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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    People seem to be enjoying their restless runs a lot more than I did with mine. I actually hated my old restless run, with a Mage/Thief using scrolls and wands, relying on NPCs to do the big damage stuff.

    Fatigue is very finicky. I've found it extremely hard to get fatigued in Chapter 2 without casting Restoration or Haste (I remember going at least one month before getting fatigued). The reason you haven't seen fatigue until now might be because Chapter 2 seems to mess around with fatigue, preventing it from popping up. Chapter transitions might also reset it (the trip to Spellhold contains an automatic rest, like at Garren's house in the Firkraag questline), hence why you spent so much time without ever getting fatigued.
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    I would like to mention that in regards to my post from a few days ago:

    Okay, thanks for the clarification. :smiley: I'll be glad to post my links in here as they come.

    ...also, I will confess that I've actually completed that challenge three times now, with three different characters. But I want to do a properly documented run, with a character exactly as I want it to be. I feel that it will warrant its own thread, especially since I have allowed myself a little leeway on certain things. Thanks for the heads up, though! I'll be sure to begin in an hour or two, once dinner has been thoroughly consumed.

    ...I managed to beat BG1 with all the parameters I set for myself: Insane difficulty, SCS, solo, and no-reloading! The thread here ( has both full writeups and a link to my channel with all the saved sessions if you wish to know the exciting details! I'm currently hacking and slashing my way through BG2, and I gotta say it's definitely a lot more difficult than BG1.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I don't consider frequent rests to be silly. I normally go in fully buffed because I always have the enemies fully buffed (the one time I tried a no-prebuffing rule for enemies and myself, mages felt way too easy to beat). I like to have everyone involved at full strength. I recognize that it wouldn't work well in your playthrough, @Jaheiras_Witness, now that you're well past epic levels and have instant kill options on virtually everything at this stage of the game, but it's very different for my parties, which are dominated by casters. An epic-level Assassin/Fighter might not need to rest in order to succeed in SCS2 SoA, but for a party of 10th-level clerics and mages trying to fight a pack of magic-immune golems... well, they can rest once to buff, or drink thousands of gold in potions over the course of the fight. It might be silly for a fighter/thief to rest after every battle. But wouldn't it be equally silly for a mage to refrain from resting?

    If a Lich has Spell Shield, Spell Turning, SI: Divination, Improved Invisibility, PFMW, Protection from Magical Energy, Protection from Acid, Protection from Fire, Protection from Electricity, Stoneskin, Fire Shield: Blue, Fire Shield: Red, and chain-casts Time Stop without fail at the beginning of the first round, throwing out a Planetar, Comet, Dragon's Breath, a triple Remove Magic Spell Sequencer, Breach, and Horrid Wilting while time is still stopped, and emerges from Time Stop with a renewed PFMW spell, then my level 15 party (if we're even that far) of mages and clerics is really going to need to come in fully buffed in order to survive. The enemy is always fully rested. Why wouldn't I be?

    --"Restless runs are great and something I've done before. And they're great fun when you're not doing silly stuff like abusing the game engine with a wand of lightning ;). They really require you to ration your resources and make best use of potions and scrolls."--

    I know you're just teasing, but seriously, I only used the Wand of Lightning trick three times in my entire SoA run. For the vast majority of the game, I played without any exploits, and I still didn't like it. I rationed the hell out of my resources, and it was a time-sucking chore.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    My Sorcerer succesfully completed every quests and encounters of BG:EE (+ the mods content) on my setup solo no-reload and on Insane difficulty ! Now that I have 3 characters ready, I'll start playing some BG2:EE.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited May 2015
    I've written up a list of things that could comprise a Phase Spider-oriented class. Basically, you'd have a normal class (Fighter/Mage, Avenger, Swashbuckler, etc.) plus some racial abilities and disabilities. Some could be implemented as a kit; others would necessitate Shadowkeeper or voluntary restraints on the player. Since I like really dramatic and crazy changes, I have made the changes really dramatic and really crazy.

    The base abilities:

    Alien Form:
    Cannot wear a shield and armor at the same time (does not apply to robes)
    Cannot wear chain mail, splint mail, or plate mail
    Cannot wear boots or helmets (including circlets or masks)
    -1 penalty to backstab multiplier, if any
    -2 to hit and damage with weapons besides its natural attack
    -1 to hit with ranged weapons
    Thieves cannot set normal thief traps
    -10% penalty to Intelligence
    Immune to poison, web, and entangle
    Immune to humanoid-specific spells (Hold Person, Charm Person, etc.)
    +3 to save vs. death

    Alien Affinity:
    Can cast Dimension Door (casting speed 0) at will
    Can cast Web Tangle once per day per four levels
    +25% to hide in shadows and move silently
    Can specialize in daggers and short swords
    Can use Poison Weapon once per day per six levels, starting at level 1 with one use per day
    Can set special traps once per day per five levels
    Cannot cast Evocation or Conjuration spells
    Natural weapon (dagger proficiency): 1d6 piercing damage, poison on hit, save vs. death negates
    Monk fists use original damage and to hit values, alongside poison and web effects, but use piercing rather than crushing damage

    Spells have half duration
    -50% penalty to open locks and pickpocket
    Cannot use weapons other than darts, daggers, short swords, slings, and short bows
    Cannot cast Melf's Minute Meteors or Energy Blades
    -1 to casting speed
    Cannot wear rings

    Crazy Legs:
    Free Action
    Improved movement rate
    Base 5 AC, -1 AC vs. missile and piercing
    Can wear 4 pairs of bracers, but no gauntlets or gloves
    +1 APR
    Gains +1 to hit at level 10 and 15
    Starts with 3 stars in Two-Weapon Fighting
    +15% bonus to Dexterity
    Improved Alacrity

    Culture Shock:
    -15% to XP
    -25% to Charisma
    -10% to Wisdom

    Special: Use Any Item grants access to rings, boots, gauntlets, and all weapons a thief can normally use

    The natural attack:

    Level 1:
    1d6 piercing damage, save vs. death or deal 3 damage per round for 3 rounds
    Strikes as a +1 weapon
    Level 13:
    1d6+1 piercing damage, +1 to hit, save vs. death or deal 3 damage per round for 3 rounds
    Strikes as a +2 weapon
    Level 17:
    1d6+2 piercing damage, +2 to hit, save vs. death or deal 3 damage per round for 3 rounds
    Strikes as a +3 weapon

    The unique traps:

    Level 1:
    4 poison damage per round for two rounds, save vs. death for 1 damage per round
    Web for one round, save vs. breath negates
    Target immune to web effect for three rounds if it fails its save vs. breath
    Level 10:
    5 poison damage per round for three rounds, save vs. death for 1 damage per round
    Web for 1.5 rounds, save vs. breath negates
    Target immune to web effect for three rounds if it fails its save vs. breath
    Level 17:
    1 damage per second for two rounds, save vs. death at -1 negates
    6 damage per round for three rounds, no save
    Web for 2 rounds, save vs. breath negates
    Target immune to web effect for three rounds if it fails its save vs. breath
    Level 21:
    2 damage per second for two rounds, save vs. death at -2 negates
    8 damage per round for three rounds, no save
    Web for 3 rounds, save vs. breath negates
    Target immune to web effect for three rounds if it fails its save vs. breath

    Together, these things should make the character excel at a fairly specific style. The thieves will make excellent assassins, but very poor burglars. The fighters will be quick melee attackers, but are much less versatile than their humanoid counterparts. The clerics will be more mobile and can deal more damage, but their weapon options are constrained and their slow spells benefit little from Improved Alacrity. The mages make excellent disablers and debuffers, but cannot deal much damage or maintain strong defenses of their own.

    Most importantly, it will be a proper jumping spider.
    Post edited by semiticgoddess on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    A feature/mod request should be coming!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited May 2015
    @bengoshi: I've never released a mod before. I'm not sure where to post it or how. I also might need help with editing the dialog files and adding a new kit. All I know how to do is replace the Assassin kit, but that means other classes can't get the kit without Shadowkeeper.

    Otherwise I already have all the relevant item and spell files, and the Assassin .2da table is set up correctly, though I don't know how to tweak a kit's proficiency limits. I can't implement the caster level penalty, unfortunately. I wanted to borrow the effect from one of the robes from @Demivrgvs' Item Revisions, which gives a bonus to caster level, but I don't know how to make it into a penalty to caster level. And there are some things, like the ability to wear multiple sets of bracers, that can't be implemented without using Shadowkeeper, due to engine limitations. And the lack of Conjuration and Evocation spells could only be implemented by the player choosing not to learn any; I can't actually remove them from a Phase Spider mage.
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    @semiticgod Caster Level bonus is opcode 191. I think you can turn it into a penalty changing the 'amount' value from '2' to '-2'. Copy paste from IR's Robe of Arcane might if you are not familiar with coding stuff.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Demivrgvs: Changed 2 to -2. It displays in Shadowkeeper as 254, but appears to have the intended effect, as a level 6 wizard with the effects active only fires two Magic Missiles at a time.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I got Kitty from Pai'Na and moved on to the Mae'Var questline. Since Viora did so well against Mae'Var, I figure Vivian is equipped to take on this test. But we hit a snag when making our way to Rayic Gethras.

    One more hit and Vivian is dead. And she's slowed. But thanks to the Amulet of Power, her teleport still has a casting time of zero. She phases to the exit and slips outside.

    She fails to hide (it's daytime) when she leaves Ray-Ray's house, and the golem follows after. She has to flee. I end up here-

    -and wait another couple seconds before she can try to hide again. This means she teleported across the Docks District--taking the long route, along the winding stairs around Mae'Var's guild hall--in less than one round. She is just that fast.

    But that speed comes at a very high cost, which is making me reconsider this Phase Spider kit. You know that whole "hit the enemy until it dies" thing? Well, Vivian can't really do that. Not against stuff like golems, which are immune to her Web Tangle spells, her traps, and her poison attack. She is entirely reliant on the Efreeti and Kitty for making these kills.

    Ray-Ray, on the other hand, dies easily, webbed on the first round and then repeatedly poisoned by Vivian and Kitty.

    The quest is doomed to end in violence, though I find out that you don't actually have to kill Mae'Var to end the quest--if you refuse Renal's request to kill him, Renal will say he'll do it himself if you don't change your mind soon enough. But Vivian, already paranoid about Mae'Var and his habit of torturing loyal goons, has seeded his guild hall with traps. Anishai is the first to perish.

    A Shadow Thief hides and won't come out, since he wants to target Vivian, not her summons, so we just bomb the room he's in with the Efreeti's Fireball a couple times. The room below plays out much the same.

    We use the same strategy we did with Mae'Var before, though I play it a little more conservatively this time. I watch Arrested Development for a while and eventually find out Mae'Var's Spirit Armor, along with his other buffs, has run out. He still has his Stoneskin, though, of course.

    Vivian has no reason to fight fair.

    But to my dismay, the trick doesn't play out quite like I had expected.

    Without the Boots of Missiles, without the Cloak of Displacement, without the Belt of Inertial Barrier, and without the full -2 bonus to missiles that Viora all had, Vivian is quite vulnerable to missile weapons. She has to drink a Potion of Invisibility to make sure she can heal herself before the next volley comes.

    She very, very gradually manages to kill Mae'Var with darts. This is probably because she still has a -2 penalty to hit and damage, and unlike Viora, she only has 12 STR. So her 1d3 darts don't do much damage per hit, nor do her arrows when the darts run out.

    I have just as much trouble killing the Vampiric Wraiths in the first level of Watcher's Keep. They're immune to poison and all of my disablers, and regenerate 1 HP per second. Plus, they deal magic damage and level drain, which isn't good for our Efreeti, who is absolutely necessary for our success. It takes two tries to kill the first one, and the second one I just hit with CTRL-Y, forfeiting the XP just to avoid the headache.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Vivian is not as powerful as I had hoped. She is certainly very mobile, but that's not really enough. Her defenses against spells are lousy, and won't get much better: her Chaotic Commands, Death Ward, and Remove Fear won't necessarily last a full battle, not when she's so bad at dealing damage. Most of her offensive power is concentrated in her webs and poison, with a little bit extra from her backstabs. So what happens when we encounter an enemy who is immune to webs and poison and backstabs?

    The Efreeti wins the battle. Vivian just teleports around and watches. And if the Efreeti can't do it, we run or die.

    I believe I will restart with a new spider and a new class. A Druid/Thief is an excellent utility class, but the nerfs I added to the class render Vivian almost incapable of fighting for herself--a Phase Spider needs fighter levels to fight, even more so than a human. Nor do I see any upcoming milestones: the next big jump in her power is going to come when she gets Conjure Fire Elemental, and then she'll be using Fire Elementals instead of the Efreeti. After that, the next big jump is Summon Deva.

    At which point Vivian will be watching the Deva fight her battles. It's the same old thing. A thief who can't backstab to save her life, dancing around enemies and watching her summons do all the work. Where's the fun in that?

    I knew a Druid/Thief would have limited synergy with a Phase Spider's powers, but I went ahead with it anyway, afraid I'd end up creating an overpowered class if I did something like a Mage/Thief. The opposite has happened: I've cut off my best options, reducing the diversity of gameplay where I had intended to expand it.
  • ZalsonZalson Member Posts: 103
    Fighter/Thieves can side with Bodhi, even if you've gotten the Thieves' stronghold.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: Welcome back! I was wondering what happened to you. Good luck with your Bounty Hunter. I'm pretty sure you could dual-class Butch early on and still have his Special Snares apply the Maze effect, since innates, even kit innates, use the character's higher level for determining the effects. A Bounty Hunter(11)->Mage(21) should Maze enemies with the Special Snare.

    As for creating an upgraded Army Scythe, find the file in Near Infinity (XBOW06), go to File->Add Copy of, and enter a new file name (XBOW06B would work). The new file will be selected once it's created, but if you need to come back to it later, you can double-click on "Override" in the left column, and you'll see all files in your override folder, in alphabetical order. Your copy of the Army Scythe will be at the bottom. Like in any folder in Windows, you can skip ahead to it by typing "x," then "b," then "o," then "w," etc. (you won't need to perform a search function).

    If you're looking for the original Army Scythe, however, you won't find it in Near Infinity's "Override" drop-down menu. It'll be in "Items," since the original Army Scythe's file name (XBOW06) is already a part of vanilla BG2. So your XBOW06 and XBOW06B will be found in different places in NI.

    If you forget the name of the file, you can search for its in-game name (Light Crossbow of Speed) with CTRL-F, though searching in DLTCEP is much faster.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited May 2015
    Hey @semiticgod, thank you for the warm welcome and for the instruction on how to upgrade the Army Scythe. Very handy!

    I stll have to catch up with your Spider(s), so no comments on them yet other than that Blueberry is a beauty. (I love macro photography. She's one of many good reasons why.)
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    Being somewhat ADD, I'm not really suited to no-reloading either BG1 or BG2. What I might be up for however, is a no-reload Black pits challenge. So I've started one:
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