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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    A nice team and an informative playthrough. One comment though : where is the phase spider druid :smiley: ? Btw do you need help to finish the mod ?

    To my surprise, the enemy ignores our disabled characters, even though they'd get automatic hits and their targets would be unable to heal themselves with potions.

    AI scripts often stop to cast spells (or more restrictively disabling spells) on helpless characters and they may prefer to continue to cast spells on other team members instead of dealing melee or ranged damages. That behaviour may seem more surprising when it comes from enemies already in physical attack mode. However an intelligent target selection is something difficult and long to implement in those AI scripts. There are many conditions that may explain this behaviour : their priority may go to spellcasters, bad AC, distance, target locked for a few seconds/rounds etc... all of that ignoring the helpless state.

    @Blackraven @Alesia_BH
    I re-edited the balthazar message. I think it is correct now. Noticeably the requirements pertaining to an evil character. The spoiler section contains the score modifications.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Musigny: I do need help. I've run into the same problem I've had before: I can't add the next section, for the bard kit. I'll try and make this as clear as possible, since I really can't figure out what's causing the problem.

    Basically, I've got all the basics working, except the kit won't show up in the right place. Right now I'm trying to add the bard kit in, now that the fighter and druid kits are working fine. So, I copy the druid section and replace some things: I've got the bard's usability flags, the alignment restrictions, the available weapons, and I've replaced the spider druid CLAB (CLABPHDR) with the spider bard one (CLABPHBA).

    I run the setup. It asks if I want to install the bard kit. I install the bard kit, the setup completes without reporting any problems, and the bard kit is installed, no error reports. I then load up BG2 and start a new game in ToB (since SoA has an opening cutscene I'd have to wait through).

    I create a new character and make it a bard. The "Phase Spider Bard" kit does not appear. All I see is Bard, Blade, Skald, and Jester. If I create a druid, however, then I see "Phase Spider Bard" with the other druid kits.

    Incidentally, if I create a druid with the Phase Spider Bard kit, then the kit won't have any effect--I'll just have an unkitted druid. So, I can create the bard kit... but on character creation, it only shows up when creating a druid character.

    I've gone through the TP2 file and I'm not sure why the game thinks the Phase Spider Bard kit is actually a druid kit. I need that bard kit to show up in the list of bard kits, instead of the list of druid kits.

    Attached is the TP2 file, based on the last TP2 you posted. It contains a separate BEGIN section for the fighter, druid, and bard components. I need to find out why the bard kit shows up on the druid menu.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: Very nice to see Jan's flashers coming in handy. They're not reliable disablers without spider form, but they can make a huge difference against almost any enemy. Jan's gizmos are too little appreciated.

    Sad to hear about the loss, however. Tactics is cruel. It's not designed for no-reload runs.

    For future reference, the Tactics ambushes can be avoided by sleeping through the night. They only appear after dark, so if you come outside and see that it's dark, you can rest once or twice to reach the next day.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited July 2015
    As regards the Bards and Thieves kit features you may want to have a look at the new modifications enabled in EE, see the fl#add _kit_ee documentation and initial post.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    An intermediate package.

    I fixed a typo in the fighter kit, rearranged the component numbers and tra string numbers to make room for additional strings (basically fighter starts at 11, druid at 12 etc... and the corresponding kit strings at 110/111 then 120/121 etc.) Not difficult to roll back if you think that's bad. I removed the language example.
    I created a core component to install all the common files and also ToBEx. I am no ToBEx specialist but if you want to enable unusual kit/race pairs and if you want to be able to switch a kit once the game starts (probably what will have to be done with the mage kit) you require it. I think it is important for all kit mods on the non EE version because it allows to scroll the list of kits beyond ten entries. Even if you don't add 10 kits of your own under the same class, they may stack with other mods and the vanilla kits and thus reach that limit. This is the version v26, advices are welcome if any reader thinks it's better to use an older version. A negative point is that it makes the mod restricted to windows (or supposedly Wine or the like) and the usual C++ MS lib is required. That's very easy to remove if this is a showstopper for you but you have to make a decision about the features you want. There is no perfect solution. On EE all of that is not required.
    I also offer the option to extend the race list for the druids and bards, this is just an example.
    I am a bit slow but I have difficulty in understanding what you want to do with the infravision/detectevil/dimension door spell and why you don't create a separate spell but I simply added a question conditionning the spell replacement. I hope this is what you want.
    I will have a look at the mage kit switch next week.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Musigny: Thank you for all of the work. Your version works perfectly; I just tested each part. I'll make sure to call attention to your contribution when we release the mod. You've earned some recognition for all this!

    To answer your question, we have to overwrite Infravision and Detect Evil for hotkeys because custom spells and innate abilities can't be mapped to hotkeys. If you install the mod and go to the hotkey section in the BG2 configuration file, you can't map the Phase Spider's Dimension Door spell to any key. The spell won't show up. You can, however, map Infravision to a hotkey. So, if you take a custom Dimension Door spell, rename it as "SPWI111" (the file name for Infravision), and go to the configuration settings to set "D" to cast Infravision, then you can cast Dimension Door by pressing "D." I learned that when I first tried out the Phase Spider kit myself. The configuration settings map "SPWI111," but not "PHASE013," to a hotkey, so we can only map Dimension Door to a hotkey by replacing a vanilla spell. I chose Infravision and Detect Evil because I figured they'd be the spells the player would be least likely to miss.

    If you can figure out some way to create a mage kit, that would be spectacular. In the meantime, I'll cook up a Phase Spider ranger kit that'll imitate the monk kit.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    edited July 2015

    In the screenshot you can see that all companions were felled. I suspect a Wail of the Banshee or a Meteor Swarm. (If I have the creature file right, the Lich didn't have ADHWs.)

    1- the lich already attempted to create her simulacrum/image (apparently you already reached that stage as the previous picture probably shows the damage of a single skull trap).
    2- and unless you turned the undeads against her
    then I think you experienced her Wail of the Banshee.
    She won't automatically cast it but statistically she is likely to cast it at some point (and imprisonment, maze, symbol fear, stun etc.)
    The only good point of a lasting fight with her is that the AI tends to deplete her PfMWs.
    Post edited by Musigny on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: It's nice to see some weird new things going on. Condolences on the loss of Aerie--she's a treasure.

    Do you know of any other mods that introduce new areas? I've had trouble finding good ones.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @semiticgod, new is nice, but scary... thanks for your commiserations.
    As for new areas, you might want to look into mods by @LavaDelVortel: @kulyok has a mod called Sellswords, which is set in Menzoberranzan. (She has other mods as well, such as Assassinations and Back to Brynnlaw but I don't know if they offer new areas.)
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @semiticgod, same here: Dagny recruited Jan. The two did Wellyn and Tirdir, Umar Hills, Slaver Stockade, Sarles, Borinall, and most of the Thieves Guild. A backstab by MaeVar killed her though. Battle had been dragging on, and most buffs had expired. But the main problem was me playing when really it was time to go to work. This was why I went for offense (Maevar was at near death status) with MMMs when he quaffed an invisibility potion and landed a successful backstab. Bleh...
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    May Tymora bless your latest attempts!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited July 2015
    @Musigny, nice that you're making good progress. Hope you can keep it up, so that we can see you in no-reload action soon! :)
    @kcwise, thanks amigo. Tymora's blessings would surely help ;)

    Glorydd (take 2), TN Dwarven Fighter/Thief, 2nd & final BG1 update

    The Cloakwood had little treasure that Glorydd coveted. She limited herself to securing the Cloak of Non-Detection, slaying Aldeth for his valuables Seniyad, killing a couple of Spiders in order to procure Spiders' Bane and travel the woods more safely, and receiving a potion of invulnerability from Laskal.

    You know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when you know exactly which Tasloi to slay for the Cloak of Non-Detection.

    Glorydd was ruthless with the Cloakwood Mine assassins. The Dwarf buffed with invulnerability, absorption (for Drasus' morningstar), cloud giant strength and speed. Both Kysus and Rezdan were insta-gibbed. (Immediate swigging of a potion of invisibility after Kysus was down kept Rezdan unbuffed and blue-circled, and thus very backstabbable.)
    Drasus and Genthore she butchered in melee combat.
    Glorydd put on the Boots of Speed and hasted invisibly through the mines (barely stopping to arrange the slaves' liberation), to Davaeorn.
    She slew his guard, protected herself with two potions of magic protection, and attacked. She quaffed potions of fire resistance in the process. I don't love leaving places to escape spell effects, but SCS mages' invariable Remove Magics can be a bit annoying, especially considering the fact that a rogue like Glorydd can't really do anything against that spell yet. (Dagny could have cast a MGoI.)
    Glorydd quickly left the premises when the spell was cast at her, and returned right after that. She finished the Battle Horrors with backstabs, Davaeorn with acid arrows and arrows of biting,
    and a Mustard Jelly with Spiders' Bane as her short swords were useless against the slime.

    Having reached the XP cap already, Glorydd did few quests in Baldur's Gate. She focused on procuring items: stat tomes (the WIS tome was pickpocketed), Rogue Rebalancing's Sparkburst shortbow, arrows of dispelling and other enchanted arrows, Helm of Balduran, and potions. The only extra quests she did were the Ogre Mage in the sewers for the gold, and the thieves guild quests as part of the roleplaying exerience. With the Expanded Thieves Stronghold mod installed for BG2, Glorydd hopes to meet Narlen Darkwalk and Black Lily again, further down the road.
    Glorydd fought the Ogre Mage with a cheap potion of stone form as her anti-magic defense, but saw herself forced to drink a potion of magic shielding when her enemy cast a Confusion at her before she could finish him.
    A misclick made Ragefast angry,
    so Glorydd left the dangerous wizard (he has a wand of paralyzation), to tell Ramazith what she had gotten herself into. Ramazith was not amused, but an arrow of dispelling and a few strikes later, that didn't matter anymore.

    The rogue snuck past Iron Throne acolytes to deal directly with Thaldorn. He pointed her to Candlekeep, and that's where she went with a tome from Duke Eltan to get in. (Note that after some deliberation on my part Glorydd availed herself of bardic reputation management to lower her rep to 9, and get the Divine Wrath Bhaalpowers that I've become quite fond of, instead of Duhms.) Not a drop of blood was spilt in or below Candlekeep, at least not by Glorydd. The Dwarf did pick up all the nice loot in the chests in the catacombs though.

    Back in the city, she tracked down two assassins that had murdered one of the Dukes and that were intent on killing the other Dukes as well. Before engaging the assassins, Glorydd buffed with cloud giant strength, heroism, speed, and magic shielding. She managed to lure hasted Slythe toward the exit to the sewers where the two came to blows. Damage was inevitable, especially with Slythe's backstabs, but Glorydd never got into trouble as she kept healing herself. (Her 50 Detect Illusions skill wasn't doing much to reveal Slythe whenever he went invisible.) She killed her foe just when Krystin arrived to cast, guess what, Remove Magic :)
    Glorydd left the Undercellars for the sewers and returned to finish the woman with acid arrows.

    The Dwarf rushed to the Ducal Palace, where at the curious hour of 4 AM, Sarevok's inauguration was about to begin. Rather than quaffing the violet potion from the Nashkel Carnival, Glorydd refreshed her speed, strength and AC buffs, drank two potions of magic protection, and added potions of mind focusing mainly to improve her marksmanship and to raise her barely developed Set Traps skill to 80. It sufficed to successfully place two snares behind the unsuspecting audience. Hasted, Glorydd enjoyed 4 APR with her shortbow. Within a round and a half she would slow down all the hasted Greater Doppelgangers with her arrows of dispelling, which she had poisoned for good measure (using one of five Rogue Rebalancing phials of poison). Victory was soon secured, with both of the Dukes surviving the dust-up.

    In a rare bout of honorability, Glorydd decided to play 'fair' at Sarevok's hall, i.e. engaging Sarevok (and thus provoking the others) from the beginning with an arrow of dispelling, and no green scroll of PfMagic. This meant seeing her potion buffs removed first by Angelo, later by Semaj, and after that once or twice by a Skeleton Warrior with arrows of dispelling. Disabers were never a threat thanks to invisibility and magic shielding potions, but Glorydd did suffer quite a bit of magical damage (triggered magic missiles, lightning bolts etc) in addition to Diarmid's missile damage. She chose to drink several of her extra healing potions to keep herself in good health.
    The first few rounds were clearly for Sarevok and co. But when she was rebuffed after Angelo's and Semaj's debuffs, it was Glorydd's turn to deliver.
    She poisoned her dispelling arrows with another of her phials and was soon done with both wizards.
    Diarmid (ranged) and Tazok (melee), who was a bit slow in showing himself, also fell to poisons.
    (Are these poison phials overpowered? Maybe, but they only become available in BG city, and in this fight they only expedited the inevitable. It's not like they saved Glorydd's life. I've no idea whether not using poisons would have resulted in a different outcome at the Ducal Palace.)

    Glorydd slew three remaining Skeleton Warriors as they were injuring her, and also to see how a melee duel with Sarevok would pan out. Given the fact that unlike Sarevok, Glorydd was buffed and had healing potions, Sarevok was clearly the better fighter. But as it was, Glorydd prevailed.
    She reported back to Amn, accepted a commission for Belt to travel to Athkatla, and has just been woken by Imoen in a weird dungeon.
    Post edited by Blackraven on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @semiticgod: I've retreated Glorydd today after a seemingly buggy saving throws issue, and after consulting with Bioware no-reloaders:

    I like your new party, your failed saves approach looks promising. Looking forward to reading aboout your progress.
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