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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    Scourge said:

    Okay guys, I played a bit more but now I'm facing a really bad issue in my playthrough. A bug that probably will hinder all my progress and will make my no reload career come to a halt. [Spell Revision opinion]

    > The removal of protection from petrification scroll seems absolutely silly. I may appreciate the mod on a BG2 playthrough (but the issues of lich petrification I read on G3 forums remind me that I should probably avoid the current iteration of the mod). If I will go for it, I will use Bartimaeus's version.

    Now as for why I don't like it on BG. Removing the spell doesn't add anything to the playthrough, no strategic elements, nothing at all. It just becomes a cheese fest. Why? Instead of casting on yourself spell from petrification you:

    1) Get one npc with invisibility/berserk/sanctuary
    2) Use it to scout
    3) Deal accordingly.

    And the deal accordingly option is composed by so many cheesy options it actually becomes silly. From casting skeletons from afar that will actually scout the map for you to charming bears to kill basilisks for you.

    How to fix this --> add the petrification spell back. Improve the dps the basilisk do.

    I'm not sure I understand what you find wrong with petrifciation. Using creatures immune to petrification has been used on Mutamin for ages now. Korax is there just for that since BG1 was first released.
    Petrficiation spell is still there, it just works differently. It doesn't kill you, but instead permanantly freezes you. This is done for a multitude of reasons (romance breaking, people shattering etc.)
    Pro Petrification scroll (green version) hasn't been touched.
    Judging by your screenshot, Minsc *is* petrified. He's got Hold icon on him, his skin colour is changed. Unless his custom berserk opcode uses "immunity to hold2" - which isn't used almost anywhere in the game since this is used to stop creatures otherwise Hold-immune)....I'll check it out. But any other berserk ability surely won't prevent petrification.
    If you lack pro petrification spell - you can use potions of Mirrored eyes, they stop the effect, and there are at least 7 you can buy before opening BG gates.
    What exactly is the "strategic element" of casting Pro Petrification on yourself before fighting basilisks?
    Finally, SR won't ever be preventing stuff such as Sanctuary+Mass Skeleton army. But you can get this even w/o spell revisions, it's not like it's an exclusive.
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2018
    Aasim said:

    Scourge said:

    Now as for why I don't like it on BG. Removing the spell doesn't add anything to the playthrough, no strategic elements, nothing at all. It just becomes a cheese fest. Why? Instead of casting on yourself spell from petrification you:

    1) Get one npc with invisibility/berserk/sanctuary
    2) Use it to scout
    3) Deal accordingly.

    And the deal accordingly option is composed by so many cheesy options it actually becomes silly. From casting skeletons from afar that will actually scout the map for you to charming bears to kill basilisks for you.

    How to fix this --> add the petrification spell back. Improve the dps the basilisk do.

    I'm not sure I understand what you find wrong with petrifciation. Using creatures immune to petrification has been used on Mutamin for ages now. Korax is there just for that since BG1 was first released.
    Petrficiation spell is still there, it just works differently. It doesn't kill you, but instead permanantly freezes you. This is done for a multitude of reasons (romance breaking, people shattering etc.)
    Pro Petrification scroll (green version) hasn't been touched.
    Judging by your screenshot, Minsc *is* petrified. He's got Hold icon on him, his skin colour is changed. Unless his custom berserk opcode uses "immunity to hold2" - which isn't used almost anywhere in the game since this is used to stop creatures otherwise Hold-immune)....I'll check it out. But any other berserk ability surely won't prevent petrification.
    If you lack pro petrification spell - you can use potions of Mirrored eyes, they stop the effect, and there are at least 7 you can buy before opening BG gates.
    What exactly is the "strategic element" of casting Pro Petrification on yourself before fighting basilisks?
    Finally, SR won't ever be preventing stuff such as Sanctuary+Mass Skeleton army. But you can get this even w/o spell revisions, it's not like it's an exclusive.
    I left the relevant part of my message inside the "quote". The issue with the way Spell Revision is now is that the change is deliberate and adds nothing at all. To me it felt like it was a forced way to play the game according to what the author of Spell revision felt appropriate.

    Without spell revision you just cast the protection from petrification spell on yourself and you are done.

    With Spell revision all he has done was just remove a way of playing. It didn't add any meaningful choice, actually on the contrary he removed the best option just for the sake of removing it.

    So, given these premises, why would I deliberately remove myself of a option, just to satisfy the vision of a mod author?

    Just an edit: I doubt very much that, without that option, I would face Aec'Letec. Whatever, I would say just pick the poison you enjoy the most. I pick the soup without Spell revision.

    Edit 2: the currently promoted style:
    > Just use one npc to scout everywhere.
    > Drink an invisibility potion.
    > When staying in front of the basilisk drink a potion of mirrored eyes
    > beat him
    > Go to step one again.

    So why would I do all these ? Just to appease the vision of Demiurgus? I can just use the green scroll and skip this annoying thing instead of trashing the metagame (buying the scroll) for another way of metagaming (get enough invisibility potions and potions of mirrored eyes).

    It just gets silly.

    Edit 3: By the way, the bug is fixed. Don't ask me why. I had even booted the pc a couple of times and the bug kept reappering. I'm back once again.
    Post edited by Scourge on
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    No need explaining such stuff or options you have to me - I'm the one who coded petrification tweak in the first place :)
    I was worried about Minsc NOT getting petrified if under Rage (given your post "Get one npc with invisibility/berserk/sanctuary");
    but given this is working fine (just checked); carry on with no-reloading.

  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2018
    Aasim said:

    No need explaining such stuff or options you have to me - I'm the one who coded petrification tweak in the first place :)
    I was worried about Minsc NOT getting petrified if under Rage (given your post "Get one npc with invisibility/berserk/sanctuary");
    but given this is working fine (just checked); carry on with no-reloading.

    I like your change very much to be honest. The only thing I would change is to add a note that the holded character needs to be saved by a stone to flesh scroll. Because I waited a lot (I didn't realize there had been a bugfix within Spell Revision).

    An edit: sorry if I didn't write it properly in the first place.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I think you can also cure petrification in Spell Revisions by using Break Enchantment, the SR version of Remove Curse.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @StummvonBordwehr Well done. You've played it completely differently to my runs but just as successfully it seems.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385

    @StummvonBordwehr Well done. You've played it completely differently to my runs but just as successfully it seems.

    I do potions buffing a great deal. The halfling greatly benefits from it. It has super saves against spell - but cant hit anything without potions or rage.

    I tend to buy all potions and save the best ones. Potions of herroism for the big fights - stacking them. Kept 2 potions of power from bg1 and stacked them with the 5 potions from SoD for a 100% boost in HP.

    There is a thread where LoB + ScS was done, and the potions of power along with Durlags goblet seemed the standard for the final SoD fight, so I did it as well. Nothing new, and all of it found on this forum.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @StummvonBordwehr, congrats man! You're a quick learner and kudos for doing this solo. I see you slew lots of fiends before getting to Big B. Is that the way to go? A quick kill, within a couple of rounds of B is not feasible?

    Anyway have fun in BG2 (have missd it too, it's been ages...) and be careful because it would be such a shame to get stunned by a salt mephit or charmed by a duergar mage in chateau Irenicus.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Belated condolences re: Shifty @Wise_Grimwald and good luck with Longtooth. Love that name btw!
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    lroumen said:

    Sigh, I will be posting my improved anvil noreload attempt 3 (?) today.

    I failed to two mutated spiders that I suspect to regenerate over 1hp/sec and have around 150hp, are immune to all magic damage, element damage, poison, acid, piercing and missile damage types and have more than 50% resistance to slashing and crushing damage.

    I even tried to reload a few times but I had absolutely no chance to get them past badly injured with all the resources I have available. To pass it safely i need to postpone this until much later or change the party composition. This is the graveyard towards the lower crypts though, so optional, but since I had korgan I needed to do it for his quest (that I already delayed a lot) and I failed miserably.

    I never had problems before so I'll also ask critto if this spider is new or I am just misremembering it. Maybe my party composition has always been better in the past using custom npcs, who knows...

    Mutated mutated spiders was added in IA6. Horrible creatures, I avoid them whenever I can.

    What you need? FIGHTERS. with two Riskbreakers, Minsc (Lilarcor) and by using Jaheira new shield I managed to win two encounters before I drank all my potions, decided it is not worth it and reloaded.
    Roughly it goes like this: Open with emotion spell, save scum until all minor spiders are affected, kill - spirit - mutated mutated (must do this before all the rest will rise up) - emotion - all minor spiders - mutated mutated. I found this fight annoying and tedious but somewhat fun actually.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @StummvonBordwehr: I don't recognize all of the items on that inventory screen. Could you tell me what the amulet, the boots, the statue with three charges, and the second ring on the right are?

    As for the Chant effect from the Ring of Purity: yes, it would modify your damage range from 20-27 to 21-27. It works just like a luck effect, which amounts to an invisible +1 to your attack rolls as well as +0.833 average damage per dice roll (and 0.833 less damage on average from every incoming spell damage dice).
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    Could you explain me why the color spray for some mephits lasted 10 rounds, while 5 for others?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    @Scourge I think it was just a bug - it should only have been 5 rounds. As to what caused the bug, I'm afraid I can't help.
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    if there is a bug, why don't you just keep playing?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @semiticgod Agree completely. I'm the same. I don't keep checking to see if there's a bug. I just get on with it for better or for worse unless the bug itself is the reason why the game is over - a missing item that is game breaking for instance.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    @Grond0 I assume you were watching closely, and the mephit didn't just say, do color spray a 2nd time? Or does it only do the color spray one time ever per combat? Do we know for sure?
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