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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    I will have a look at your package tomorrow.
    Btw you don't have to publish one package per kit...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Musigny: I also don't know how to ask to install multiple kits, hence my splitting them up. Thanks again!
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2015
    I let you read the comments in the tp2 file
    and add the resources files under their directories (read the tp2 file - hopefully self-explanatory)
    I just kept the druid clab 2da file in the tree under PhaseSpiderKit/druid.
    From there I think you can easily add other kits for other classes.

    File edited to go back to a CRLF line end in the tp2. Sorry !
    Post edited by Musigny on
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2015
    I forgot to reset the windows end of line style so here is the update:
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Musigny: Stuff in spoilers to avoid cluttering the thread.

    I based my recent work on the first .zip file you attached today, with the TP2 file without line breaks. I just saw your updated .zip file, with line breaks in the TP2 file, but the TP2 file I've got working now has line breaks and still has all your comments in it, since I wasn't sure what I could delete of your comments without causing problems. I'll take my current file, without line breaks, and use it to update the TP2 file with line breaks so I'll have a clean copy with the right information.

    Attached is the full package I've got working now, but the TP2 file is limited to granting the fighter and druid kits. The folder is organized different from yours, because there are some new things we may need to add. The TP2 file has been updated to reflect the new folders; there's only one folder for all the spell, item, and creature files, and one folder for the CLAB files.

    I've fixed some of the problems you pointed out in the TP2 file:

    1: You pointed out my files would overwrite Infravision and Detect Evil. That's intentional. I made duplicate copies of Infravision and the cleric version of Detect Evil so that players could cast the Phase Spider's Dimension Door ability via a hotkey. I've moved them to separate folders so we can make a separate component in the TP2 file asking if they want to replace those two spells with a level 1 Dimension Door spell--they won't get automatically copied along with everything else. If the player doesn't want to replace those things, he or she can just use the innate ability Dimension Door, but that's a little less convenient. All versions of Dimension Door restore themselves, so the player can cast them indefinitely.

    I also moved all the CLAB files into their own folder, and the "resfiles" folder outside of the "common" folder. I find it easier that way. Currently, the "druid," "fighter," and "common" folder are unused. I'll probably delete them later.

    2: You pointed out the naming, the recurring PHASE name in the override files. Those files reference each other, as do the CLAB files, and it would take a fair amount of time to fix it up. I'll do that part later, before release.

    3: I didn't add any race restrictions because the spiders are already supposed to comprise their own race, of sorts. Restricting it to humans would also prevent people from getting, say, a gnome's save bonuses, if they wanted them. So, a half-human spider or a half-gnome spider would both be acceptable. I considered trying to set the player's race to spider, but I was worried that would cause unintended problems later on. Hence the lack of race restrictions.

    4: You suggested using the name PSKfight instead of Phase Spider Fighter, but I'm not sure why. I thought the latter would be fine.

    5: You pointed out the kit had no ability requirements. I added them in. I also adjusted them to account for the spiders' ability score penalties. Spiders now receive -3 to CHA instead of half CHA, so the minimum CHA for spider druids is now 12 instead of 15.

    6: You also noted that the kit was using the Avenger kit's item restrictions. At the time, I just did that to make sure the spider druid kit could use armor (unlike the Shapeshifter). I've decided to give all the spider kits the Archer kit's item usability flag instead. Now, they are all restricted from wearing heavier than leather armor, as I had intended earlier on.

    I also found a way to implement the other item restrictions, by adding a non-removable item to the boots item slot, and adding opcode 180 to prevent the spiders from wearing helmets, gloves, or gauntlets (but this only applies to vanilla items). They can still use ioun stones and bracers, as intended.

    Now there are only a few things left to do.

    First, I still don't actually know how to create new class sections. I tried adding a new one based on your extra section for the druid kit, but failed. I created a BARDBEGIN @3 section for the bard spider kit; updated the CLABPHDR to CLABPHBA; updated all the relevant stats so it has the right usability flags and everything; and I updated the setup TRA file (the English one, anyway) to include a line saying "@3 = ~Phase Spider Bard Kit~". I don't know what I'm missing. What else is needed to add a new class section besides BARDBEGIN @X and an update to the TRA file with @X?

    Second, I think we have a problem with the Monk kit. I don't think you can choose a separate kit for a monk--there's only one Monk kit, with the CLABMO01.2da. I could replace the monk kit, but that would turn Balthazar and all the ToB monks into spiders. I put the monk's fist item files and its CLAB.2da into a separate folder so they wouldn't be copied with the other files.

    Third, the mage kits. I don't see a CLAB file for any of the mages, so I'm not sure if it would be possible to get a single-classed Phase Spider mage, unless the player used Shadowkeeper. It's also my understanding that the mage kits are already filled to the maximum, and replacing any of them would grant both the extra mage spells, as well as the spell restrictions, to any spider mage kit.

    I really appreciate all the work you've done, particularly considering I never even asked. I have no idea how long it would have taken me to figure all this out on my own, even with the tutorials.

    The Phase Spider kits are almost out!
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    You're welcome.
    I think that the project is fun.

    -You can delete the comments, they have no influence on the code.
    -kit name : internally you named them clabsomething, as you know clab stands for class ability in the game and (by essence) every kit has a clab****.2da file associated to it but the internal name of the kit as seen in the kitlist or kit.ids for instance is rather different. My point is that reading "clab" as a kit name prefix will not directly refer to semiticgod's work or phase spider etc... (you do need a class ability file for a kit and you can name it clab**** if you want to - that's a different matter. And it is also different from the name of your kit as seen by the player defined by one of the SAY line at the end of the ADD_KIT block).
    -Yes you can more or less copy/paste a BEGIN section (not BARDBEGIN) for a new kit. If the next one is BEGIN @3 etc... you have to add a @3 = "string" in one of the loaded tra files and in that case the setup.tra. The french section is there just for the example, you can remove it (See LANGUAGE). Once all your text is ready, people will just have to translate the tra file line by line. Get someone knowledgeable about the FR lore to help you translate your strings (I am not really that guy).
    - end of line, that's a matter of ms to change it with a good text editor, just let me know if you have a problem.
    - item restriction - you can also do the opposite - you can make sure this can be used by a particular kit and prohibited for all other class/kit, just for your info.
    -I think it is wise to not change the "general", race and class of charname even though you change the animation and heavily kit the protagonist.
    - Not sure I understand your point about monks and mages class abilities. I will see your point next week when I am back.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Oops, forgot the Weidu log. See attachment.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Musigny, thanks for the info. This clears things up. I thought it was somehow related to the Skinner Quest (perhaps a UB update, I've only recently started using the lastest version of UB).
    Btw I think SCS scripts applied in my case, as I installed SCS after the Tactics components.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    What I explained is not 100% sure. With a so long mod/component list there may be other explanations! I can just tell you what pertains to the Tactics part.

    I believe that installing SCS after this type of mod is necessary but not always sufficient to get the SCS general AI.
    For instance the gbene02*.cre files have two scripts: override gbgo1.bcs (self-destruction after a certain timer expiration) and gbene02*.bcs as a class script AI, nothing more.
    SCS has to overwrite at least one of the two to take precedence (or destroy this class script)
    if * = a,b,c,d,e the script starts with the following (decompiled) lines

    RESPONSE #100

    RESPONSE #100

    RESPONSE #100
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,22589) // Bah! This is what I get for dealing with rabble!
    ApplySpell(Myself,SWOOSH_GONE) // SPIN671.SPL (Teleport)

    HasItem("POTN55",Myself) // Potion of Superior Healing
    RESPONSE #100
    ActionOverride(Myself,UseItem("POTN55",Myself)) // Potion of Superior Healing
    DisplayStringHead(Myself,46150) // *quaffs a potion*

    or, as a sample, you can paste/send me gbene02e.cre (and optionally gbgo1.bcs + gbene02e.bcs) and I may have a look at it.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2015
    I forgot to mention that one additional "bodhitrp" condition : between midnight 10pm and dawn.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Great job @Musigny! I was hesitant re: sending you the file when I got home, because I didn't want to give you more work than you'd alreasy been doing (in particular the Tactics - EE conversion). Nevertheless, very interesting to know, thank you.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited July 2015
    Looking at this kind of things also helps to check my own modifications so that's not really an additional job. A good integration with Stratagems (or at least a well documented co-existence) is one of my objective.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Thank you @Musigny; Gnome C/I = lots of fun, with so many options...
    You know there was some min-maxing involved in Dagny's character creation: 13 CHA + 1 from BG1 tome + 1 from Machine of Lum the Mad + 1 from Hell Trials would give Dagny 16 CHA (unbuffed). This is the minimum for Ascension Balthazar to be amenable to join Dagny against Mel in the final fight. Of course this all extremely speculative at this stage, but I reckon it's good to keep one's options open :)
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited July 2015
    I cannot investigate the full set of ascension scripts but if Balthazar's action or decision is solely based on his dialog then having charname charisma stat greater than 16 (or 17 depending on the test) is not an absolute requirement to convince Balthazar to join you IIRC. Alignment, Reputation, Dialog choices have a bigger influence, Wisdom too. This being said this is perhaps required for evil aligned characters (don't have time to verify).
    Anyway when the stat is checked, the effective value is used. Therefore, unless the same trigger/command acts differently in a dlg file (as opposed to a bcs file), equipping the ring of human influence will effectively help you.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Musigny, I can't check this myself because I have no ToB savegame, but I remember @Alesia_BH mentioning that Charisma had to be unmodified 16+, apart from the other criteria you mentioned.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited July 2015
    Perhaps in a script during the final sequence.
    However in Balthazar's dialog file as provided by W.Weimer's ascension-weidu, I don't see such a requirement (well it's late for me, maybe one of my mistakes).
    You need to meet two requirements, one being a score based on your answers/reputation/alignment/wisdom/charisma - not necessarily all of them depending on your dialog branch selection.
    I will look at the original (Gaider's) version this weekend. I think that this dialog was bugged, it may be related.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited July 2015
    I'd be interested in seeing your findings, Musigny. I'd be particularly interested in seeing in game test results.

    My understanding of the rule is based on a) the Read Me and b) tests conducted by participants in the old Ascension solo challenge years ago.

    The read me states: "Be of Good or Neutral alignment. Have a reputation greater than 18. Have a Wisdom greater than 15 (drink a potion for 18, having 19 is even better). Have a Charisma greater than 15. Pick the right dialogue options."

    My experience and the experience of others has been consistent with the Read Me's rule, although it does have the air of a natural language oversimplification of an underlying formula.

    The assertion that the check is on unmodified charisma came to me second hand at first. I confirmed it once in a casual test, although I have lingering doubts. Since I'm not a min-maxer, I've never felt the need to investigate thoroughly.

    Let us know what you find. And again, tests to confirm your interpretation of the script would be appreciated.


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited July 2015
    Whilst I fully agree on the necessity to confirm the script interpretations with real tests, what a script does not implement has no chance to occur during the play test :sweat_smile:

    Let's shed some light on this script. I will be happy to confirm it with a game test but I no longer play/work with the non EE version of BG2. And I estimate I have already spent too much time on this topic. If people want to trust the aforementionned guide, be it right or wrong, so be it.
    All of the following is based on the balthazar's dialog script as found in W.Weimer's package.

    In order to convince Balthazar to join you, you need to reach a certain score established during the dialog.
    strictly greater than 3 -> 4+. Basically there are two phases in the script (scorewise).
    Phase 1.
    you can score between -6 and +4 depending on you alignment, reputation and, obviously response selection.
    No charisma check involved.

    Phase 2.
    In addition to an exit option (due to a response selection or a score already too low) you are offered 3 choices, repeated a second time. First round with three choices and second round with the remaining two.
    Each choice offers a set of responses and they allow to obtain a score modification from -2 to +2.
    EDIT: 0 (neutral) is excluded here, this is important.

    Let's focus on the highest score (+2).
    In choice 3, this results from a dialog option with no extra checks.
    In choices 1 and 2, an extra condition is to have wisdom 19+ !
    Again no charisma check involved.

    Where does charisma come into play ?
    There are three occurences.
    One under choice #1, two under choice #2, none under choice #3.
    It grants you -1 or +1 depending on your charisma or charisma combined with either reputation or alignment.

    The first conclusion is that the options involving charisma are not on the best path.
    However, even if you pick the right answer in choice 3, you still need to select something in either #1 or #2.
    Moreover, let's assume you get +2 from choice #3, obtaining at least +2 during phase 1 is not systematically granted and, in many cases it is still important to select a response allowing to gain +1 in one of the first two "choices". So let's look at the related requirements.
    Gain +1 in choice #1, one of those:
    - not evil and charisma 16+
    - wisdom 16+ (you can gain +2 if wisdom 19+)
    - good or reputation 18+
    Gain +1 in choice #2, one of those:
    - not evil and reputation 10+ and charisma 16+
    - wisdom 15+ (you can gain +2 if wisdom 19+)
    - not evil and charisma 17+

    Well, I hope there is no transcription errors. A high charisma is not mandatory, not even the best "option" and there are several paths not involving charisma checks but it is easy to understand why people saw it as statistically important during their tests.
    EDIT: noticeably if they cannot get a better selection, a charisma below 16 will make them lose a point, there is no neutral answer in "phase 2".

    As regards the base versus effective stat checks, such commands in EE check the effective value (tested with both bcs and dlg files). I am confident this is the same behaviour in vanilla BG2-ToB but I haven't tested it at his point in time. It is also possible that a previous script negates the item effects.

    I hope this helps.
    It looks like a Cleric/Illusionist gnome should invest on wisdom :wink:

    EDIT (half a dozen !) - The set of dialog branches in what I call phase 1 and phase 2:

    You still need to select the right answer and I don't quote them here.

    I) Init
    - good and reputation 19+ (score +2)
    - not good and reputation 19+ (score +1)
    - good and reputation 18- (score 0)
    - not good and reputation 18- (score -1)
    - no condition (score -1)
    - no condition (score -2)
    - no condition (score -2)
    - evil and reputation 6- (score -3)

    II) Transition
    - no condition (score 0)
    - no condition (score 0)
    - no condition (score +1)
    - no condition (score -1)
    - no condition (score -2)

    III) Systematic
    - not evil (score +1) / evil (score -1)

    PHASE 2
    I) Variable/Choice WhatBecomesMelissan
    - evil or charisma 15- (score -1) / not evil and charisma 16+ (score +1)
    - precondition wisdom 9+: wisdom 15- (score -1) / wisdom 16-18 (score +1) / wisdom 19+ (score +2)
    - good or reputation 18+ (score +1) / not good and reputation 17- (score -1)
    - no condition (score -2)
    - no condition (score -1)
    - no condition -> fight

    II) Variable/Choice DontHaveToDoThis
    - evil or reputation 9- or charisma 15- (score -1) / not evil and reputation 10+ and charisma 16+ (score +1)
    - precondition wisdom 10+: wisdom 14- (score -1) / wisdom 15-18 (score +1) / wisdom 19+ (score +2)
    - not evil and charisma 17+ (score +1) / evil or charisma 16- (score -1)
    - no condition (score -2)
    - no condition (score -1)
    - no condition -> fight

    III) Variable/Choice Righteousness
    - no condition (score +2)
    - reputation 11+ (score +1) / reputation 10- (score -1)
    - no condition (score -2)
    - good or reputation 18+ (score +1) / not good and reputation 17- (score -1)
    - no condition -> fight

    After half a dozen EDITS, I think I get it right :
    If you are good there are many paths.
    If you are neutral - mod or character created at ToB start - your requirements are high wisdom or high charisma or high reputation.
    if you are evil, unless you can use a device changing your alignment, you need to have a very high reputation. Having a high wisdom offers more opportunities but is not strictly required. From a roleplaying perspective you probably don't want Balthazar to fight for you anyway.

    Post edited by Musigny on
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    @Alesia_BH I would like to play (and test) more but I am currently focussing on a mod upgrade and there is still a lot of work to do. I re-edited the post above: about 1) "low" Charisma 2) each choice in phase 2 leads to a score modification (cannot be 0).
    @Blackraven Blue is not representative of my characters. Moreover my characters do not benefit from the same refinements and attention given to yours. Btw I remember a dwarf of yours with very low charisma too.
    Back to Blue, knowing two types of spells makes her good for testing and I must admit I really enjoyed a playthrough started this winter in which I used her and the team to disable or soften the opponents and managed to have the familiar deal many of the killing blows.
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