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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited November 2016

    @Grond0 It is always my policy (regardless of how big my party is - whether 6 party members or 1 like you) to always ignore her minions and go straight for her. This is in part due to her big heal she can do as well as she can replenish her minions ad infinitum I think. I suppose a possible exception might be vanilla Balors, as those Balors have 15% chance of a vorpal kill with no save offered - best they are dead before going for Mel. Maximum defense (high AC, with potions of mind focusing for example) is definitely desirable. Minion distractions can help too, if you can summon some.

    Mel uses dispel magic an awful lot and death tyrants use anti-magic rays, so I think for a solo it's rarely worth taking potions and clouding your aura. Many of her summons could not hurt me at all, so I was trying to kill those that could in order to be able to fight from behind a screen of the others (preventing her from coming into melee). That worked pretty well with the first couple of incarnations, but the missile damage done by the 3rd version during timestop was far higher. If I had been willing to use healing (potions / rod of resurrection) that basic strategy might still work, but without healing I agree Mel needs to be targeted more intensely right from the start.
    lroumen said:

    I never get to ToB much anymore so I remember it sparsely, but is there the option to increase the distance between you and melissan when she casts the time stop... Like more than one screen. Then it takes some time to get to you thus less hits...?

    I was pretty much as far away as possible when her deadly timestop started, but that's not very far at the Throne and it only took her a second or two to get into missile range. I was hoping that with being that far away she would default to other actions, like casting summoning spells or Clouds of Vengeance, but that clearly wasn't the case. :'(

  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    Epic run, @Grond0! I'm pouring one out for the fallen Sun Soul Monk tonight.
  • PteranPteran Member Posts: 388
    Grond0 said:

    the challenge to complete the game solo with every possible character class uses an unmodded EE setup.

    Unmodded? I don't even remember what that's like o.O! That would be a challenge all on its own haha!
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Pteran said:

    Grond0 said:

    the challenge to complete the game solo with every possible character class uses an unmodded EE setup.

    Unmodded? I don't even remember what that's like o.O! That would be a challenge all on its own haha!
    My current game is unmodded. The first that I have done for years. You are quite right. It is a challenge on its own! :D
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,056
    Grond0 said:

    @Grond0 It is always my policy (regardless of how big my party is - whether 6 party members or 1 like you) to always ignore her minions and go straight for her. This is in part due to her big heal she can do as well as she can replenish her minions ad infinitum I think. I suppose a possible exception might be vanilla Balors, as those Balors have 15% chance of a vorpal kill with no save offered - best they are dead before going for Mel. Maximum defense (high AC, with potions of mind focusing for example) is definitely desirable. Minion distractions can help too, if you can summon some.

    Mel uses dispel magic an awful lot and death tyrants use anti-magic rays, so I think for a solo it's rarely worth taking potions and clouding your aura. Many of her summons could not hurt me at all, so I was trying to kill those that could in order to be able to fight from behind a screen of the others (preventing her from coming into melee). That worked pretty well with the first couple of incarnations, but the missile damage done by the 3rd version during timestop was far higher. If I had been willing to use healing (potions / rod of resurrection) that basic strategy might still work, but without healing I agree Mel needs to be targeted more intensely right from the start.
    lroumen said:

    I never get to ToB much anymore so I remember it sparsely, but is there the option to increase the distance between you and melissan when she casts the time stop... Like more than one screen. Then it takes some time to get to you thus less hits...?

    I was pretty much as far away as possible when her deadly timestop started, but that's not very far at the Throne and it only took her a second or two to get into missile range. I was hoping that with being that far away she would default to other actions, like casting summoning spells or Clouds of Vengeance, but that clearly wasn't the case. :'(

    Grond0, if I remember correctly it's not dispel magic but rather her darts that dispel on hit. This is why the Reflection Shield is so useful against her, as it totally negates her darts. If you are an arcane character, then PfMW would be what to use (physical mirror for divine). Finally, if none of those, then maximum resistance to missile weapons would help.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Grond0 said:

    Grond0, if I remember correctly it's not dispel magic but rather her darts that dispel on hit. This is why the Reflection Shield is so useful against her, as it totally negates her darts. If you are an arcane character, then PfMW would be what to use (physical mirror for divine). Finally, if none of those, then maximum resistance to missile weapons would help.

    I agree that's the case in vanilla, but the EE has significantly changed the encounters at the Throne. Mel's incarnations now spam various spells - so for instance I think her first incarnation was throwing out dispel magic spells every 2 or 3 rounds. Her darts now also bypass the reflection shield, so that defense is out. She needed a critical to hit with her darts in normal time against the monk, but that wasn't much help during timestops ...
    It looks like they don't want you to win.
  • Serg_BlackStriderSerg_BlackStrider Member Posts: 211
    @aldain : I pretty much like your approach and a commitment to details. So I would say - keep on!
  • ussnorwayussnorway Member Posts: 341
    Puk the Bard- m2... read last post here,

    Sister where art thou,

    I managed to escape the starting area but all my gear is gone for good. Puk and Sarah said goodbye to the nut case and we need to enter the goverment area next.
  • RelSundanRelSundan Member Posts: 918
    The archer died as well and I am a little sick of having to bring you some sad new every 2nd day. Every time I go up against a group of named guys, always two or more other factions joins in and they target my weak ones. I am always overwhelmed by this.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited November 2016
    RelSundan said:

    The archer died as well and I am a little sick of having to bring you some sad new every 2nd day. Every time I go up against a group of named guys, always two or more other factions joins in and they target my weak ones. I am always overwhelmed by this.

    I would try and eliminate the others before going in against the named guys. You need to have a cleared area to retreat to. This doesn't always work as sometimes, as in my current game, enemies spawn in an area that you have cleared. However, it is always good practice as that is not the norm.

    Journal of Spugnor

    We cleared all the ankheg and then went to Durlag's Tower. Imoen entered using stealth and was quite successful, however she couldn't carry out the loot. We therefore left the area and memorised invisibility spells before returning. I then went in for the Wisdom Tome which I read immediately. I identified some nice equipment and after casting another invisibility spell carried it out.

    We then went to the lighthouse area. Web was used against the sirene and Ajantis went up to level 6.

    We killed the flesh golems but needed to rest between each one as Ajantis got quite badly hurt. Whilst resting we were attacked by more sirene but they were unsuccessful. On one occasion Imoen was charmed so Ajantis and I went inside the cave until she was no longer hostile.

    I read the tome which improved my constitution and then we travelled to see Shoal. Imoen was killed by her but then resurrected. We killed both her and her mate and then headed south killing a number of ogres and the like. The Surgeon healed Imoen and then Ajantis took on a number of sirene. He was charmed twice, but Imoen and I were out of sight so we just had to wait. Ajantis was able to take them on one at a time which was helpful.

    We then went to the basilisk area and killed a hostile group of adventurers. Web and wand of fire killed all but one and he was killed with arrows very quickly. Something very strange then happened Ajantis levelled up to level 6 once more. ????? I don't understand how his experience was stolen.

    image/" alt="" />
    Imoen has now reached level 7. :)
    The Nashkel Mines were not the challenge that I feared. There was not a single demon, only kobolds and a half-orc who was leading them. Because of web, he wasn't a problem at all.

    Neither were a band of assassins led by Lamalha. Once again web was king.

    We went to Nashkel where I said goodbye to Xan. To be honest I was just using him as a packhorse.
    We then went to see Joseph's widow and gave her his ring. At that I became a level 6 fighter/level 5 illusionist. :)
    We then told the mayor of our exploits.
    I must get my wand of fire recharged as I only have one charge left.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited November 2016
    @RelSundan you're doing great. I can't count how many times my characters got massacred before I learned enough about how to keep them safe! (In BG1 anyway... Those stupid bandit ambushes at level 1 in particular still get me though!)

    Every time you lose a fight, you learn something valuable. Come back stronger!
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Hope that Steinarr gets some profitable work soon. :)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    That was a shame Grond0
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited November 2016
    @Grond0: I don't know about blindness, but dragons are immune to Hold Monster and nearly all other disablers for some reason. The only disablers I know will work against dragons are Feeblemind and Maze.

    Another promising run down...
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