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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    Blash said:

    Thanks for the answer @bengoshi ;-)

    I'm starting with my imported character from BG1EE final save: Anthony, my level 9 (I had removed the XP cap) Paladin Cavalier. I chose a Paladin because it's the most resistant and reliable class for no-reload runs.
    I will run a full party.. as soon as I am able to gather enough people :-P

    Thanks for the suggestions.. I think they're good for BG2 as they are for BG1. What scares me the most is the possibility of some unexpected death, like the kiss of death from the nereid in BG1..

    I'm of the opinion that the Nereid-death from BG1 is just bad game design: if I was playing it for the first time now, I'd just say screw the developer's choice and reload with no qualms.

    Thankfully there aren't many such incidents in BG2...
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Summary of progress so far.



    Easy enough. Only tough fight is against Mencar and co and did that straight after leaving Irenicus' Dungeon. Told Mencar not to get upset and that I was leaving...his mistake. Buffed in the vestibule and hid in shadows, backstabbed the mage and killed the familiar immediately with a Potion of Firebreath. Without spellcasters to worry about, the other 3 were dispatched very easily with Potions of Invisibility + backstabs.

    Item Randomiser was kind enough to place Boots of Speed with Ribald, so bought those immediately.


    Nothing to report, all easy enough. The myconids in the underground chamber accessible from the sewers managed to confuse me, but given that I was buffed with a Potion of Defence and Oil of Speed, I slew them all even while confused.


    Did the above ground crypts straight away buffed with Invulnerability, Speed and Freedom (to protect against paralysis from shadow fiends). The Crypt King managed to get me with Horror but thanks to my AC and speed, only managed to land a couple of blows while I was running around like a headless chicken. Got the Ring of the Ram from his corpse, used it and sold it (I'm not a fan of one use per day items).

    Did the lower crypts a day or so later (in game time) once I had managed to acquire Namarra +2 from somewhere (Valeria in the Bridge I think?). Used Freedom to defend against Giant Spider webs. Managed to locate 4 scrolls of Protection from Undead in Athkatla (I have the randomiser option that gives only a 10% chance per store of them being available) and used 1 against the undead lair, using the freshly acquired Namarra +2 to backstab the vampire.


    Did all the easy stuff here...skinner quest (bit of a close shave with the 2 x rune assassins + bone golem, was down to 41HPs with no aura at one stage so a single backstab could have killed me), buried alive quest, fallen paladins, Valeria's gang, the estate of Saerk what's-his-name, killed Capt Dennis and crew and retrieved the illithium from Neb (just waiting to find Azuredge or the Mace of Disruption, I don't have a way of avoiding level drain yet). Naturally haven't gone anywhere near the lich or the Rune yet.


    Haven't done the lich yet.


    Completed the thieves guild but didn't accept the stronghold. Stone golems were dispatched with Lilarcor + Potion of Absorption. Rayic Gethras was backstabbed while blue-circled. Mae'Var and co didn't stand a chance against a true master of the dark arts. Also did the Harper stuff and the pirate cave.


    Rescued Viconia, bought a magic license for 10k (had spare cash and may need when I get UAI) and completed the Sarles quest with fake illithium.


    Done the Sarles and Dawn Ring quests, haven't started Unseeing Eye yet (Beholders and liches...not even going to think about them until at least UAI and Carsomyr). Cleared out the main area of the sewers, rather satisfyingly managed to dispatch each of Tarnor's crew with a backstab :). The mage Gaius was the most troublesome, he twice blew away all my protections with Remove Magic...that was very costly in terms of potions (I had like 6 or 7 potion buffs running each time...giant strength, heroism, invulnerability, speed, clarity, freedom, regeneration). Got him eventually once all others were dead with 2 x Arrows of Dispelling followed swiftly with Potion of Invisibility + backstab.

    Rescued Haer'Dalis from Mekrath...the yuan-ti fight was pretty epic as it always is when you get the 3 mages along with the greater and normal dudes. Had to fight in stages using Invisibility to heal up and ensuring Freedom was running at all times to guard against PW: Stun. Also didn't help that between them the 3 mages summoned up like 14 skeletons in an already very constricted space! Once the summons and fighters were cleared, got the mages one at a time with the 2 x Arrows of Dispelling + fast backstab routine. Mekrath was also backstabbed while blue (didn't even speak to him, just snuck up and see you later).

    Haven't done the Planar Prison...contemplated it for a while but lack of Freedom potions and no way to back out if things get hairy persuaded me to give it a miss for now.

    de'Arnise Keep

    Very easy for such a powerful fighting PC, just pure melee + a few backstabs dealt with most of the keep, only toil was on healing potions (plenty were swigged). The TorGal fight wasn't as bad as it could have been...I was buffed to the max and after the conversation, swigged a Potion of Invisibility. Only TorGal can see through that so I led him away back to the prison cell corridors to try to fight one-one-one. Unfortunately his Giant Trolls followed but thankfully the Umber Hulk Elder and yuan-ti mages did not. While the Giant Trolls had a hard time hitting my buffed PC, TorGal hit regularly and very hard, so I had to use my super speed (boots of speed + oil of speed) to run around the corridor on occasion to buy time to swig healing (I also had a Potion of Regeneration running but TorGal was hitting 2 or 3 times per round for 20-30 a pop). Eventually killed TorGal and then the trolls, and then mopped up the umber hulk and yuan-ti one at a time.

    I accepted the de'Arnise Keep as my strongold and from there went to Trademeet, where I'm currently in the druid grove and have slaughtered what feels like an entire army of trolls \o/.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited April 2015
    I'm glad that more and more people join this thread. We're on the 10th page already, so 1/50 is done:)

    Good luck with Nadeem, Jaheiras_Witness!

    Also, it's nice you try the Dark Horizons mod, Blackraven: I like what I see in it so far and try to focus my "updates" on the details from this mod.

    Hachiman Jin, Dwarf Wizard Slayer (3rd update)

    Upon reaching the Bandit Camp, Hachiman decided to attack it from the North so that he could retreat by the road through all the map if needed.

    I have to admit that playing as a solo wizard slayer brings a lot of excitement to me and gives me emotion I haven't recieved before. This character cannot rely on wands and potions as my solo characters usually do. Hachiman just cannot let himself face a mage with the Potion of Clarity ready.

    Instead, Hachiman has to focus on combining different arrows/bolts and then finish enemies quicly with throwing daggers.

    The Bandit camp was the first place where Hachiman tried expensive arrows of detonation. And they were worth it.





    While running through the forest Hachiman met a new group of mercenaries but due to having the Boots of Speed he managed not to start a dialogue with them.


    When Hachiman fell under the Blindness spell from the enemy mage, he had to travel back to the Ankheg area in order to reenter the Bandit Camp from the better place.



    Arrow of detonation did their work and soon the most dangerous inhabitant of the camp (the mage) was gone.


    Soon after that Hachiman reached the 8th level - the last available official level for a BG1 fighter - and got another -1 to THACO. I'm still unsure if Hachiman will "level up" when reaching the approprite amount of XP for the next level or two till BG2 - the XP cap is removed but I don't know if I find actually getting bonuses in BG1 the nest levels will provide to be fair.


    The Ogre Hachiman killed was probably from the band of mercenaries that somehow turned hostile before their leader talked to the wizard slayer. It was time to deal with him. Hachiman decided to put on a shiny new armour he found in the Bandit camp.




    Before opening the trapped chest Hachiman used the Scroll of Electricity Protection


    As soon as Hachiman returned to the FAI location and detected a line : "Vallius: Protected from Evil", he knew he would meet new assassins. It turned out to be true but Hachiman actually found them a little bit later.


    For now, Hachiman bought some supplies and travelled to the Cloakwood forest, skipped the first location there and decided to get the Spider's Bane.

    Hachiman had to be VERY cautios to move through the forest: he killed spiders and ettercaps one-by-one when he saw them and only after it he triggered the traps.

    There he met another adventurer but she turned out not be an assassin. Instead, she asked to kill... A DRAGON. Thinking it's too much for now, Hachiman decided not to participate in this risky quest.


    The first second Hachiman entered the spider's den, he went out to lure the enemy who detected him.



    This procedure, repeated with each spider in the den, let Hachiman to gather the Spider's Bane and thus get an immunity to Hold effects when it's needed.

    Almost all his daggers were spent in this area, so Hachiman went back to the FAI. This is when he actually found a group of assassins he hadn't managed to find before. Again he retreated, rested, bought new daggers and then kited their leader to the fortress.




    As you can see, she had a very good AC and Hachiman could only hit her with a high roll. In the end, she fell.










    There was a cleric among other mercenaries, and this is when the Spider's Bane was first used.




    Back to the Cloakwood... An ambush. This time Morvin and his group. The Protection from Magic scroll was used "just in case": there was a mage in the group, thus Charm/Dire Charm spells were possible.



    At the next Cloakwood area Hachiman met a strange guy but managed to solve a problem without any bloodshed.



    Hachiman was ready to face the Drasus party.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: It's not possible to cast two spells within 6 seconds without aura cleansing. The timer before your next spell resets at the beginning of each spell. The only way to cast a spell immediately after another is either to have Improved Alacrity or to cast a spell with a casting time of 9 (or 10, whichever is one round).

    If Jemby cast MS I, then he can't cast Charm Person until 6 seconds after he began casting MS I.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    @blackraven it seems like some mod somewhere along the line failed to properly write to dialog.tlk
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @semiticgod, well in that case the game cheated on Teyl... :angry:
    @Araneus, yep I think so. But what about the lack of Bhaalpowers though? Is that common?
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Could the charm have been cast via minor sequencer? Does that make a difference to alacrity since it's a scripted ability for AI casters?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Jaheiras_Witness: I have those same colors for the Trademeet statues in my game. Pink hair, dark skin, and decked out in green and blue.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Very weird, don't remember that from vanilla.

    Still about 250k XP away from UAI so need to decide where to go next, Umar or Windspear? I'm thinking Windspear though I'm probably not ready to take on Firkraag himself. Umar won't be fun, there will be liches everywhere and I have no idea how I can deal with the Shade Lord yet (though I do have a foolproof way of dealing with the Shadow Dragon in mind).

    Hmm decisions, what do people think? I suppose there's a 3rd option as well...go to Umar, kill Valygar and return to Athkatla for the Planar Sphere?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Scrolls of PfUndead are pretty foolproof against the Shade Lord & Co. If you don't like using green scrolls, I'd postpone dealing with them for now. Planar Sphere could then be an option...
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Really? I thought the Shade Lord wasn't fooled by those?

    I have 1 scroll at the moment with 2 more available in Athkatla so that might be feasible (but only if it will definitely work against the Shade Lord, or at least long enough to let me backstab him before he buffs. Otherwise I'll be dead).
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2015
    Green scrolls work wonders against the Shade Lord. Make sure to use it in the Dragon's lair, before seeing the Shade Lord so the latter won't trigger its auto-buffs.
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