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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Demivrgvs: I've already left the Underdark. Can I still go back to the Beholder hive there? I don't think I actually will, since Crom Faeyr isn't a high priority for me (it's just more damage, and I can't have Maeruo dual-wield it if it has a ranged attack option), but it would be nice to know. I've never tried it before.

    There are several files in my install with the name "Immunity: Divination." They are:
    DW#SW592 (cast previously)
    There are also some files named "Immunity: Abjuration." They are:
    DW#SW590 (cast previously)
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    edited May 2015
    Quick question: I'm looking to do a no-reload/SCS/insane challenge, but completely solo. I'm going to film/stream it, including all the advice and tips I can offer. I'm hoping to have the video as a guide along with a written synopsis of the adventure, and the solo and insane aspect of it really seems to ramp it up into its own category. Am I obligated to keep the run in this thread only, or would it not be in poor taste to make my own?
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315

    There are several files in my install with the name "Immunity: Divination."

    Damn, why doesn't it copy the name of the spell while it copies everything else? :( I'll look into it.

    @semiticgod I'm pretty sure you can go back into UD yes (at least I'm sure I could last time I played but it was ages ago). Btw, you can still dual-wield Crom within IR despite the returning property (same with all other magical returning axes, daggers, etc.). Just open the item abilities and one of them will quick switch it to a melee only variant - then you can re-switch to melee/ranged variant if you wish. It's hard to explain but easy if you check it in-game. ;)

  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    Okay, thanks for the clarification. :smiley: I'll be glad to post my links in here as they come.

    ...also, I will confess that I've actually completed that challenge three times now, with three different characters. But I want to do a properly documented run, with a character exactly as I want it to be. I feel that it will warrant its own thread, especially since I have allowed myself a little leeway on certain things. Thanks for the heads up, though! I'll be sure to begin in an hour or two, once dinner has been thoroughly consumed.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited May 2015
    Good progress both of you !
    Did you try the Exploding Trap @Jaheiras_Witness ?

    @Bynary_Fission I'm following your game on your stream, it's interesting !

    Slight update : I'm not journaling my Sorcerer because I want to get to BG2:EE ASAP and it takes time to write on the forums. It's going great I'm nearly finished with the first game. I will post my spell choices and my feelings about them.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    So far I've taken 2 spike traps and 2 time traps. The exploding trap is only really interesting for the knockback, the damage is comparable to a Fireball. Given that I'm trying to use traps in a way that is as non-cheesy as possible, ie set well away from enemies and lead them to it rather than setting it near them or within sight of bluecircled enemies, and given that I'm only using one HLA trap at a time, it might be difficult to incorporate the exploding trap into my strategy. Effectively I would need to lead a group of enemies to it for max benefit, which isn't always easy. I don't want to use it at a spawn point either.

    I will think further how and when I might use an exploding trap. I might take one at least for the option and try it out, it's not like I'm going to be short of HLAs!
  • SaradasSaradas Member Posts: 148
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for trying Saradas Magic, @Gotural and congratz on defeating him! He was indeed a great challenge in BG1 ;)
    If you enjoyed the mod, consider trying the sequel, Saradas Magic 2, for your next playthourgh in BG:SoA and ToB.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    I will do it for sure @Saradas , I really enjoyed it !
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    I'm always afraid of the Beholders, I wouldn't do them in a no-reload run if given the choice.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    My strategy for Beholders in normal runs is to just hit them with Fireball spells. If you have multiple mages, as I normally do, then you can bring a cluster down in a couple rounds.

    My strategy in no-reload runs is to summon monsters, hide or turn invisible, and let my summons do the work. Sometimes it takes multiple tries, since my summons might fail too many saves or not deal enough damage quick enough, but it's safe.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    I tried summoning a Mordy's sword for the first group of beholders. Buffed it with a strentgh spell and haste. And sent it off.

    The first beholder fired Death Ray and the sword was gone instantly.

    So I didn't bother with summons after that.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Jaheiras_Witness: A single summons is not going to take down a whole group of Beholders in any install of BG2. Not unless it's a Deva or a Planetar, or a properly equipped clone.

    Kitty, Skeleton Warriors, Mordenkainen's Sword, Fire Elementals, Ras, animal summons... if you put these summons together in a group, haste them, turn them invisible, and send them out, they have a good chance of bringing down one or more of the Beholders, and might be able to take down the whole bunch.

    Your character might not be able to summon all of these things without using a bunch of scrolls, but summons are still a viable strategy. Like I said, it's my strategy, not necessarily yours--your character, a non-caster, isn't quite as suited for that.

    That said, if we're talking about your strategy, summons are still an option. You might consider using the Staff of Fire to summon Lesser Fire Elementals. A clone (do you have Vhailor's Helm?) could bring out over 10 of them without expending your own charges, and maybe turn them invisible as well with an Invisibility 10' Radius scroll. At the very least, they could soften up the Beholders and allow you to kill one or two of them before you get targeted yourself. A Wand of Monster Summoning could also buy you a few seconds of safety per charge.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Those are good suggestions but I think you're correct, you need a mage for proper summoning, not a thief using scrolls. I only have a limited number of scrolls so have to summon sparingly. In any case, the wand strategy worked fine.

    I don't have Vhailor's Helm (tier 7 treasure!) nor the Staff of's just scrolls at the moment.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Jaheiras_Witness: You should probably start over and play as a Kensai/Mage. I mean, unless you want to be original or something weird like that.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Bad news, everybody.

    We had a little problem with Bodhi and her cabal. Things went well for the first few rounds, until Bodhi's mage friends turned the situation around. Her mage friends are from Tactics, and they have lots of high-level mage spells to screw things up. There's a female mage named Mannasseh, and a male mage named Hazama-hazama-harmaveth. Or Hazama-hazama-harma-habbaloobadoobie-veth, to be perfectly correct, but Hazama-hazama-harmaveth is shorter.

    Basically, Hazzerbazzer used a triple Breach Spell Trigger on Varen, and the other vampires descended upon her as soon as her NPP was gone. Ivinhale was about to hit Varen with Resilient Sphere, but at that very moment, Bodhi cast her Cloud of Bats spell on Ivinhale, ruining her spellcasting. And since Varen had already used Sunfire that round, her aura wasn't clear to drink a Potion of Invisibility.


    Just kidding. We mopped the floor with Bodhi. Maeruo killed her single-handedly with Sanchuudoku. We even kept Drizzt from landing the final blow, by having Ivinhale block his path. The only Cloud of Bats spell in the fight hit Maeruo, who regenerated all the damage and didn't need to cast any spells in the first place, and Hazzabazzah's Breach spell was bounced back at him due to Mae-mae's Ring of Spell Turning. The other Breach spell in the battle, as I recall, didn't even remove the target's NPP spell; apparently Breach can't do that in SR. And most of the vampires died in the third round anyway, when Kolem Tao cast Holy Word, with his caster level boosted by the Amulet of Power.

    To be honest, I just got tired of the run, even though there were only a few battles left in SoA. But I thought the people who were watching this run would be upset if I just said I was starting over, so I thought I should emphasize the positive: hey, at least Varen didn't get level drained to death!

    My new run is a solo, unkitted thief. But she has more going on than that.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Congratulations, @Blackraven for beating BG once again. Although it's your XX's attempt, it doesn't become less sweet after all. A solid performance, bravo!

    @semiticgod - I'm sorry for your loss ... The king is dead... long live the king (Viora!)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @bengoshi: You must have scanned my post. Varen is still alive; her run is just on the shelf, to make room for Viora. But thank you for your support.
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