidents."
Aha. Missed that one. To me it happened only once since I so rarely use Nymphs. Belt went hostile, but it appears if you're quick enough to kill dopes he still gives the dialogue and teleports you away - if you manage to return he'll be "blue" again. Probably the single worst BG1 battle, in any case...
In rather short time, we covered a lot of stuff ; most of the wilderness areas (excluding sirens), gnoll fortress (only 2 giants for dex gauntlets; thief/illusionist gets those), Mutamin - this was kind of neat. I've sent my wizardslayer to kill him, hoping that the spell would get disrupted.
Alas, that implementation didn't work (turns out it has to have at least 1 second duration). Thus, Muta dispelled the Pro Petrification scroll, and charmed my wizardslayer on 3rd attempt. Charm didn't last long enough to kill her (she quaffed a Mirrored Eyes potion as soon as dispel hit her), but the danger of three basilisks + Muta meant she had to run back to the party; expending yet another Mirrored eyes potion (the only way to counter basilisk gaze with Spell Revisions is green scroll or this potion). All ended well however, as Muta got whipped.
Kirian, Lindin and the gang proved quite hard this early on (some gnolls joined the battle), but we prevailed through the little healing potions we had.
Down south, some Amn mercenaries were slain with a single Fireball - all three failed the save.
To end the session, we "killed" Bassilus. The truth is, we didn't really kill him - he died; litteraly; giving us no XP whatsoever. Odd; but I've witnessed more strange things in this game. Maybe he got a heart attack or something; took no damage (was near death anyway) and collapsed.
He leaves behind one of the best available weapons for BG1 - Rift Hammer; perfect for dealing with massed oponnents (I can think of quite a few SoD battles where this would be great, but that's a long way from where we're at now).
title of the day: "Main character has been killed. You *MUST* restart the game."
(It occurred to me that we are all here because we misunderstood the imperative in the statement as a form of OCD. Shhh. Don't tell anyone though. They seem to be having a good time....)
@Aasim If you think that was a quicky, my last game ended in Candlekeep. I gave the assassins there better weapons and armour. +1 weapons make them formidable for barbarians and mages.
Trusty has had a namechange to Trusty Truesword since the longsword is now her weapon of choice. She also has ** in sword and shield. This made the defeat of Mendas hard, but not too hard. She has gone round the sword coast half-doing jobs: Gettin Joia's ring, but not returning it; Killing Sonner, but not telling Tenya; Killing the wolf that was after Mellicamp, but not talking to the chicken; Killing Krumm, not not telling the dryad: etc. She has retrieved a knife from an ankheg and as a result reached level 3. The * went to slings. Also gave Trusty a new portrait for this run.
Several days after defeating Sarevok, Steinarr found himself tracking down the mage Korlasz, one of Sarevok's last remaining supporters, in a crypt below Baldur's gate. Her defenses quickly proved inadequate and she begged to surrender. Steinarr agreed, but he was unable to reach her in time to stop the deadly poison injected into her veins by Dynaheir's two phase spiders. Oops... I guess there's one more cell available in the Flaming Fist compound.
Steinarr agreed to help some dwarves clear out some undead and find their lost comrade. He laughed at the pathetic, helpless undead after applying a Protection from Undead scroll. He didn't even need to rage... the beasties burned like dried matchsticks. (This is the first time I've ever used one of these scrolls, and it felt like cheating).
A bronze guardian was unaffected by the scroll and put up something of a fight, forcing Steinarr to drink a few healing draughts. And the lich was smart enough to open by casting Remove Magic on itself, which dispelled Steinarr's green scroll. (Nice scripting!! I was really impressed by this. Do liches in BG2 have this kind of scripting? It would make the green scrolls almost worthless.)
Safana stole its Phylactery and tossed it to Steinarr, who donned some fire-resistant gear and disposed of it, while Minsc finished off the lich with the nifty toy the Dwarven clerics gave him. (I wish I could take this thing to BG2!)
Steinarr tried to cross a bridge, only to have the crusaders blow it up. They stranded an advance party on his side of the river, though... poor party. Steinarr & co hit them immediately with a web/stinking cloud sequencer and three exploding arrows, followed by a few mop up bullets. The abandoned crusaders had zero chance to make it out alive.
Now Steinarr is raging down the riverbank, looking for a new place to cross the water...
An early morning start allowed plenty of scope to finish BG1 before work today. I was playing pretty carefully and the first hurdle was not related to game play. I noted in the previous run that the ankheg armour was not usable by druids - which made it something of a surprise when picking it up this time it showed up as equippable. I could indeed equip it, but the game obviously didn't like that as 2 attempts to take a screenshot with it equipped both ended with the computer totally freezing and requiring a hard restart - so here's a screenshot without it actually being worn (and I just sold it after that).
I didn't take any chances with the basilisks this time and moved swiftly on through the Nashkel Mine. After dealing with Molkar's ambush I went to the Lighthouse to look for another level before taking on the Bandit Camp. The first group of sirines were no problem, but Sil proved too smart (or cheesy). Summons attacked the 2 sirines with her without Alba going into sight of where Sil was. I expected them then to turn on her, but they didn't do so - that appeared to be because she had gone invisible by script and refused to attack them (I assume her desire to make her scripted speech was overcoming the normal desire to attack enemies). After waiting several rounds while the summons prospected around a bit Alba approached the area - and the first indication of trouble was a text message saying that Sil had gone invisible (presumably casting her improved invisibility to top up her already scripted state). Alba tried running, but couldn't quite get out of sight range before Sil commenced casting her dire charm (I knew I should have invested in a potion of magic blocking even at inflated prices ...).
@Grond0 Hard luck. Don't you get a potion of clarity at Candlekeep with your installation? Mind you, as my last game showed me, even with that, you aren't safe when they start using feeblemind and then confusion. They are tough cookies. @Blind_Visionary Looks like Steinnar needs a Stein to celabrate. @Aasim I like the change as it makes Candlekeep worth doing. A chance of death, but also a chance of getting a +1 weapon. As +1 weapons are available in Beregost, the weapons are not overpowered. I had given them even better weapons but nerfed them because they were overpowered.
Trusty Truesword killed a few tasloi in Cloakwood and appropriately enough gained a cloak. Near the Nashkel mines she killed Zargal Flintblade and Greywolf with her sling David v Goliath style, except Trusty needed far more than 5 stones. She then fought Zordral and that battle almost ended in disaster. Trusty had to use all three of her healing potions . When Zordral was on the point of death he went berserk which was scary since Trusty was also at the point of death. Fortunately Trusty got her blow in first. Phew! She will now have to go in search of healing potions. She fought karlat in Beregost and was badly hurt. Fortunately Finch healed her. It was time to switch back to using the sling! The change in tactics was effective. 3 Exp points needed to get to level4.
Trusty's new portrait. The Backdrop is Derwentwater in the Lake District and the battle against Zordral:.
@Grond0 Hard luck. Don't you get a potion of clarity at Candlekeep with your installation? Mind you, as my last game showed me, even with that, you aren't safe when they start using feeblemind and then confusion. They are tough cookies.
There is a potion of clarity, but Alba had no way to open the locked chest to get it. Clarity does protect against feeblemind as well as confusion - I seem to remember you saying you were caught out by assuming rage would protect Trusty (it doesn't protect against Feeblemind).
Still with a couple of hours available before work I tried again to make progress with Alba this morning. It didn't take long to get back to the Lighthouse again. This time Sil was visible to start with (though still neutral after her companions had been slaughtered)
and could therefore be turned hostile by attacking her before she went invisible - meaning she then attacked summons and was quickly killed (I had brought along a potion of magic blocking this time just in case though ).
On the way up to the Bandit Camp the chance to help Joia was lost when a spirit wolf chunked her ring. Rather than go on to the Camp immediately though Alba culled the ankheg area and killed some battle horrors at Durlag's Tower (they, rather surprisingly, don't have a magical attack - and are thus easy meat for spirit summons). Killing Riggilo at the Tower was then enough to get Alba her final BG1 level.
Pretty early on in this run I decided that Alba should try and avoid killing anything herself as far as possible. Up to this point that was no real constraint, but her previous strategy at the Bandit Camp was to thin out the large number of attackers with fireballs. Without that option this time she bought wands of sleep and fear from High Hedge and made some use of those. Early on though her plan for a fighting retreat was rather disrupted when Taugosz used an oil of speed and latched on to her. She successfully countered with her own oil and then brought Taugosz onto her team with a charm person. However, he proved a disappointment when 2 big criticals from bandit arrows quickly finished him off and Alba was forced to run away.
It took another couple of trips back and forward for her summons to triumph, but they managed it in the end - here's the last remnants of the defending forces.
Still without a kill to her name therefore, Alba will be off to the Cloakwood next.
Goldie Dawn, halfling slinger-priest of Lathander in Chapter 1: Going to Gullykin
One thing I really like about halflings is you can just spam roll for ten or 20 seconds and pick the highest one you get, because you can click four or five times a second. Just watch for the highest number and remember, then cntrl-8. She gets a very very good roll very quickly. I see a 90 flash by and I'm more than satisfied. With halfling strength maxing at 17, there's none of this mandatory 18/00 cheating of exceptional strength. The18/** values are just something I feel compelled to leave to fate. Even if it means an 18/01. No such issues with a halfling.
And so our tale begins, as it usually does, with a grisly murder in the middle of the night. Poor old pop bites it.
With the death of Gorion, our halfling priest honours him by not following his advice. Instead she goes to Beregost, where on the way she slings a few bandits and gibberlings, talks down a drunk guy named Marl, and gives Firebead a book he had long been searching for even though it had been just across the street this whole time.
There, she makes an interesting discovery at Elvenhair's abode.
"Oh, Firebead, you old dog, you."
All those monks at Candlekeep had always seemed so chaste.
She meets a delightfully insane friend at Feldepost's. He seems a bit unhinged, speaks of drop kicking babies off a cliff, but Goldie is a priest of Lathander, damnit. Second chances for some, third chances for others, and little flags on plastic sticks for all!
Tiax makes many things in Beregost a lot simpler.
But oh no! Now the ghast has a taste for flesh. It is unstoppable and out of control.
What is Goldie to do?
Goldie: "We shall honour them by using their potions, so that something may live on in their stead. Namely, me."
Fun fact, summons can kill the three 'thugs' sent to Silke without reputation loss. However, Garrick must be recruited first or else he will never join after. For some twisted irony, he will happily kill them if you order him to.
While in Beregost, Goldie hears of the town of Gullykin and decides to make her way there and be among her own people.
But oh no, what is this? On the way to Gullykin she encounters a horrible and terrible wild bear-beast! Run, Goldie, run!
No sooner had she escaped this horrible bugblatter jabberwocky beast, than she ran into some very bad people in a bassilisk garden. She smote them in her mercy and brought light to the badlands once again. With Tiax's help, of course.
Korax and the Ghast chewed through Kirian's bandit party as fast as one of those tiny little peanut bags you get on a passenger flight.
Once in Gullykin, Goldie settles in to some fine ales at the local church, and after much merriment and embarrassing moments--thankfully lost to time due to the absence of Facebook in Faerun--she spends the night and wakes to a new dawn, hungover and more confident than ever that religion is her chosen path.
She also met a new friend in Gullykin. It will be nice to have another halfling around.
Again returning to the area around Beregost, Goldie and friends perform odd jobs, meet interesting people (and kill them) then eventually find their way out to the coast, where they open beach season to Bergostian vacationers by slaying an invading party of ogres and poisonous sirens.
The ghast, like the Totemic Druid's spirit animals, can safely attack enemies, such as Bassilisks and Sirens, without exposing the party.
But enough random wanderings. Now that Goldie has become bolstered by experience and been from one side of the map to the other, she makes for the friendly arm inn, recruiting Kagain along the way and helping him to defeat a pack of vicious low level bandits who fall to the ground at her command.
That's when she discovers her assassin troubles are only beginning.
Just a quick update about Wren the fighter/cleric - his team (Jaheira, Imoen) have cleared out the Cloakwood and also the Cloakwood Mines. I hate leaving behind Yeslick on RP grounds, so we temporarily recruited him and then dropped him once his quest was done. Wren was well protected by buffs, Davaeorn could do nothing. The team is at their level caps, except for Imoen, who needs 18,000 experience to get her final level for BG 1. We are sure she will get that before BG 1 concludes. We stand at Wyrm Crossing, which we will use to enter the great City of Baldur's Gate next session.
The party arrived to the Ice Island and shortly afterwards faced three mages there. The first round included Greater Malison and Insect Plague.
Xan and Uzume fell under Chaos from the enemy mage, but because of the Insect Plague effect, enemies didn't have any conrol of the battlefield.
The last mage needed Detect Invisibility from Mortuus. Spell Thrust followed, so Andris didn't resist for a long time.
Spell Thrust ruled supreme against Cuchol and Tellan.
Shandalar saved againt two wands of paralysis, so the party didnt' get extra XP.
Now, werewolves.
Regular species were approached by Woden and two spirit lions.
Fully buffed, the party entered the Karoug's chamber. Enemy mage didn't turn into a werewolf at the start of the battle, which created problems for Mortuus. All buffs were dispelled!
Xan managed to lower saving throws of Karoug - it proved useful afterwards.
Mortuus then finally (from the 3rd attempt) dispelled protections from the enemy mage.
With the next spell Xan confused Karoug (yay, specialist bonus + Greater Malison + overall luck, of course).
In the meantime, the enemy mage brought Chaos onto Mortuss and Hades, but Uzume used her Exaltation to help.
After Holy Smite from Uzume the mage turned into a werewolf, while Karoug fell under the effect of the Wand of Paralysis:
After a long day at work I thought I would settle down to a bit of relaxing Baldur's Gate. That relaxing session lasted at least, oh, 2 minutes before Alba was ambushed in the Cloakwood by giant spiders. Although they often spit webs at you immediately they don't always do so, so I tried running for a split-second to see what happened rather than take an immediate potion. Two of the three did use webs and I tried using a potion at that stage - expecting that to work. However, while potions do take effect very quickly they're not actually instant and in this case it seemed that the web tangle was just too quick for me ...
@Grond0 So sad. Even when I have SCS installed, I leave out that type of spider. I can't cope with them.
Thalantyr only has 3 freedom potions and that doesn't sound like enough considering how often I get ambushed by those spiders. If I were solo and playing SCS with that option, I think I would just have to kill Dushai for her free action ring always, regardless of the RP reasons I that I normally have to not kill her. Potions of magic shielding would work too, but they are super rare in BG 1. Not sure if potion of magic blocking protects or not.
Part of the problem is the -2 penalty to saves that web applies. It would almost impossible for a chapter 4 character to guarantee a save by equipment alone if they don't have mods on their installation. If you were character that could use the spider bane that would work, but that's not easy to get. And the potions that protect against web (available in Chapter 4) would be very few.
Previous updates at:
In the City Alba acquired the 3 tomes and the Helm of Balduran without fuss. While doing that she got the XP for level 11 (there is no level cap in BGT as BG2 is integrated with BG1), but won't level up in BG1. At the Iron Throne she used the invisibility ring for the first time, but rather than just sneak in and out she set up a full assault. That was a bit disrupted to start with as the Shennara twins backstabbed the spirits, killing one and badly wounding the other before the second was held by the nymphs. I didn't bother resting to start from fresh though, but summoned another nymph to give a bit of extra oomph to the insect plague and confusion opening. That lot dealt with everyone except Aasim and Naaman - the former causing much of the problems with his wand of the heavens. A potion of invisibility was used to wait for their buffs to subside before a horror from out of sight sent Aasim running and a stunning dart finished him off. A bit of hopping between floors (to dodge spells) before a poisoned dart brought Naaman to near death and he didn't survive a dose of insects.
Duke Eltan proposed a city break in Candlekeep, but that proved not too relaxing when the ogre magi greeting party became aggressive. However, a potion of magic blocking to defeat their initial spells provided plenty of time to move away and bring out summons to deal with them. Unfortunately I had just gone inside the keep when I remembered I hadn't gone back to pick up the violet potion - meaning it wasn't possible to get the strength or wisdom tomes from the catacombs. Disappointed by that I just sent Alba straight through invisibly without any conflicts.
Back in the City Slythe died quite quickly in combat with a couple of spirits and Alba just picked up his equipment and was intending to leave without chasing down Krystin. However, she showed herself by using a minor sequencer while under the influence of insects so the summons finished her off as well while Alba waited by the exit.
At the palace the nymphs pre-cast their domination spells to prevent any nasty accidents. The opening was timed perfectly with an insect plague about to hit and the nymph confusions on the way as the last of the dopplegangers appeared.
Alba cleared the maze, but then went to get a maximum recharge on the Necklace before taking on Sarevok. She opened proceedings there by showing herself on the way into a corner of the temple, where she used a potion of invisibility to disappear - that resulted in everyone except Angelo being parked in the corner. Angelo was tempted out of invisibility by an unprotected target, but a potion of magic blocking should have countered his spells. Unfortunately I didn't pay enough attention to that and didn't appreciate until too late that it had been dispelled by a remove magic. It was only when I saw Angelo casting again immediately after Alba had used an oil of speed that I realised what must have happened (SCS Angelo wouldn't have cast at a protected target) and confirmed that with a review of the text messages.
Sigh - another user error. Oh well, I'll try again and see if I can remember to get the tomes in the catacombs next time ...
Edit: I did actually make one final movement error there against Angelo. I had originally tried to get as far away as possible from him while he was casting and then clicked to take a potion of magic blocking. At least some of the time when an action is already queued it will take effect even after a status change, such as being confused - so I was still hopeful that could save Alba even if she failed her save against chaos. However, as the spell was on its way I realised it was possible to move marginally further away and did that without thinking about it - and without clicking again on the potion
Some of my text updates start off being two-liners but then one thought leads to the next and, well, you see the result. The trick is to not give up. It doesn't happen easily or quickly. My last couple updates probably took a total of 4-5 hours.
Have you ever seen a dog scratch at the floor by his dinner bowl and growl, before diving in to his food? Many writers work that way. Their words are the result of blood, sweat, and tears, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Trusty Mark 4 enters the arena. I have realised that whilst berserkers are best dual-wielding, barbarians, due to weaker armour are probably better with a shield. I therefore edited Trusty to having ** in long swords and ** in sword and shield style. I will probably put the next point in slings since she has good strength. She has got as far as the scene of the ambush having had a pleasurable time with a guard in the Inn. He had unusual tastes, but Trusty seems to have similarly unusual tastes. (From romantic encounters mod which I would call LE rather than RE.)
EET install, Revisions, SCS
Protagonist - dwarf cleric-fighter, warhammer/shield
halfing barbarian, 2-handed sword
halfling wizard slayer, axes/short bow/spear
elven dragon disciple
gnomish thief/illusionist with crossbow
As so far, cleared out Beregost stuff, killed Droth at level 1 with Lighting wand (yea!),
cleared Ankheg farm with some scroll/defense potion investment, returned Flaming Fist renegade to FAI, and killed Joia for ROFA.
So far, so good - protagonist reached level 2/2, single classes are level 3.
Traveling with: Jaheira, Imoen (dualed to mage at level 4)
Last post
Wren and team continue to make progress. Imoen got to level 7 mage even (she can cast emotion, good deal). We were running out of useful things to do, so decided was high time to deal with the Bandit Camp. We joined, after giving Tazok a pasting. We first looted everything we could (took two trips). Then after buffing what few buffs we had we showed ourselves in Tazok's tent. Jaheira's insects were of course used on Venkt - Wren dealt with the melee guys approaching (hold person, direct attacks), and Imoen was firing off her bow and firing off spells at Venkt until he died. Once Venkt went down, the others fell shortly there-after. A potion of absorption dealt with the trap (could have had Imoen de-trap it I guess, oh well).
It was necessary to cause a ruckus outside so that we could get the full plate from Khosann for Jaheira. We had a lot of summons up, and after a hold person on Khosann, the enemies' fates were sealed. Now that Jaheira can use a protection item, we need to get her one. Didn't want a neck one (Feldeposte's, Carnival), so instead went to the zombie farm and got the cloak +1 from there. Imoen needed to use knock on the chest to get it.
We've been in a lot of ambushes, but we no longer run from ambushes, we stay and fight them out, with good results. Imoen is now less of a liability, since she is better able to defend herself now.
The only real things left to do are the Ankhegs and Ulcaster School - after that, will be time to brave the Cloakwood.
Aha. Missed that one. To me it happened only once since I so rarely use Nymphs. Belt went hostile, but it appears if you're quick enough to kill dopes he still gives the dialogue and teleports you away - if you manage to return he'll be "blue" again. Probably the single worst BG1 battle, in any case...
Anyhow - Jarl, 2nd update, continued from here
In rather short time, we covered a lot of stuff ; most of the wilderness areas (excluding sirens), gnoll fortress (only 2 giants for dex gauntlets; thief/illusionist gets those), Mutamin - this was kind of neat. I've sent my wizardslayer to kill him, hoping that the spell would get disrupted.
Alas, that implementation didn't work (turns out it has to have at least 1 second duration). Thus, Muta dispelled the Pro Petrification scroll, and charmed my wizardslayer on 3rd attempt. Charm didn't last long enough to kill her (she quaffed a Mirrored Eyes potion as soon as dispel hit her), but the danger of three basilisks + Muta meant she had to run back to the party; expending yet another Mirrored eyes potion (the only way to counter basilisk gaze with Spell Revisions is green scroll or this potion).
All ended well however, as Muta got whipped.
Kirian, Lindin and the gang proved quite hard this early on (some gnolls joined the battle), but we prevailed through the little healing potions we had.
Down south, some Amn mercenaries were slain with a single Fireball - all three failed the save.
To end the session, we "killed" Bassilus. The truth is, we didn't really kill him - he died; litteraly; giving us no XP whatsoever. Odd; but I've witnessed more strange things in this game. Maybe he got a heart attack or something; took no damage (was near death anyway) and collapsed.
He leaves behind one of the best available weapons for BG1 - Rift Hammer; perfect for dealing with massed oponnents (I can think of quite a few SoD battles where this would be great, but that's a long way from where we're at now).
(It occurred to me that we are all here because we misunderstood the imperative in the statement as a form of OCD. Shhh. Don't tell anyone though. They seem to be having a good time....)
Trusty has had a namechange to Trusty Truesword since the longsword is now her weapon of choice. She also has ** in sword and shield. This made the defeat of Mendas hard, but not too hard.
She has gone round the sword coast half-doing jobs: Gettin Joia's ring, but not returning it; Killing Sonner, but not telling Tenya; Killing the wolf that was after Mellicamp, but not talking to the chicken; Killing Krumm, not not telling the dryad: etc. She has retrieved a knife from an ankheg and as a result reached level 3. The * went to slings. Also gave Trusty a new portrait for this run.
BG1 1st post
Most recent post (end of BG1)
SoD spoilers below
Several days after defeating Sarevok, Steinarr found himself tracking down the mage Korlasz, one of Sarevok's last remaining supporters, in a crypt below Baldur's gate. Her defenses quickly proved inadequate and she begged to surrender. Steinarr agreed, but he was unable to reach her in time to stop the deadly poison injected into her veins by Dynaheir's two phase spiders. Oops... I guess there's one more cell available in the Flaming Fist compound.
Steinarr agreed to help some dwarves clear out some undead and find their lost comrade. He laughed at the pathetic, helpless undead after applying a Protection from Undead scroll. He didn't even need to rage... the beasties burned like dried matchsticks. (This is the first time I've ever used one of these scrolls, and it felt like cheating).
A bronze guardian was unaffected by the scroll and put up something of a fight, forcing Steinarr to drink a few healing draughts. And the lich was smart enough to open by casting Remove Magic on itself, which dispelled Steinarr's green scroll. (Nice scripting!! I was really impressed by this. Do liches in BG2 have this kind of scripting? It would make the green scrolls almost worthless.)
Safana stole its Phylactery and tossed it to Steinarr, who donned some fire-resistant gear and disposed of it, while Minsc finished off the lich with the nifty toy the Dwarven clerics gave him. (I wish I could take this thing to BG2!)
Steinarr tried to cross a bridge, only to have the crusaders blow it up. They stranded an advance party on his side of the river, though... poor party. Steinarr & co hit them immediately with a web/stinking cloud sequencer and three exploding arrows, followed by a few mop up bullets. The abandoned crusaders had zero chance to make it out alive.
Now Steinarr is raging down the riverbank, looking for a new place to cross the water...
Stay tuned for more Barbarian News....
Previous updates with this character at:
An early morning start allowed plenty of scope to finish BG1 before work today. I was playing pretty carefully and the first hurdle was not related to game play. I noted in the previous run that the ankheg armour was not usable by druids - which made it something of a surprise when picking it up this time it showed up as equippable. I could indeed equip it, but the game obviously didn't like that as 2 attempts to take a screenshot with it equipped both ended with the computer totally freezing and requiring a hard restart - so here's a screenshot without it actually being worn (and I just sold it after that).
I didn't take any chances with the basilisks this time and moved swiftly on through the Nashkel Mine. After dealing with Molkar's ambush I went to the Lighthouse to look for another level before taking on the Bandit Camp. The first group of sirines were no problem, but Sil proved too smart (or cheesy). Summons attacked the 2 sirines with her without Alba going into sight of where Sil was. I expected them then to turn on her, but they didn't do so - that appeared to be because she had gone invisible by script and refused to attack them (I assume her desire to make her scripted speech was overcoming the normal desire to attack enemies). After waiting several rounds while the summons prospected around a bit Alba approached the area - and the first indication of trouble was a text message saying that Sil had gone invisible (presumably casting her improved invisibility to top up her already scripted state). Alba tried running, but couldn't quite get out of sight range before Sil commenced casting her dire charm (I knew I should have invested in a potion of magic blocking even at inflated prices ...).
@Blind_Visionary Looks like Steinnar needs a Stein to celabrate.
@Aasim I like the change as it makes Candlekeep worth doing. A chance of death, but also a chance of getting a +1 weapon. As +1 weapons are available in Beregost, the weapons are not overpowered. I had given them even better weapons but nerfed them because they were overpowered.
Trusty Truesword killed a few tasloi in Cloakwood and appropriately enough gained a cloak.
Near the Nashkel mines she killed Zargal Flintblade and Greywolf with her sling David v Goliath style, except Trusty needed far more than 5 stones. She then fought Zordral and that battle almost ended in disaster. Trusty had to use all three of her healing potions . When Zordral was on the point of death he went berserk which was scary since Trusty was also at the point of death. Fortunately Trusty got her blow in first. Phew! She will now have to go in search of healing potions. She fought karlat in Beregost and was badly hurt. Fortunately Finch healed her. It was time to switch back to using the sling! The change in tactics was effective.
Trusty's new portrait. The Backdrop is Derwentwater in the Lake District and the battle against Zordral:.
Previous updates at:
Still with a couple of hours available before work I tried again to make progress with Alba this morning. It didn't take long to get back to the Lighthouse again. This time Sil was visible to start with (though still neutral after her companions had been slaughtered)
On the way up to the Bandit Camp the chance to help Joia was lost when a spirit wolf chunked her ring. Rather than go on to the Camp immediately though Alba culled the ankheg area and killed some battle horrors at Durlag's Tower (they, rather surprisingly, don't have a magical attack - and are thus easy meat for spirit summons). Killing Riggilo at the Tower was then enough to get Alba her final BG1 level.
Pretty early on in this run I decided that Alba should try and avoid killing anything herself as far as possible. Up to this point that was no real constraint, but her previous strategy at the Bandit Camp was to thin out the large number of attackers with fireballs. Without that option this time she bought wands of sleep and fear from High Hedge and made some use of those. Early on though her plan for a fighting retreat was rather disrupted when Taugosz used an oil of speed and latched on to her. She successfully countered with her own oil and then brought Taugosz onto her team with a charm person. However, he proved a disappointment when 2 big criticals from bandit arrows quickly finished him off and Alba was forced to run away.
It took another couple of trips back and forward for her summons to triumph, but they managed it in the end - here's the last remnants of the defending forces.
Totemic druid L10, 64 HPs, 0 kills
A New Day: The Bright Knight Rises
Goldie Dawn, halfling slinger-priest of Lathander in Chapter 1: Going to Gullykin
Behold.One thing I really like about halflings is you can just spam roll for ten or 20 seconds and pick the highest one you get, because you can click four or five times a second. Just watch for the highest number and remember, then cntrl-8. She gets a very very good roll very quickly. I see a 90 flash by and I'm more than satisfied. With halfling strength maxing at 17, there's none of this mandatory 18/00 cheating of exceptional strength. The18/** values are just something I feel compelled to leave to fate. Even if it means an 18/01. No such issues with a halfling.
And so our tale begins, as it usually does, with a grisly murder in the middle of the night. Poor old pop bites it.
With the death of Gorion, our halfling priest honours him by not following his advice. Instead she goes to Beregost, where on the way she slings a few bandits and gibberlings, talks down a drunk guy named Marl, and gives Firebead a book he had long been searching for even though it had been just across the street this whole time.
There, she makes an interesting discovery at Elvenhair's abode.
"Oh, Firebead, you old dog, you."
All those monks at Candlekeep had always seemed so chaste.
She meets a delightfully insane friend at Feldepost's. He seems a bit unhinged, speaks of drop kicking babies off a cliff, but Goldie is a priest of Lathander, damnit. Second chances for some, third chances for others, and little flags on plastic sticks for all!
Tiax makes many things in Beregost a lot simpler.
But oh no! Now the ghast has a taste for flesh. It is unstoppable and out of control.
What is Goldie to do?
Goldie: "We shall honour them by using their potions, so that something may live on in their stead. Namely, me."
Fun fact, summons can kill the three 'thugs' sent to Silke without reputation loss. However, Garrick must be recruited first or else he will never join after. For some twisted irony, he will happily kill them if you order him to.
While in Beregost, Goldie hears of the town of Gullykin and decides to make her way there and be among her own people.
But oh no, what is this? On the way to Gullykin she encounters a horrible and terrible wild bear-beast! Run, Goldie, run!
No sooner had she escaped this horrible bugblatter jabberwocky beast, than she ran into some very bad people in a bassilisk garden. She smote them in her mercy and brought light to the badlands once again. With Tiax's help, of course.
Korax and the Ghast chewed through Kirian's bandit party as fast as one of those tiny little peanut bags you get on a passenger flight.
Once in Gullykin, Goldie settles in to some fine ales at the local church, and after much merriment and embarrassing moments--thankfully lost to time due to the absence of Facebook in Faerun--she spends the night and wakes to a new dawn, hungover and more confident than ever that religion is her chosen path.
She also met a new friend in Gullykin. It will be nice to have another halfling around.
Again returning to the area around Beregost, Goldie and friends perform odd jobs, meet interesting people (and kill them) then eventually find their way out to the coast, where they open beach season to Bergostian vacationers by slaying an invading party of ogres and poisonous sirens.
The ghast, like the Totemic Druid's spirit animals, can safely attack enemies, such as Bassilisks and Sirens, without exposing the party.
But enough random wanderings. Now that Goldie has become bolstered by experience and been from one side of the map to the other, she makes for the friendly arm inn, recruiting Kagain along the way and helping him to defeat a pack of vicious low level bandits who fall to the ground at her command.
That's when she discovers her assassin troubles are only beginning.
The plot thickens, friends. Stay tuned.
Start of this run
Previous update
The party arrived to the Ice Island and shortly afterwards faced three mages there. The first round included Greater Malison and Insect Plague.
Xan and Uzume fell under Chaos from the enemy mage, but because of the Insect Plague effect, enemies didn't have any conrol of the battlefield.
The last mage needed Detect Invisibility from Mortuus. Spell Thrust followed, so Andris didn't resist for a long time.
Spell Thrust ruled supreme against Cuchol and Tellan.
Shandalar saved againt two wands of paralysis, so the party didnt' get extra XP.
Now, werewolves.
Regular species were approached by Woden and two spirit lions.
Fully buffed, the party entered the Karoug's chamber. Enemy mage didn't turn into a werewolf at the start of the battle, which created problems for Mortuus. All buffs were dispelled!
Xan managed to lower saving throws of Karoug - it proved useful afterwards.
Mortuus then finally (from the 3rd attempt) dispelled protections from the enemy mage.
With the next spell Xan confused Karoug (yay, specialist bonus + Greater Malison + overall luck, of course).
In the meantime, the enemy mage brought Chaos onto Mortuss and Hades, but Uzume used her Exaltation to help.
After Holy Smite from Uzume the mage turned into a werewolf, while Karoug fell under the effect of the Wand of Paralysis:
The battle was won.
Mortuus, sorcerer, 133423 XP, lvl 8, 44 hps, 194 kills
Woden, dwarven defender, 122988 XP, lvl 7, 80 hps, 686 kills
Uzume, priest of Tyr, 121687 XP, lvl 8, 40 hps, 121 kills
Yahiko, totemic druid, 122332 XP, lvl 9, 64 hps, 64 kills
Xan, enchanter, 122826 XP, lvl 8, 24 hps, 108 kills
Hades, assassin, 77326 XP, lvl 8, 56 hps, 91 kills
Previous updates at:
After a long day at work I thought I would settle down to a bit of relaxing Baldur's Gate. That relaxing session lasted at least, oh, 2 minutes before Alba was ambushed in the Cloakwood by giant spiders. Although they often spit webs at you immediately they don't always do so, so I tried running for a split-second to see what happened rather than take an immediate potion. Two of the three did use webs and I tried using a potion at that stage - expecting that to work. However, while potions do take effect very quickly they're not actually instant and in this case it seemed that the web tangle was just too quick for me ...
Part of the problem is the -2 penalty to saves that web applies. It would almost impossible for a chapter 4 character to guarantee a save by equipment alone if they don't have mods on their installation. If you were character that could use the spider bane that would work, but that's not easy to get. And the potions that protect against web (available in Chapter 4) would be very few.