@Wise_Grimwald This Mendas fellow in the Candlekeep... from which mod does he come? I remember him in the Dark side of the Sword Coast.
He does come from there, but perhaps rather foolishly I improved his equipment. It makes him even more dangerous, but it also gives a thief in particular better equipment if he gets killed. The changes that I have made makes Candlekeep a challenge, but the risks are worth taking for the +1 weapons/armour that can be acquired.
I just realized I've been posting massive .bmp-screenshots. Apologies! I'll convert to .jpeg from now on. Yes the screenshots come as bmps if you don't convert them. I change the name at the same time to give them consistant but unique names.
@Blackraven That battle against Khaark looks to have been some battle. I expect that it was satisfying.
Ahh, the acid blob trap.... such a nasty thing to forget about in the Slaver ship. Lucky for Steinarr, it was his pal Minsc who stepped in it. (Boo cast "miniature giant space hamster shadow door" and came out OK, in case any of you were worried )
Steinarr just found out that the Shadow Thieves are asking for an outrageous sum of 100,000 gold to help find Imoen. (Mod content.) This is going to be a long run.
Before entering the Throne of Bhaal, I made some changes in my spell selection: Wish spells for Owain, lots of wondrous recalls for Luna to get those chaotic commands and death wards back in case of dispel magic, more summoning spells, because I want to have some of them for every encounter.
Initial buffs were relatively tame - of course, cc and deathward, remove fear, pfe, bless and chant, plus potions of heroism and invulnerability. Donar also gets improved haste, because he's so very effective with it. Melissan's first incarnation didn't require a lot of tactics - a chain contingency to remove all of her defensive buffs started off the fight, and after that it was all about attacking and one more breach spell.
With a fallen deva summoned for tanking purposes, the party then killed Yan-C-Bin:
Now, the second battle against Melissan was very strange, and I think her script bugged out. She managed to cast a timestop, making my party quite vulnerable, so I was actually scared of what would happen - but instead of attacking, casting offensive spells or anything else, she just cotinued to cast "free action" on herself three times in a row!
Of course, wasting her chance to do something meaningful, she was defeated again a few seconds later - and she STILL didn't dispel my buffs, something she's usually very good at.
Cryonax was the next one to die - I used some skeleton warriors to help the party, the fight was uneventful.
Now, with Donar and Helios, I had more than enough spike traps to deal with the annoying third Amelyssan battle:
My actual final battle was against the fallen solar (because I still had enough spike traps to deal with Melissan's final form) - Goibniu and Anapa went after the fallen solar itself with GWW's, while a heavily wounded Donar had to retreat and heal. With my buffs still active, death ward stopped any vorpal attacks, cc stopped the alu-fiend and the marilith's, while dealing a lot of damage, didn't manage to kill anyone. An annoying insect plague didn't stop Anapa from finally defeating the fallen solar:
After the fight, Owain also managed to get the "rested" wish option, just in case:
And finally, the spike traps did their job:
The battle is won, and the randomized party challenge, after many, many attempts, finally completed! Now I can move on to other things
Overall, this was certainly one of the better groups I ever randomized - with the Paladin being a relatively high-hp main character (and also providing access to Carsomyr), an actual arcane spellcaster (single-class, even), and otherwise a relatively well-rounded, though defensively weak collection of characters.
@Blackraven Not really, though it might seem that way - I've attempted (and failed, though in one case just barely) three undocumented runs between this one and Sahal. I don't share all of my runs online, because updating them takes quite a lot of time (though I always take screenshots, just in case the run ends up being successful). Usually, I only start posting if the run is progressing reasonably well and I have a good feeling about it, and even then sometimes I'm just too lazy (especially recently - I used to cover all of my runs a few years ago). Goibniu's run has actually been over for a while, but I've only now finished writing about it.
I've currently started doing a non-no-reload run because I want to test out some mods and their effect on later parts of the game (which I coudn't do if I never reach it) - I'll be back to this thread at some point, though, and I'll keep reading!
@Ygramul What do you think about adding a Board of Honor to the OP with all the successful no-reloads (for BG1 only, for BG2 only, for BG1+BG2) documented in this thread?
I'm quite amazed that so many people make it through the end. I have only managed that twice. There is always some stupid trap or spell I have forgotten about...
Anyways... I am in the process of making a new monk kit and then I will run through an improved anvil installation. Time for some masochism .
After escaping Jon's dungeon, Steinarr was enraged to watch the Cowled Wizards cart off Imoen to some junky prison somewhere. But he couldn't do anything about it. Frustrating.
A shifty character called Gaelan Bayle has offered help, at the exorbitant price of 100,000 gold. Steinarr has never seen that much gold in one place in his life.
So, job one: raise money and stay out of trouble. (Easier said than done, Steinarr thinks.)
Looking for work at the Copper Coronet, he instead busted a slavery ring.
Traveling around, he was ambushed by slavers, but Aerie was there to counter the mage's horror spell with remove fear. Steinarr raged and pummeled those slavers down into the pavement with his sling. (This was where my last character died...)
Visiting the docks to look for work, he instead ran into Baron Ployer, an old slaver once busted by Jaheira. That lead to a vicious mage battle in an abandoned house, where we were not able to use mage spells (out of fear of the Cowled Wizards taking Aerie, too).
These mages were much more devious than anything Steinarr had encountered before. They had the capability to strip many of his buffs. Soon, half the party was confused. (Except Steinarr and Minsc, with rage and Liarcor.)
While confused, Yoshimo executed a perfect backstab on Ployer, the only enemy without stoneskins.
Minsc proceeded to cut through the enemy defenses slowly but surely with his talking sword. But not before they killed Aerie with minute meteors.
Later, the team ran into an old acquaintance, Edwin. He either didn't remember or didn't want to talk about last seeing Steinarr at the coalition camp near Dragonspear Castle. Up to his old tricks, he tasked them with killing a cowled wizard. (I seem to remember alternative ways of dealing with this that didn't involve fighting, but I think that must have been part of a mod that I didn't install this time, "Additional Shadow Thieves Content" from QuestPack. BWP said it wasn't working. Too bad, I remember liking the good way out.)
We wanted to talk to Rayic, but he was having none of it. He opened with a variety of protections including Mantle (which foiled all of our attacks), then unleashed a telly field. We were not able to dispel his protections at first, nor were we able to silence him (he has incredible saves), so we concentrated on summoning fodder and staying out of the way. Finally, some of Gethric's buffs started to expire, and Jaheira got some insects to stick. The end came quickly after that.
Steinarr is hoping that there will be some easier ways to raise money. Fighting mages is brutal. Rage helps, but smashing a mantle-protected wizard is kind of like punching a brick wall. Hurts. Makes barbarian even more mad. But goes nowhere.
Next in Barbarian News: Edwin orders Steinarr around some more
@Ygramul What do you think about adding a Board of Honor to the OP with all the successful no-reloads (for BG1 only, for BG2 only, for BG1+BG2) documented in this thread?
Also, congratulations, Enuhal!
Excellent, idea, I'd say.
(Am travelling for a few days, so cannot reply in detail yet. Perhaps someone can begin putting together some links to victory stories? I'll be happy to add them to the front page.)
Steinarr ran a few more errands for Edwin. One of those involved picking up proof that Mae'Var was planning to betray his Shadow Thief brothers. Renal gave us the final job: wipe out the traitorous guild. Knowing the encounter would turn ugly, we buffed to the hilt, summoned a full complement of allies, and turned everyone invisible before heading in to clean up.
Mae'Var never knew what hit him.
On the way out of the Docks, a kid stole Boo out of Minsc's pocket. Minsc was paralyzed without his hamster. Literally. We had to take off his plate armor and put on something lighter so that he could even walk.
He was so inconsolable that we dropped everything to track down the lost pet. A winding trail led to a mage in the government district. We played a riddle game with her, and she returned Boo. But apparently Boo had been having romantic encounters with other rodents while in captivity... because now Minsc has two Boos. A Boo and a Boolet. And some magic Boo food. (And two less inventory slots).
After that, some Cowled Wizards showed up and decided that we deserved a magic license as a reward for getting the mage lady to leave. (This made no sense whatsoever, and broke the part of my game where I was supposed to raise 15,000 gold to get a magic license. I haven't even come close to raising that amount of spare cash yet, so this was an insanely valuable reward for doing nothing. Oh well. No reload. No changing mods this run. We go onward.)
Aerie cast a few spells to test the patience of the Cowled Ones. No enforcers came. She decided to take advantage of her newfound freedom and stacked her spellbook with new and useful arcane lore.
Next up in Barbarian News: Looking for more work, staying out of more trouble
I started having ideas of making a life for myself with the Wildmage but it wasn't to be...
making progress against the crusade (nice armour) and agreed to a duel but the champion of goodness cheated so I killed the bitch with poison... so much for honor!
Aldain, Human Conjurer, Update 6 Previous update found here Next update found here
Though by now what riches there are in Nashkel/Beregost/FAI can certainly be considered minor by the party's standards, nevertheless we embark on a tour of petty larceny. Beginning by having Imoen gulp down a few Potions of Master Thievery and pilfering the cloak from Algernon (We had a fair few Charm Person ready in case Imoen failed, but she got it on the first attempt):
Otherwise our burglary proceeds unabashed. We purchase a Robe of the Neutral Archmagi and a few more scrolls for Xan, Shadow Armor for Imoen, and are now almost broke again. Dangit.
Durlag's Tower is next, although we shall limit our incursion to the above-ground floors and the first + second subterranean levels. I had forgotten how vulnerable Battle Horrors are to Scorcher, but it serves as a nice surprise and makes defeating the outer perimeter of Tower defenses easy.
We clear the Ghasts above ground without incident (they didn't manage to land any crits). Imoen and Khalid are protected against petrification as per the mage spell, and sent onto the outer ramparts, where the Greater Basilisks put up a pretty good fight, but ultimately fall.
The Ghost mage, as per usual, is somehow interrupted by his own Cloudkill repeatedly, and so wastes an inordinate amount of spells on our sacrificial Skeleton Warriors. There is a moment of panic, however; thinking his spells exhausted as he resorts to bludgeoning our last Skeleton Warrior with his fists, Khalid and Jaheira are sent in to finish things. However, the crafty Ghost had one spell remaining: Chain Lightning! He manages to cast it at Jaheira, but a stunning display of level-headedness and acrobatics prevents any damage. In one swift motion, Khalid removes his Boots of Grounding, hurling them at Jaheira at breakneck speed. Jaheira, with a grace that belies someone wearing full plate armor, begins a backflip where she stands, somehow catches the boots on her feet, and as she touches back down on the ground, throws back a Potion of Absorption, moments before the lightning hits her! At least, this is how I justify it to myself.
That bit of unpleasantness over with, we finish the above-ground parts (leaving Kirinhale alone for later, if we can even be bothered with her... Jaheira has the Quarterstaff +3 so we have no need of her Staff Spear). Descending into the bowels of the Tower, the ghasts in the basement show once again that they are not to be trifled with, but thankfully we have a few spells saved for such occasions.
Surprisingly, the second level of Durlag's goes smoothly. The enemies can't really do anything but beat at Khalid, who weathers the storm just fine (even the Greater Dopplegangers aren't that bad, despite them getting Haste off). Our reward is a heap of treasure, most of which is sold off to Ike immediately, and more importantly, a fair few delicious arcane scrolls. And, on our way back to civilization, a respawned Doppleganger outside the Tower has the good manners to drop a Haste scroll! Having Haste available before going into the Cloakwood Mines will be quite handy.
En route to Nashkel, the game throws us a gentle reminder why protagonist mages always travel invisibly.
We had a Potion of Mirrored Eyes floating around, so Khalid took our would-be assailant down, but still... an unpleasant surprise.
There's not much left, and we're getting pretty high-level, so I suppose there's little to do but once more advance the plot. We delve into the Cloakwood, a Silence effectively removing Seniyad and friend's as a threat to us.
Centeol manages to use her wand, but dies an instant later. Along with most of her friends, Fireball + Skulltrap + Holy smite being eminently lethal. Khalid singes his eyebrows a bit, but Fireballing is not an exact science.
Shadow Druids are next on the chopping block, but by now, Xan has leveled (and I successfully fought my stingy nature; he gulped a few Potions and scribed a bundle of scrolls, including Confusion and Greater Malison). Greater Malison followed by Silence effectively takes them all out of the fight. We don't bother with the Shadow Archdruid. We do not need his Club +2, and he's just seriously dangerous: You fight him in a small closed space, he shapeshifts into a Salamander and deals big damage inbetween spells, and has a couple cronies. Not worth the risk!
We proceed to the Wyvern cave, and make good use of Haste (which Xan was allowed to scribe) to take them down. I think they managed 1 hit all in all. And here we leave our party, for now, deep in thought on how best to (safely) gain entrance to the Mines. Aldain is now a Level 7 Human Conjurer, and rolled a 6 (hooray!) for hitpoints at level up.
That's a great idea. Keeping scores will be inspiring
Ok, let me start with full BG1+BG2 successes.
I think we should mention @CharlestonianTemplar (it wasn't in this thread, but still it was the first complete no-reload documented on this forum) and his Sir Gawain, the Fighter:
I return, with another run. Meet Bulwarv, the Berserking Sellsword.
The 18/00 roll, and the high value was, I swear, my 6th roll. There was a teeny bit of min maxing done to ensure I could dual class to a thief later. Oh how I sin.
That strength ensured constant survival. I've enjoyed this run so much more than Cedvar's shaky start. Playing a big strong fighter who can throw knives for 10-15 damage, 24 on a critical, is just too good in Baldur's Gate I. Picking up Edwin and Dynahier, we got up to Cloakwood with constant wand usage and fireballs galore. The cloest call came just now, which got me so damn anxious I paused halfway through just to sit and stare.
2. Hit. Points. And that was with Berserker Rage. Drasus man. What a badass.
@JuliusBorisov, let's not forget about @MacHurto's full trilogy success with David the Gnome FIghter/Illusionist: BG1, BG2.
Thanks for the mention, I remember David.
When I look into the second thread, I see the last post there is about SoA. How about ToB, @MacHurto (so that it could be called a "full trilogy success")?
I did ToB too. Let me find it. I was reading my SoA thread and I am impressed with myself. I sound like I knew my way around! (which I have since forgotten as i found most tricks surprising ). One more reason to fire another no-reload try! You just dont think (or in my case, dont research/ask the pros) as much when you have power word reload
He does come from there, but perhaps rather foolishly I improved his equipment. It makes him even more dangerous, but it also gives a thief in particular better equipment if he gets killed. The changes that I have made makes Candlekeep a challenge, but the risks are worth taking for the +1 weapons/armour that can be acquired.
Steinarr just found out that the Shadow Thieves are asking for an outrageous sum of 100,000 gold to help find Imoen. (Mod content.) This is going to be a long run.
Continued from https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/822459/#Comment_822459
Before entering the Throne of Bhaal, I made some changes in my spell selection: Wish spells for Owain, lots of wondrous recalls for Luna to get those chaotic commands and death wards back in case of dispel magic, more summoning spells, because I want to have some of them for every encounter.
Initial buffs were relatively tame - of course, cc and deathward, remove fear, pfe, bless and chant, plus potions of heroism and invulnerability. Donar also gets improved haste, because he's so very effective with it. Melissan's first incarnation didn't require a lot of tactics - a chain contingency to remove all of her defensive buffs started off the fight, and after that it was all about attacking and one more breach spell.
With a fallen deva summoned for tanking purposes, the party then killed Yan-C-Bin:
Now, the second battle against Melissan was very strange, and I think her script bugged out. She managed to cast a timestop, making my party quite vulnerable, so I was actually scared of what would happen - but instead of attacking, casting offensive spells or anything else, she just cotinued to cast "free action" on herself three times in a row!
Of course, wasting her chance to do something meaningful, she was defeated again a few seconds later - and she STILL didn't dispel my buffs, something she's usually very good at.
Cryonax was the next one to die - I used some skeleton warriors to help the party, the fight was uneventful.
Now, with Donar and Helios, I had more than enough spike traps to deal with the annoying third Amelyssan battle:
My actual final battle was against the fallen solar (because I still had enough spike traps to deal with Melissan's final form) - Goibniu and Anapa went after the fallen solar itself with GWW's, while a heavily wounded Donar had to retreat and heal. With my buffs still active, death ward stopped any vorpal attacks, cc stopped the alu-fiend and the marilith's, while dealing a lot of damage, didn't manage to kill anyone. An annoying insect plague didn't stop Anapa from finally defeating the fallen solar:
After the fight, Owain also managed to get the "rested" wish option, just in case:
And finally, the spike traps did their job:
The battle is won, and the randomized party challenge, after many, many attempts, finally completed! Now I can move on to other things
Overall, this was certainly one of the better groups I ever randomized - with the Paladin being a relatively high-hp main character (and also providing access to Carsomyr), an actual arcane spellcaster (single-class, even), and otherwise a relatively well-rounded, though defensively weak collection of characters.
Here are some final stats (in German):
Good luck to everyone else!
@Blackraven Not really, though it might seem that way - I've attempted (and failed, though in one case just barely) three undocumented runs between this one and Sahal. I don't share all of my runs online, because updating them takes quite a lot of time (though I always take screenshots, just in case the run ends up being successful). Usually, I only start posting if the run is progressing reasonably well and I have a good feeling about it, and even then sometimes I'm just too lazy (especially recently - I used to cover all of my runs a few years ago). Goibniu's run has actually been over for a while, but I've only now finished writing about it.
I've currently started doing a non-no-reload run because I want to test out some mods and their effect on later parts of the game (which I coudn't do if I never reach it) - I'll be back to this thread at some point, though, and I'll keep reading!
Also, congratulations, Enuhal!
Anyways... I am in the process of making a new monk kit and then I will run through an improved anvil installation. Time for some masochism
Leaving Candlekeep
Striking down Sarevok
Cleaning up after the Shining Lady
Most recent post
After escaping Jon's dungeon, Steinarr was enraged to watch the Cowled Wizards cart off Imoen to some junky prison somewhere. But he couldn't do anything about it. Frustrating.
A shifty character called Gaelan Bayle has offered help, at the exorbitant price of 100,000 gold. Steinarr has never seen that much gold in one place in his life.
So, job one: raise money and stay out of trouble. (Easier said than done, Steinarr thinks.)
Looking for work at the Copper Coronet, he instead busted a slavery ring.
Traveling around, he was ambushed by slavers, but Aerie was there to counter the mage's horror spell with remove fear. Steinarr raged and pummeled those slavers down into the pavement with his sling. (This was where my last character died...)
Visiting the docks to look for work, he instead ran into Baron Ployer, an old slaver once busted by Jaheira. That lead to a vicious mage battle in an abandoned house, where we were not able to use mage spells (out of fear of the Cowled Wizards taking Aerie, too).
These mages were much more devious than anything Steinarr had encountered before. They had the capability to strip many of his buffs. Soon, half the party was confused. (Except Steinarr and Minsc, with rage and Liarcor.)
While confused, Yoshimo executed a perfect backstab on Ployer, the only enemy without stoneskins.
Minsc proceeded to cut through the enemy defenses slowly but surely with his talking sword. But not before they killed Aerie with minute meteors.
Later, the team ran into an old acquaintance, Edwin. He either didn't remember or didn't want to talk about last seeing Steinarr at the coalition camp near Dragonspear Castle. Up to his old tricks, he tasked them with killing a cowled wizard. (I seem to remember alternative ways of dealing with this that didn't involve fighting, but I think that must have been part of a mod that I didn't install this time, "Additional Shadow Thieves Content" from QuestPack. BWP said it wasn't working. Too bad, I remember liking the good way out.)
We wanted to talk to Rayic, but he was having none of it. He opened with a variety of protections including Mantle (which foiled all of our attacks), then unleashed a telly field. We were not able to dispel his protections at first, nor were we able to silence him (he has incredible saves), so we concentrated on summoning fodder and staying out of the way. Finally, some of Gethric's buffs started to expire, and Jaheira got some insects to stick. The end came quickly after that.
Steinarr is hoping that there will be some easier ways to raise money. Fighting mages is brutal. Rage helps, but smashing a mantle-protected wizard is kind of like punching a brick wall. Hurts. Makes barbarian even more mad. But goes nowhere.
Next in Barbarian News: Edwin orders Steinarr around some more
(Am travelling for a few days, so cannot reply in detail yet. Perhaps someone can begin putting together some links to victory stories? I'll be happy to add them to the front page.)
Leaving Candlekeep
Striking down Sarevok
Cleaning up after the Shining Lady
Most recent post
Steinarr ran a few more errands for Edwin. One of those involved picking up proof that Mae'Var was planning to betray his Shadow Thief brothers. Renal gave us the final job: wipe out the traitorous guild. Knowing the encounter would turn ugly, we buffed to the hilt, summoned a full complement of allies, and turned everyone invisible before heading in to clean up.
Mae'Var never knew what hit him.
On the way out of the Docks, a kid stole Boo out of Minsc's pocket. Minsc was paralyzed without his hamster. Literally. We had to take off his plate armor and put on something lighter so that he could even walk.
He was so inconsolable that we dropped everything to track down the lost pet. A winding trail led to a mage in the government district. We played a riddle game with her, and she returned Boo. But apparently Boo had been having romantic encounters with other rodents while in captivity... because now Minsc has two Boos. A Boo and a Boolet. And some magic Boo food. (And two less inventory slots).
After that, some Cowled Wizards showed up and decided that we deserved a magic license as a reward for getting the mage lady to leave. (This made no sense whatsoever, and broke the part of my game where I was supposed to raise 15,000 gold to get a magic license. I haven't even come close to raising that amount of spare cash yet, so this was an insanely valuable reward for doing nothing. Oh well. No reload. No changing mods this run. We go onward.)
Aerie cast a few spells to test the patience of the Cowled Ones. No enforcers came. She decided to take advantage of her newfound freedom and stacked her spellbook with new and useful arcane lore.
Next up in Barbarian News: Looking for more work, staying out of more trouble
Unlucky in love,
I started having ideas of making a life for myself with the Wildmage but it wasn't to be...
making progress against the crusade (nice armour) and agreed to a duel but the champion of goodness cheated so I killed the bitch with poison... so much for honor!
Previous update found here
Next update found here
Though by now what riches there are in Nashkel/Beregost/FAI can certainly be considered minor by the party's standards, nevertheless we embark on a tour of petty larceny. Beginning by having Imoen gulp down a few Potions of Master Thievery and pilfering the cloak from Algernon (We had a fair few Charm Person ready in case Imoen failed, but she got it on the first attempt):
Otherwise our burglary proceeds unabashed. We purchase a Robe of the Neutral Archmagi and a few more scrolls for Xan, Shadow Armor for Imoen, and are now almost broke again. Dangit.
Durlag's Tower is next, although we shall limit our incursion to the above-ground floors and the first + second subterranean levels. I had forgotten how vulnerable Battle Horrors are to Scorcher, but it serves as a nice surprise and makes defeating the outer perimeter of Tower defenses easy.
We clear the Ghasts above ground without incident (they didn't manage to land any crits). Imoen and Khalid are protected against petrification as per the mage spell, and sent onto the outer ramparts, where the Greater Basilisks put up a pretty good fight, but ultimately fall.
The Ghost mage, as per usual, is somehow interrupted by his own Cloudkill repeatedly, and so wastes an inordinate amount of spells on our sacrificial Skeleton Warriors. There is a moment of panic, however; thinking his spells exhausted as he resorts to bludgeoning our last Skeleton Warrior with his fists, Khalid and Jaheira are sent in to finish things. However, the crafty Ghost had one spell remaining: Chain Lightning! He manages to cast it at Jaheira, but a stunning display of level-headedness and acrobatics prevents any damage. In one swift motion, Khalid removes his Boots of Grounding, hurling them at Jaheira at breakneck speed. Jaheira, with a grace that belies someone wearing full plate armor, begins a backflip where she stands, somehow catches the boots on her feet, and as she touches back down on the ground, throws back a Potion of Absorption, moments before the lightning hits her!
At least, this is how I justify it to myself.
That bit of unpleasantness over with, we finish the above-ground parts (leaving Kirinhale alone for later, if we can even be bothered with her... Jaheira has the Quarterstaff +3 so we have no need of her Staff Spear).
Descending into the bowels of the Tower, the ghasts in the basement show once again that they are not to be trifled with, but thankfully we have a few spells saved for such occasions.
Surprisingly, the second level of Durlag's goes smoothly. The enemies can't really do anything but beat at Khalid, who weathers the storm just fine (even the Greater Dopplegangers aren't that bad, despite them getting Haste off). Our reward is a heap of treasure, most of which is sold off to Ike immediately, and more importantly, a fair few delicious arcane scrolls.
And, on our way back to civilization, a respawned Doppleganger outside the Tower has the good manners to drop a Haste scroll! Having Haste available before going into the Cloakwood Mines will be quite handy.
En route to Nashkel, the game throws us a gentle reminder why protagonist mages always travel invisibly.
We had a Potion of Mirrored Eyes floating around, so Khalid took our would-be assailant down, but still... an unpleasant surprise.
There's not much left, and we're getting pretty high-level, so I suppose there's little to do but once more advance the plot. We delve into the Cloakwood, a Silence effectively removing Seniyad and friend's as a threat to us.
Centeol manages to use her wand, but dies an instant later. Along with most of her friends, Fireball + Skulltrap + Holy smite being eminently lethal. Khalid singes his eyebrows a bit, but Fireballing is not an exact science.
Shadow Druids are next on the chopping block, but by now, Xan has leveled (and I successfully fought my stingy nature; he gulped a few Potions and scribed a bundle of scrolls, including Confusion and Greater Malison). Greater Malison followed by Silence effectively takes them all out of the fight.
We don't bother with the Shadow Archdruid. We do not need his Club +2, and he's just seriously dangerous: You fight him in a small closed space, he shapeshifts into a Salamander and deals big damage inbetween spells, and has a couple cronies. Not worth the risk!
We proceed to the Wyvern cave, and make good use of Haste (which Xan was allowed to scribe) to take them down. I think they managed 1 hit all in all.
And here we leave our party, for now, deep in thought on how best to (safely) gain entrance to the Mines.
Aldain is now a Level 7 Human Conjurer, and rolled a 6 (hooray!) for hitpoints at level up.
I think we should mention @CharlestonianTemplar (it wasn't in this thread, but still it was the first complete no-reload documented on this forum) and his Sir Gawain, the Fighter:
Start (August 2014)
Finish (November 2015)
Then we have @Gotural and his Anselm, the Blackguard:
Start (April, 2015)
(January, 2016)
Now we have @Enuhal and his Goibniu, the Paladin:
Start (August 2016)
Finish (October 2016)
Only BG2:
@semiticgod and his Viora, the Shadowdancer dual-classed to Cleric:
Start (December 2015)
Finish (January 2016)
Again @semiticgod and his Poppy, the Barbarian:
Start (June 2016)
Finish (June 2016)
I may have missed something, if anyone remembers something else, please, add.
As for BG1, there're many documented successes in this thread.
The 18/00 roll, and the high value was, I swear, my 6th roll. There was a teeny bit of min maxing done to ensure I could dual class to a thief later. Oh how I sin.
That strength ensured constant survival. I've enjoyed this run so much more than Cedvar's shaky start. Playing a big strong fighter who can throw knives for 10-15 damage, 24 on a critical, is just too good in Baldur's Gate I. Picking up Edwin and Dynahier, we got up to Cloakwood with constant wand usage and fireballs galore. The cloest call came just now, which got me so damn anxious I paused halfway through just to sit and stare.
2. Hit. Points. And that was with Berserker Rage. Drasus man. What a badass.
Next, the Mines proper.
Bulwarv, Berserker, Level 6
Khalid, Fighter, Level 6
Jahiera, Fighter/Druid, Level 5/6
Imoen, Thief/Mage, Level 7/2
Viconia, Cleric, Level 6
Edwin, Conjurer, Level 5
When I look into the second thread, I see the last post there is about SoA. How about ToB, @MacHurto (so that it could be called a "full trilogy success")?
Edit: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/31826/david-the-gnome-tob-no-reload-challenge#latest
Start (March 2014)
Finish (May 2014)