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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    @semiticgod may I ask you your install order? Do you put SCS after SR? It's weird that you say SCS uses the old Sphere of Chaos because DavidW specifically use SoC only when SR is installed and only because SR version is appealing for the AI.

    On a side note, thanks for reminding me to tweak Cause Wound spells so that you cannot use them against undead and golems. ;)
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @bengoshi, nice seeing you here with your own character, and good luck with your Wizard Slayer. I really like ranged axes; you can deal massive damage with them.
    Please remember that SCS scripting nullifies the spellcasting penalty in many cases. You can't really rely on it which I think is quite a shame. For that reason you might consider not going for grandmastery, but rather specialization in a variety of weapons. (I think Thani only achieved GM in Flails.)

    @Demivrgvs, I'm really interested in your Revisions mods. But I notice you're still making adaptations (thanks to players pointing out bugs or inconsistencies). Do you think you'll have consolidated versions of your mods anytime soon? Or would I be advised to just try the mods out as they are, in one of my next playthroughs?
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315

    @Demivrgvs, I'm really interested in your Revisions mods. But I notice you're still making adaptations (thanks to players pointing out bugs or inconsistencies). Do you think you'll have consolidated versions of your mods anytime soon? Or would I be advised to just try the mods out as they are, in one of my next playthroughs?

    @Blackraven I cannot give you a real ETA, I'm terrible when it comes to deliver stuff in time, but I can tell you the current state of the builds is already pretty solid (ideally IR needs only 1-2 more updates before the final release, SR a couple more). Ask @semiticgod for example how he feels about them but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel like "playing a beta" with them.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @bengoshi: Good for you. Honestly I've gotten kind of sick of the whole "Wizard Slayers are worthless" refrain. Magical items are pretty nice, but the best items for fighters are magical weapons and armor, which Wizard Slayers can still use, and the primary function of fighters (whomping critters with big swords) remains intact despite the limitations of the kit. Good luck!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Demivrgvs: I used SCS2 after SR. You actually mentioned this advice to me before; I used to have SR installed on top of SCS2, since I didn't know SCS2 detected and accounted for SR. It's still possible Ekayne died for some other reason, but I couldn't see what else it might be.

    Anyway, the old Sphere of Chaos is okay, too. Although it's not great for no-reload runs for the enemies to have it. I actually find it more interesting than the SR version, since the SR version is basically a party-friendly web spell with some different types of disablers and a save penalty with a new save type. The function of all the SR effects is the same now: it is strictly a disabling spell, with no other possible effects, good or bad. I think a wider spread of effects would be more suitable, like having a small chance of a Fireball triggering (or better yet, an acid ball, for variety's sake) or slowing a character for one round and giving it Improved Haste for the next round, or making the character deal 5d4 electrical damage to itself and its target on every hit. Weird stuff is fun stuff.
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    edited April 2015

    @bengoshi: Good for you. Honestly I've gotten kind of sick of the whole "Wizard Slayers are worthless" refrain. Magical items are pretty nice, but the best items for fighters are magical weapons and armor, which Wizard Slayers can still use, and the primary function of fighters (whomping critters with big swords) remains intact despite the limitations of the kit. Good luck!

    My main issues with vanilla's Wizard Slayer were two:

    1) Inquisitors were much better mage slayers, and even with that class out of the equation the WS was still not that effective against mages. Berserker's Rage alone was more effective against mages than any feature of vanilla's WS. Lowering magic res for a SCS wizard is not a problem (SCS uses Lower Res), PfMW protects from WS miscast inducing attacks, etc. You are right that being unable to use magic items doesn't make the WS useless, but it still takes away from him tons of stuff that could have hugely helped him perform his task.

    2) Unless the WS was supposed to be a barbarian kit (similar to AD&D version but dumb as a turkey), the whole concept/background of the class made absolutely no sense. "Me hate magic, magic bad, me no use magic...ehm...but me use magic weapons, magic weapons good...well, maybe armors too, magic armors not evil".

    P.S @semiticgod you have a point about vanilla's SoC being a bit more "unique". Still, it was not appealing for the AI and too much unreliable. I do have plans to re-introduce something similar though, probably as a Wild Mage only spell (I want every school to have at least 1 dedicated spell per lvl within SR).
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    edited April 2015
    @semiticgod few things:
    - is it just me or bats are not using bat animation on your screenshot?
    - thanks for pointing out Yamato's Counter Attack exploit, I'll find a way to prevent it ;)
    - a few other players asked me to flag some non-damaging spells such as Grease or Entangle as not-hostile, do you agree?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    I'd hate to see the Yamato trick go away completely. Same as with the Sanchuudoku trick. I suppose it could be done just by making Fire Shield and the two katanas give the caster/wielder immunity to the other backlash spells for one or two seconds, which would halt the backlash (or prevent it entirely). Personally I'd prefer the trick to simply be weakened... maybe we'd have that immunity only kick in after a few seconds, so there'd be a few backlashes exchanged, depending on the distance between the characters, and then it would stop. It makes sense, at least, for the two katanas to trigger each other, if not the Fire Shields.

    The Tactics mod should probably be updated to include Yamato as one of the swords that Cookies seeks out, since it's now available in SoA and has been changed to a katana. But I'm too lazy to contact the mod creator.

    The bats indeed are using the correct animation. Maybe they lack a sleeping animation, hence their disappearance, but it also might just be them being covered by the grease spell, due to an animation quirk. They appear perfectly fine at other times.

    I think Grease and Entangle, Web and Stinking Cloud and so forth should all be non-hostile. Partly to avoid turning summons hostile, but also to avoid turning bystanders hostile. It would suck to have the whole Promenade turn against you because one guy slipped on a Grease spell.
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    edited April 2015
    @semiticgod you are a pro at finding rare issues. :smiley:

    Resilient Sphere - I looked into it immediately and find the possible issue. Free Action (or Potion of Freedom) and Undead Hunter use immunty to Hold Creature 2 (185). While I understand the former (FA should be usable on an undead to stop Halt Undead) I have no idea right now why the paladin kit might need it. Anyway, I can fix FA within SR (replace opcode immunity with specific immunity to Halt Undead spell) and the paladin within KR. Can you confirm me your issue could be caused by one of these?

    Barbarian Rage - SR does not touch kit abilities unless strictly necessary (e.g. Avenger and Stalker copied spells), but Kit Revisions Berserker Rage does not grant immunity to hold2, and KR's Barbarian Rage doesn't grant any mind shielding effect.

    Potions - I don't necessarily have problems with potions setting Stats to X (unlike permanent items - I hate them because they make the base defining stat of a character completely irrelevant). Potions of Giant Strength are still there, I simply thought Potion of Memory and Vocalize could have a much more broader usefulness than Insight and Genius.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Demivrgvs: Hah! I found the cause!

    Free Action isn't related to this issue. Varen didn't have Free Action active. The reason she could move around is because the Hold III effect in Resilient Sphere is tagged as not bypassing magic resistance, unlike all the other effects. She never got held, which means she could move once the stun effect wore off.
  • BlashBlash Member Posts: 249
    Hello everybody.
    After completing a no-reload BG1 run, I'm gonna continue with BG2.
    Since I NEVER played the game, are there any suggestions you might give me? Free of spoilers please :-)
    Like something I should particularly pay attention to, some general rules to successfully complete a no-reload run..
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    @Blash just the vanilla game or are you playing with mods?
  • BlashBlash Member Posts: 249
    No mods.
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