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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Arnaeus, interesting. Yeah, Torfinn Stoneblade I think his name is, piqued my interest this morning when I caught up with part of your tale (the latest installments of which had escaped my attention, due to me not having bookmarked your thread). I'll catch up with the remainder tomorrow.

    As to Morwen, I'm considering having her keep her armor and maybe the bow (as a Skald she won't be using it much anyway). The rest will have to go.
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    @semiticgod is the yuan-ti you're talking about the one protected by multiple spell protections? If yes, the "golden sparkling globe" is the new animation for Prismatic Mantle. Could it be that?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Demivrgvs: Prismatic Mantle must be it. That must also be why I've been seeing my characters get Mazed without any Maze or Shadow Door spells active. I assumed the prismatic part was just a cooler name--I kind of scanned the description for Prismatic Mantle, and only checked the number indicating which weapons it defended against. I didn't notice it had those extra effects.

    Prismatic Mantle is really, really vicious. Most of the damage effects do 10d6 damage, but one of them does 20 extra damage on a successful save, and 120 damage on a failed save... and it's poison damage, which almost nobody is going to resist. At least MR blocks it. I shudder to think what would have happened if Horun had triggered a feedback loop with one of those things. He could have gotten chunked.

    I might be able to find some very devious uses for this spell, once Varen finds it. Unfortunately, she's also our Charname, so I'm not sure it'd be safe to try and get in some prismatic backlashes on a tough enemy. But imagine it: a tough melee enemy like Melissan, hitting a fighter/mage dual-wielding Sanchuudoku and Yamato, with both Fire Shields, Acidic Sheath, and Prismatic Mantle. That's about 80 damage per hit.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Jaheiras_Witness: I had the exact same problem with those vampires in a past solo run, though I saw no mesmeration message, and the spell was a domination spell. I was confused for a while because I couldn't select my character, but I didn't have a game over, so I just waited it out. I still don't know what the cause was, but perhaps it is a temporary Feeblemind effect... although I'd have thought the vampires would attack a Feebleminded character, which they did not.

    I don't believe it's possible to be fatigued without the icon. I don't think they're separate things, the icon and the effect. You might have just gotten unlucky. I'd perform a test to see. CLUA in a critter--maybe a Clay Golem (GOLCA01), hit it with CTRL-Q, and take a bunch of swings at it with a slashing or piercing weapon. Then you can see if there are more critical misses than normal.

    Otherwise, I'd rest just to be sure.
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    edited May 2015
    @semiticgod few things:
    - PRISMATIC MANTLE still last only few rounds and it's very expensive. The idea behind it was to make it a superior PfMW (it was silly that the lesser spell was actually performing better) leaving its immunity to +2 weapons untouched. Mind you, I do prefer what I did with its 8th lvl improved version that got replaced with MOMENT OF PRESCIENCE (divination school was in dire need of cool stuff), but I couldn't find any better way to handle the 7th lvl Mantle.

    - is that silly amount of +3 spears added by some mod, or was that always like that in vanilla? If the latter, I need to do something about it.

    - UD's Demon Knights loot was partially changed within Store Revision because I felt such encounter should not be done by non-evil parties considering the pre-requisite for it is a sacrifice to the altar of Demogorgon. That's why you get only evil oriented loot there.

    - I'm glad you discovered SR's ProElement spells can actually perform better than SI:Evo did, I was about to write you about them when I read you had problems because of the apparent lack of SI (you actually have all SI variants within SR, but "merged" into proper PnP spells ;) ).

    - what do you think about the current CONE OF COLD? I thought faster casting time was needed to allow proper targeting but I didn't know how players could react to the small pause and the spell is now extremely powerful imo.
    Post edited by Demivrgvs on
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Quick question: so we know SCS dragons are immune to backstab. Does that also make them immune to Asassination HLA? So if I use that and take on Firky, will I get "The backstab seems to have failed"?

    Just wondering whether to save that HLA for the big fight...
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    As far as I know, enemies immune to backstabs are also immune to the Assassination HLA.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Firkraag Himself.

    I'm not taking any chances for this fight. I started by donning full plate +1 for the first time (an Assassin in full plate :D) and then buffing to the max as follows:

    Potions of Fire Giant Strength, Clarity and Magic Shielding.
    Protection From Fire
    Mirror Image
    Improved Haste
    Improved Invisibility
    Spell Immunity Abjuration

    I also have several Protection from Magical Weapons scrolls to use in the fight.

    I then set a normal snare and a single spike trap.


    I have more Spike Traps available but don't want to turn this into trap cheese (in hindsight I should have used the Simulacrum's Spike Trap instead of my PC's but forgot at the time!).

    Nadeem and Simulacrum went either side of Firkraag, poisoned their weapons and started the fight.


    Nadeem was immune to Firkraag's attempts to lower his fire resistance or dispel his buffs (thanks to SI Abjuration) but in turn he was finding it very difficult to land any hits on the dragon. The Simulacrum even tried the Assassination HLA but as per Gotural's advice, the hits did not count as backstabs.

    Firkraag initially concentrated on the Simulacrum and killed it off fairly quickly.


    Firkraag then focused on Nadeem himself. It was time for the Protection from Magical Weapons scrolls. That made Firkraag's attacks ineffective and so the dragon tried its breath attack...

    image no avail.

    You can see that Nadeem had finally managed to land a few hits and Firkraag was taking some poison damage if nothing else. The dragon now resorted to wing buffets as its attacks were still ineffective. 3 times the dragon flung Nadeem across the cavern, but Nadeem was never knocked unconscious (thanks in part to the Potion of Magic Shielding giving +20 to all saves).

    Unfortunately for Firkraag, he had flung Nadeem to near the entrance of the cavern, where Nadeem had some surprises waiting...

    ...but Firkraag was unaffected by the normal snare!


    The spike trap on the other hand...


    One red dragon defeated fair and square :).

    The loot was also decent: Red Dragon Scales, Cloak of the Shield with 40 charges, Boneblade +4, Bracers of Blinding Strike and most importantly, Carsomyr \o/

    Windspear Hills complete, here's a character update.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Demivrgvs: The +3 spears and Light Crossbows of Speed are due to the Tactics mod, I believe. It certainly helps with IR, since in IR you can't actually afford all of the best items unless you do the potion swap glitch to duplicate gems or something.

    The Demon Knights' new loot makes sense. But where do you get the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength? Isn't that still a requirement for forging Crom Faeyr?

    You said SI was "merged into proper PnP spells." What does that mean? I've seen at least one enemy mage use SI: Divination, but is there a way I could access SI myself?

    The new Cone of Cold is useful. I've actually used it a few times, like Sunfire. The casting time change is worth the pause. The only problem is the loot destroying problem that cold damage has. But it's nice to have a useful alternative to Sunfire.
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    edited May 2015
    @semiticgod you can avoid the issue with cold damage destroying the loot by simply turning off the gore mode option (you may need the ini file I don't remember if it's in the in-game menu too). That option only gives silly exploding animations.

    Spell Immunity doesn't exist within SRV4 but:
    - (Otiluke's) Dispelling Screen replaces SI:Abj (this spell is there only because SCS needs it)
    - Non-detection has been improved to replace the role of SI:Div
    - ProEnergy replaces of SI:Evo (it also partially cover SI:Conj)
    - Mind Blank replaces SI:Enchantment
    - True Seeing grants immunity to offensive illusions (e.g. Spook, the upcoming Phantasmal Killer, etc.)
    I replaced the various SI filenames too, thus SCS should use Non-detection now insteadof SI:Div, can you check if there's a mod-added SI:Div variant on your install?

    The Girdle of (Frost) Giant Strength is now a loot for killing the Shadow Dragon. The scroll to forge Crom instead has been moved to UD's beholder lair, the very end of it. Now you do have a reason to clear it. ;)

    The "lack of gold" within IR is intended. For example the Greenstone Amulet has to be bought at a really high price now, and limited amount of gold you have force you to make choices (e.g. do I want that uber powerful amulet or should I keep the money for something else?). Tactics mod obviously throw my plan out of the window. :D
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